Origins part one:
3rd person POV
It was in the middle of the night. Borghildr, better know as Bridgette, woke up to the soft snores of a small blue haired girl and two kwamis. The girl looked like younger version of her, from the long dark blue hair to the porcelain white skin and bluebell eyes. The only difference was that Bellatrix had a freckles splattered across her nose and was shorter than her by two inches. One kwami was glowing red one with a black four leaf clover on it's head and Ladybug wings on it's back. The other kwami was pitch black glowing dark purple with cat ears and tail and green cat eyes. Bellatrix, Rachnna and Pest. The first two must have snuck into her room at some point.
Bellatrix was tucked under her arm while Rachnna had joined Pest to curl up in her hair. And in the quiet stillness of the night, Borghildr felt an aura she hoped she would never have to feel again. After so many years, it was back. Gabriel is still abusing Nooroo's powers, no doubt to lure her out to fight him again. Haters really gotta hate. She sighed, the kwamis will have to choose their chosens again.
Borghildr plucked the kwamis from her hair, and carefully, she eased herself out of the bed so as to not wake her little sister up. She the slipped out the door and into the hall. "Guys, wake up." Borghildr whispered urgently, nudging them awake. They stirred and went back to sleep. "I feel a negative aura from Nooroo again." That jolted them awake.
"The what are we waiting for? Let's round up the others and get our chosens!" Pest whisper yelled.
"But who is going to stay this time?" Rachnna said, looking at Borghildr expectantly.
Borghildr hesitated before saying. "I think Rachnna will stay this time, Trix is fonder with her and will miss her the most if she goes."
Pest nodded. "I will leave now." With that, he zoomed right for his miraculous box and into the ring in it, expanding his consciousness to look for his chosen and warn the Quantic kwamis about the up coming threat.
Borghildr looked at Rachnna. "Go into your earrings, conserve your energy. You are going to need it as much as possible." She turned to leave.
"And you?" Rachnna asked "Where are you going?"
"To warn Fu. He has the right to know." She answered, before flying off. Rachnna sighed before zipping into her earrings, that girl was going to wear herself out one of these days.
<Time Skip to 7 in the morning>
Bellatrix walked into the dining room where her elder sister was sipping on a cup of honey coffee. She was wearing a yellow polo shirt with a red hoodie over it, black pedal pants and red sneakers. Her hair tied into neat pigtails with red hair ties. She was wearing Borghildr's old belt, gold oval disks strung on a titanium chain. Samuel the kind hearted's symbol. Their father's symbol.
"Good morning, Trix." Borghildr greeted warmly. She was wearing a black jacket with the sleeves folded to mid elbow over a white polo shirt, faded blue jeans shorts and brown two inch wedges. Her necklace tucked into her shirt. Hair tied back into messy pigtails with red hair ties.
"Morning." Bellatrix yawned, taking her place at the oak table big enough for over seventy people. There was already a stack of pancakes on her plate. Chocolate sauce, maple syrup, whip cream and butter in the sauce plates. Different types of jams in their jars. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and green grapes all in a bowl. All made by the robot chef. She took a deep glup from the glass of cranberry juice with a sugar dipped rim by her plate.
It was after breakfast when they were washing up then she told Bellatrix the news. "Pest and the Quantic kwamis have left to find their chosens." Borghildr told her, "Rachnna is staying with us."
Bellatrix placed the fork she was cleaning on the rack. "Hawkmoth is back?" She whispered, "Will you have to fight him again?"
Borghildr sighed. "Unfortunately, yes, I will. But I'll be fine," She placed a hand in her little sister's shoulder, "I promise."
"And I'll hold you to it." Bellatrix said, hugging her. She nodded and hugged Bellatrix back.
"I know. Now let's get ready for school, it's already seven thirty." She lead her little sister to the portal to the afterworld where there would be carriage waiting to take her to Finland.
