Yeonjun - Heartbeat
Les do this! requested by mxnon24
The practice room was filled with various repetitive nonsense words as they slowly ran through the choreography, each "da" and "bam" seemed to echo off the walls. Yeonjun shuffled to the centre with fancy footwork, lazily mumbling his part as they blocked the routine, occasionally being stopped by their instructor for someone to be corrected.
"ok, from the top with the music." The instructor said, going over to press play, and everyone shuffled back to their first places as if on instinct.
The run-through went smoothly. They were nearly ready for comeback now. They all gave each other tired high-fives as they went off to the side of the room for a water break. Yeonjun couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be sweating a little more than usual. He panted between sips of water, while his free arm came up to mop the sweat off his forehead. Now that he was stood still, he noticed the alarmingly fast beating of his heart.
He placed a shaky hand on his chest, feeling his ribcage flutter. Two fingers pressed against his neck to feel the fast beating. He screwed the lid back on his water, placing it down, and held his hand against his chest again.
"Ok guys, back to work" the instructor called, but yeonjun quickly held his hand out.
"Hold on-" He panted, staring at the floor, his hand still firmly planted on his chest. The others looked back, and their expressions turned to ones of worry as they saw their hyung in a clearly bad state.
"hyung whats going on?" Soobin says, jogging over to him. He places one hand on his back and one over the one on his chest and can already feel the fast heartbeat. He stares in shock, and looks up at the others briefly. "Your hearts beating so fast!"
Despite the fact they had just been doing strenuous exercise, soobin knew this wasn't a normal heartrate. Yeonjun knew this wasn't a normal heartrate. There's only one explanation he could think of.
"Are you having a panic attack?" He asked, expecting the answer to be yes, ready to sit him down and coax him through.
"No." Yeonjun states simply, shaking his head. He knew this wasn't a panic attack. He didn't feel panicked. He was anxious after noticing this fast heartrate, sure, but he wasn't panicking. At least he wasn't before.
Soobin frowns, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Well, what is it then?"
"I have no idea." Yeonjun stated again. The instructor came over, slightly more knowledgeable on first aid, and felt his heartbeat too. Their eyes also grew wide. It was faster than anything they'd felt. It didn't even feel like a beating. It was practically vibrating.
"Ok, how about you just sit down for a moment, see how you feel." They suggest, helping him over to a seat at the edge of the room. Kai obediently grabs yeonjuns water bottle and hands it to him. "Drink some more water, hyung."
Yeonjun just silently nods, not liking all the fuss around him, and waves them off to carry on rehearsing without him for now. They carry on, but their dancing isn't up to standard when they're all constantly glancing at yeonjun out of worry.
After just a few minutes, his heartbeat is back to normal, as if nothing ever happened. After a run through the others check on him, and he stands up with a smile, but the others look unsure.
"Hyung are you sure? I don't want you overworking yourself. If you need to rest it's fine." Soobin says. He can't have any members getting hurt.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. My heart is back to normal." He smiles a reassuring smile, but the others don't look sure.
He joins back in with training, and eventually the others forget anything ever happened. They just assume it was a temporary blip, a weird type of panic attack.
A few days later, while backstage at a music stage, it happens again. This time theres no way it could be attributed to him just being tired and his heart working overtime. He was well rested, and he was just sat backstage, not doing anything particularly taxing.
He was just sitting on his phone, when he felt the fluttering again. His head started to feel like it was full of cotton, light and fuzzy. He tried to take some slow deep breaths, and after a few minutes, it seemed to be over again. He frowned, but soon brushed it off. He figured it was just anxiety.
The music show goes well, and yeonjun gets no heart fluttering after dancing. He's convinced its nothing, but something keeps niggling at the back of his mind. Something isn't right. He just refuses to think about the fact that something could be wrong.
While standing on the set, being interviewed by the MCs, it happens again. The fluttering. This time accompanied by an ache in his chest. He wants to frown and grip at his chest, but he knows he's live on TV, and so he stays composed, no more that just a quick twitch of an eye.
