Chapter Five
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Five. I know that Troye and his family actually live in Australia but for my story him and his family live in L.A. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
We got to L.A yesterday but didn't manage to see Rya because it was too late. I've been told that she's in the local hospital so today I'm going with Troye and Caspar to visit her because I want to see her but I also want to give my aunt and uncle a break because they haven't been home since she went into the hospital. Caspar and I are sleeping in Troye's spare room for a week and Caspar has now rented the villa, it's on the outskirts of L.A but still beautiful.
I feel someone shaking me and I open my eyes to see Caspar smiling at me "C'mon Love. We're leaving in half an hour" he says and I nod. He kisses me before flopping back down onto the bed; I get out of bed and have a shower. I then get changed into a black sleeveless crop top with the batman logo on it, acid wash denim dungarees, black hi-top converse and some classic ray-ban sunglasses, I also put my hair up into a ponytail.
I walk into the living room and see Troye lying on the couch on his phone "BOO" I shout going next to him and he jumps "Hiya. Have a picture with me?" he asks sitting up and I nod. We take a picture with Troye's arm around my shoulder and my head is resting on his shoulder, he posts it with the caption 'This little one is visiting me' after he posts it Caspar walks into the living room looking ready "Let's go see Rya" I say standing up and they both nod.
Within about 5 minutes we're at the hospital, Troye walks up to the desk and asks for Rya's room, we're told that she's on the children's floor which is the 5th floor. We all go to the elevator and wait for it to reach the floor we need. Once it does Caspar slips his arm around my shoulder as we walk to the room. Once we get there I see Rya lying on the bed with a load of tubes going into her and my aunt and uncle looking like they haven't slept in days. We all walk in and my aunt and uncle smile at us "You guys go home. We'll stay with her" Troye says and they both nod standing up "See you later Hannah" my aunt says hugging me "Love you Hannah" my uncle says hugging me afterwards and they both walk out of the room.
I sit down in the chair next to Rya's bed "How you doing Ry?" I ask and she smiles "I'm okay. Feel a little icky but my doctor said that I will be out in a week and I can go back home" she says smiling; I swear this girl could be in the worst possible condition ever and she would still be smiling. Troye sits on the other side and takes her hand "How's YouTube bro?" she asks as Caspar pulls up a chair next to me "It's good sis. Everyone is asking where you are though. They miss our videos" he says and Rya giggles "Film one with Hannah. She's practically your sister" she says and Troye looks to me "She's right" I say and Troye nods contemplating the idea "Why not. We could do 'More Likely To.....'" he says and I nod "That sounds good. You could collab with this weirdo too" I say pointing to the person I call my boyfriend.
Caspar chuckles and rests his hand on my thigh "Does Hanni have a boyfriend?" Rya asks giggling "What's it to you Ry?" I ask and she mock gasps "It is everything to me" she says and Caspar chuckles "We're dating Rya" Caspar says and Rya smiles "Happy for you Hanni" she says and I take her hand "Thanks Ry" I say and Troye pulls something out of his pocket "How about we play some cards?" he asks grabbing Rya's wheely table and pulling it over her so that we can all reach it. Rya sits up and grabs the cards from Troye "She always shuffles and deals" I say to Caspar and he nods "So, what are we playing?" I ask sitting forward slightly "Go Fish" Rya says giving us our cards "I'm so going to win" I say and Troye shakes his head "In your dreams cous" he says.
After playing cards for about 2-3 hours the visiting hours are over and we need to leave. I stand up and kiss Rya's forehead "I will see you tomorrow okay?" I ask and she nods "Okay. Love you Hanni" she says and I smile "I love you too Ry" I say. Troye pulls her into a hug but carefully because of all the tubes "Love you bro" she says and Troye hugs her tighter "Love you too sis" he says kissing her cheek and then we all walk out of the room. "How about a movie night Troye?" I ask as we're in the elevator "I like the sound of that. I will go and rent some movies. You guys get the snacks and we meet back at mine. Yeah?" he suggests and both Caspar and I nod "Let's do it" I say.
Caspar and I walk to the local corner shop and grab practically every single sweet thing in the shop. I think the cashier thinks we're mad or crazy. We walk back to Troye's place hand in hand; every so often Caspar will rub over my thumb with his making me smile. When we get back to Troye's I get changed into one of Caspar's shirts before sitting down on the couch, Caspar sits down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling a blanket over the both of us. Troye sits on the recliner chair looking quite happy "What are we watching?" I ask as he presses play "Avengers Assemble. It's one of the many I rented" he says and I nod.
I cuddle into Caspar's side and he presses a kiss to my forehead as we watch the movie. I like these moments, it's something that I will remember and something that I will look back on wishing I could've frozen time for a while and forgotten about everything else for a while.
That was Chapter Five, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter...........
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