Chapter 6
Aizawa eyed Nezu suspiciously. The boy had just had a panic attack from seeing somebody and he suggests meeting a new person??? That was the dumbest thing that the Principal had said, which caused Aiawa to scoff. Nezu raised an eyebrow, but walked to Midoriya's bag. He pulled out Midoriya's phone, entered the pass code and opened a writing app. Nezu quickly typed a message, showed it to Present Mic and sent the hero on his way. As Nezu removed the message, Recovery Girl had started to check up on Midoriya. "Did you have a good rest last night?" She asked calmly while the boy was held in Aizawa's arms and capture weapon. Midoriya shook his head and started to sign a little 'I was up till about 4am, woke up at 6:30am. There was the nightmare again.' He said his eyes looking at the white soles of his red shoes. The nurse sighed as she felt over the boy's heart, trying to see if he was still panicking, The heart beat was slowing down, making Recover Girl let out a sigh of relief. "Can you try saying a word? I want to make sure your voice isn't affected." She asked politely, but the boy sat straighter. He looked around and only saw the 3 adults, but one was still technically a stranger. His green eyes met obsidian eyes, he felt himself relax. He continued to stare at the eyes on the hero, before looking at the bandages covering the man.
"A-ah! So-sorry i-t probab-ly hurt h-holding me li-like th-at." He said jumping away from the hero. The nurse chuckled, "Seems like your voice is ok. Just a little more stuttering then normal." Midoriya realized he had spoken and his hands clamped around his throat. He whimpered at the pain from his throat clogging up again. The nurse shook her head as Nezu handed him a cup of tea. He smelled the sour lemongrass tea and smiled. He happily sipped it with his principal, the teacher and nurse watching them. Midoriya smiled as he grabbed the strawberry sprinkled doughnut, taking a small bite of it. Nezu watching fondly, until he felt a tap on his shoulder. "I brought him!" Present Mic chirped, hiding his worry with a smile. The teen looked over and saw a crazy haired boy next to to the pro. He stared for a moment before he spoke. "Uh... Hi? Your name is.. Midoriya? Right?" in a questioning tired tone. The smaller teen nodded but then started motioning between the blond, black and purple haired people. Present Mic seemed to understand the wild signed, and sighed. "You pieced that together quickly little listener, but yes we are all family."
Midoriya gapped before an idea came to his head. He trotted to his bag and took out his laptop. He opened a folder marked 'workity smirkity' and showed the pro a piece of art he had man. It was of Aizawa and Yamada posing together. Yamada leaned closer, and was amazed by the piece of art. 'I got commissioned for that work a year ago. I think it is my favorite.' Midoriya signed before closing the laptop. "Oh wow Midoriya, I didn't know you drew!" Nezu said from behind Midoriya. Midoriya jumped up from where he was, slightly surprised from the mouse appearing behind him. "Wait. I think I have seen that are you "GreenFloof'?" Shinso said quirking an eyebrow in interest but still monotone. The smaller boy felt his face flush as he hid his face behind the laptop. The boy nodded his head behind the device. "Oh I'm PurpleCalico." Shinso said oh so nonchalantly. Midoriya gaped for a moment, before lowering the device and giving a shy smile.
Midoriya remembered PurpleCalico was often on the artist part of the hero forums late at night. It was the day he showed the commissioned work that the boy had messaged him.
~You have received an instant message!~
PurpleCalico: Hey, I saw your Present Mic and Eraserhead art. I must say is quite good, but how much do you know about Eraserhead?
GreenFloof: Oh! I'm happy you like it. I know a few things about Eraserhead as I have done an analysis on him. I'm sorry that I can't share that information, for I have no idea if you could use it against him.
PurpleCalico: Oh that makes sense, I have seen your analyses floating around before, how do you get that information?
GreenFloof: Oh, I take videos, news articles and stuff of that genre and analyze them. Sometimes if im lucky I see the fights in front of me.
PurpleCalico: That makes sense but Eraserhead has like no media on him. So you can analyze him from that
GreenFloof: There have been two videos of Eraser fighting, both were deleted soon after upload but I managed to watch them. I have also seen him a few times while walking around at night.
PurpleCalico: Are you out walking now? It's 2am, you shouldn't be out.
GreenFloof: I am but I'll be fine. Also most aren't awake at 2am so I'll be good!
PurpleCalico: Do you have a death wish?
GreenFloof: Nah, but I'm trying to look for an underground hero named Mimic. He seems pretty powerful and good at his job.
PurpleCalico: You're like 13, you shouldn't go after hero fights at night on purpose.
GreenFloof: Im 14, and I don't care about my life.
PurpleCalico: If I could I'd call your parents to get you.
GreenFloof: ooo are you a medium or do you own a ouija board?
PurpleCalico: You have made concerned about you in the span of 5 minutes of talking to you.
GreenFloof: Fun, anyways if you don't have anymore questions then I will be going.
PurpleCalico: Hopefully to bed.
GreenFloof: That's funny. If you want to keep in contact with me then you are allowed to friend me. But I will be off now!
PurpleCalico: Yea, bye. If you have any eraserhead doodles that you don't mind sharing can you send them? He is pretty cool after all.
