May 2024
We have opened the applications for the fourth annual Sports Festival! Our members only have a few days left to apply!
You have most likely noticed that Wattpad has removed the direct messaging feature. We used to use this to deliver server invitations, so if you would like to join, please check our Server Information book to see how things have changed.
Books in our community updated this month:
The Class That Cried Werewolf - B3r1itz
Art Showcase
The wonderful artists in our community never fail to impress. Whether it's canon characters, their own OCs, or fan art for others, they always put their all into their work, and it's nothing short of amazing!
The first piece this month is a drawing JaelyGirl did of her OC, Hachiman! The detail is so awesome, and there is so much character in her pose!
The next piece is an array of genderbent characters from QuaccSmaccSnacc's cast of OCs! She has captured so much of the characters' dynamics in this piece, and it's so creative! If you would like to see more of her work, find her on instagram at andi_aqua_
Here is what Andi had to say about this piece:
"I've been working on building a full OC class, and randomly got inspired to draw all their gender-swapped versions! I had a lot of fun giving them their new designs, as well as coming up with their poses and what-not. It almost made me want to swap some of them permanently, but ultimately I love the originals too much!"
Character Spotlight
The Storytellers have spoken, and the OC of the month is...FoxyPuff's OC, Araya! Tatsuo Araya is one of Foxy's main characters from her upcoming book, Jaded. This month, we have added questions from the community both for the author and the OC! We hope you like the new interview style!
Name: Tatsuo Araya (Hero Name: Bestial)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: May 18
Quirk: Animal Transfiguration: this allows him to transform into specific animals that are tied to integral moments of his past. Each moment is marked by a tattoo that represents the animal he can turn into.
Class/Occupation: Heroics, Class 1-A
Featured Books: Jaded
Life Goals: He wants to show gratitude to those who have given him the chance to become a hero by studying hard and becoming the best hero he can be. He also wants to establish foundations in more cities and rural communities to provide funds and scholarships for kids who want to become heroes but don't have the financial means.
Here is what the author had to say about their character:
"Araya has become one of my favorite OCs from the Jaded cast at this point. He originally started as a secondary character much like Ururaka to provide support to the main character, but has evolved so much that I decided to create the main four rather than just one main character. I feel like he is emotionally centered in a way most of the other characters are not, which brings a good balance to the group. I can't wait for people to get to know him better!"
Questions for Foxy from the community:
QuaccSmaccSnacc asks: Are there any parts of you that you see in Araya/inspired him?
FoxyPuff responds: I don't relate as much to Araya as I wish to relate to him. He thinks through what he says a lot more than I do, and is able to give support and advice in that way. I think the way we're most alike is our ability to keep a secret ;)
Questions for Araya from the community:
UA Storytellers (UAS): Welcome, Araya! We're happy to have you here!
Araya: Happy to be here. Thank you so much for voting for me as OC of the Month! I never expected this much love from the community, but I can't say I'm mad about it (winks)
UAS: How 'bout we hop right into the interview?
Araya: Yeah, let's do it.
UAS: These questions have been submitted by the community. We'll start with some easy ones and get into the *juicier* ones later on.
Araya: (sweatdrops) Okay.
sd1229 asks: Kind of generic I know, but what's your favorite food?
Araya responds: Not generic at all (smiles). I really love chicken katsu sandwiches, but if we're talking about a lil' treat, I have to say anything with marshmallows.
aBitGrim asks: What's your favorite sound effect?
Araya responds: Haha, this is a fun one! I can't say I've thought much about this before, but a boioioing is calling to me. Like when a character gets hit in the head.
tocoloco004 asks: What's your favorite song?
Araya responds: I've been vibing a lot with Peaceful Easy Feeling by the Eagles recently.
-butterfly--effect- asks: What do you look for in a person?
Araya responds: Wow, umm...(looks away and nibbles on lip) I can't say I put a lot of thought into that right now. I mean, I'm gonna be a hero after all, I don't want to be worried about something happening to a loved one. So I guess in that context, it makes sense to be with someone who can take care of themselves.
sd1229 asks: What's your ideal first date?
Araya responds: (ears swivel to the sides and his shoulders tense) It seems we have a theme here, haha. Um, it might be cliché, but a walk on the beach really does sound nice. I can imagine splashing around in the water, picking up seashells, watching the just sounds really nice.
tocoloco004 asks: Are you a fan of Taylor Swift?
Araya responds: I'm more of a casual listener. And usually to more of her older stuff like her debut album and Fearless.
QuaccSmaccSnacc asks: What are your three most cherished possessions?
Araya responds: (long pause) That's a difficult one. Definitely my bracelets as one. I got them from my mom, and they're really special to me. Two...maybe my UA acceptance letter; it started me on this path and is a really important keepsake. And three, probably my hero costume. It's a symbol that I made it, you know?
aBitGrim asks: You're on Family Feud, and you have a few extra spots to fill. Who's not technically family but is close enough to back you up in the game?
