Part 11
With Peter
Oh dear god. This place is AWESOME. And they live here? Amazing. I was just staring at the living room, while Mr Stark, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain America walked in, not amazed at all.
"Spidey, are you planning to come or...?"I obviously zoomed out, so I don't really hear what they are talking to me...or anyone else. I can hear them but I'm too busy to stare to notice what they are talking about.
"I can just see his wide eyes and open mouth" The Black Widow say
"How you know all this. You can't see his face."
"Because the eyes of his suit move with his real ones. As you can see, his mouth is open because his face is more elongated" Ms Black Widow talked to Mr Hawkeye like it was obvious. She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes and I got back to reality.
"S-sorry i just... this is a"I don't know if i should say house or tower, but tower is more...stupid, so i say house.
"Yeah it's beautiful but can you come in?''I did as I was told, again thanking internally to the mask I am wearing. I walk in and i want to stare again, but i know it will be rude so i keep walking, trying not to move my head a lot. Now I see the others. THE OTHERS. OMGGGG ALL THE AVENGERS ARE IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME. PLUS MS POTTS-STARK OHH GOSH.
"There he is"Mr Quick Silver stood up from his spot. The next thing I know is, that he is standing in front of me. Again I was dumbfounded.
"Hi I'm Pietro"I shake his hand. All of the others stand up to meet ME. I think i'm gonna faint. I really try to keep my cool, but all my hard work was thrown away when i saw THE BRUCE BANNER.
"Holy sHIT YOU'RE-"
"Yeah yeah im the Hu-"He cut me off, but that didn't stop me
"THE MOST RENOWNED SCIENTIST OF OUR GENERATION"I start rumbling about his books and his work on gamma radiation. This went for a good 2 minutes, before i can understand what i'm doing"And...and...And I am rumbling again right?" They smiled at me and nodded.
"T-thanks"Dr Banner cracked his voice while thanking me. I see tears in his eyes.Did i make him cry? Oh no. I made him cry. Are they gonna hit me? Usually if i do something like that May is going to slap me. I close my eyes ready for a hit.
"Aaand he is crying... again"Ms Maximoff laughed at how ridiculous the situation is. Bruce is almost crying. I didn't expect the next part. I actually expected a slap or something but he hugged me. HE FUCKING HUG ME. Bruce Banner hugs ME. OMG I'm really gonna fainted. I hug back and after a few seconds he pulls out. They all introduced themselves by their real names.
"Ugh, i'm back. Did you miss me?"Mr Stark walk in this time without the man or his suit on.
"Actually we didn't notice you were gone"Everyone laughed at what Mr Barton said. Everyone except Mr Stark. He look fake offended and gasp a little
"Anyway. Spidey do you want to stay for dinner?"Mr Rogers ask me. I really want to stay for dinner, but i will get a really bad beating right before my internship. Plus i don't want to bother them.
"Umm... i don't want to be a bother to all of you"They look at me confused
"You are not a bother. Plus that way we can know more things about you. Of course the things you want to say"I nodded to Ms Romanoff and we went to the couches, while Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes went to make the dinner.
We sat down and I noticed that they looked at my mask, as to try to see what was behind it.
"So we cant have your name or any personal things, but can you at least tell us your age, or how you became Spiderman, what gave you the powers you talked about?"Ms Natasha look at me
"WAIT before you answer, can we try to guess your age?"I nod to Mr Barton, who starts to study me more.
"I can say by your voice you are around 20? Early 20?"Mrs Potts-Stark suggest
"No maybe younger 18? 19?"
"Or older 27?
"Sam you idiot. How this voice belongs to 30 yo man?"Mr Barnes shout from the kitchen
"Um guys you have to know that i use voice changer"
A group 'ouuuu' of understanding was heard. I can't tell them that i'm 15. They can make me quit, because 'I'M tOo yOunG fOr tHiS'. But i can tell them something around my age, so they wouldn't be that surprised if they find out one day.