<Time Skip to College Francoise Dupont>
Borghildr's POV
I was getting to know the new girl who sits beside me, Aya Cesaire. A big fan of superheroes. She had tanned skin and hazel eyes. A pair of reflective pink sunglasses sits on her ombré hair. She wears a pale pink short sleeve dress with black and white sneakers.
I introduced Aya to my best friend, Allegra, Allegra Harper. Or as almost everyone addresses her, Ally. Her blonde hair is always pulled back into a long braid. She wears a long sleeved white shirt, a purple vest the exact same purple as her eyes and dark purple jeans.
Not a few minutes into our conversation, lil miss blondie came along. "Ohhhhh Sweetie Bridgette!" Chloe Bourgeois practically sang as she practically tackled me in my seat.
I faked a smile. "Hey Chloe, how's life." I said in a cheerful tone. The same voice and smile I would use as a normal civilian everyday.
"Fantastic, now that I have my best friend here with me!" She said, glaring at a now fuming Allegra while Sabrina lurked behind Chloe, carrying both their bags. And since when did Allegra have that necklace? It looks familiar. It is a small black Treble Clef on a black leather chain - Umcculo chose her didn't she. Great, now I know who one of my partners are.
Oh here's Allan and Claude. Allan Montgomery has dark skin, dark brown hair and golden brown eyes. He waers a green flat cap with a white horizontal stripe towards the top and a white bill. He also wears a green jacket with a white collar, dark gray pants and yellow sneakers. Around his neck is a pair of yellow-orange headphones. And he has the Quantic belt. Damn it, I just figured out Allan is one. Hopefully I will not be able to figure out anybody's else's identities.
Then there's Claude Sainté-Pierre, He has medium brown hair that falls into his face and sky blue eyes. He wears a white and blue V- neck Shirt over a periwinkle blue undershirt, long black pants and blue sneakers. On his wrist is a very familiar blue bracelet - Claude is another. Great. Now I know who all three Quantics are. Just great. Why is it that I always manage to figure out people's identities within split seconds while the rest of the world remain oblivious walnuts. I reached into my bag, at least the box with the earrings are still with me.
Chloe then diverted her attention to Aya. "You, new girl. Move up." She snapped.
"Why should I?" Aya said, narrowing her eyes at her.
"Because Felix will probably be sitting there," Chloe said pointing to the seat infront of me and next to Allan, "so you need to sit there. And I will sit in your seat so that I can keep my Bridgekins away from him."
I placed a hand on both girls shoulders. "It's okay, Aya can sit here. She is a friend. Besides, I like meeting new people. And Claude will probably sit there with Allan. I gave Chloe the puppy eyes I learned from Manon. It never ceases to work. I could already see Chloe backing down.
She flipped her hair. "Fine." she said, "But I am warning you, he is not someone you want to meet." With that, she huffed back to her old seat with Sabrina on her tail.
The teacher stepped in and wrote her name on the black board. "For those who don't yet know me, I am Miss Bustier. I will be your teacher this year."
No one else came for the rest of the school day.
<At the Agreste masion>
"Felix, you must go to school."
"And why won't you?"
"Because I don't want to."
"It is your father's wishes that you do."
"And why should I care?"
Nathlie massaged her temples. She had been trying to get him out of the house for over three hours now. How was she suppose to explain this the Mr Agreste? She doesn't get paid enough for this shit.
<Back with the class>
"Those of you who have PE, Mr D'Argencourt is expecting you at the stadium. The rest of you can head over to the library-."
"Kim!" Ivan yelled.
"Ivan, what is going on?"
"It's Kim!" He growled, "He is so gonna-."
"Ivan, go to the principals office!" Miss Bustier ordered. Ivan growled as he stomped out, leaving quietly laughing Kim. Borghildr heard none of this because she was already out the door and headed to her next case. Rifling through documents on the way to the courtroom in America. Leaving her bag with the earrings at home.
