Chapter 12
The room was silent for a moment, but Midoriya wished it was longer. "So, tell me what happened." Recovery Girl said, her arms crossed across her chest. The greenette turned to her then back to looking out the window. The woman huffed out a breath and waited, the room wrapped in silence again.
"Midoriya." She stated firmly.
He didn't budge or make a sound.
"Midoriya." Recovery girl repeated, but it fell deaf on his ears.
The heroine watched as the boy flopped against the mattress, barely moving while breathing. Her own breath hitched and worry flooded her thoughts as she came over to inspect him. Upon going to reach a hand out to the boy, he curled up into a ball and started mumbling.
"I just wanted to be a hero. I'm sorry, I'm useless. I can't be a hero at all, can I?"
The insults kept quietly coming out of his mouth, not ever stopping unless it was interrupted by a sob. Recovery Girl tried to unwrap the boy from himself, but it didn't work. Eventually she noticed his nails digging into his arms and that was the final straw. She quickly walked out the small room's door, accidentally bumping into Mirio.
"Hi Recovery Girl! Sorry but it appears I have broken my arm again.." He chuckled. She shook her head and went to her desk, pulling out a sedative. "Stay here, Mirio." the heroine hissed, walking back into Midoriya's room. Upon looking at the bed there was no shaking child, and the handcuff sat limply off the bed.
The heroine sweared, going back out the door and looked at the blond student. She sighed and went over to inspect the broken arm. As she placed a kiss on the boy's arm, it fixed itself instantly. "You can rest here but I have to find someone." She huffed, running out of the room with her cane. She soon found the principal, pacing outside her office. "He escaped." She stated, allowing Nezu to look up to her. "Where... Did he go? Do you know?" He asked, his ears tilted downwards.
A buzz filled the air between them, the sound originating from the mouse's pocket. The mammal pulled out the phone, answering it and bringing it to his head. "Nezu.... Im sorry, im sorry imsorry" The words went by so quickly that it was hard to pick up. The voice was panicked and raspy, it was too familiar to the mouse though. "Hey, hey take a deep breath for me. Where are you? Why did you run?" Nezu questioned, trying to distract the boy.
"Our... Office" Was the reply, meek and filled with sobbing in the pause. Nezu kept talking on the phone, distracting the boy while he made the way to their office. Nezu slid the door open, looking at the shaking teen in the corner of the room, wrapped with a weighted blanket. The kid's features still screamed at Nezu that the boy was still sick, but he decided to not bring the boy back to the nurse. Instead, he walked over to the boy, leaning his narrow muzzle onto the boy's shoulder.
"Hey, hey..." He cooed, moving a paw to run through the boy's curls. "I'm sorry for throwing you into this. I shouldn't have just shoved you into 1-A before checking if you were ok or not." Nezu apologized, moving the blanket to be wrapped around both of them. The mouse hummed out a random tune, hoping it would distract his boy enough. Apparently it did, as the teen leaned onto his teacher, fast asleep. The boy's face was red with fever blush, tear tracks running down his cheeks as well.
Three knocks came from the wall, two quickly then one after two seconds passed. Nezu pressed a button on his sleeve, the wall opening up to reveal the nurse. She knelt down to the pair and placed a cooling pad on the boy's face. "Did you get anything out of him?" the woman asked, taking a needle of medicine and slowly inserting it into the boy's arm. "No, did you." Nezu asked back, watching the process without squirming like most would. "When he first started freaking out, he mentioned that he had just wanted to be a hero. So I guess he tried to save somebody." She stated, moving to the pad and turning down the temperature more. "Would it be a good idea to move him to the couch?" Nezu asked, his ears tilting downwards.
Recovery Girl nodded and the two looked between themselves. Silence was between the pair until Recovery Girl spoke out. "Neither of us can move him... Can we?" a slight chuckle came from the principal as he brought out his phone. "Mic knows about him... Message him?" Recovery Girl shook her head. "He doesn't know about the secret office." Silence wrapped up the pair again until a suggestion rang out. "Bakugo?" Nezu thought for a moment until he nodded. He left the secret room and went to his main desk, reaching over to the PA system.
Bakugo sat quietly at his desk, glaring a hole into the offending stool that Midoriya had fallen off of. When the purple fucker walked in he turn to glaring at the boy. "So, what makes you think you can be so close to Izuku?" He growled. Shinso raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "What right do you have to call him Izuku?" Present Mic stood awkwardly in the front of the room, not sure what to exactly do. "I have all the right, after all I'm his only friend." Bakugo retorted, sparks flying from his hands. "Well, maybe it's time for him to be friends with someone who isn't an asshole." was the quick response, causing a few to gasp.
Bakugo growled, the sparks flying off his hands grew bigger. "Is. That. So?" was the simple statement Bakugo muttered, all while angrily stomping to Shinso. Mic tried to move forward as the blonde lunged at the other, who merely sidestepped. The door slammed open, Eraserhead standing there with his hair floating. "Why are you idiots trying to fight?" The teacher sneered, Bakugo's sparks long gone by now. Bakugo rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Bakuhoe is just being an ass. He thinks I shouldn't be friends with Midoriya I guess." Was the tired teens response.
Before Bakugo could give a snappy retort, the pa system came online.
'Will Bakugo Katsuki from Class 1-A come to the Principal's Office please?'
Bakugo was immediately alert. When students were called it was usually announced as the main office. He quickly knew something might be wrong with his friend and quickly ran out of the room. His hands gave one final spark upon hearing some idiotic comment from the other teen, but Izuku was more important. As he ran to the office and found the wall open, which was never good in his opinion.
"Ah Bakugo! Can you assist us with moving Midoriya to the couch? He doesn't want to be in the infirmary it seems." Nezu chirped. The blonde teen groaned, but quickly (and carefully) moved the fragile greenette to the couch. "So why do you smell like burnt sugar?" Nezu asked, taking a seat and running a comb through unruly green-black hair. "Eh? Oh yea that brain fucker was being a dick. I want to make sure he stays away from Deku"
"Oh. Well I personally requested the two to befriend each other." Was the simple comment Nezu made. Bakugo held a silent anger before muttering a simple, venom coated 'oh'. "Well thats weird. Midoriya seems to have some weird black dust in his hair. Maybe it's charcoal powder." Nezu stated, reaching over to grab some water filled spray bottle. "I'm going back to class." Bakugo said, spinning on his heel and stomping out the door. Recovery Girl sighed, and pulled some gummies out of his coat pocket. "Have them eat these when he wakes up. I doubt you will get answers anytime soon." And with that the small office only held two people, the secret door silently shutting.
But Nezu will get his answers, it will just take some coaxing.
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