~ GreenFloof has signed off!~
As a sigh escaped Midoriya's lips he looked around. Nobody was near the small vigilante, nobody even paid mind to him. He ricocheted off a wall and onto a roof, overlooking the streets. He felt a presence behind him and turned around with a jump to the side. "Hello Midnight~" He said with a cocky voice, leaning against the edge of the roof. "Bunny, I must say you don't usually come to Saitama. What's the occasion?" Bunny looked around for a moment, before spotting another shadow in the corner. He jumped over Midnight and onto the perps neck, causing the man to drop his gun. "I'm just hopping around, anyways this guy is yours now, ta ta!~" Be replied leaping off the roof and onto the street. As he ducked into an alley, he saw who he was looking for. Mimic was patrolling the streets, but they were about to turn into an alley. Bunny heard a pocket knife click, he started to prepare to jump in. As expected someone from the alley what Mimic turned into charged at the hero, causing Bunny to spring into action.
Bunny quickly apprehended the attacker, causing Mimic to jump slightly. As Mimic tried reaching forward, the vigilante took that moment to speed off. He watched the pro's confused posture as he tied up the attacker, calling in a report along the way. Soon a police car had come to take the villain, while a detective questioned the hero. He heard Mimic reply 'I didn't see any features about the person. They jumped so fast to apprehend the guy that all I saw a blur of bright green.' To which confused the detective. "Was ia bunch of bright green that you saw?" he questioned, while Mimic nodded his head. "Weird, if it was bright green it isn't the vigilante I thought it would be." the detective sighed, returning to the police car. Bunny noticed that there was another person in the back, the guy who had tried to attack Midnight.
He let out a sigh, slightly trying to regain his breathe. He had done this for 15 months so far, but the adrenaline still got to him. He hadn't made the mistake of getting injured and slumping in a random ally for a year, but that's what he did. What ever quirk the guy that attacked Mimic had made it so Bunny was now bleeding. He felt his phone buzz with a reminder that he was done for the day. Soon another buzz was made and Bunny picked up the phone. "Have ya found Mimic?" A white message box said. He saw it was from PurpleCalico and he decided to mark it as read, just until he got home at least. He felt the blood run down his leg, not that it would be visible from the black cloth. He started to walk in the shadows, trying his best to stay completely hidden. His attempts didn't work as he saw a man with long blond hair approach him. Luckily he had the idea of taking off the mask and putting the hoodie on inside out, so you couldn't see the ears.
"Ya need help there little bud?" The man asked, concern emmient in his eyes. Midoriya stood up a little straighter, "No I'm fine, I just started to get a bit tired." He said with a bright smile. He didn't care about his voice changer being off, he wouldn't see this stranger ever again. The person didn't look happy about his answer and he went to move closer. Midoriya felt himself flinch, backing into a wall on accident. "Sorry Sir! I have to go home now! BYE!" He yelled while running past the hand reaching for him.It wasn't a good idea to run with a random injury, but he didn't care as he cut through streets until he got to his motorbike. He normally only used it during the day, but since he went a bit farther today to track down Mimic it was an easy transport method.
Upon reaching his living room he checked his phone again. He had 2 unread messages from PurpleCalico, which he opened
PurpleCalico: Have ya found Mimic?
PurpleCalico: I see that you read it, are you ok?
PurpleCalico: Please don't tell me you got kidnapped or stabbed. I liked seeing your art and analyses
GreenFloof: Ah Im good, sorry some guy had tried touching me and I had to yeet myself away.
PurpleCalico: Why in the world did you yeet yourself. That sounds so weird.
GreenFloof: Yea oh well, anyways I didn't see mimic so that sucked. Anyways you should sleep
PurpleCalico: I would but insomnia is a jerk
GreenFloof: Understandable, have a good night.
Midoriya looked up at boy in front of him surprised that the guy he chatted on and off with for a year. He let out a small smile as he picked up his bag. The teen strode forward and patted Midoriya's hair. "Your username is fitting, Floof." He stated while continuing to pat the boy's hair. The smaller boy backed away from the hand, starting to head to the building. "Midoriya, you are excused for the day." Nezu said, walking in front of the boy. Midoriya stopped and looked at his mentor, a puzzled expression allowed itself to be displayed. "Feel free to take Shinso with you wherever you go by the way, I'm sure you two will get along well!" the mouse chirped, causing Midoriya to flinch his hand. As Nezu watched his student signing angrily, he pulled out his own phone. A ding was heard from Present Mic's phone as both the pros pulled them out.
'What is your opinion of my student so far? I think both Shinso and Midoriya could be beneficial to each other.'
Aizawa looked at the message from the principal before asking what he meant. The principal grinned in real life and pointed to Shinso. Aizawa saw how his son was hiding a smile while looking at the pouting boy. When he looked back to his boss, the mouse shrugged and started to walk away. "Have fun Midoriya! Tell Suki thank you for the tea and doughnut" He teased while quickly walking away to his office. "Better head somewhere Midoriya, I don't think Nezu would be proud of you if you disobeyed him." Recovery Girl chuckled. Midoriya gave a sigh of regret while he tried to think of what to do. Aizawa had gotten bored and went to get coffee while Mic left to go teach. He turned to his new 'babysitter' and started to sign. 'Why are you staying here? You can leave if you want.' To which Shinso shook his head. "I may as well take a break day, or I'll burn out." was the reply. Midoriya sighed and started to walk to the UA gates.
Today would be a longggg day.
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