When he saw you walk into that café, he was sure you were safe. It was a little local joint. People went in and out constantly with no issue. It was in one of the safer parts of Queens as well. Still- something had told him to stay. Something deep down inside had screamed at him to just keep watch. It would've been such a simple thing to do- but he didn't do it. He turned his back and went elsewhere, knowing you'd be in there for a few hours or so. You were probably going to just do some homework or enjoy the quiet environment with some warm coffee.
As much as he'd love to just perch atop the roof across the street and watch you peacefully, he knew he couldn't- shouldn't.
So he left.
He had absolutely no way of knowing what was about to happen. Especially since as he turned away, he missed the suspicious hooded figure headed down the street. His senses didn't go off because the figure hadn't been sure of their intentions just yet. By the time they were, Peter was already elsewhere, stopping some petty mugger. For a brief moment, his thoughts were clear. They were blissful and painless- and then his Spider-Sense was practically screaming at him. Every hair on his body stood on end and his mind was set in pure panic mode. It was the biggest reaction he'd ever gotten from his heightened senses and for a few moments, he wasn't sure why. He took in his surroundings, confused as to why he couldn't see or hear any danger nearby.
Then he felt it.
A hard hit to his side- pain that didn't belong to him. Pain that belonged to you.
He cursed under his breath as he started running, shooting a web and swinging off as fast as he could. He knew you were still there, he could feel it- but god, he was scared to ask himself if you would be there any longer.
You still lay on your stomach, trying not to tremble as you felt the cold barrel of a gun press to the back of your skull. If it was possible, you were even more terrified. You couldn't see your attacker or how close he was to pulling the trigger. You could only see the petrified faces of the strangers before you. Their expressions told you that you were far from safe. Was this really how you had to go? On your belly, face down and shaken to your very core?
The gun pressed even closer and you had to fight back tears. Why couldn't this guy just take the money and leave? He had everyone's full cooperation- so why did he feel the need to do this to you? To make an example of you?
"P-Please- sir. I'll give you everything we have- you don't-", the elderly woman in the store tried to plead with him, but he wasn't having it.
"Shut up, you old bat! Just shut up! I'm thinkin' about it!"
Thinking about what? What could he possibly gain from killing you? You were a stranger to him- a nobody! Why in the world did he have the desire to do this?
"If you talk one more time, I'm going to shoot her and you-"
"How about you don't shoot anyone, and I let you leave with your dignity?"
That voice- you knew that voice. Oh- your heart practically sang with relief. He was here, he was going to save you- and maybe you'd finally be able to tell him what you so desperately needed to. It was so sad to know that it took all this but-
The gun moved from your head as the mans attention went to the hero that had just arrived. Shakily, you took the chance to try to move, crawling ever so slowly. If he was distracted long enough, you could get away and Peter could take him down before anyone could be hurt. Your side still ached a bit- but your flight response didn't allow you to feel much of it. You needed to escape- now.
"Aw. It's Queens little bug, here to save the day. Get outta here, man, or I kill- hey! You get back here, now! Turn around! Let this idiot see your face- let him see who's gotten killed.", the mans voice was loud and booming, freezing you in place. What was with him? Why was he so desperate to kill someone in this little old coffee shop?
"Turn!", he shouted. When you still stayed frozen in place, he cocked the gun back, putting a bullet in it's chamber, "Turn. Now."
"Leave her alone-"
"Shut up."
Trembling, you turned. You probably looked pathetic in this moment, and you hated it. You were on your knees, eyes watery with tears you refused to allow to slip out. You were absolutely terrified and it showed. You hated that- hated him. How dare he do this to you- to anyone! You were all innocent- he aimed the gun at you again, making you swallow hard.
"Put the gun down.", Peter's voice was calm- but you knew he was panicking. How could he not be? His soulmate was on her knees, shaking in fear of her life with a gun inches from her face. This gun was loaded, and if he wasn't extremely careful with how he approached this, you could be fatally shot. His heart was absolutely pounding- so much so Karen's voice rang through his ears, telling him to remain calm and that the cops were on their way.
He'd fought Captain America. He'd taken down some insane Vulture guy- survived a plane crash- he'd done so much insane shit. He was stronger than normal people- could stop a bus with his bare hands but by god- you were absolutely his one weakness. This right here- this moment, this image- it was killing him. It was stealing his sense of mind- it slowed his thinking because all he could feel was pure panic.
If he'd stayed like his gut told him to- if he for once listened to his own fucking instincts- maybe this wouldn't be happening- but it was. It was and god he was losing it. You looked so scared, he could see it in your eyes.
He was scared too-
"Now, either you leave, or I shoot her right now."
"You know I can't leave-"
"Last chance, bug-guy."
You could see Peter debating on leaving. Your life was at stake and you could see that he was willing to do anything to make sure you were safe. You couldn't let him leave though. If he did, this place would get robbed, and someone else might get shot. This man was crazy- and you couldn't let him win. It wasn't right- it wasn't fair. The fear that coursed through you turned to anger- if he was so willing to shoot, why hasn't he done it? Why was he torturing you and all these people with this? Why why why?
Baring your teeth in anger, you moved, quickly reaching for the gun- but he was faster. Within a split second a gunshot rang out, followed by screaming- though you couldn't tell who's scream was louder, Peter's or everyone else..
The scream he'd let out had to be absolutely heartbreaking. It was loud- it was painful and full of anger.
His heart stopped- he was sure of it. He didn't expect you to do what you just had. He didn't take you for the kind of person to just throw caution to the wind like that- oh god.
You weren't moving. He couldn't see you moving- you'd fallen face first onto the ground, blood pooling out from your head.
"No.. no no no- no please...", he was murmuring to himself, eyes stinging with fresh tears. God please- not you- not again. How could this happen to him again- to you- how could he be too late? How could the world allow him to lose someone else?
How could this piece of shit not feel any remorse for what he'd just done?
Instantly, Peter flung himself at the masked attacker, throwing one solid punch his way- and another- maybe one-
"Peter. Remember your strength. The man is unconscious, you could kill him. You need to check on her.", again, Karen's voice brought him back. As much as he wanted to- he couldn't beat this man to the brink of death. It was wrong- it wasn't what these powers were for.
He had to see you- had to turn you over, but he didn't want to. If he did, he'd see something he wasn't ready for wouldn't he? If he just didn't turn you over, he could still hold on to hope that maybe the bullet just grazed you. He could let himself believe he hadn't failed a second time- that he hadn't lost you for the same reason he lost Ben. He couldn't handle being too late again- he couldn't handle losing you. It wasn't fair- he'd already paid the price for this life. He already had to watch Ben die- had to watch May go through that pain and suffering.
He couldn't lose you before he even got the chance to have you. He liked to believe that one day you would've came around- maybe.
His hands were trembling as they reached for you, sobs threatening to consume his entire body. Please- please for the love of everything-
Don't do this..
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