Shivaay and Anika were sitting on the bed in each other's embrace. Anika was sad because her own sister hated so much that she wanted to kill her while Shivaay was making her understand that this wasn't her fault.
A- Shivaay, how can di do this to us? Atleast she should have thought about mumma and papa but she just wanted to kill me.
S- Anika, selfish people doesn't think of anyone's feelings. They just want to fulfill their own happiness. It wasn't your fault, baby. I'm just happy that you're fine. If something would have happened to you, I would di.....
Anika immediately palmed his mouth before he can complete the sentence. Both of their eyes got filled with tears.
A- I love you.
Shivaay pecked her lips with a smile.
S- I love you too.
A- Everyone's in a bad mood today because of di.
Suddenly they heard Rudra's shout. They hurriedly went down stairs and saw Rudra sitting on the couch and everyone was surrounding him.
S- What happened?
R- Everything is spoiled. My life is over. Oh My God! Why did you do this to me?
Rudra said while making a crying face. Everyone was getting worried for him while Om rolled his eyes on Rudra's drama.
S- What happened to him, Om?
O- Rishi Mamu called us and said that mine and Rudra's wedding place will take place together after 1 month as it's our Nanu's wish.
R- Yes. How can dad do this to me? He also said that he has found a perfect girl for me also. I mean now Rudra, the handsome hunk will do arrange marriage.
Rudra said fake crying.
Everyone sighed in relief and then got excited.
A- Oh My God! I'm so excited for your wedding guys.
Anika squealed in joy and Everyone adored her while Rudra gasped in shock.
R- Bhabhi, here I'm crying and you're getting excited.
Anika bit her tongue and smiled nervously.
A- But Rudra, you should atleast meet the girl. Maybe you'll like her. It doesn't matter if the marriage is love or arranged, it's the matter of understanding. You and your partner should understand each other and then the marriage will be perfect.
Anika said with a smile and Rudra smiled back.
R- Wow, bhabhi. You're right. I'll meet the girl then I'll decide if I should marry her or not.
Everyone smiled and sighed in relief.
Te- Only my princess can make this dumbo understand.
J- Right Tej.
Shivaay back hugged Anika and pecked her cheek while her eyes widened.
S- Of course. After all my jaan is the smartest.
Shivaay said with a smile and Anika blushed while everyone admired the cute couple.
R- If it was possible then I would have married bhabhi only.
Shivaay glared at him.
S- Don't you dare, your bhabhi is just reserved for me. Bhabhi is like a mother so she is your mother- figure.
Anika chuckled and hit her elbow on his stomach gently and Shivaay also chuckled.
H- I think now that two weddings are on their way so we should return back to India.
Su- Yes, I think he is right.
Te- Okay. Then I'll ask the private jet to be ready by tomorrow morning.
J- Yes everyone should get back to sleep now. We all need rest after what happened today.
Everyone nodded their head and they went towards their respective rooms.
Shivaay and Anika were sitting at the terrace.
A- Finally something good happened today.
S- Hmm.
A- But Shivaay, I didn't understand one thing. Why was Om calling Rudra's dad as Mamu?
S- Arey, you don't know. Om and Rudra are cousins. Rudra is Om's Mamu's son. Om's Nanu isn't well these days so I think he wants to see their wedding soon.
Anika nodded in understanding.
A- But I'm so excited for their wedding. Finally I'll enjoy a wedding.
Shivaay looked at her.
S- Didn't you enjoy our wedding? Our wedding was the list happening of all.
Anika chuckled.
A- Most of the time during our wedding, I was stressed that who will I get married to you. You or that 6 foot vanmanush.
Anika said with a giggle and Shivaay chuckled too. Suddenly Shivaay's face turned gloomy and Anika noticed this.
A- What happened?
S- Today your birthday got spoiled because of that Tia. It was your first birthday after wedding.
A- It's okay, Shivaay. Anyways, you already made my birthday special yesterday night.
Anika said with a blush and Shivaay smiled.
S- Oh! So you liked our little celebration.
Anika nodded her head with a blush.
S- Then let's go.
Anika looked at him stunned.
A- where?
Shivaay didn't answer her and just picked her up in his arms. He made her lye down on the bed and switched off the lights.
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