5. The Roses
Types Of People : The Roses
1. White Rose
Faint smiles, flowers in their hair, blushing, doodles in the margins of books, hard work with little repayment, old soul, sleek clothing
2. Yellow Rose
Warm hugs, tucking hair behind ears, sunny days, freshly baked cookies, self-made flower crowns, the smell of grass, tickle flights
3. Red Rose
Loves easily, confident strides, talking loudly, leather jackets, singing off key, whispered secrets, dedications of love
4. Pink Rose
Soft smiles, flirting, gets their heart broken easily, old record, vintage aesthetics, innocent, always kind
5. Orange Rose
Colourful closet, elaborate stories, animated hand gestures, stickers covering everything, big cakes, bad at lying, loves sunsets
6. Green Rose
Dirty hands, leaves in their hair, loud laugh, leather bound books, potted plants, doesn't like being told what to do, skinny dipping
7. Peach Rose
Typewriters, soothing voice, little sketches on napkins, keeps a lot of secrets, quiet, shy, enjoys spending time with people they love
8. Lavender Rose
Scented candles, dancing in the rain, humming softly, new ideas, only shares things with people close to them, forgetful, paint on their clothing
9. Black Rose
Messy hair, books filled with small doodles, zones out often, unfinished writing, sharp eyes, laying down on concrete roofs to watch the stars
I'm a black rose...
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