<Time Skip>
Bellatrix's POV
I stepped through the portal and into the living room of my home. I jumped onto the couch and switched on the television, wanting to see how big sis was handling the Stoneheart akuma. The thing was, where is Borghildr? She isn't anywhere near the akuma. I noticed the bag lying on the coffee table. This cannot be good... I quickly opened the bag and rummaged through it. Lo and behold, the box with its earrings still in it. Shit. I glanced from the Television to the earrings and back again.
Left hand: There were people getting hurt.
Right hand: I would be going against Borghildr's rules and may get grounded.
Left hand: There would be no one to supervise the new wielders.
Right hand: I don't even know much about the Miraculouses.
Left hand: But Borghildr won't know and the suit will protect me, so...
I put on the earrings and Rachnna appeared. "Bellatrix, what are you-."
"Rachnna! Spots on!"
<With Felix>
Felix was watching the news in his room when he noticed the box. "What's this doing here?" He murmured, picking it up. When he opened it, swirling shadows engulfed him, slowly reducing to his right arm, his right hand, then his right middle finger. Soon, there was no sign of the shadows other then the black ring on his finger. It had the face of a black cat with green eyes and a smear of red on the forehead.
And in the box was a black thing, glowing dark purple with cat ears and tail and glowing green cat eyes. It had a large head and tiny body. The cat like creature floated up so the two were face to face. Then, the thing opened it's mouth and spoke. "Hey, Felix. Pest, nice to meet you." Pest, then saw the mini arcade. "Ohh, it's so shiny! Can you eat it?" He bit the control. "No you can't. Ohh, what about this." He flew to the trophy shelf and bit down on the largest trophy. While Pest flew around biting things, Felix inched towards the door. When he reached for the knob. Pest then noticed what he was doing and flew up into his face, blocking him from reaching the door. "No one can know that I exist, you know."
"What are you and how do you know my name?" Felix hissed, backing away fromt the thing.
"Look, I'm a kwami, I grant powers. Yours is the power of destruction. Got it?" Felix shook his head. "Good. Now, you got anything to eat? I'm starving."
Felix stared at it for awhile. "Does this have something to do with the Stoneheart thing?"
"Yep." Pest said, popping the P. "Congrats kit, you're a super hero."
"This has to be some mistake." He said, shaking his head. No. "I'm not cut out for this job. I don't even go to school or have any friends."
"That's why it's all going to change soon." Pest said, now playing with his toilet paper. "If you're willing to change that is." Felix flinched at the tought. Him, change? Impossible. Pest noticed this and softened slightly. "Believe in yourself kit. Just say 'claws out' ."
Felix looked up from the ring to Pest. "Why would I say claws out?" And the transformation started. Felix screamed.
<With Claude>
He was home alone, watching the news with Sikkile, his kwami. "Um, dude?"
"Yeah?" The kwami looked up from the strawberry he was munching on.
"Shouldn't we do something about that?" He asked, gesturing to Stoneheart in the television, throwing vehicles around.
"Oh yeah, let me just finish up here." The white kwami popped the rest of the strawberry into his mouth and swallowed. "Okay, I'm ready."
"Sikkile, invisibility up!"
<With Allegra>
She was at home, huddled around the television with her parents. They gasped when Ivan - or who used to be Ivan - threw a car at the police officers. She fiddled with her cream colored flute as she glanced between the miraculous around her neck and Stoneheart being broadcasted live. Could she really do this? Was this even real?
She had screamed and ran around her room, throwing her stuff at the thing until she finally calmed down enough to listen to Umcculo, as the kwami had introduced herself.
Allegra excused herself and ran up to her room. She had the whole day off, her parents not wanting her outside with Stoneheart running amok. The black and white kwami popped out of her pocket and looked at her expectantly. Her eyes telling her to at least try. Allegra squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself to calm down. After awhile, her eyes snapped open and she said, "Umcculo, sing on!"
