Origins part two:
Borghildr's POV
I walked into the dining room, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I did a double take when I saw that Bellatrix wasn't there. Then I remembered. Today is a Tuesday. She stays in Finland from Tuesdays to Fridays. Right.
Looking at the empty seat, I felt guilt clawing at my throat. The incident that happened yesterday flashing at the back of my eyes like lightning in endless darkness, painting a painfully vivid picture of the broken expression on her face. I'll apologize as soon as I can. Right now, I have other responsibilities to stress over.
<At the Agreste Mansion>
Nathalie glanced at the clock as it's low toll filled the quiet mansion. "What is taking him so long?" She murmured to herself.
She was about to move from her position when Felix appeared at the top of the stairs with a dark brown leather bag full of books and school supplies slung over his shoulder. "Nathalie," he greeted. She stared at the bag. "I thought about what you said and..." not really knowing what to say, he gestured to the bag she had sent to his room yesterday. But the next thing he knew, he was in his limo.
He signed as he ran a hand through his now neat and slicked back hair. Courtesy of Pest. At least that kwami is good for something other than bringing him bad luck that he could have explained in the first place. In all his years, no one had been able to comb back his longish blond hair like Pest unless they use at least five large containers of gel and combs with very strong teeth. He was dressed in a grey vest over a light grey dress shirt with extended sleeves that covered the Black Cat Ring, black dress pants, a black tie and black dress shoes. Pest had laid them out that morning.
Felix adjusted his tie apprehensively as the limo came to a stop infront of the school. As if afraid he might change his mind, Nathalie pushed him out of the car and slammed the door shut while yelling at gorilla to "Step on it!".
He watched the limo speed away. Only once it was out of sight then he turned to look at the school. This was a bad idea, a very bad idea. Why had he allowed Pest to persuade him to go to school. 'It would be good for you' he said, 'kids your age need friends' he said. A small poke of encouragement came from the kwami in the pocket of his vest. He put a hand over it and willed his breathing to calm to a slow and steady rhythm. He could do this. Once he stepped into the school, students slowly stopped and turned to look at him. They began to whisper amongst themselves "Is that Felix Agreste?" "What is he doing here?" "He is so handsome!"
Another poke from Pest had him walking through the courtyard, up the stairs and into the principals office. He knocked before he entered of course. "Ah, Felix Agreste!" Mr Damocles greeted. "There you are, your schedule is right here..."
Bellatrix's POV
"The stone beings are scattered all over Paris." Nadja Chamack announced on the television. "For the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. Police have cordoned off the areas."
"We won't stop until these people are back to their normal selves!" The Mayor, André Bourgeois said with gusto, then deflated. "But for now, we are not making much headway."
"Paris is relying on our new gaurdian angels to save us all. Ladybug, Cat Noir, Melodie, Kid Mime and Mercury. Our lives depend on them." Nadja said, coming back on screen.
I stared at my phone screen forlornly. I had hoped that big sis would stop being so over protective if I defeated the akuma, but it just made things worse. Borghildr had been protective since the start, but that protectiveness had escalated after mom's death, and even more with every misfortune that crossed our path. Maybe I am not fit to be ladybug, maybe it is for the greater good.
"Hey, Beatrix!" I looked up to see my friends, Nicholette and Cosette Asiirtnen. The daughters of two wealthy fashion designers in Finland.
Cosette is bubbly and sweet, inside and out. Wearing only pastel and bright colors. Her ebony black hair always tied into a heart braid, lose locks frame her petite form. Wears soft colored makeup. She is very short for her age. Her rich purple eyes always seeming to hold a soft warmth in them. Always looking to brighten up someone's day, almost the whole school adores and are friends with her. She has the sweetest voice of the school, clumsy as fuck and knows five different acoustic instruments. The teachers' pet and always flitting from one group of friends to another but always going back to the group her twin has gathered together. Can't cuss or hurt a fly for her life.
Nicholette is an entirely different story. Always wearing rebellious clothes that always have to have black and leather in them. Her jet black hair always down so that everyone could see the silky shine of it. Her body screams athletic and curvy. The most makeup you would ever see her wear is smoky eyeshadow and dark colored lipstick. Her rich purple eyes always scanning, calculating and observing. Always looking for a fight. The whole school knows and fears her, yet always looking for her help. Is one of the tallest and most graceful girls in school, knows how to play five electric instruments, she can't sing but can rap like hell. Somehow manages to prevent from being suspended and expelled. Knows at least five different combat styles. She cusses like how she raps. Always staying with her group or 'pack' as she likes to call it - Iustitia Lupus - that increases in members or 'siblings' every year.
