A.N.- The picture is the one that Pat is looking at. Pat is portrayed by Kendall Ryan Sanders and Gabe is portrayed by Braeden Lemasters. I chose to use Sanders for a reason :) If anyone can figure out why I picked him, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you ;) You have until around 3-4 tomorrow, so good luck ;D
We went downstairs to leave and Mr. Cash came over to us as we slipped our shoes on. “How did he act?” he asked quietly. “Normal,” JJ whispered after a moment. “He acted normal.”
Mr. Cash gave a shaky smile. “He’s back,” he whispered. “I don’t know if he’s okay, but my little guy is back. I love my son. I’ve sat up night after night, wishing I knew what fucked him up in the head. But he’s back now. Maybe he’s really okay,” he said softly. “Maybe my little guy is really okay now. I just don’t want to get my hopes up too high. And you kids shouldn’t either.”
JJ grabbed my hand. “I know, Uncle Owen. I’m just praying to whatever god there might be,” he whispered. Owen hugged JJ tightly. “I’d rather kill myself than send him away again. But I’m his father, and I’m finally going to act like it. He pulls any shit, you tell me. I’ll…I’ll send Patrick right back,” he said quietly before releasing JJ.
“I hope it doesn’t come to that. Bye Owen,” JJ said and we left the house and began to walk towards JJ’s house for dinner.
“He was acting so normal! It’s driving me crazy!” JJ cried. “I don’t want to believe that he’s changed because if something happens, I just won’t be able to handle it, Milo!”
I stopped and hugged JJ, kissing him deeply. “Calm down, JJ. Give it a few days. Be nice, but be cautious. There’s still traces of it in his eyes. He’s not completely better.”
“I’m scared for him, Milo,” JJ whispered and hugged me tightly. I kissed him and grabbed his hand. “It’ll be okay,” I whispered, praying that it would be.
***Pat’s POV***
“Are they coming back?” I asked nervously. “Of course. They’ll come back tomorrow,” Gabe promised as the front door shut, announcing that JJ and Milo were gone.
“Why did they leave?” I asked, feeling small and afraid. They hated me. Oh god; they hated me. I had done something terrible. Something…what…What had I done?
I looked at Gabe’s floor. It had been in Gabe’s room. Something terrible in Gabe’s room. I remembered that much. I remember feeling furious. JJ…he had…had he insulted me? Told me something I didn’t want to hear? Or had he attacked me, and I fought back? I couldn’t remember. I shouldn’t have done it. I remembered that much very clearly. I shouldn’t have done whatever I did.
And Milo…I didn’t like the way he looked at me. He didn’t trust me. Why didn’t he trust me? What did I do to him? I couldn’t remember much. It was like I had woken up from some nightmare, and it was quickly fading from my mind.
I had come home yesterday, and my mom had cried. I think my dad had cried a little, too. Maybe even Gabe. Why? Did they miss me that much? If they missed me so much, why did they send me away?
I got flashes of things. Words. Darkness. A closet, I think. The feeling of my hands closing around something. What was it? What were my hands closing around? I couldn’t remember, and something told me I didn’t want to.
All I knew was that I was scared. People in school looked at me and whispered. Teachers gave me distrustful stares, just like Milo. What had I done that had been so wrong? I didn’t understand. It was like a chunk of my life had been erased from my brain.
“They left to go eat dinner at Uncle Max and Noah’s house,” Gabe explained patiently. “Oh,” I said quietly. “Calm down Pat; they’re going to come back tomorrow,” he said reassuringly, slinging an arm around my shoulders and smiling.
“Are they mad at me?” I squeaked out, not meeting Gabe’s eyes. Felix watched silently. Why was he quiet? Felix was never quiet. He always ranted. It was freaking me out. Everything was freaking me out. I wanted Felix to rant. I wanted JJ to grin and make a sarcastic joke to me. I wanted Milo to stop looking at me like that. It made me…angry. Yes, it made me angry at him. But it shouldn’t. I didn’t understand why it made me so angry at him.
“No! Of course they’re not mad at you, Pat,” Gabe cried. “But they seem mad. Gabe…I…did I do something?” I whispered. Gabe shook his head violently and hugged me. “Listen Pat; don’t worry about it. They’re not mad at you.” I relaxed slightly. It felt like he was lying to me. But my brother wouldn’t lie to me, right?
“Pat! Go get us soda. I need soda. The grand canyon is-” I laughed, relieved he was starting to rant again. “Okay, okay. I’ll go get you guys soda,” I said with a small smile, getting up. I made my way downstairs and paused in the living room, looking at a frame that held pictures of Gabe and I when we were younger.
“You okay, Pat?” dad asked, coming up behind me. “Dad, do you hate me?” I mumbled. “Of course I don’t, Pat!” he cried in shock. “JJ and Milo do,” I said sadly. “And I don’t know why.”
He wrapped his arms around me tightly. “No one hates you, little guy,” he whispered and kissed my forehead. “No one hates you. I promise, Patrick. We’re all glad you’re home. We all love you. We love you so much, Pat.”
I smiled softly. He released me and ruffled my hair. Damn, I needed to cut it. It was so long. I went into the kitchen and grabbed three sodas. I brought them upstairs and gave them to Gabe and Felix and then opened my own.
My mind wandered to JJ and Milo. Tomorrow. I’d talk to both of them tomorrow. I would find out what I had done to them, and why Milo kept looking at me like that.
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