Part 10
With Peter
The ghetto
Hello my dudes
im so bored
What am i a clown?
U r so mean
Ms Nat
MRB be nice
*rolls eyes
Mrs Boss Lady
MRB u better be on that meeting i told u abt
Of course i am
What am i irresponsible?
Mrs Boss Lady
U blow your lab last night
Mr Grandpa
And every other night
Ms Nat
U ones tell 'the others' where u live and u almost die
Mr Bow
and once he set fire to the kitchen
and I thought I was irresponsible
Um did you met Grandpa?
Ms Nat
He got a point
What did he do?
Mr Metal Arm
I told him to not do anything stupid
Mr Grandpa
And i told you you get all the stupidy with you
What did you do?
Mr Metal Arm
The quesion is what diD YOU NOT DO
Well did he inject himself with... something, get 10 times stronger, go to Hydra's super secret base to free his friend and then crash a plane?
Mr Metal Arm
Mr Grandpa
Ms Witch
dont be suspicious
dont be suspicious
Mr Sam
Im dying
He is laughing so hard
I dont think he is breathing anymore
Mr Grandpa
No i didnt do any of that
Then you are more responsible than un avenger
Ms Nat
Sam and Metal Arm are dying
Mr Fast
Even you laugh a little Nat, come on
Whats so funny?
Mr Bruce
Mrs Boss Lady
Oh no she used my full name
Even i bristled
Mr Bow
MRB u r so screwed
Yeah i didnt know abt this
Mrs Boss Lady
If you dont get your ass here RIGHT NOW i will come get you by myself
And no lab to the end of the next week
U cant do that
Mrs Boss Lady
Watch me
Ok ok im coming
Have fun MRB :)
Shut up
Ms Nat
So Little Spider
On witch floor u r going to work
I cant tell u this
U will figure it out who i am somehow
Mr Bow
I mean he isnt wrong
Mr Fast
Come on plsss
For now-no
I will tell u i promise
Anyway what do u think abt Spiderman?
Mr Grandpa
Oh yeah i have heard of him
This dude who swing around the city in onesie, fighting bad guys?
Its not a onesie
and yeah this guy
Ms Nat
He is cool
Why r u asking?
Me and my friend keep fighting witch hero is more good
Ironman vs Spiderman?
Ms Nat
Mr Bow
Spiderman ofc
Mr Grandpa
Definitely not Ironman so Spiderman
Mr Thunder
Everyone else (Expect Tony And Pepper cuz they are on the meeting)
Now i have tears in my eyes. They really think i am better than ironman? Why? He is so much better than me. I am just a kid and he is a billioner and THE TONY STARK.
Ms Witch
He mean Spiderman
MRB u tell me that Spiderman is your fav SH
Yeah but i mean besides Ironman
Oh yeah ofc
Mr Grandpa
Do u think he can be un avenger?
Well no
He is just our friendly neighborhood Spiderman
Mr Bow
Do you know he beats Voulture, Mistrio and Sandman by himself
Well yeah but every other vigilante can do this
Ms Nat
I dont think so
I think that he will be a one good part of the Avengers
Yeah me too
He also needs upgrade
Do u hear he have new suit
Mr Bruce
He have?
Mr Sam
Yeah i saw him on the news this morning
"Spiderman with new suit"
That was everywhere
What really?
Ms Sam
Mr Metal Arm
I see the suit
Its pretty cool
I wonder who made it for him
Well i heard he did it by himself
Yeah no
This suit its like made by Tony Stark
Well i think its true
Ms Nat
Do you know him?
I froze. Am that oblivious? What should i answer? Shit
Thats what the rumors said
Do you know what the suit can do?
Ms Boss Lady
MRB put your phone down and pay attention
Mrs Boss Lady
Bye kid
I actually have to go too
Bye Spider
"What should i do now?"I ask myself
I check the time and if i go outside as Spiderman i can get home early to have 8 hours of sleep. Tomorrow is a big day and i don't want to be tired all day.
I change into my suit and stop some robberies, save dogs from getting hit by a car, stop a guy from mugging a girl and now I'm sitting on a random rooftop.