Both are straight As students; both love the arts; both love modeling for their parents and both love helping people. Even though they have different definitions of 'help'.
Cosette helps by talking to them, being their friend; hugging them when needed; renting small apartments for the (rare) homeless people; and encouraging them when they feel like giving up.
While Nicholette helps by blackmailing or threatening or beating the shit out of their bullies/rapists/child abuser/animal abuser/sexual abuser, ect. She sometimes even gets her pack together (including me) to shoot them with their high velocity potato guns before the victim or victims get hurt. But not thieves. Nicholette doesn't hurt thieves. She gets them to return what they still can and help them look for jobs and pays for their nessities before they get a job. She even bought a whole flat and uses it as a safehouse for them.
"Hey," I smiled at them as Cosette wrapped her arms around me into a hug while Nicholette high-fived me. "You guys are early."
"So are you." Nicholette purred. I just nodded absent mindedly, watching Cosette run up to a student who had dropped her books. "Spit it out." Nicholette said. I looked at her, bewildered. She rolled her eyes "Honey, you are always early, but never this early unless something has happened. What's wrong?"
I pursed my lips before shaking my head. "I'm fine."
She sighed, "Gurl, you are part of my pack, I would know if something was wrong with a sibling. I won't force you to tell me, but remember that you always have your pack here with ya. 'Kay?"
I smiled softly at Nicholette's concern and nodded. Satisfied, she walked over to the other siblings of the pack that have just arrived. Suddenly, a wisp of darkness wrapped around my hand and squeezed. I looked down at my shadow and my mood lifted when I saw it had morphed into nothing more than a blur of black. I squeezed back and whispered in the ancient language. "Thanks, Bibigul. For being here for me now and there for me last night." The blur of black shifted faintly in acknowledgment. The wisp drew back into Bibigul, then slowly faded back into the distinctive shape of my shadow. But I knew he were in the far off shadows, watching.
<At Françoise Dupont Collège>
Borghildr's POV
"Ladyblog, bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug!" Aya announced to Allegra and I, showing us her blog on her phone. "How awesome is that! Check out the number of views since I posted the video!"
I smiled and giggled along with whatever they said, not really listening to them as my eyes scanned the mingling students, looking for Ivan. I tripped multiple times in the process, each time silently cursing my one inch too short two inch wedges. Although I would prefer six inch heels, at most.
"So you really don't remember anything?" My head snapped to where Ivan was surrounded by our classmates. Juleka mumbled something inaudible, but anyone could easily tell that she was excited.
"You were seriously out to crush me dude!" Kim said.
I watched Ivan glance at Mylene and quickly look away. "I'm sorry, I wasn't myself." He whispered.
Chloe scoffed at him. "Once a monster always a monster..." I walked away. The metal of the red and black spotted earrings digging into my ear lobes, a reminder that I have a battle I cannot afford to loose again. As much as I wanted to stand up for Ivan, I need his emotions to turn negative - even more then they are now - in order to purify the akuma. Call me insane, but Ivan needs to get akumatised again.
Felix's POV
Moments after I stepped out of Mr Damocles's office, I was swarmed with people asking for autographs and pictures. Didn't their parents teach them proper manners or a sense of personal space? I resisted the urge to walk faster as I headed towards the classroom.
Upon stepping into the classroom, I regret my decision. Over excited classmates pounced onto me like vultures down on their prey.
A pink haired girl with rollerblades and a towering muscular blond slapped me on the back, knocking the wind out of me. Then a boy with glasses and overalls began spouting mathematical nonsense. A girl decked from head to toe in pink with blue eyes as big as saucers talked so fast almost nothing was coherent. Some goth with purple bangs talked so softly, that too was unintelligible. Another girl with colorful hair and a bandanna said a timid "Hello," before scurrying off. Two males - one with yellow-orange headphones and one with a phone in hand - draped their arms around my shoulders on each side and started chatting my ears off. Then a red head walked up to me and passed me a drawing that consisted of a freakishly realistic pencil portrait of me. Just how fast can this guy draw?
