It was a long night for Shivaay and Anika. Both were not able to sleep even for a second. It was 7 a.m. in the morning. Shivaay was sitting in the balcony and his eyes were all red and swollen.
He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. He went inside and saw that Anika was sitting on the bed and looking at the balcony door.
As soon as she saw him coming inside the room, she sat straight on the bed and called him.
A- Shivaay!
But he ignores her and moves inside the washroom.
Anika slumped down on the bed and some tears escaped from her eyes.
A- What has changed so much in one night that you are not even looking at me?
She shrugs her thoughts and moved towards kitchen to make breakfast for them.
Meanwhile, Shivaay came to the Hall after getting ready for college.
(Credits to ImLilMissComplicated❤)
He was about to leave for college when Anika called him from behind.
A- Shivaay, wait. I have prepared breakfast, please hav.....
But Shivaay again ignored her and left.
Anika was trying to control her tears. She takes a deep breath and smiles sadly and leaves to freshen up.
Here as soon as Shivaay left the flat, he got inside the lift and closed his eyes.
S(thinks) - I am so sorry,Anika. I know Anika that I am hurting you by ignoring you. But I am also suffering from the same pain. You mean a lot to me that's why I can't see you going away from me. When you will leave me and go, that pain will be intolerable.I am making it easy for both of us. Why do you have to leave me? Why are you going away from me?
He wipes his tears from the corner of his eyes and leaves for college.
Here Anika also freshened up and left for college without having breakfast.
(Credits to ImLilMissComplicated❤)
Finally Anika reached college. Her eyes we're searching for Shivaay but he was nowhere.
She went to canteen and saw him sitting with Om & Gauri, Rudra and Mallika. Rudra saw Anika and called her to their table.
Anika obliged and Shivaay gets stiff in his place.
Anika was continuously looking at him but Shivaay was avoiding her gaze.
Everyone noticed some tension between Shivika so they thought to ask them.
O- Guys. Is everything fine between you two?
Shivaay looks at Om and fake smiles.
S- Yes of course. Everything is fine. Ok. Guys I need to go. I have some work.
Anika looks down and feels bad.
He stood up from his chair and was about leave canteen when a girl in her early 20s hugged him tightly. Everyone was shocked to see her.
Shivaay broke the hug and looks at her.
S- Ragini!
( Ragini Malhotra- Childhood friend of Shivaay. She is kind of obsessed with him. She was in London from past 2 years for her studies. She has joined Shivaay's college to be with him.)
R- Shivu. I missed you so much.
Shivaay smiles at her.
S- Ya. It's been a long time.
R- 2 years.
S- Yes. So how come you're here? You were in London, right?
R- Yes. But now I will continue my studies from your college with you.
Ragini says with a broad smile.
OmRu were cursing their fate for sending Ragini in their lives.
Ru- Hi.. Nag... I mean Ragini.
R- Hi Rudra. You have grown up really handsome. I really like your biceps.
She says while tracing his arm with her index finger.
R(murmurs) - oh God! Please save my dignity.
Suddenly Om interrupts her.
O- Hey Ragini.
R- Hi Om. Long hairs, huh. You're looking good.
She gives him a flirty smile while Gauri angrily glared at them.
G- Hi Nagini.. I am his fiancee, Gauri.
Ragini makes a bad face and says hi in a non-interested tone.
Ragini wraps her hands around Shivaay's arm.
R- Shivu, will you show me your college?
Shivaay looks at Anika who was looking at him with hurtful eyes. His eyes were also showing pain.
He looks at Ragini with a fake smile.
S- Of course, Rags. Let's go.
Shivaay left with Ragini.
Anika excused herself and left towards college garden, Mallika also followed her because she got the hint that everything was not fine with Anika.
As soon as Mallika reached the garden, she saw that Anika was sitting on a bench and looking at nothing while tears we're continuously flowing from her eyes.