"Karen is there a crime right now?"I ask my AI
"It seems to have a new villain. He is trying inside Stark Tower"
With Tony
This meeting is really boring. Pepper sees me using my phone, so now I can't talk to the Kid. Just great.
"Sir Mr Fury is asking for your presence in meeting room number 11. He said it's an emergency"I look at Pepper and she rolls her eyes. I waited for her to tell me if I was allowed to go, while she was thinking.
"Boss Mr Furry said to tell Pepper that she has to let you go to the meeting."She nodded and I stood up. After a minute I walk in and see all the team gather around something.
"What's that?"I ask. All of them turn to me
"New villain Stark. Sit down"I did as i was told.
"Who is the villain?And you say it is an emergency. Why?" I say and look back to what everyone else was staring at. Security cameras.
"We don't know his name, but he is trying to get inside the tower."
"WHAT"Everyone said at the same time
"Suit up. He is on the northern part of the tower. Your mission is to arrest him and ask him why he is trying so hard to get inside"With that Fury left
"Well you heard him. Suit up"Everyone nodded to Cap.
With Peter
I stand up and start swinging to the tower. He is trying to get to the top of the tower. Why? He is using some sort of gloves to stick to the wall. I stuck next to him.
"Hey dude. Quick question. Why are you trying to get inside? Like do you know what doors are?"
"Get out"He tried to push me. Didn't succeed. I shot a web to his bag and swung with him to the top of the nearby building with me. He stood up ready to fight.
"You are going to pay for this"He said
"Yeah i heard this pretty often"
"I mean what are you? Just an idiot who swings around with onesie" I get angry. I have a new suit, which is not a onesie. I work hard for this suit and he calls it onesie?
I start heading to him. We have hand to hand combat. While fighting we somehow get inside the building. Now we are fighting on the stairs. Great. He is not doing very well, but I can tell he is smart, because he analyses my way to fight really fast. Finally, I grabbed his hand and twisted it. He cried out a little in pain but it allowed me to wrap my arm around his neck. I decided to go back to the top of the building while I continued to suffocate him.
"TRY AGAIN TO TELL ME THAT MY SUIT IS ONESIE I DARE YOU"I shout at him while kicking the door open and web him to the ground.
With the Avengers
We all get to the north part of the tower.
"Ok FRIDAY where exactly is he?"I'm trying to see the man, but he is nowhere to be seen
"Spiderman come around a minute ago and took him"
"What do you mean took him? To where?''Steve asked. This was not that hard a mission so we don't need all of us to come. We decided that me, Nat, Steve and Clint can do it. The others watch the security cameras.
"He moved him to the top of this building"FRIDAY marks one of the nearby skyscrapers. The others look to the way i look"and now he is fighting him"
"If Fury asks us to take him and not just his agents as usual, then this guy is struggling now"Clint says. We nodded at him and went to the top of the building FRIDAY told us about to help him.
"FRIDAY where are they?"There is no one here. Maybe we go to the wrong rooftop? Before she can answer the door for the stairs burst open.
"TRY AGAIN TO TELL ME THAT MY SUIT IS ONESIE I DARE YOU" Spiderman obviously didn't see us. He web the guy to the ground and finally turn around.
With Peter
I web him and to the ground and turn around to jump off the building. I was just gonna ask Karen to call the police and tell them what happened. What I saw when I turned around nearly gave me a heart attack. I saw the FRICKING AVENGERS. WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD ARE THEY DOING HERE?
"Hi Spiderman"FREAKING IRONMAN SAY TO ME. Internally i'm dying of fanboying, but i try to keep my cool
"Good work on this guy"CAPTAIN AMERICA. omg. They are talking to me. AND HE SAY I DID A GOOD WORK.
"Well t-thanks, but why are you h-here?"Thank god Karen makes my voice deeper when im Spiderman.
"Fury ask us to bring this guy for questioning" THE BLACK WIDOW. i look around for any other avenger and i see HAWKEYE. OMG. I'm standing in front of my childhoOD HEROS OMGG.
"O-okay...I guess i will just...leave" I turn around and jump off the building, before someone can say something. As I was about to shoot a web I heard something from above me. My Spidey sense warned me about something, but it wasn't a target so I didn't do anything. The next thing I know I was lifted by ironman and he started getting up. We got back to the others and he put me down.