Suddenly, I heard the screechy voice of none other than Miss Bourgeois. "Felix Agreste, what are you doing here?" They all began to back off. I do not know if I should be relieved to have my personal space back, or jump out of the second floor window to get away from the she devil that just walked into the room.
"This is my homeroom, Miss Bourgeois, why wouldn't I be here?" I said, not even bothering to turn around. I walked to a desk at the front and placed my bag on the table as I slid into the seat. I sit in the corner, nearest to the door. The desks are arranged ten rows down and three rows across, so there is alot of space between the desks from side to side.
"This is my class, Agreste!" The bitch continued, "You are not, welcomed here!"
"Chloe, that's not nice." A soothing and commanding voice rang out. I glanced up to see a girl. With stunning bluebell eyes and a warm yet grim smile gracing her rose pink lips. Her blue hair tied up in pigtails with red hairbands. There are two other girls behind her. One, I recognize as the Ladybloger while the blonde in purple remains unidentified. The bluenette stepped up, "That is no way to greet a new classmate."
"But Bridgekins! I'm just putting him is his place, that's all." The blonde bitch continued, rushing forward and clinging to 'Bridgekins's' arm.
She sighed, "That does not give you an excuse to be rude to others, Chloe." 'Bridgekins' said, turning to me. I watched as her stiffness melted away. She walked up to me "Hello, I'm Bridgette, Bridgette Cheng." She said cheerfully "I apologize about Chloe's behavior on her behalf. I do my best to get her to tone down on the bullying." She held out a hand. "And you are?"
I looked at her, she is really beautiful. Her blue hair that is as dark as night contrasts against her flawless porcelain skin. Her eyes seem bluer than the heavens, I can see stars of shimmering sapphire in them, sparkling with intelligence and cheerfulness. Suddenly realizing I have been staring at her, I quickly took her hand and shook it. "Felix, Felix Agreste. It is nice you meet you, Miss Cheng."
Her smile widened. "It is nice to meet you too, Felix. If you need any help, you can come to me."
"I will keep that in mind." I acknowledged. She nodded and placed her bag on the table behind me as she talked to the bitch, whom does not seem happy at the moment.
I watch her talking to others, marveling at the way she manage to dance her way to small goals with just her words, that she crafted to get those she spoke with to smile and laugh with her. Her beautiful smile, that lights up the night sky. Her laughter, that sounds like music in a world of silence. Her openness, getting people to open up to her in return. She is like an explosion in a world full of pin pricks of light. Nurturing sparks into embers and fireworks.
I quickly pulled myself from those thoughts. What was that? How was she able to make a strange warmth sprout within me? I don't even know her. I just shook my head and took a book out from my bag. Anything to keep me distracted from the strange thoughts about the girl who sits directly behind me.
<Time skip>
Borghildr's POV
"Agreste Felix," Miss Bustier said. Felix glanced up from the book he was reading. The only response she got before he went back to reading. I don't blame him, I would be annoyed too if someone disturbed me while I am reading. "Bourgeois Chloe,"
"Bruel Ivan,"
Ivan, in the form of Stoneheart appeared in the window. How does no one else notice the ten foot stone giant with glowing eyes?
"PRESENT!" He yelled as he knocked down the door. Screams filled the room. "MYLENE!" Stoneheart said as he picked Mylene up. Allegra, Allan, Claude and Felix shot out of their seats and out the door.
"Let go of me Ivan!" Mylene cried.
"Daddy! The monster is back!" Chloe hollered into her phone. She dropped her phone as Stoneheart picked her up too. He proceeded to kick down the wall and land onto the street below. How am I so calm about this.
"Put us down Ivan!" Mylene cried. Stoneheart walked away from the school while Chloe just kept screaming.
"C'mon! Let's follow them!" Aya said, dashing out the door, phone out and ready to record.
"Aya, wait!" I ran after her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Wait, wrong move, well shit.
As we neared to main gate, I could hear Chloe's yells. "You have no idea who you are dealing with. My daddy, the Mayor, will bring in the police; the army; the entire cavalry!"
"Don't forget the super heroes!" We can now see Cat Noir lunge at Stoneheart from behind. He landed on the back of Stoneheart's neck and scratched it. Dick move. Stoneheart began to glow and grow in size. He jumped off. Just then, Kid Mime, Melodie and Mercury arrived.