"I'm not gonna tell you my age... but i'm not old enough to drink"Yeah that's good
"Please tell me you are not 12 or something"Mr Stark looked at me with terror. All of them look at me, also in terror.
"No i'm not 12 come on"
"Are you old enough to drive?"Steve yelled from the kitchen
"...I can't drive"
"By 'i can't drive' you mean you legally can't drive, or just cant"I really don't know how to answer Mr Barton's question. I mean I can legally drive after a few mounts, but for now I can't...Legally. I can drive, but not legally...Yeah
"I can drive...But i dont have а license''I said. It wasn't a lie, so it can't sound like a lie...Right?
Everyone relax at this. Everyone except Ms Natasha of course. She reminds me of someone. I don't know who, but I just know she is like someone I met before.
"Anyways after we figured it out you are not in middle school we can talk about something else. How did you become Spiderman?"Mr Stark asked me. I told them everything about the field trip to Oscorp, about the spider and my powers. It was a long talk. Finally Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes tell us the dinner is ready. We sit on the table. I sit next to Mr Stark and Mrs Potts-Stark and look at my plate. It was my favorite food ever-spaghetti. I get some with my fork and open my month to eat them. I noticed that the spaghetti isn't in my mouth. All of the Avengers look at me. After they see the situation they start laughing.
"Spidey. You know you don't have to have a spandex between your mouth and your food while you are eating" Mr Stark says jokingly. I laugh a little too.
"Ha ha very funny"I pull out my mask only to eat. Now they can see only my mouth and my chin.
They stare at my mount as it was golden. I put my mask back on to talk, because if i talk until my mask isn't on my mouth they will hear my real voice.
"Guys it's my mouth... You know... The thing you all have... You eat with it and smile too"
"Speaking of which, can you smile for us?"If I work here, maybe we can see each other. They can recognize my smile.
"Better no Ms Maximoff"I said and pulled out my mask again and tried (successfully this time) to eat.
"Alright. You know you can call us without this mr/ms shit"
"Steve can you stop with this Language...thing"Mr Wilson say
"I mean I tried to stop him and i had to listen to his lecture for an hour and a half"I laugh at this, knowing about his PSAs, I pull my mask on again.
"I actually listen to his lectures too"All of them turn to me in surprise.
"Do we know you?"Mr Thor turn to me
"No, but in detention they put this... this. I can't even say it without throwing up"
"Led Zeppelin?"
"Classical music?"
"Britney Spears?"
"No...C-Captain America's PSAs"As I said that all of the room burst out laughing. Expect Mr Steve ofc, who is blushing like crazy. After we calm down a little Steve asks me.
"They still play those?"
"YES...And they are...are...Just cringe"Another wave of laughter came.
"Ohh FRIDAY play one of these PSA's on the TV"Mr Stark say as we turn to the TV
The TV turns on and sees Mr Rogers to the screen. If the people laugh hard before, then now it is x2. Even Mr Rogers laughed a little.
"O-omg Steve w-why the-the hell you d-do this"Mr Sam say between loughs
"Oh come on it's not that funny"He defend himself
"Mr Rogers you literally talk about the birds and the bees in one PSA"
"Well its not the best decision i made ok?"
We moved to the couches and watched more of his PSA s. Usually they will be boring and cringe, but now they are only cringe. They are also funny in this new company.
"Ohh Guys come on. FRIDAY stop it"He finally said. We need another minute to calm down. If i have to be honest i don't like my 'voice'. Well my mask voice. It's weird. I normally dont talk that much on patrols, so I didn't get used to it."New theme. Do you think Spidey can beat Clint?"
"Ooh that's interesting"Mr Stark take a sip from his coffee after he said this
"Well i think he is stronger than me"I say...blushing...again
"There is only one way to find out. Come on get up kid. We are doing hand to hand combat.''Mr Barton stands from his spot. If i have to be honest i didn't want to do this, but i know they will make me, so i stand up.