He keeps a smile on his face, but he starts to panic. The fact that it was accompanied by pain this time must mean something bad. Just as he starts to struggle to keep his composure, it fades, and he's fine.
Once he's backstage, he sits on his phone again, opening up google and starts to search. "fast heartbeat" doesn't get him anywhere, so he instead tries "fluttering heartbeat" which leads him to heart palpitations, which then leads him to anxiety. But something about that answer doesn't feel satisfactory. Still, he's too nervous to search much deeper. He'd rather just accept that its anxiety than search further and find out he's dying or something.
The members would be lying if they said they didn't notice the clear shift in yeonjuns mood from then on. He suddenly had a much more nervous disposition, not engaging in conversations and messing about like he would usually. He wouldn't react to beomgyus teasing with the usual playful revenge. He would give a scarily genuine response telling him to stop.
They didn't want to press, but they were all worried. The shift in personality seemed so sudden, and they knew something must be going on. They spoke to each other while yeonjun was away in the bathroom.
"Somethings really up with him. I don't like it." Beomgyu states simply, playing with the loose thread on his shirt. He was starting to feel guilty. Had his teasing gone to far and that was causing it?
"Yeah, he's not himself. Something going on. He's so snappy." Taehyun adds, and they all nod along. Kai speaks up.
"Do you think it maybe has something to do with that thing that happened the other day? During practice. When his heartrate was super fast and we all got worried. I mean, he said it wasn't a panic attack, but what if it was and he just didn't know? Maybe its a mental thing..." They all nod in agreement. Its the most likely explanation in their minds.
"I'll talk to him and see if i can find out whats going on. Just try and be nice to him for now." Soobin says, just as they hear the flush going and yeonjun comes back. Beomgyu mumbles a quick "I hope its not me..." to himself.
They all smile as yeonjun sits down with him, and yeonjun flashes a fake smile back. The air in the room felt tense with silence, no longer filled by the playful chuckles of yeonjun and beomgyus bickering, or the maknaes antics.
Later that night, the others leave to their bedrooms while soobin and yeonjun stay together. Soobin awkwardly tries to break the silence.
"So uh... are you doing ok? yknow, in general." Yeonjun just nods with a smile. Soobin nods along too. "Thats good. I hope if something were up you can come to us and we'll help you out."
Yeonjun huffs, standing up as his eyes roll. "I said I'm fine. I don't need therapising."
"Yeah i know, just want to make sure you know. We're all here." Soobin adds, trying to redeem himself and seem less suspicious. Still, yeonjun trudges off to his room.
He hides under his covers for the rest of the night, just staring into nothingness. His heartbeat flutters several times throughout the night, lasting a few minutes, and then goes again. Every time it happens his vision swims and swirls, feeling as though the world is spinning around him.
He opens up his phone, and goes to dial his doctor, and then he looks up at the time. Its 2 in the morning. It will have to wait.
He's nudged the next morning by soobin. He can't seem to remember if he actually got any sleep that night, but if he did, it was minimal. He throws the sheets off himself and sits up with a sigh. Soobin simply says a good morning, and then goes off to get ready, leaving yeonjun on his own.
The world spins around him, and soon, as he's trying to take in the surroundings of his room, he realises some strange zigzag patterns in his vision. He feels as though he's blind in one eye, but he's not. He wants to shrug it off, but with all that's been going on with his health, he can't. He rubs his eyes desperately hoping it will go away, but it doesn't.
His throat starts to ache from the pressure of holding back from sobbing, and he continues to stare into the distance again. Soon soobin comes back, bringing him back to earth.
"hyung? are you ok? I woke you up ages ago and you're not even ready yet. We have to go in 10 minutes."
Yeonjun gulps down the huge lump in his throat and responds in a gruff voice. "Yeah, yeah i'll be there in a minute."