The ground began to shake and stone beings flowed into the street. "YOU WANTED THE CAVALRY? WELL HERE IT IS!" The heroes were soon surrounded. "SIZE THEM!" Cat Noir, Kid Mime, Melodie and Mercury began dodging the grasping hands of the stone beings. Mercury is okay because of his super speed, but the others were not having it as easy. They were doing their best to follow Stoneheart at the same time. The fight was slowly retreating to another road. We ran after them.
Aya pulled me down to hide behind a trash bin. You know, the really big green ones? Yeah, those kinds. Wow, how am I so calm about all this. Suddenly a car was soaring through the air towards us. Aya ran, pulling me behind her to prevent us from getting crushed by the car, but another one came rushing towards us. I pushed Aya away so she wouldn't get hurt. Kid Mime morphed what seems to be an invisible baton and threw it at the car. It hit a corner of the vehicle. Instead of crushing me, it trapped me. Although it still crushed my ribs. Nothing I haven't experienced before, although it still hurts alot. Seriously, how am I so calm about this.
"Aya," I managed to wheeze out "Run. Go get help." Thankfully, she got up from where she was on the ground and sped off with little hesitation. Once she was gone, I began to fully take stock of my situation.
Bellatrix's POV
It is during that glorious period between classes. I usually love classes, but now, I can't think of anything other than the miraculouses, the stone beings and Borghildr. I have already been called out twice by Mrs Wong for not paying attention in literature.
I was walking with the part of the pack that will be having the same class as me next period. We were busy chatting about the five heroes of Paris and the stone beings while on the Ladyblog, using my laptop. It suddenly got a notification. I immediately checked it before anyone else could do it for me. There is a livestream going on now. I pressed play, knowing that big sis is doing her job, better than I did.
At least, that was what I thought. I heard her chase the Ladybloger, Aya. To my horror, I watched her, untransformed, get trapped by a car. I couldn't tear my eyes from the screen no matter how desperately I wanted to, even after the phone was diverted to something else. I do not know, I cannot process anything anymore. I wanted to purge my mind of the sight of my big sister, her face contorted in pain, ribs obviously crushed, possibly her legs too.
"Beatrix?" I heard someone say, their voice sounds far away. "Wasn't that your elder sister?"
And that was when I moved.
I ran through hallways, out the school, past roads and buildings. I had lost my things somewhere behind me but I didn't care. I kept running, until I could tell I was deep in the woods when the hard cement ground turned uneven and littered with sticks and leaves.
I drew my dagger from my pocket and pressed it to my finger, allowing a small drop of blood well up. Flicking the mixture of red and black onto the ground, I roared. "Vocatus venire ad Principem amphithere sagittis mortis!"
("Amphithere, come at my call and bow to your princess of death!" In Latin)
It felt too soon and too long when a dark blue Amphithere with silver feathers, hot pink scales and slightly curved horns finally arrived. I hastily climbed onto its back and wound my arms around his feathery neck. "Paris, Eiffel Tower." I ordered. With just a thought, a yellow light curved around me and solidified into a glowing yellow translucent forcefield. Protecting me from the too-fast rush of air as we flew.
As Paris came into veiw, I bent light around us, making us invisible as we flew overhead. When the Eiffel Tower got into range, I tensed up and jumped off the Amphithere, landing on the deck of the highest floor with a "thud". I didn't allowed myself time to register the impact. I hurled myself over the railings and onto a floating yellow forcefield disk. I closed my eyes and imagined a trail of glowing yellow going all the way to Françoise Dupont College. When I opened my eyes, the disk was expanding into a downward path. Keeping the mental image in my head, I pulled my hood up, obscuring my face, and ran. The forcefield path disappearing behind me as I did so. The few minutes I took to reach the end of the path felt like hours. I hurried pass the school and to the road I last saw Borghildr.
I heard Borghildr gasp, "Trix? What are you doing here? You are suppose to be in school right now! In Finland! Away from danger! Oh now I panick." She grumbled the last part.
I looked up. It looks so much worse then in the live stream. The sight of my sister infront of me, trapped and in obvious pain made my heart clench. "Hold on tight sis, I'll get you out of there!" I unclasped my belt and wound it around a corner of the car.
