Chapter Two
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Two. Random gif of Liam ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
The tour has been going for a week now and I have gotten to know the lads really well and I have fallen for Liam even more. They still don't know about my problems because I can't get the confidence to actually tell them about it. Being around the guys for just a week has made my depression get better, I'm not as down in the dumps anymore and I don't put up a front when I'm on the bus.
I've been spotted around with the lads, people have found out my name and the hate has been rolling in. I bet I sound pathetic, a 20 year old girl not being able to handle some hate but when you're like me you can't handle anything. I know my depression is decreasing but the urge to cut is still there.
I check the bathroom and make sure that no-one is there, I lock the door and sit down on the floor. I slide the razor across my wrist twice, I go to wipe the blood of my wrist but when I stand up I become light headed. Everything goes black.
----- Louis' P.O.V -----
We're all sitting down on the sofa watching TV, we don't have anything to do today because we're driving to Newcastle for a show tomorrow night and the night after. Liam sits down next to me "Anyone seen Hannah?" he asks looking around and everyone shakes their heads, Harry shoots up and runs to her bunk, I run after him "Check the bathroom" he says and I try the door but it's locked "Haz it's locked" he runs over to me "Shit, shit" he bangs on the door "HANNAH" he shouts "HANNAH OPEN UP" he shouts but there's no response.
"NI, ZAYN, LI COME HERE" Haz shouts and they all come running over "We need to bust this door down" we all nod and start to bash the door down. After 10 minutes of bashing the door we finally get it open and Harry runs in. When we walk in we see Hannah on the floor with a razor in one hand and cuts on her other wrist.
Harry picks her up and takes her to the sofa. "Lou, get me some wipes and bandages" I nod and go to the bathroom.
----- Harry's P.O.V -----
Louis comes back with the wipes and bandages. I wipe Hannah's cuts - thank god there are only 2 fresh cuts, all her other scars are getting better - and wrap the bandage around her wrist. "Hannah, please wake up" I kiss her forehead and sit there holding her hand.
It's been an hour and she hasn't moved, she's breathing so she's alive but she needs to wake up. I haven't moved eventhough the lads are doing their own things. I can't lose her and I know I wont. She's the person that I do everything for, I know she's depressed and she told me that it's getting better because of us, I also know her feelings for Liam and I've seen the look in his eyes when he looks at her, he feels the same way. I should talk to him but first, Hannah needs to be okay.
"Hannah, please wake up. If you can hear me just squeeze my hand. We all need you, just please" a tear slides down my cheek and I feel a squeeze on my hand, I look down to Hannah to see her blue eyes looking up at me "Hazza?"
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I've heard everything for the past hour, I just can't open my eyes. "Hannah, please wake up. If you can hear me just squeeze my hand. We all need you, just please" I hear Harry say, with the energy I have I squeeze his hand then I open my eyes. I see Harry's face infront of me "Hazza?" I ask and his face lights up, he pulls me into a hug "Thank god" I smile "LADS SHE'S AWAKE" he shouts and they all come running in. "CuddleBear" Louis says pulling me into a hug, I giggle "Hey Lou" I sit up and look down to my wrist. It's bandaged? When did that happen? "Why didn't you tell us?" Niall asks sitting next to me "I didn't want you to be disgusted by me, I didn't want to lose any of you as friends" I say looking at Harry "Will you tell us everything Han?" Zayn asks and I nod "I've been depressed for a couple of years and I was bullied back in senior school. I have social anxiety and at times I have panic attacks. If I'm with people who make me happy or I feel something for my depression decreases. I started self-harming a year ago and it's not something I'm proud of if anything I'm ashamed because of what I do to the people around me. I can escape what I'm feeling when I listen to music - mostly yours because you guys make me smile - and when I get up enough confidence I sing" all the lads smile "Only my father and Harry know, I haven't gotten close enough to anyone else to tell them in confidence" a tear rolls down my cheek and Louis wipes it away.
"Han, you will never lose any of us. We care about you too much" Niall says and he pulls me into a hug. I look over to Liam and I can see the hurt and worry in his eyes, he is the only one that has kept quiet, he blinks back a few tears and walks off to the bunks. "You sing Han?" Zayn asks and I nod "I'm not very good and before you ask I'm not going to sing for you" he chuckles and lays down on the sofa. "Who's up for a movie?" Harry asks and we all nod.
Harry goes to get blankets and pillows for all of us. I lay down on the floor and Harry lays down next to me, he wraps an arm around my waist; I rest my head on his chest and we all watch the movie.
----- Liam's P.O.V -----
So Hannah just told us everything. "Han, you will never lose any of us. We care about you too much" Niall says and he pulls Hannah into a hug. She looks to me and I blink back a few tears, I can't stay here without breaking down so I walk to my bunk and lay down.
I can't believe that Hannah would do that to herself, she's fragile and I need to fix her. She's amazing, I know for a fact that she doesn't put up a front around us because the Hannah we see everyday on the bus is the real her.
I've fallen for Hannah but I don't know what to do. For one thing I doubt that she would feel the same and then there's Leah my ex-girlfriend, she was clingy and I have no idea why I even dated her. She got jealous if I even spoke to my sisters and then she claimed that she was insecure about me leaving her, well I did in the end because she couldn't trust me and that's not a relationship I can be in. Eventhough I have broken up with her she still comes to every single one of our concerts claiming to be my girlfriend when everyone knows she isn't.
I have decided that tomorrow I'm going to ask Mark's permission to date Hannah and if he says yes I'm asking her to be my girlfriend - obviously if she feels the same that is.
That was Chapter Two, hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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