Chapter Twenty-Nine
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Nine. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
The buying of the house went pretty smoothly, we were surprised to find out that we didn't need a mortgage because Caspar and I had enough money to pay for the house outright plus the best thing was it didn't even make a dent in our bank account. That probably sounds like boasting but honestly it isn't, we were just really surprised because we thought that the house was going to cost a considerably large amount. We have moved the majority of the furniture in now after having decorating all the rooms to the way we wanted them and it is starting to feel more like a home now which makes me happy. The nursery is the next thing on our list to furnish; we have furnished the master bedroom, the guest rooms, the living room, the kitchen and the dining room. We will be doing the children's rooms when we know what they like and things like that. Caspar has also decided to create an office and a filming room out of the basement, the basement is extremely large so I don't think that a couple of rooms being built will make a difference to the size of, what will eventually be, the playroom which I think will be a good thing because the kids will have somewhere to chill if they want to.
Saying I am nervous today is definitely an understatement. I am marrying Caspar today and I am so so nervous. I know there is no reason for me to be nervous but I can't help it; I have planned everything to a T along with the help from Caspar but as always I am still convinced that something is going to go wrong which I most definitely do not want because today is a day that I am supposed to remember for the rest of my life and I don't want to remember it because of something bad happening, I want to remember it because I got to marry the love of my life.
We are having the ceremony in a church and the reception is in the gardens of a local hotel so the majority of our reception guests are going to be staying in that hotel tonight. Caspar and I are also staying in that hotel but we're having a more extravagant room I think, Caspar is the one that has booked our room so I honestly have no idea about our room. I wanted to have the ceremony in a church because even though we aren't that religious I think that a church is a nice place for a wedding, plus the church is in a beautiful location so the pictures that we will be taking at the church will be amazing. We have actually asked Sawyer to be our wedding photographer because he is great with a camera and he agreed so I am looking forward to seeing how his photos turn out.
Last night I stayed at my old flat with Beth, Zoe, Tanya, Niomi, Rya and Bailey. Colby was also with Zoe and I have asked Zoe if Colby can be our page boy and she agreed because he is my godson and I wanted him to be involved with the wedding. Plus Rya and Minnie are my two flower girls, I am trusting Nathan and Andrew to get Minnie ready this morning as she stayed with Caspar last night. Zoe is my maid of honour because she has been my best friend for as long as I can remember now; my other bridesmaids are Beth, Tanya, Niomi and Bailey.
Caspar slept at our house last night; with him he had his best man who is Joe and his groomsmen: Alfie, Jim, Oli, Marcus, Nathan, Josh, Jack and Finn. Usually there is only the best man with the groom at a wedding but Caspar wanted groomsmen and I had no objection to it because his groomsmen are some of my closest friends and my brother. Nathan and Caspar actually get along surprisingly well which is something great because Nathan was always someone that I went to when everything was going horrible as he was the only person I felt like I could trust with everything at times.
I have just had my hair done; it has been curled and has two braids at either side of my head, the braids have been joined at the back of my head and it looks super cute I think. Whilst the bridesmaids are getting ready I am pacing because I think something is going to go wrong and as I have said I do not want anything to go wrong. Zoe places a hand on my wrist "Hanni, chill out a little" she says and I laugh lightly "You weren't as nervous as this on your wedding day. How do you keep the nerves down?" I ask and she pulls me into a hug "You will be fine, everything will be fine" she says and I nod.
She then drags me to where my dress is lying on Beth and Joe's bed. It is a vintage white mermaid dress with lace detailing all over it, it has a sweetheart neckline along with a lace top that doesn't have the material of the dress under it, along with a sparkly jewelled belt at the waist plus a short train which is something I wanted as it is easier to walk in. Zoe rubs my arm "Come on. Let's get you into this" she says and I smile "Okay" I say breathing out "I can do this" I say and Zoe giggles.
Zoe helps me to put my dress on and all the girls crowd round me "You look amazing Hanni" Rya says and I smile "Thanks Ry" I say and she hugs me "I can't believe you're getting married Boo" Bailey says hugging me "I know Bail, I know. I better be there when you marry Dustin" I say and she nods "Hell yeah, you're my maid of honour Boo" she says. I go over to where my shoes are and put them on, they are white platform peep toe stilettos with a bow tying them at the front and of course there's some lace on them which is great. I didn't want a veil because I don't really like them and it would have covered my hair but I did want a headpiece so instead I got a white flower crown that has two tail type things that are kind of like a veil I guess.
We have just gotten to the church; everyone is inside and sat down whilst me, the bridesmaids, Andrew and Minnie, my Uncle and Troye are outside waiting for the time we need to go in. My Uncle and Troye see me and my Uncle immediately has tears in his eyes "You look beautiful Hannah" he says placing his hand on my cheek "Don't cry. You will make me cry" I say and he chuckles "Sorry Darling" he says and I turn to Troye "Damn, I know our family has great looks now" he says and I laugh "I think we both look pretty dapper" he says pulling me into a hug "I love you so much Hanni" he says and I squeeze him tights "I love you too Troye. You are more like a brother than a cousin" I say and he smiles.