Just as I began to pull, Borghildr cried out. "No! Don't do that." Then what do I do?! "Take the earrings," I looked up at her, gaping. She held out the earrings in one hand and dropped them onto my waiting palms, Rachnna appearing infront of me.
Fear and insecurity washed over me. "B- But... you told me not to, that it is too dangerous."
She sighed "Yes, Trix, I did. And I am sorry. But I suppose fate has made its decision. That it is time for a new Ladybug, for a new era." I stared at the earrings dumbly "They are your teammates, not mine. They need you, not me. By the time I escape and heal enough to help, it would be too late. You are Ladybug now, Bellatrix."
Rachnna floated up to me. "All you have to do is say Spots On." She coaxed. And all at once, a sense of determination and hope surged into me.
I put on the ladybug earrings and said "Rachnna, Spots On!" Golden sparkles swept across me and soon, the exact same suit I wore when I first transformed into ladybug. I wear a red skintight bodysuit with a black collar and black spots covered the torso. On my face is a red mask with five black spots that are in a symmetrical design. The bands holding my hair back had become red ribbons. I look at my belt and thought for a moment before wrapping it around my hips. Just for good luck.
I pick up Melodie's flute where it lay on the ground and hightailed down the road where Stoneheart and the stone beings had taken my partners. "Remember to use Miraculous Cure!" Big sis shouted. Once the first stone being came in sight, I kicked off and began parkouring on the rooftops. I just have to find my teammates... There! A blonde braid was hanging out from one of the stone beings fist. I summoned a tiny ball of light and threw it into a small gap in the fist. I visualized the yellow ball curling around Melodie and expanding until she was free of the being's grasp. And it did. I did the same with Cat Noir and Kid Mime when I found them, Melodie following close behind me, flute in hand. Mercury soon joining us.
"Come on!" I urged them "If we want to save them all, we go to the source, that one." We landed on the Trocadéro and turned to look at a peculiarly large stone being standing on the platform of the Eiffel Tower, Stoneheart.
"I demand my daughter's safe return!" The Mayor yelled into a megaphone. And suddenly, his daughter was flying across the air, heading for her possible death. Just as she was about to definitely die, Mercury sped across the bridge and caught her.
"We are clear to attack!" A police officer announced.
"You are forgetting the innocent civilian dumbass!" I growled, storming forward with the others.
"Move aside and let the professionals do their thing, you already failed once!" The same guy ordered.
I rolled my eyes, human adults are so petty and prejudice. "Excuse me sir, but what is your position?" He opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off. "It doesn't matter either ways because unlike a normo like you, we have super powers, you don't. Now be a good little boy and shove your pride up your ass."
The following silence was quickly interrupted by throat wrecking coughs from Stoneheart. Then he coughed out a bunch of dark purple akumas, that turned into a face. Dude wtf. And it began to speak, what happened to physics. "People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawkmoth." Oh, this bitch again "Ladybug, Cat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings of second creation and the black cat ring of second destruction now. You have done enough damage to these innocent people."
"Nice try Hawkmoth," I drawled "but I think we all know who the real bad guy is, let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Remember, no matter how long it takes, we will find you and you will be handing over your miraculous."
Throwing my arms forward, a giant yellow orb contained the akumas. I reached in, tugging at my thread of powers. It's warm yellow glow brighter than normal. I then searched around, not taking too long to find Rachnna's thread. It is a sparkling golden one with hints of pinkish orange. Much thicker than mine. Tugging both threads forward, I wound them around each other. I look back at the orb, now pulsing golden sparks. I slowly shrank it. All the akumas that touched the glowing walls instantly turned to pure white butterflies and phased through the forcefield. Only when the all the akumas were purified, did the orb fade away and I let our threads go. Allowing them to snap back.
Cat Noir, Kid Mime, Melodie, Mercury and I glanced between each other. In a silent agreement, we ran forward, onto the deck of the Eiffel Tower where Stoneheart stood on before.
"Let us make this promise to you," Melodie began.
"No matter who wants to harm you," Kid Mime.
"We, The Quantic Team," Mercury.
"Will do everything in our power to keep you safe!" All five of us shouted in unison. Just like that, everyone cheered. All across Paris, I could hear millions of people rejoice. The atmosphere was so thick with hope and relief it was almost suffocating,
yet, it was like taking in a breath of fresh air for the first time.