"Not so fast,"Captain America said. I internally thank my mask, because they can't see how I am blushing.
"Yeah we are not done"Hawkeye talked. OMG. But what they need me for?Oh no. Are they gonna make me tell them who i am? Yeah no. That's not happening.
"Ugh ignore these idiots. You are not in trouble, we just want to meet you,because everyone is talking about you. Maybe we can go to the Tower and hang out. You don't need to take off your mask if you don't want" Black Widow offered me. I think for a moment. Is that a trap? It will be that way or the hard way. If I go, I can't stay long, because I have an internship and school tomorrow.
"Okay... sure.And i want my mask on"
"Ok. Lets go, the others are waiting to meet you"THE TONY STARK SAY OMG. I am still fanboying quietly.
"Wait the others?"Did he mean the othER AVENGERS???
"Yeah the others... You know the others avengers"Hawkeye confirm my toughs
"O-okay" We all head to the Tower. Ironman carries the bad guy.
We enter SI and I see many workers walking around, all of them with their destination. I was amazed by how high tech was everything.
"Boss, I have to inform you that Spiderman doesn't have a pass card to be here."A voice from the walls said. I think that this is FRIDAY, Mr Stark's AI.
"Oh yeah. Come with me Spidey''Mr Stark said to me. TO ME. I still can't believe where I am or with who I am. I start walking after him and people around us glare at us in disbelief. I heard a few 'omg is that Spiderman' or 'is Spiderman an Avenger now?'
We go to the receptionist desk, Mr Stark still carrying the unconscious villain. For that more and more people are staring at us.
"Hi Rebecca. Can you make Spidey a pass?"He ask
"Yeah of course sir. How do you want it?"Rebecca ask
"Ummm. Make it level...9. Yeah 9, the name- Spiderman...Or Spidey, how do you want it?"He turned to me.
"Well it doesn't matter"
"Make it Spidey."He put his mask off and tell the receptionist some other useless things."Send the pass to floor 96 after is it ready"
"Yes sir and welcome to the team Spiderman"
"Oh I'm not from the team"She nods with a little blush while Mr Stark murmurs 'yet'. I will not be able to hear it if it wasn't my Spidey powers. We start heading to the elevator and i whisper to Mr Stark
"What do you mean 'yet'?"He turns to me in shock. We enter the elevator.
"How did you hear it?"Should I tell them about my powers? I mean there is no reason not to so i tell him.
"I have super hearing, super strength, super metabolism and other super stuff" I explain a little more louder than before.
"You have WHAT?"Everyone shouted at the same time. Did I make a mistake to tell them? I froze a little.
"We are just surprised. That's it"How the hell she underSTAND WHAT I AM THINKING
"Did you read minds or something?"I turn to the Black Widow with surprised face, witch they still can't see
"Super spy, remember?"Right. She is good at reading people by their moves
"Yeah right. And it's a long story"At this moment the doors open and i become speechless
A/N- 2 updates in a day? They can be 3... MAYBE. I'm too lazy for more now. Maybe later. Anyway, what do you think? Should I include some drama? I plan to make a new book. The new book will be how Peter knows the Avengers for a long time. Like he met them around 6 or 7 yo or something like that, but after a year or two(or 3, or 4) they became abusive and when he is 12 or 13 (JUST IMAGINE IT.I haven't decided Peter's age yet) he is done and stop going to the Tower. He makes sure that they can't hack him, can't track him to find where he is etc etc. Then he got bit by the spider, Ben died and all that fun stuff. They also moved with May in the other part of the neighborhood. After a year Pepper comes back from her vacation and expects to find Peter and Tony on the couch or something, Loki comes from Asgard expecting to see the only mortal he likes and Bucky who rarely comes to the tower to know what is happening. After a fight they stop talking to the Avenger and stuff. This is when they realized 2 things- Peter is not here anymore and what have they done to him. They try to find him to talk, but they can't. After more 2-3 years Peter is 15-16 yo, Spiderman, smarter in their class and other stuff. They finally found him and tried to talk to him. That's enough spoilers.Tell me if the idea is good and also, should i make a new book about this?
Bye :)
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