Soobin sighs, the corners of his lips turning up as he watches yeonjun trudge out to their wardrobe to pick out some random clothes and get changed.
By the time yeonjun comes out, changed, the right side of his head is banging with a pain he's never felt before. Not in that way, anyway. He quickly goes to the bathroom, downing a couple of painkillers before they leave in hopes it will ease the pain, and goes to join the others, trying to act like he's not in any pain at all.
Dance practice doesn't go well. At all. His movements are sluggish, and his facial expressions are bland, apart from all the time he winces at the bright lights. Its clear he's not well. Everyone can see purely by the dark circles under his eyes, standing out more thanks to his newly pale complexion.
"Yeonjun, are you ok? You don't look good." Their choreographer mentions cautiously. Yeonjun just sighs with a roll of his eyes.
"Hyung, be honest. We all can tell, just tell us what's up." Beomgyu adds shyly.
"I just have a headache, its fine." Yeonjun mumbles, but even his voice doesn't sound good. Its low and gruff, and tired sounding.
"Yeonjun hyung, take a break. Thats not an ask, its a command." Soobin says. Yeonjun can't say no to the leader, so he trudges to the side of the room. He sits down, sipping on water in hopes it will ease the intense pain he feels as he watches the others dance.
His vision swims again, the room starts to spin, as his heart flutters again. Beomgyu glances at him, and stops dancing, causing all the others to stop. Yeonjun really isn't doing well, and they can all tell at the way his eyes are squeezed shut and his hands grasp at his chest.
"I think you should go home." Soobin suggests. Yeonjun can't deny, he would like to be at home. Under his sheets, hiding from the light, from the world. So he lets soobin carefully lift him up by his arm. He lets him guide him towards the door.
He lets him catch him as he collapses to the floor.
They'd all had their turn in passing out over the years, especially in their trainee days. They all knew what to do. But they all knew something was different this time. It wasn't passing out from exhaustion or low blood sugar. This was different. They all had that moment, when he was grasping at his chest, seemingly in the grips of a panic attack, in their heads.
It wasn't a panic attack.
It took little hesitation for their choreographer to call an ambulance as the others sat or stood by his side, holding his legs up, fanning him with paper and massaging his neck.
He woke up after a while, but he was clearly still struggling, groaning at the lights and the banging pain still in his head.
It didn't take too long for the paramedics to arrive. They give him oxygen, and get his heartrate through a finger clip. It doesn't take long until they notice its fast pace. Just as they're about to suggest hospital, it slows. Yeonjun, now more awake, speaks up.
"It keeps happening. It goes fast for a few minutes and then stops." The others, while they knew it was probably happening, still feel a sense of shock and betrayal that he never thought to tell them.
"it could be paroxysmal tachycardia." one of the paramedics mentions to the other, who nods. The others all stare wide eyes, clearly scared by the scary sounding name. Even yeonjun looks scared.
"Is it bad?" He asks, his voice shaking with fear. The paramedic smiles.
"No, its not dangerous really. It's perfectly manageable. I suggest you contact your doctor. They can give you a referral to a cardiologist and give you an official diagnosis, and then you can manage it with medication or minor surgery." They're all relieved.
The paramedics leave them without going to the hospital, since yeonjuns condition was stabilised, and he was feeling better having been given some stronger painkillers. Still, they all agreed to let him go home and rest for a few days.
Yeonjun made sure to contact his doctor as soon as he got home, and he was promptly referred, and after just a few weeks he was diagnosed with paroxysmal tachycardia. They opted for the medication option to treat it, and yeonjun was back to his usual self in a few days.
They all knew he was back, the moment he and beomgyu bickered playfully and laughed along, when he messed about at the dance studio with that gleam back in his eye.
Yeonjun was back for good.
ok i'm done lol. Hopefully that was alright! this was kinda hard to research so i hope i got everything right or as close to right as possible. Sorry for the rushed ending, i'm just eager to get more chapters out hehe! see ya in the next one!
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