----- Caspar's P.O.V -----
I am marrying the only girl for me today but I am so freaking scared. I know Hannah too well, she is going to be worrying and freaking out about something going wrong today because that is the way she is even though she has planned everything to perfection. I am nervous too though; I keep thinking that I am going to mess up my vows because I am going to end up stuttering or something. I actually think that I might start crying at some point considering the fact that I know how beautiful and how breath taking she is going to look.
I look to Joe who is smiling "Don't freak Casp. You know everything is going to be fine" he says and I nod "I do. It's just scary, you will be feeling the same when you marry Beth at some point in the future" I say and he chuckles "I want to marry her but I don't know if she wants to marry me" he says and I roll my eyes "Are you blind Joseph? That girl loves you more than anything in this world, marrying you would be something she would do in a heartbeat" I say and he smirks "You're right I guess" he says.
The music has just started to play; Colby and Zoe are the first to walk down the aisle and Colby waves at Alfie making everyone 'awh', then Minnie comes down walking in front of Andrew who is making sure that she doesn't fall, Rya comes down after Minnie and she looks adorable, afterwards it's the rest of the bridesmaids and the boys wave at their girlfriends as they walk down. Sawyer is taking pictures and I quickly turn to him as do the others and we all pull a funny face before Hannah walks down the aisle. Everyone else has come down the aisle so it is now the wait for my beautiful girl to appear.
Soon enough she does and she looks stunning, gorgeous and completely elegant which is most definitely an understatement right now. She has her Uncle on her right and Troye on her left; she makes eye contact with me and smiles, she is beautiful. I knew I was going to cry because tears are welling up in my eyes and my hand flies to my mouth purely because of the way she looks, I need someone to tell me how I landed such a good looking girl. How does a guy like me manage to convince a girl like her date me in the first place let alone marry me.
She reaches me and I shake her Uncle's hand before shaking Troye's hand "Take care of my cousin Casp" he says and I nod "Of course I will Troye" I say and Hannah takes my hand as we face the vicar "Please be seated everyone" he says and everyone sits down apart from the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. I stroke Hannah's hand with my thumb and she smiles at me "Today we are here to witness the marriage of Caspar Richard Lee and Hannah Kat Pine" the vicar says and everyone smiles at us. This is so surreal because I never thought I would be getting married to a girl this amazing.
We're doing the vows now; I am nervous because I do not want to stutter "Caspar" the vicar says and I nod "This is something that I have been looking forward to since I saw you dancing at Zoe and Alfie's wedding. I keep asking myself how I even convinced you to go on a date with me let alone get you agree to marry me. I have always known I wanted to get married to a girl that I love more than anything in this world and that is what is happening now. I need someone to tell me how I landed such a good looking girl that has one of the most amazing personalities ever because comparing me to you is like comparing a mouse to a freaking lion. I have experienced so much with you Hannah and I hope that us getting married only means more amazing things are to come. I want to have a family with you and our triplets are the start of our family" I say placing my hands on her stomach and she has tears rolling down her cheeks.
I wipe away her tears and she smiles at me "Hannah" the vicar says and Hannah nods wiping a tear from my cheek that I didn't even realise had fallen "I have no clue where to start with this Casp. What can I say that I haven't already said to you previously? You have been there for me through so much and you have accepted all of my flaws even though you always say I don't have any. I have always been curious and slightly worried about the guy that I would eventually marry and I am happy to say that I am marrying you. I never knew that meeting you at my best friends' wedding would lead to getting married and having three children. You were there for me during the drama with my own parents and you have constantly reassured me that we will not be that type of parents because I never want to be like that to my own children. You are the weirdest, funniest and cutest guy I know; to say that you are all mine is an incredible feeling" she says and everyone in the room is slightly crying.
Joe steps forward and hands us the rings which Hannah trusted Joe to pick and I think he did a good job "Do you Caspar Richard Lee take Hannah Kat Pine to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the vicar asks and I nod "I do" I say as I put the ring on Hannah's ring finger "Do you Hannah Kat Pine take Caspar Richard Lee to be you lawfully wedded husband?" the vicar asks and she nods "I do" she says putting the ring on my ring finger. We look to the vicar who is smiling "I now pronounce you husband and wife" he says before turning to me "You may kiss your bride" he says.
I look to Hannah and smile. I grab her waist and pull her into me before kissing her passionately. When we pull away from each other everyone is clapping and cheering. I take Hannah's hand and we walk out of the church only to have confetti thrown at us. We stand there whilst Sawyer takes pictures "KISS" Joe and Beth shout and we look to them "KISS, KISS, KISS" everyone starts chanting and Hannah and I laugh "Might as well" Hannah says looking up at me and I smirk "Okay then Mrs Lee" I say and she smiles "I like that" she says just as I kiss her once again.
I can kiss my wife whenever I want.
Now it's time for us to drink, dance and party.
That was Chapter Twenty-Nine, hope you liked it and I am aware that it was super long but I think it was a really cute chapter.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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