But that feeling was short lived because Stoneheart got up and and climbed up the Eiffel Tower, along with the other stone beings. "We are surrounded!" Kid Mime cried, no shit Sherlock.
"What do we do now?" Mercury questioned.
"We can't attack him," I thought aloud "but we know where his akuma is.
Melodie nodded "In his fist, the one he is holding Mylene with."
Cat Noir was the one who voiced the question we were all wondering "And we know he is in love with her, so what?" The question seemed to linger in the air when it hit me.
"That's it!" I turned to them. "We don't separate Stoneheart and Mylene, we bring them closer together. They are made for each other! They just don't know it yet!" With that, I formed a cylindrical platform at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, roughly near the middle. I leapt onto it, beckoning for the others to follow.
"I don't understand." Mercury said, as the cylinder expanded in height, taking us up. I sighed, the life of a fangirl like me is a tough one.
Paws ⏸ right here if you read the Keeper of the Lost Cities series and have not read Nightfall yet. Skip ⏭ until you see this ▶️ symbol. I repeat, Keeper of the Lost Cities Nightfall spoilers ahead!
"It's like in Keeper of the Lost Cities Nightfall where Dex and Sophie kiss then there was no spark, but for them," I gestured to Stoneheart and Mylene, "I get them to kiss while you guys divert the other stone beings' attention. Then Ivan will be so startled when they feel or don't feel the spark, that he will drop Mylene and the akuma-"
▶️ It is safe to read ▶️ I repeat ▶️ It is safe to read▶️
"Wait," Cat Noir interrupted, an impossibly more serious look on his face than before. "back the T-Rex up." Did he just- is he...? "You read Keeper of the Lost Cities too?"
Stone faced, I said "Follow the pretty bird across the sky." We fist bumped. Now here comes the most vital question. A question that could tear this friendship apart or pull it closer together. "What are your ships?"
Without hesitation, he replied. "Sophitz, Tiana and Liex."
This guy is my brother now, my sister had better marry him. I held out my fist. "Same bro." We fist bumped again.
We were about to fangirl together when Mercury pressed on. What a buzzkill, what a Tamlin the Tool. Okay, Mercury is not as bad as that, but still. Nethertheless, I continued explaining the plan. "Whoever catches Mylene will get her to safety and whoever catches the akuma will bring it to me to purify. After the purification of the akuma, someone will have to catch Ivan. Everyone clear?"
They all nodded, good thing, because we were already at our destination. The cylindrical forcefield disappeared once we all got off. I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower while the others distracted the stone beings. I chose that moment to summon Lucky Charm which gave me a... yoyo? Did Rachnna want me to do my yoyo tricks? I tested it. The string was very durable and... long... very long. But how in the world do I use this to get them to- oh. I get it now.
"Get ready!" I swung the yoyo around Stoneheart's fist and neck, and pulled. It worked like a charm. The akumatized object fell out of his hand and plummet to the ground.
"I got it!" Melodie yelled. She leapt off the Eiffel Tower after it and used her flute like a baseball bat, sending the dark purple rock up. Then using said flute to stop her fall by playing a few notes and glittery fiery orange light surrounded her, breaking her fall.
I caught the akumatized object with the yoyo and whooped "Home run!" Pulling the string tight, I cracked it open and the akuma fluttered out. "No more evil doing for you little akuma!" I wound me and Rachnna's threads of powers together again so the akuma is trapped in the same pulsing orb I had used before, disappearing once the akuma turned into a glowing white butterfly. "Bye bye little butterfly." I whispered.
Still thinking what Borghildr meant by miraculous cure, I got distracted watched the Kid Mime and Cat Noir work together to save the Ivan and Mylene.
Cat Noir used Cataclysm to carve out a stretch of metal which he ran the length of to catch Ivan. Kid Mime dived after Mylene and caught her. He mimed pulling the string of a parachute and their fall slowed down.
It then dawned on me that Miraculous Cure is the swarm of ladybugs that fixed everything. But how do I activate it? In the past, I always run back to where I was suppose to be whenever my sister got the object, so I never got the chance to see her cast miraculous cure. I still gotta try. Either I rub it, nope; twist it, nope; break it, ow, nope; throw it- yep. The Lucky Charm burst into a swarm of ladybugs when I tossed it into the air.