"It's not necessary to-"I was cut off by Mr Barton's punch.
I of course dodge it, because I sense it. He tried to punch me again. Another dodge. He tried with my legs, but again not successful. He tried to kick me and then some other attacks, which I dodge.
"Come on Spidey fight back"Ms Romanoff shouts from the couches
I look at her, while dodging another punch. She nods at me and only with the next punch I grab his hand and pinned him down. He groaned. After this I kneel beside him and apologies him over and over. After I helped him to get up he looked at me in confusion.
"Why the hell was I on the ground?"All without the two of us laughing. I apologize again.
"Kid stop apologies. That was amazing. Did you train or from where did you learn this."
"I learn it by myself. I mean it's not the first time i'm in a fight."
"Can you fight with Cap. Also Sam gimme this 5 dollars"Obviously Mr Barnes and Mr Wilson bet on me and Mr Barton.
"Ummm"Thats all that came out of my mouth.
"Come on kid, I will not hurt you"He said and stood up.
"And also fight back. Dont dodge that much. It's more fun that way"Mr Stark says. I nodded and turn to Mr Rogers
He started to run to me. I was faster and went for his legs. He tripped a little, but that only gave me the opportunity to jump on the ceiling. I will surprise him. The others were watching me in horror mixed with amazement mixed with surprisement. When he turns around expecting to see a punch or at least me waiting for him, he starts turning his head in every direction. The other stops staring at me, so as not to betray me where I am hiding. He was really confused.
"Where did he go?"He now turned to the others, waiting for an answer. I take the opportunity to jump soundlessly behind him and to drive him to the ground. They start laughing again.
"FRIDAY did you get all of this?"Everyone was laughing, but I saw that they were also surprised. 15 yo just beat up Captain America. This is not seen every day, so Mr Stark of course wants to have every second of this.
"Yes Sir. Do you want to add it to 'The old man sucks' protocol?"
"Yes. And also make a new fouler. Name it 'The Spiderling being adorable' and add it there too"He said between laughs
"Really Tony" "Really Mr Stark" Me and Mr Rogers said at the same time. I help him to get up.
"Kid, that was really impressive."He said to me.
"Yeah it's not everyday to see how Captain America is being beaten up by a kid"Mr Barnes said
"But where do you go?"At this Mr Stark told FRIDAY to play the video. Mr Rogers' eyes widened. Everyone else was laughing at him for the second time this night.
"You can stick to the ceiling?"He almost yelled
"I thought I told you my story about the spider" I said while casually walking on the wall and then on the ceiling.
"Gosh kid please come down here."
"Sorry"Then I jump back down.I check the clock and see that it's almost 10.00. If I swing faster than usual, maybe I can be in time. "Guys it was nice talking to you, but i have to go. If i don't get in time i will get be-...BE LATE. Yeah be late"Ms Romanoff looked at me weirdly. The others nodded.
"Well I hope you see you again Man Of Spiders"Thor said. I remember Mr Thunder. He give a dumb name to the people as Mr Thunder.
"You remind me of one of my friends."I say and we both smirk
"Bye Spidey. See you around"Everyone say
"Bye Guys"I said and with that I opened one window and jumped out. I see how they forgot that I can swing and imminently get up. I think they will relax when they see me swinging.
I got even a little before 10.00. May wasn't that pissed, so i go to my room without any bruises.I can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait to tell Ned all about my patrol, how i met the avengers, how i was in The Avengers Tower, how i get a pass and our conversations, plus the fighting. Tomorrow is also my first day as intern there. Oh Gosh I can't wait.
I decided it's a good idea to chat a little with the others, before I go to bed.
The Ghetto
Hi guys :)
Mr Fast
Sup Baby Spider
Ms Witch
Ms Nat
Hi ребенок паук
Hi kid
I had the BEST day eveeeer
Mr Bow
Ouu what happen
Im not sure if i can tell you
But lets just say i meet my idols
Mrs Boss Lady
Thats very good
Who are they?
