Chapter 3
Tianna Pov
I scurry hoping to escape that boy.I don't need his help never will I mean we had been looking at this place for months I now this place like the back of my hand.I know when security is working and where.
I shake those thoughts and factoids out of my head as I walk into my first class.I'm not much for introduction so I silently walk to the back take a seat next to a window.I plan on staring out of it all day this school is useless unless it can teach me how to climb a 60ft building .
I feel a rustle next to me and I turned around to see someone took the seat next to me.As if sensing my eyes on him he lifts his head from his backpack. My mouth stay agape as i take in everything.He has deep green eyes the color of beautiful grass you can see the laughter and kindness then there's his sandy blonde hair that's tossled as if purposely messy and the most plumb pink lips I ever seen.
I stop gawking when his lips start moving.
"Hi I'm Jason"He says smiling which makes me smile back
"I'm ti- I mean Chelsea"I say stilling get used to Chelsea rolling of tongue instead of Tianna.
"Chelsea a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"He says still smiling his light bulb smile.
"That was so cheesy"I say my lips quirking into an amused smirk.
"I try my best"He say laughing.The laugh was like gleeful chime and find myself laughing along
I wish being this carefree would never end but alas the teacher had to walk in and the conversation ended.
I walk into the cafeteria apparently its mandatory to be here.I scan the room attempting to find an empty table.
"Looks like you need help my fair maiden"A familar voice says in a horrible British accent making me laugh and Jason joins soon after.
"You can sit with me and my friends"He says grabbing my hand pulling me to a table full of laughing people
He plops down in a seat and makes me seat right next to him.
"Guys this is Chelsea ,Chelsea this is Evan "he says pointing to a cute boy with floppy brown hair and a cute innocent face "Emily"pointing towards a girl with flaming red hair that's short and curled and her big wide blue eyes makes her even prettier"Andrea"Gesturing to a girl with light brown skin and beautiful curly dark brown hair with glasses that framed her face perfectly "and my brother Jacob"
"We've already met "Jacob says simply before returning to his lunch
"Really?How?"Jason asks him curiously
"I was supposed to show her around since she's new"Jacob says not even looking at him
"Shes new? She walks around like shes been here for years"Jason said shocked
"That's because me and my parents looked around during my registration"I say lying through my teeth
"Oh that makes sense"Jason says taking the apple off his plate biting a huge chunk off.
"Where are you from?"Andrea asked
"Born and raised in California"I answer simply toying with the spaghetti in my plate
"Then how do you explain the accent?"Jacob says making my eyes snap to him to see him looking at my suspiciously
Just as I was about to lie my phones start to ring:
'She just wants to be, beautiful
She goes, unnoticed she knows, no limits
She craves, attention she praises, an image
She prays to be, sculpted by-'
Woah saved by Alessia Cara
"I have to take this I'll be back "I say getting up when I notice the caller ID Everyone nods gives a simple ok while Jacob looks at me like I'm a puzzle piece waiting to be put together.
I make my way to the back of the school into the parking lot and pick up the phone
"Röd rose"I say in Swedish making sure its not a spy (Rod rose =Red rose)
"en gång"the caller replies back in Swedish making me no its not a spy (en gång=One time)
"Vi behöver dig på huvudkontoret nu"The callet says after a moment of silence (Vi behöver dig på huvudkontoret nu=we needs you at the headquarters now )
"jag kommer vara där" I answer already jumping into my car (jag kommer vara där=I will be there)
"det hoppas jag verkligen"the caller sat sternly before hanging up (det hoppas jag verkligen=you better be)
I swerve my car towards the exit before I leave I have an urge to look back so I do.I gasp....
There stands Jacob with his filled with wonder and curiosity......
Did he hear me speak Swedish?
'Dammit he's to nosey ....'
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