Chapter Eighteen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Eighteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
--- Hannah's P.O.V ---
Thailand was amazing. We did so much and experienced so many new things. The only downside was that the viewers saw my promise ring and immediately jumped to conclusions, they think that Caspar and I are engaged so because of that I have been getting even more hate. It hurts and I know Caspar has seen it; we're not addressing it because there is no point. They don't need to delve even further into our personal lives, they expect to know every single detail about what's going on but they won't. Caspar knows how I feel about it, I love his viewers and I love the fact that he is doing something that makes him happy but I have never been an open person and soon it will get to the final straw.
Today I am going with Nathan to visit our parents; I don't want to go and see them because of what they said and did. I don't even consider them my parents; they don't deserve to be my parents. As far as I am concerned my Aunt and Uncle are more like my parents than anyone else, they raised me and taught me everything I know; they made me the person I am right now and I am confident in the fact that if my parents even tried to raise me they wouldn't even have done half the job that my Aunt and Uncle did. Thankfully Nathan managed to get my childhood pictures and all the memories that I didn't want my parents destroying and he gave them to me when I came back from Thailand.
The home phone starts ringing causing Caspar to groan and reach across to hit the speaker button "Hey Hanni" Nathan's voice comes through the phone so I lean over Caspar and grab the phone.
(H - Hannah~N - Nathan)
H - Hey Nate.
N - Have you just woken up?
H - Yeah. Why?
N - I will be at yours in 1 hour.
H - Is that all you called for?
N - Maybe. Maybe not.
H - Really Nate?
N - I am your older brother. I know you hate to wake up early.
H - Whatever. Love you and see you in an hour.
N - Love you too Hanni.
He hangs the phone up and I look to Caspar "Morning. I am going to have a shower" I say kissing his cheek "Okay Love" he says as I get out of bed. I have a shower and then change into a dress with a pink and white Aztec print top and a navy chiffon skirt, navy pumps, a navy blazer and I curl my hair. The reason I am wearing pumps is because whenever I go to my parent's house they make comments about my style and how I dress like a immature teenager therefore I change my style when I am around them.
I go into the living room where Nathan is sat with my boyfriend talking about something. Nathan looks up when he hears me walk in "Looks like we had the same idea" he says and I notice that he is dressed very smartly "They always make wise cracks about how we dress when in all honesty they can't even afford half the things we wear" I say and he chuckles "The bad thing is. You are 100% right" he says and I smile. Caspar stands up and kisses me quickly "Have fun" he says and Nathan scoffs "Oh trust me. This visit is going to be anything BUT fun" he says and Caspar chuckles "Well try not to hurt anyone. I will be filming" he says and I nod.
Nathan and I are currently in Nathan's car. Nathan notices the ring on my left hand and smiles "Did Caspar give you that in Thailand?" he asks motioning to the ring and I nod "Yeah. He did. His viewers think it's an engagement ring though" I say and he rolls his eyes "But you're wearing it on the wrong finger" he says and I giggle "That makes them think that we're hiding it" I say and he shakes his head "That is so stupid. If they really knew Caspar that well then they would know that he would've told them by now" he says and I nod again "Exactly. That's what I've been thinking" I say and he chuckles "See. We think alike" he says and I giggle again "Yeah, we do Nate" I say.
We pull up at our parent's house. Nathan gets out of the car and goes around to my side to open my door. I get out of the car and link my arm through Nathan's. We walk up to the front door and my father opens the door "Nathan. Hannah" he says in acknowledgement of us "Come in" he says and we both walk past him into the house. We walk to the living room where my mother is; Nathan and I sit down on the vacant sofa whilst my parents sit down on their seats. Nathan drapes his arm around my shoulder and I cross my legs resting my hands on my knee "How are you both?" my mother asks and Nathan pulls me into his side a little "We are fine thank you" Nathan says and I nod "How are you two?" I ask and my parents look surprised that I have spoken "We are well" my father says.
My mother's gaze flickers down to my left hand and she nudges my father who looks appalled at my hand. Oh god, don't tell me they think the promise ring is an engagement ring. I am wearing it on my middle finger, for pete's sake. Nathan notices and rubs my arm in reassurance "Hannah, why are you wearing that?" my mother asks in disgust "It is a promise ring. From my boyfriend" I say and my mother scoffs "That is clearly an engagement ring young lady. Don't lie to us" she says and Nathan sighs "Mother, Hannah is not engaged. Even if she was I don't understand why she would tell both of you" he says and my father glares at him "Nathan. Do not speak to your mother like that" he says.
My mother continues to glare at me "I am sorry. Is there a reason as to why you keep glaring at me?" I ask sarcasm present in my voice causing Nathan to chuckle quietly "How dare you speak to me like that" my mother says and I scoff "I will speak to you in any way I wish" I say and my father gasps "Hannah, apologise to your mother" he says in a demanding tone "She isn't my mother. She lost that title when she decided to send me to live in America" I say and my mother smirks "Best decision I ever made" she says and Nathan shoots up "It was not the 'best decision you ever made'" Nathan says mimicking her "It was the worst decision you ever made. You sent my only sister off to another country because you didn't want a daughter. That's why you tried to destroy her things whenever you two get drunk off your faces, you two are such a disgrace" he says.
My father stands up to look Nathan in the eye "You sit down. Right now" he says trying to intimidate my brother "For once I am not going to do what you say. I am going to leave this house with my sister" Nathan says grabbing my hand "And if this isn't already clear. I no longer consider you my parents and neither does she" he says glaring at my parents again before we leave the house. At least none of us have any belongings in that house so there is no reason for us to ever come back. We walk down to Nathan's car and get in "Y'know you didn't tell them about Andy" I say and Nathan chuckles "I don't care. They're never seeing me, him or Minnie again" he says.
Honestly? It's good riddance to my parents, they lost the right to be parents to me a long time ago but now they have lost their only son as a result of them being disgusting people.
That was Chapter Eighteen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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