You will never know :))))
Come on kidd
If they are celebrities we have o know them too
I hate you
I love you too <3
Mr Sam
I think Bucky has been kidnapped
Mr Grandpa
Mr Sam
He just....Thanked me
Ms Nat
Oh my god, you sure it's Bucky
Mr Metal Arm
I am in fact capable of decency, you guys 😒
Oh no Bucky used an emoji
Mr Grandpa
Who are you and what happened to Bucky
Ms Nat
Mr Metal Arm
Mr Grandpa
Oh thank god he is back
Ms Nat
We missed you Buck
And second of all hi Bucky :)
Mr Bucky
Sam you better fucking run
Mr Sam
Mr Grandpa
Oh gosh you remind me of someone
Wait you have a friend other than Ted?
Very funny
YES i have friends
Mr Fast
Of course he have friends he is teenager
You are grown ass adult and you dont have any other friends other than us
Peter, Mr Bow, Ms Nat
Shut it
Btw where is Mr Thunder?
Mr Grandpa
I dont know
Ms Nat
He is god
Why do he needs to train
He have to be very muscular to be 'god'
Mr Bow
You have no idea
Is he like Thor?
Ms Wanda
dont be suspicious
dont be suspicious
Ms Witch why are you still texting 'dont be suspicious' every time i say something about the Avengers
Ms Witch
No reason
Mr Bow
Yeah he have a nice...body
Mr Bucky
Ok im back
Mr Sam
Kid listen to me
And i mean never tells Bucky's name to your internet friend!!!
I will take a note
Mr Bucky
I mean he is not wrong, but you have the names of 4 of us now
Can you tell us your name?
If we are going to work at the same place you can easily go to the intern labs and ask for me
He is right that will be too easy
Ms Nat
MRB you are dying to know who he is, because you cant hack him
Mrs Boss Lady
She is right
Yesterday you spend 5 hours trying to hack him
No its not
Yes it is
We will meet one day i promise
Mr Bow
You better not lie, because he will spend more and more time in his lab
Im not we will
Only if you want of course
Ms Nat
Are you not scare of us
I mean we can be anyone
No im not
I can defend myself
Mr Bucky
We are literally 11 persons here
Mr Bruce
Yeah plus we can be in the mafia
How Nat said we can be anyone
Chill i can handle myself
Im not sure kid
Like we are very strong
If you arent the Avengers i have nothing to worry about
Mr Sam
Why are you still compare us with the Avengers?
Because you just really remind me of them
Ms Nat
Witch Avenger do you think i am?
Mr Grandpa
Ms Nat
Mr Grandpa
Maybe The Black Widow?
Ms Nat
Hah thats cool
Mr Sam
Ohh guess me
The Winter Soldier?
Mr Bucky
Mr Sam
Im more like The Falcon
You are fan of him?
Mr Sam
I mean yes
He is the best Avenger
Umm Excuse me?
Mr Bow
Yeah WTF?
Mr Bucky
Haha no
The Winter Soldier is THE best
Mr Fast
Yeah no
Everyone know that Quick Silver is the Best
Ms Nat
Oh gosh
Lol you really are like a small group of kids
Ms Nat
See now i like you even more
Mrs Boss Lady
You are very right
Mr Grandpa
Nat is laughing
Ms Nat
Is that bad thing?
Mr Grandpa
no no no no no
Its a good thing yeah
A good thing
Ms Nat
Gosh you are like one big family
Ms Witch
Yes we are
Mr Fast
Ohh Witch i didnt know you see me as a family
Ms Witch
I dont know if i have o laugh, cry or be confused
I though you were siblings
Ms Nat
Yes they are
Just Fast is stupid sometimes
Ms Fast
Im right here
Ms Nat
I know ;)
As much i love talking to you guys i have to go cuz i have a big day tomorrow
What the hell are you doing up this late?
Gosh go to bed immanently
Mr Bow
Dad mod-activated
Night guys
Bye Baby Spider
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