Araya responds: Oh, honestly anybody in my class. I made some real lifelong friends here at UA. If I had to pick a few, maybe Takara, Aiya, and...Sugita would probably do well. But they'd also all make it fun!
sd1229 asks: If you could visit any country for vacation, where would it be and why?
Araya responds: Hmm, I haven't thought much about travel, but I would love to go to the Netherlands. Something about the tulips and the windmills just sounds really peaceful.
tocoloco004 asks: Are you a fan of sports/sports teams?
Araya responds: Yeah! I love soccer and basketball! But as for professional teams, I only really follow soccer. Basketball is more of a hobby that I used to play with the friends in my neighborhood.
aBitGrim asks: If you were in a room with everyone you've ever met, who would you look for first?
Araya responds: Definitely my mom. It might be childish, but I miss her a lot, and she's always been a source of comfort. I always felt better with her by my side.
sd1229 asks: If you could choose a different Quirk would you?
Araya responds: Not a chance. I got my quirk from my mom. Like I said before, it's a comfort to know something of her is always with me. My bracelets, my quirk–she's the most important person in my life. If you're listening to this, Mom, I love you!
UAS: Thank you for coming here today, Araya. This has been wonderful!
Araya: Back at ya!
Slice of Life Advice
In our next segment of our book plotting instruction, we are here this month to talk about planning and writing the end of your book.
Our members mostly agreed about the most important part to the end of a story:
sd1229: For RotRH I tried to tie everything together and do a callback to the beginning of the story/the main theme/message
aBitGrim: Not so much importance but I love when information from the beginning has a pay off in the end! When all the pieces come together, it's so satisfying as a reader, and I think it's such a cool thing a writer can do!
Character growth is an important part of any story. When asked how our members show this in their writing, this was how they responded:
aBitGrim: I think a physical representation of growth is a really neat way to add to a character as we see them through a series! Whether it's a new hairstyle, a trinket they received along the way, or even a new addition to their group/team, I just think something readers can visualize helps a lot!
-butterfly--effect-: Paralleled actions! Say your character calls a family tradition stupid or flimsy at the beginning; at the end, maybe they've loosened up a bit and now partake in it without saying anything salty. For my character Ivonne, it's kind of the opposite - she starts out the series really joyful and likes eating fortune cookies to read the fortunes (or, get someone else to read them to her - she's blind) but by the end, she's become forlorn and calls fortune cookie fortunes stupid.
Kyrpto: I personally like to show character growth in a physical way! Like the character cutting their hair etc! I also think showing character growth through their actions is really good too!
When asked if they know how their story will end before beginning, our members stated that it was more of a general idea that grows and evolves with time. The process of writing a story is a long one, and you can discover a lot about yourself and your characters throughout it. It's important to keep an open mind to how your story plays out, and consider how best to effectively show your OC's growth.
This concludes the series of How to Write Your Story advice sections. We hope this has been informative and helpful for you, and we're so excited to see what you create! If you need any assistance at all, don't hesitate to reach out to us, or request a review on your book for some quick tips specifically for you!
Ask the Pro Hero
Our Pro Heroes of the server; aBitGrim, FoxyPuff, and tocoloco004; would like to open up the space to ask them questions. If you have a question for them, feel free to ask and they will provide their best answers!
Q: Since it's almost summer time I was wondering what yall's favorite summer activities are?
Grim: I love picnics! Whether it's with a big group of friends or one person, it's always so fun to enjoy the weather and snack on some food!
Foxy: I love going to the beach with my family! It's one of the only times my whole extended family gets together, so it's always like a big family reunion!
Toco: I love going to a field and kicking the ball around! Summer mornings is the best weather to play some soccer!
Q: What's your favorite snack/treat to eat during the summer?
Grim: I adore a good charcuterie board!! I want to get better at assembling them, and they're so perfect for any event!
Foxy: I love peanut butter ice cream on a hot day
Toco: I love a good iced tea over the summer! For snacks, I love ice cream!
Book Recommendations
Our community is full of creative perspectives, whether it be writing, art, or reading! Lots of our members are avid readers who would like to share their recommendations with you.
Wattpad books:
UA Babysitters by UA Storytellers
"It is the latest crossover collaboration of the UA Storytellers. It's cute and wholesome and fun to read. When some of the OCS are turned into toddlers the rest of the group is left to take care of them until they find out how to turn them back to normal. Chaos ensues."
Luck of the Draw by Juni_Penguin_
"I LOVE the creativity and humor that fills the book! It's so lighthearted and is a fun read."
Off-Site Books:
How to Make Friends with the Dark (physical book) by Kathleen Glasgow
"This is an incredibly hard-hitting and emotional book that explores grief and trauma in a young girl. It's super well written and even dives into second person POV in a beautiful and graceful way that effectively highlights the character's emotional state while also being so seamless you barely notice the writing style has changed."
Future Events
Our fourth annual Sports Festival DnD-style campaign is coming up this summer, and we've already begun to fill the bracket! We can't wait to see who wins!
Review Book
If you are interested in having your book reviewed by the members of the server, check out our review book for sample reviews and submit a form for your own story!
We hope you have a wonderful month! And remember to always go PLUS ULTRA!
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