Chapter 28
- TSC : TDL!.
- Red : Let's go exercise (≧▽≦).
- TDL : ...
- Green : What's wrong?.
- Blue : TDL?.
- Yellow : You are okay?.
- TDL : I'm not okay.
- Color gang : * Looks at each other *.
- TDL : * Holds the ring tightly in both hands * ....
• Walk in the street.
- TDL : * Bewildered *.
- Color gang : * Whispering*.
- Yellow : What's wrong with him?.
- Red : I don't know.
- Blue : He seems sad.
- Green : For what?.
- TSC : I don't know.
- Color gang : Hmmmmmmm.....
- TDL : Hey TSC.
- TSC : Wha?.
- TDL : Where's TCO?.
- TSC : He said he won't go to work in the coming days because he has urgent matters to deal with.
- TDL : ...
- TSC : Is something wrong?.
- TDL : Nothing.
- TSC : ??.
- Red : * Sees , pulls Yellow hand *.
- Yellow : * Looks after , pulls Blue hand*.
- Blue : * Sees , poking Green back , pointing at TDL hand *.
- Green : * Sees , pulls TSC hand , whispers * Hey , look at TDL hand.
- TSC : * Looks at TDL's hand * That ring.
- Green : Identical to the ring TCO wears.
- TSC : 💢.
- Green : Calm down💦.
- Yellow : Angry again.
- Blue : * Trying to laugh *.
- Red : (' . .̫ . ').
- TSC : I have to accept it.
- Green : Accept it slowly.
- TSC : Haizzzz.
- TDL : ....
- Color gang : * Looks at each other *.
- TDL : " I want to see you now ".
• In the coming days, TDL always waits for TCO , does not play or talk with Color gang.
• Color gang and juniors are very confused when seeing TDL like that.
- TDL : * Sits on the bed hugging his legs *.
- Red : He's been like that for a few days now.
- Blue : TSC When will TCO go back to work?.
- TSC : It's only been 5 days.
- Yellow : Tell him to go to work quickly.
- TSC : How can I say that?!.
- Blue : What is he doing without going to work all week?.
- TSC : I don't know , he always goes somewhere and comes back very late.
- Red : Where are you going so secretly?.
- TSC : He never said where he was going.
- Green : Do we have to look at him like that?.
- Red : What can we do?.
- Color gang : Haizzzz.
- TDL : ...TCO.
• Morning of the 31st.
- TSC :* Opens the door * TDL?.
- TDL :* Sits on the bed * ...
- TSC : Let's go.
- TDL : * Sits up and goes out *.
- Color gang : * Looks at TDL *.
- TSC : " He's still the same ".
• Canteen.
- TDL : * Sits absentmindedly *.
- Juniors : * Confusedly looked at each other *.
• The police looked at TDL.
- Police 1 : He's been like this for several days.
- Police 3 : What's wrong with him?.
- Color gang : * Looks at each other *.
- TSC : It's nothing.
- TDL : * Walking * ....
- TDL : * Goes to the lobby *.
• The wind blows.
- TDL : * Looks up , eyes wide open *.
• TCO is talking to someone.
- ??? : Okay you should rest , I have to go.
- TCO : Yes sir , goodbye sir.
- ??? : * Leaves *.
- TCO : * Turns around , startled *.
- TCO , TDL : * Looks at each other *.
- TCO : * Looks away , walks past - TDL *.
- TDL : * Holds TCO hand * TCO!.
- TCO : ...
- TDL : Listen to me.
- TCO : What do you want?.
- TDL : Can you talk to me?.
- TCO : * Pulls TDL hand * I have nothing to say.
- TDL : TCO!.
- TCO : * Goes fast *.
Chapter 29 is Coming Soon.
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