<With Allan>
He was in his room, quietly watching the news from his phone. All he had done was gape at the blue thing with glowing white zigzags on it as it talked and he was soon onboard with the whole fastest superhero thing.
He turned off the phone and looked at the energetic kwami that was flying all over the place. "So that is the akuma you told me about. And I will have four partners to help defeat it?"
The kwami - Shaayoo - hummed a yes. "Just say, go fast! That's how you transform."
Allan nodded. "Okay. Shaayoo, go fast!"
<With Bellatrix>
Okay, as far as I know, the only difference is the indestructible suit and mask, enhanced ablities and a power called 'lucky charm' to conjure stuff up only once, then I have five minutes until I detransform. This should be easy. I mean, Borghildr can do it so why can't I?
I went up onto the roof of my home and began running on rooftops. Good thing big sis makes me practice in case of emergencies.
I did a half area on the roofs of Paris before I finally found them. One is a girl wearing a jump suit with a white torso and black lower half that flared out. On her torso is a massive black treble clef. At the base of her jumpsuit is a series of white musical notes which make an infinity symbol. She has white lace up boots and dark grey gloves. Across her face is a white mask and there is a white ribbon beside her long blonde braid. She held a pearl white flute in her hands and has purple eyes.
A boy with indigo skin and white lighting bolt - like markings on where his eye brows would be and on his head. His body has lighting bolt like lines with light blue edges all over his body, meeting up and through dots on the back of his hands; shoulders; elbows; torso and knees. His feet appear to have white shoe soles and there is a thin glowing band of white around his waist.
One of the other boys who wears a dark blue mask with a thick white line under each eye. A dark blue suit that is white from his neck to his shoulders with three blue dots down each side of his neck, white gloves and white lines that go down each side of his body. He has medium brown hair that falls into his face and sky blue eyes. The Quantic bracelet is on his left wrist.
The other boy has messy blond hair with blue - grey eyes. He wears a black suit with a large gloden bell in it. Has leather cat ears, claws on his fingers, thigh boots and the belt around his waist acts as a tail. His black mask covers almost half his face, his sclerae are green and his pupils are silts he wears the Black Cat Ring of Second destruction on his right middle finger.
I should probably introduce myself to them. I walked up to the four. They seemed to be discussing about something and they stopped when they noticed me. "Uh - hi." I waved to them awkwardly. Wait, I should act more like Borghildr! Shit. I cleared my throat as I straightened my back and tried to look more professional. "I am Ladybug of the Ladybug Earrings of Second Creation. I suppose you three are my partners." I extended my hand stiffly and I got a firm handshake from each of them as they introduced themselves. The girl's name is Melodie, the boy with the indigo skin is Mercury, the other guy is Kid Mime and the cat dude is Cat Noir.
Once we got everything settled, we ran towards the stadium where Stoneheart was probably headed to. We managed to catch up to Stoneheart in time to save this kid called, uh- Tim?
"Kim!" Stoneheart roared.
Kim, the kid we saved is called Kim. Got that. Stoneheart drew back his fist and tried to punch Cat Noir who jumped out of harms way. Melodie played a tune on her flute and a red beam of fire appeared at the end of it. Mime Kid made a invisible something that helped her jump over Stoneheart and strike a hit on him. But as soon as she landed on the other side, he began to glow and grow bigger. Stoneheart managed to grab Cat Noir and Mercury ran off somewhere, appearing a moment later with a coil of rope which he threw one end to me and we tripped up Stoneheart. "Animal cruelty? How shameful." I hollered, smirking.
Wait, big sis wouldn't have done that. Shit.
I called upon lucky charm. Raising my hand above my head and a pink light shot out of my hand. Ladybugs appear from the pink light and formed into an object. And a ... some sort of suit dropped into my hands. "What the actual fuck do I do with this?" I mumbled to myself.
"Superpower." Cat Noir snorted. In fact, everyone seemed to be quietly judging me. Except for the civilian in pink recording everything.