My earrings began to beep, signaling I only had four minutes to run somewhere to hide so I can detransform. I formed a glowing translucent yellow slide, that took me to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. I ran to Cat Noir who was closest. I passed him the akumatized object- now a crumpled ball of paper- and told him I was about to detransform so I had to run off. I don't know what he did, but when I turned back to look at them, Mylene and Ivan were hugging. I will go down with this ship. I turned back and sprinted home.
<Time Skip>
I was in mid pace when the the door to the main room opened. Rachnna still hovering near by. Borghildr walked forward, until we stood only a meter away from each other.
My emotions was a raging storm, tossing and turning, throwing me around and smoldering me with its grip. Anger. Worry. Fear. Happiness. Relief. All fighting for control. Eventually, I gave in to relief, and went under. Throwing my arms around my big sister, burying my face into her neck, I heaved a sob and the dam broke.
I could feel the bandages around her torso, soft and stiff at the same time. I felt her wrap her arms around me, returning the hug. She pressed a kiss to my forehead before murmuring words of reassurance and comfort into the top of my head. She told me how proud she was of me, how sorry she was.
We stayed like that for a long time, just basking in each other's presence. We are okay. We are here, safe, and together. Everything is going to be alright.
<Time Skip >
Felix's POV
Three days ago, if you told me I would be attending school on my own accord, I would have laughed in your face. Yet, here I am, on the second day of school. Technically, it is the third day of school. But because I skipped the official first day of school, that means today is my second day.
I was startled out of my thoughts when I felt droplets of water land on my face. It's raining. I looked out on the bare road. And the Gorilla is late. Juuuuuuuussssssttttt grrrreeeeeeeaaaaaatttt. Dear lord, Pest is rubbing his sarcasm off me.
"Hi Felix!"
I turned to see Bridgette Cheng walking up to stand beside me. She held a dark red umbrella in one hand and her backpack in the other. Her bright smile triggering butterflies to flutter around in my stomach as I greeted her. Just like in the books I read. Huh.
My eyes strayed away from her lips and to her eyes, an unheard question lingering in them as they stayed solely on me. I coughed, "Pardon?"
And she spoke. There was no trace of frustration or irritation in her voice. Not even impatience. "I asked you if you would like to wait for your chauffeur in the bakery I am working in. It is directly across the road, so you can easily see when he comes up. There are also seats so you do not have to stand up and wait."
I excepted. She opened up her umbrella. Together, we walked under the shelter of the large red dome towards Tom et Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.
The glass door opened and I was hit with the aroma of freshly baked bread, melted chocolate, and so much more. The tinkling of the bell is almost musical whenever the door open and closes. Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng are friendly. They are also very close to Bridgette. Apparently, their bakery logo is designed by her too. The entire bakery is quite large. The place is painted in golden, white, pastel pink and a rich light blue. Some of the walls are bare brick. The tiled floor has a beautiful intricate pattern on it. But simple enough that it did not overwhelm the place, infact, it pulled it all together. The large windows let natural light in, giving the place an earthly glow. The chairs look to be of coiled black metal, the cushions, all different. Some are striped, others have polka dots. They have a similar colour scheme to the rest of the bakery. The tables are round with a marble surfaces. The legs of the table, near identical to the chair frame.
Overall, the bakery is homey, the complete opposite of the mansion I am forced to call home.
After awhile of doing some homework and eating a few pastries offered by Sabine, the limo pulled up alongside the school building. I packed away my school supplies back into my bag and said my goodbyes. I thanked them for allowing me to stay and giving me samples of their pastries before departing.
The rain was coming down extremely heavily by then. I was about to step out into the pouring rain when Bridgette scuttled up to me with her umbrella, telling me to keep it. "We wouldn't want you to catch a cold now, would we?" She had quipped. I stood dare like a lovesick fool staring at her before the opened umbrella shut in on me. We laughed. I love her laugh. "See you tomorrow, Felix." She said, before going back inside.
On the rid home, Pest poped out from the inner pocket in my vest. "Not even one week and we already have two lovebirds." He had taunted. Pest needs to shut the hell up.
Sup guys, sorry this took so long. I was on a heavy writers block and had to deal with a shit ton more of other shit. Hope these 6000 over words make up for it. Thanks for reading!
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