Mallika kept her hand on her shoulder. On sensing someone's presence behind her, Anika immediately wipes her tears.
Mallika came forward and sat beside Anika. Anika looks at Mallika with a fake smile.
M- So what's up?
A- Nothing, I am just here to get some fresh air.
M- Really?Now you will hide things from your friend. Are you really fine?
A- Yes I am fine. What will happen to me?
M- But you don't seem to be fine. What happened, Anika? You can share it with me.
And that was all, the dam of Anika's emotions broke and she started crying. Anika hugs Mallika while Mallika was caressing her back to sooth her.
M- Tell me Anika. What has happened? I am getting worried.
Anika breaks the hug and looks at Mallika with teary eyes.
A- Shi.... Shiv..... aay...... Shivaay.
M- What did he do? Tell me I will not spare him if he has done something wrong. (I really want a best friend like Mallika😍)
A- You know everything about my life na?
Mallika nods her head.
A- Till yesterday, everything was fine. We were all good and spending time with each other but at night, I told him that I will have to go to my home after one month. First he thought that I was joking or maybe I'll go for a week or something, then I told him the truth that maybe I am going forever. He didn't speak after that. He silently got up and left to balcony and he didn't return back to room for the whole night and now he is avoiding me since morning. I don't know where I got wrong? I am not able to tolerate his ignorance.
Anika again starts crying with hiccups.
M- Ok. Ok. First calm down.
Anika calms down a little and looks at Mallika with teary eyes.
M- Anika, as per my knowledge, he is shocked by the news that you are leaving. He is scared that he will lose you and I think that's why he is avoiding you.
A- But now what will I do?
M- Try talking to him.
A- He is not even ready to look at my face, then why will he listen to me?
M- You got a point. Ok. First calm down then we will think about this later. Because we are getting late for class.
Anika nods and they left for class.
After reaching class, Anika saw that Shivaay and Ragini were sitting together. Anika looks at Shivaay and smiles but Shivaay avoids her.
Anika feels bad and settles down on her seat with Mallika. A lone tear escapes her eyes which didn't went unnoticed by Shivaay. He saw her crying and felt several knives piercing his heart.
He was lost in his thoughts when Ragini shook him and he came out of his thoughts.
R- What happened, Shivu? Where are you lost?
S- Nothing.
R- You know there are so many fashion brands in London........
She kept on blabbering but Shivaay was lost in his own world. He was continuously looking at Anika who was trying to control her tears. He was not able to see her vulnerable state so he excused himself and left from the class.
Anika saw him leaving the class.
A- Mallika, I am not feeling well so I am going home. Anyways it is the last class and it is already evening.
M- Are you sure that you will go? Should I drop you?
A- No I'll be fine.
Mallika nods her head and Anika left the class.
As soon as Anika reached the corridor, she saw Shivaay standing there with Om.
She went towards them.
A- Shivaay, I am not feeling well so I am going home. Will you come with me?
S(to Om) -Om, today I'll be late for home as I am going out with Ragini. She wants to see Mumbai.
Shivaay leaves from there and Anika sighs in defeat. Om was giving her a pitiful look.
O- Anika, should I drop you home?
A- No Om. I am fine.
O- Please Anika, you don't look fine. Let me drop you home.
A- No. I'll go by myself.
She fakes a smile and left for home.
But somebody was hearing their conversation from behind the wall. He was none other than Shivaay.
S(thinks) - Why is this girl so stubborn? When Om is asking her to give her lift, then why she denied him? Oh God!
R- Shivaay!
Ragini called him from behind.
He groans in frustration.
S(thinks) - Why this Nagini has to come here?
He turns to look at her.
S- Yes Ragini.
R- What are you doing here?
S- Ummm.. Nothing.
R- So let's go for the tour of Mumbai.
S- Ragini, I am not at all interested and I am also very tired so please we'll go some other day?
R- But..
Shivaay ignores her and left from there.
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