I looked around, my surroundings suddenly black and white while a few items flashed red. What does that mean? Hm ... I got it! My eyes lit up. "His hand, he never opens it! The akumatised object isn't on him, it's in his fist!"
Now they seem to have a little bit of respect for me. "Okay, so what's the plan?" Melodie said.
I picked up the hose, and wrapped the neck of the suit around it. "This!" I held up my handiwork proudly, but they just looked at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes. Children.
I grabbed onto Cat Noir's tail and he started to protest. "Hey! What are you-"
"Trust me!" I began spinning him by the tail and soon swung him into the air. Towards Stoneheart
"This girl is crazy!" He yelled as he soared through the air, right into Stoneheart's free hand.
I tied the rope Mercury got around Kid Mime's waist. "What are you doing?" He hissed as I pushed the suit and hose into his hands. But I didn't answer. Instead, I copied the same action I had done to Cat Noir and Kid Mime was soon in Stoneheart's other fist. But the akumatised object hadn't fallen out.
I turned to Mercury and told him to turn on the tap. The pressure of the water forced Stoneheart to open his hand, causing Kid Mime and the akumatised object to fall out. I ran forward and stomped on it, crushing it under my foot and a dark purple butterfly flew out. The dark magic of the akuma melted away, leaving boulders and the boy who was akumatised. He looked around, bewildered. "What's going on? What am I doing here?"
"You were incredible back there, Ladybug!" Cat Noir said.
I smiled gently, "We all did it." I said.
A beep was heard comming from the ladybug earrings, "I should get going, our idendities must remain secret."
"Farewell m'lady," he did an elaborate bow, "lets do this again soon okay!" Mercury said as she ran out of the stadium
"Uh-huh, not too soon I hope" I giggled. Before running off to detransform. Leaving the others to be bombarded with questions from Aya.
<Time Skip>
3rd person POV
Bellatrix sat on the couch, the earrings back in the box and the news on. The Mayor was making an announcement that the whole of Paris was probably watching. "I am pleased to announce that we will be organizing a huge celebration in honor of our city's new protectors. Ladybug, Cat Noir, Melodie, Kid Mime and Mercury."
Bellatrix pumped her fist in the air. "Yes! I did it!" She squealed. Maybe Borghildr will even let me keep the earrings. She thought.
"I know what you are thinking and I will not allow you to keep the earrings or do that ever again." Bellatrix wirled around to see Borghildr in a white dress shirt, black pencil skirt, a black formal jacket, a black tie and a pair of six inch black heels. Her arms crossed and mouth a thin line.
Bellatrix sighed. "Big sis, look, I know I wasn't allowed but things turned out alright."
"Yes," Borghildr said, "things did, but you could have gotten hurt."
"The suit can protect me!"
"The suit can protect what it covers."
"The new wielders needed supervision!"
"The kwamis can do reversal to supervise them."
Bellatrix pursed her lips. It is a loosing battle and she knew it. Her sister isn't just a lawer for nothing. And a very successful one at that. Then an announcement from the television caught their attention.
"Just as Paris was about to celebrate the appearance of our five superheroes, a new wave of panic is sweeping the Capital. The police are complexed. What will happen to them? Will they come to life or be frozen in time forever?"
Bridgette looked at Bellatrix sharply. "Did you capture the akuma?"
"What does the akuma have to do with the stone beings?" Bellatrix asked.
Borghildr began to pace around the room. "An akuma can multiply, that's why it must be captured. If Ivan's emotions become negative again, the akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart and he'll control the stone beings and bring them to life to serve as his army."
Bellatrix struggled for an excuse. "I - It was my first time! I can go back and capture the akuma and do it successfully!"
"No, you will not. Go to your room, now. You are grounded young lady." Her voice stone cold.
Tears began to fill Bellatrix's eyes. "B- But I-"
Bellatrix ran.
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