At Last
For the longest time, nothing was said. You both just stared at each other, soaking in one anothers presence. He didn't think he'd get to be so lucky. 'Just a graze', he remembered thinking. 'Just a fucking graze- thank god.' The amount of blood from said graze was insane. He was sure that if you weren't going to die from being shot- you'd certainly die from blood loss. However, when he felt your pain, he was so relieved. Yes, it hurt pretty badly, but you weren't dead. He'd bear any injury for as long as he had to if it meant you weren't dead.
Oh thank god you weren't dead.
"You're crazy, you know that?", he said at last, being the one to break the silence.
You couldn't disagree. It was true- a gun was pointed to your face, and yet you decided to be brave and try to take it or at the least push it away. "Yeah. I know, but so are you."
He deadpanned for a second, "Really? Me? I have super-powers. I have an obligation to use them for better things. I'm not crazy. God- just a week or so ago, you were lecturing me about being careful. You were telling me that what I do is dangerous, and then you go do that? Really?"
"If you had left, that old woman would have been robbed and someone else might have been shot.", you stated, as if it was simple math or something. Truthfully, you were just angry in the moment. Angry and scared. That man was playing on everyone's fear. It was like some sick game to him and you hated it. Were all criminals like that?
"I wasn't going to leave-"
"You were thinking about it."
"What else could I have done? My webs are only so fast. One flick of my wrist and he could've already shot you! I just- that- he- you don't understand, [Y/n]. I lost someone already by not being fast enough- by not being there on time. I couldn't.. I couldn't lose you like that too I-.. I froze up..", he looked down. The whole time he'd been waiting for you to wake up, he had wanted to be angry with you. He wanted to yell until his throat was raw and the walls shook. He wanted to be so livid with you- but he couldn't. You weren't who he was truly mad at. He was mad at himself. If he had just stayed like his gut told him to- if he had reacted faster, had a better grip on his Spider-Sense, you wouldn't be here. You'd be fine. You'd be at home, cozy in your bed and soft pajamas. Instead, you were here. You were in this hospital, in a stiff hospital bed with thin sheets and a lumpy pillow. Stuck in the clothes you wore to school, with a bandage wrapped around your head and some of your hair shaven off. Your fingers were caked with your own dried blood- as was some of your neck and the front of your shirt. The back too. You looked like hell- and he'd caused it.
"Anyone would have, Peter. It's a normal reaction-"
"I'm not normal! I'm supposed to be a hero- I'm supposed to be strong! I was supposed to have handled that better and.. I didn't. I just- I was so scared for you. I barely know you- I know, but I was so damn scared, [Y/n]...", his voice picked up a little, but dropped to a whisper towards the end of his words. He still refused to look at you.
"I was scared too.", you admitted softly.
He shook his head, "Anyone in your position would be-"
"I wasn't just scared for me. Yeah, it was a big part, but I was scared for everyone else too. For you.", you said, he finally looked up at you when you mentioned him. His expression was confused.
"For me? I was fine-"
"If I died you wouldn't have been. If anyone in that room including me, got hurt, you wouldn't have been fine. I got hurt, you're not fine. You could've been shot. You would've let yourself get shot if it meant saving everyone else. That's scary. It's what I don't want- but now I understand it. I understand it all. Why you do what you do..", you took a breath, debating on how to say what you needed, "Why.. why the universe put us together.."
He looked shocked now, "What? What are you saying?"
You took in another breath, this one shaky and unsure, "I'm.. I'm saying that.. I was wrong. I'm sorry it took all this for me to see but... I know now. I get it. This- We, aren't a mistake. You're not just a super-hero, Peter. You're a normal person too. Your life is going to get crazy, really crazy, but you're never gonna stop. You're always going to be out there- up there, saving lives and fighting off big villains. Nothing will stop you- but you still need someone around to ground you. Just like everyone else. Everyone has a soulmate for a reason. I was just too scared and too stubborn to go looking for our reason. I'm sorry."
He still looked shocked- however, his eyes were watery now. He couldn't believe it. He was prepared for this conversation to go no where. For you to tell him thanks for being there, for doing what he did- but that you still didn't want to be around him, that you were still scared. He was ready to go back to doing what he could to distance himself from you. To ignoring you and your presence. He was prepared to live out his life alone, like he was so sure he was always meant to live it. Yet- here you were. You apologized, you said that this wasn't a mistake. He wasn't a mistake. Was he dreaming?
"But.. you said you didn't want me..", he breathed out, instantly regretting his words when your face fell.
"So you heard me then?", you frowned, "I'm sorry for that too. I was lying. I do want you, Peter. How could I not want you? You're my soulmate- and it was wrong of me to turn you away so quickly. I jumped to conclusions too fast. I wasn't even thinking.. I just- I was scared, and I was mad. I never thought my soulmate would be a super-hero, you know? I thought I'd live some plain life- a normal life like my parents. I wasn't ready for such a big change- but it's not a big immediate change. It's going to be gradual and.. I'm not going anywhere.. not if you don't want me to.."
Peter just started at you, mouth slightly agape as he tried to think of what to say. He was still stuck on hearing you say 'I do want you, Peter.' He didn't expect to hear it. He didn't expect that it'd have his heart beating so wildly and make him feel all warm and tingly. You wanted him around. You weren't going to push him away anymore- "Are-Are you sure? I mean- I understand what you were feeling. My life can be dangerous and- and-"
"Peter.", you said, stopping his rambling, "I'm very sure. It's still scary. I'm never going to be okay with you risking your life or having to stitch you up on bad nights but.. I'm not leaving. I'm not going to keep running away from this. We're supposed to be together. We're supposed to get to know each other and grow to love each other. I'm supposed to love you and I don't plan on trying to stop that from happening. Not anymore."
'I'm supposed to love you.' He had to be dreaming. Life was always playing tricks on him- always taking things away. His parents. Uncle Ben. A normal life, however, he didn't have many complaints on that last one. He could do such incredible things now- but oh, what he'd give to have Uncle Ben back. To have his parents still be around. Life never gave him much- it gave him these powers, and he figured that because of them, it'd never give him anything else. Life had taken his soulmate from him- yet now she was here. Here, in front of his face, saying she was sorry for refusing him and that she wanted to stay.
"I wanted to tell you that after I had patched you up that night. I wanted to ask if you'd still be willing to try with me? I uhm- I understand if my apology means nothing to you. I pushed you away so much, I guess I deserve-"
"No.", he said, and your heart sank. Of course he would say no. It made sense. You pushed him away- damn near let him die because you refused to accept your soulmate for all that he was and all that he could be. You really were too late- and it was no one's fault but your own. It hurt, but you'd let go. You'd survive High School and find a college out of state once you graduated. You would-
"Not no no- I meant that- you know I- I can't turn you away. Ever. I just.. I want you to be sure- cause you seemed so sure before. I understand your reasonings. I get it. Life won't be easy-"
"But I still want to try.", you interrupted his ramblings again. So he hadn't said no, not that way you were thinking.
"Are you sure?"
The smile that broke across his face was the first of many. It send butterflies swarming into your stomach and warmth to spread all over. Peter Parker was your soulmate, notSpider-Man. The world wasn't asking you to be the damsel in distress. It wasn't telling you to keep glancing over your shoulder or to be wary of every little thing. It was only asking you to love the boy it made for you. The sweet, soft-spoken boy named Peter. It asked you to lift him when he was down, to help carry his world when it started to crush him. All the things all soulmates did for each other. Yes, the problems you'd face would be bigger and more challenging, but you could do it. Couldn't you?
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