As the pairs were searching, they got along just fine and happy with their partners.
Except for Zirax, he suffered.
Bob: KeEp Up YoU pOrKuPiNe WaNnAbE!
Zirax: Shut your face up, just shut it..I don't wanna hear it.
Bob: ItS nOt My FaUlT tHaT yOu GeT nO bItChEs! I gOt AlL oF tHeM!
Zirax: Really? Name one.
Bob: Uh...
Zirax: Well? I'm waiting.
Bob: NoNe Of YoUr BuSiNeSs!
Zirax: You made it my business, so please do share, where are your bitches?
Bob: ThEy gO tO aNoThEr ScHoOl!
Zirax: The fuck?...That's both illegal and wrong.
Bob: SaYs WhO?
Zirax: Uh, the government?
Bob: WeLl tHe GoVeRnMeNt CaN fUcK oFf!
Zirax:....You are unbelievable in so many ways...
Y/N: So, how do you think everyone is?
Meggy: Probably fine, I hope.
Bob: I sAiD kEep Up!
Zirax: You know what? I'm gonna do what should've been done a long time ago..
Bob: WhAt ArE yOu DoInG!?
Zirax then gets his gauntlet.
Zirax: /DeleteBob
System: DeletingBob...
Just like so, he vanished into thin air.
Zirax: Never send an idiot to do a task..
Mario: Hey, do you think-a we'll find spaghetti?
Negative Droid: Maybe.
Mario: Good, Mario's starving..
They continue the walk until Mario picks up a scent, he smells the ground and follows the scent.
Negative Droid: Where are you going?
Mario: Can't talk right now, Mario's got a scent!
The robot follows him into the woods until his eyes shined at what he found.
Mario: *Gasp* SPAGHETTI!
He was about to take a bite, but was interrupted by someone.
Mario: Oh hey Beta and Beta's girlfriend.
Negative Droid: Hello.
Tari: Hey guys.
Beta: Yes, hi, but Mario, you cannot eat that.
Mario: Why not?
Beta: There's a freshly made plate of spaghetti in the middle of the woods, don't you find it a little bit suspicous?
Mario: Hmmmmmm....Nah.
Beta: Okay, it's your funeral.
Mario took a small bite, but soon realized that it had hot sauce in it. His eyes pop out and he starts yelling and running around, trying to find water to defuse his flaming mouth.
Tari: What do we do?!
Negative Droid: Get him some water!
Beta: He need some milk.
Beta gets a carton of milk out of nowhere and Mario immediately starting chugging.
Beta: I hope he's not lactose intolerant.
Tari: He'll be fine.
Zirax rolls his eyes and types in a code.
Zirax: Let's speed things up a bit..
Zirax: /UnlockEveryone
System: UnlockingEveryone...
Belle: Ugh..what was that?
Bowser: I'm not sure...
King K Rool: Whatever it was, I'm glad it's over with.
Chris: What the fuck happened?
Waluigi: Wario?
They both hug tightly.
Glamrock Freddy: Well, that was something.
Y/N: Or that can happen..Zirax, did you do this?
Zirax: Yeah.
Meggy: Well, at least we got everyone now.
Flumpty: I had a dream I was hypnotized!
Crusty: That's because it did happen..
Tinker: Exactly..
Y/N: Hey Crusty, Hey Tinker.
Tinker: Sup.
Y/N: Hold up..I thought you died a couple chapters ago!
Tinker: So did I, but somehow I'm back and better.
You hug him out of happiness, he hugs back.
Meggy: Seems like our work here is done. So, what happens now?
Zirax then teleports to you.
Zirax: Hey.
Y/N: Did you-
Zirax: Yes.
Y/N: You are a miracle worker.
Zirax: You have no idea how many times I've heard that.
Meggy: Where's Bob?
Zirax: Who? The hooded anime geek that annoys the shit out of people?
Y/N: Yeah that's him.
Zirax: I erased him.
Y/N: W-wow..
Meggy: Thank you..
Zirax: You're welcome.
(Been ages friends!)
Somewhere in another world was the infamous Bob, he looks around and views the scenery, only to see wind and dust.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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