(1K SPECIAL) Birthday Special
Thanks everyone for reading this book! This is the first real book I've really made for proper fanfiction, and it's almost at 2K as of publishing! I’m going to use my MC from Bridget’s Misadventures in Twisted Wonderland (she’s basically my otome self-insert with a lot of similarities to me but has an additional brother that she actually likes and worse asthma). Also, Autistic!MC is based off myself to some extent.
No Content or Trigger Warnings in this drabble. Enjoy!
It's that time of the year again, one I have a like-hate relationship with; it’s my birthday. And for once I can spend it with my friends when it’s snowing because the last time three years ago I spent it shoveling up snow out of boredom because school was cancelled due to the amount of snow we got. Even though kids usually get presents, I don’t because it’s a little over a week after Christmas and early into the new year. Usually just a cupcake and that’s it (which I really don’t mind, but some new reading glasses would be nice one of these days).
I stretched, Grim already pepped up for the day. I went to the drawers to get on my uniform, grabbing my messenger bag and leaving Ramshackle Dorm with him in tow to get to class. Honestly, I’m just going to treat this like a normal school day then just talk with the tall horned man when he visits tonight.
“Bridget!” Ah, it’s Ace. He, Deuce, Grim, and I tend to walk to class together since we’re in the same class. I just waved back and walked over to them with Grim so we could go to class. It’s our normal routine these days: wake up, go to class with Ace and Deuce, have lunch, more classes, go back to Ramshackle, study and do homework, eat, go back to sleep then repeat. It’s become standard until something strange happens or I’m dragged into some dorm’s antics. I’m used to it now.
The day went by as normal until lunch came by. Why are Jade and Floyd approaching me? I set down my utensils and sighed, turning to look in their general direction.
“Good afternoon, Bridget.” Jade greeted me, I shrugged my shoulders. Do I look like I'm in the mood to conversate at this very moment?
“Lil’ Shrimpy, come with us after school! It’ll be worth it~” Floyd drawled, patting my head. Oi, just because I’m a midget doesn’t give ya the fuckin’ right to touch my head! I wouldn’t say it to his face, I’ll just ignore him.
“The surprise will be at Monstro Lounge, we’ll have someone escort you.” Jade smiled, shooting a look towards Ace and Deuce as if they were part of some sort of plan. I guess I have no choice.
“Okay,” I agreed quietly, “I’ll see you later.” The twins walked back to Azul, sitting down at their seats.
Well, that was weird. I just finished my food and got up to go to my second round of classes.
It's 5:30 P.M.
Right now Grim and I are just chilling in the lounge of Ramshackle Dorm, he's taking a cat nap while I'm pacing the room while stimming. Moving around since I can’t stay still to save my life.
Someone knocked on the door. I rushed over to open it, seeing Ace and Deuce. Wait, why are they here at this hour? Does this have to do with Jade and Floyd?
“Jade asked us to bring you to Monstro Lounge,” Ace said, “that place still brings up bad memories though.”
I shrugged. “I’ll get my hearing protection and my medical bag, then I’ll come with you.” Deuce smiled, and I went back inside to get those items and fetch Grim, who woke up from his nap. After adjusting my hearing protection, I went out with Ace and Deuce leading.
When we got to the Mirror Hall, Ace walked behind me and covered my eyes with his hands. “What are you doin’?” I asked.
“It’s a surprise~” Ace said in a mischievous tone, no doubt he has a shit-eating grin on his face right now. Hopefully he’s not planning some sort of prank.
I felt a hand grasp gently on my left hand, “I’ll guide you along, don’t worry.” Deuce reassured me gently, rubbing his thumb on the back of my palm. “Alright.” I said, and we went to Monstro Lounge.
I could hear our footsteps and the woosh of the water of the dorm, until we stopped (supposedly at the entrance of Monstro Lounge). “Bridget, I know Ace’s covering your eyes, but can you close them for a moment?” Deuce asked, which I did. I heard the creak of a door, and Deuce guided me inside.
I felt Ace’s hands go away from my eyes, “You can open your eyes now.” he said, and I slowly opened them.
“Surprise!” I heard them all say, some louder than others and others in a more regular speaking tone. Wait… wait a moment. This never happened before. I’ve held birthday parties before, but there usually weren't many people there since I didn’t have many friends. But this? I’ve never had a party with this many people. To be honest, I had a look more like confusion instead of actual shock.
“I...what the heck?” I asked, trying to make sense of everything.
“Isn’t it your birthday? We wanted to celebrate it since we don’t know if you’ll return to your world next year.” Azul asked, I nodded my head.
“It is, I was just a little shocked.” I replied, turning my head around. Everyone I’ve met at this point is here. Surprisingly, there’s even Leona.
“I’m glad that I got the date right.” Azul sighed, before turning around. “Let’s get this started, shall we?”
There was quite a bit of conversation going on, and lots of hugs. It was all quite a blur, actually. At least until it came for the present unwrapping.
It was a simple box that was first given to me, a dark purple velvet covering the box tied up in a white ribbon. I carefully untied the ribbon, and inside there was a simple metal bracelet.
“It’s a charm bracelet,” Kalim said, “we were all discussing the best gift to give you, and a charm bracelet was the best choice! Don’t worry, it’s complete silver!” I was touched by that, since I mentioned my nickel allergy once to Kalim during the break. The fact that he was able to remember it when considering a gift for me warmed my heart.
“In fact, we all got you charms for your new bracelet. Well, Heartslabyul each got charms individually, everyone other than them decided as a dorm.” Ruggie mentioned, a smile on his face. I looked closely at the bracelet, a charm was already there.
It looked like a snake’s head, with two tiny gems for the eyes. I looked up, seeing that Leona came up and handed me a tiny box. “Come on, little bunny, Ruggie and I got you this.” he said, and I opened the box. It was a lion charm, which I clasped onto the bracelet.
After that was a bit of a blur; Azul gave me a seashell charm, and the Heartslabyul members gave me charms based on the different card suits. Jack gave me a scarf, which I put on as well. After that, we had the cake and went back to our dorms for the night.
It was nighttime, and I was waiting outside Ramshackle for the tall horned man to show up. I saw the green fireflies before he appeared before my eyes.
“Child of man,” he remarked, “you seem quite joyful tonight.” I guess it was hard to contain my excitement in his eyes.
“Well, it’s my birthday today, and my friends brought me to Monstro Lounge because they planned a surprise party.” I told him, “One of them got me this scarf, but it was mainly this charm bracelet.”
I lifted up my right wrist to show him, and he analyzed every single charm. He smiled warmly. “If I had known it was your birthday, I would’ve gotten you something.” I shook my head, wrapping my hands around him in a tight embrace.
“It’s fine, I’m just glad I’m not alone in this world despite it being unfamiliar to me.”
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