Dream Castle
Elsa's P.O.V.
The next afternoon, Jack stopped by for a little visit. "Hello, princess," he said and bowed.
I giggled and responded, "Hello, Jack."
"How about we start the day with some fun?" he asked, forming a snowball with his empty hand. I slid my hands behind my back to avoid him seeing the gloves.
"Sure. But something that doesn't have to do with snow," I said.
"Okay. Hey! I have an idea!" he exclaimed. I got the feeling he was going to say that we would work on controlling my powers. A knot tightened in my stomach. "How about we draw a dream house?" he asked. That sounded fun.
"Okay." I ran to my desk with my supplies and got out a sheet of paper and two pencils. I layed the paper on the floor and handed a pencil to Jack. "So, where should we start?" I asked, plopping myself on the floor.
"The base. Should it be a snowflake?" he asked.
"Yeah. Snowflakes are pretty," I contemplated then drew the foundation. This castle would stand tall and proud one day.
"How about a chandelier here?" Jack asked and pointed at the very top of the inside of the palace. We had worked on this castle all day and my powers hadn't taken control. I guess when I'm distracted, they are in check. I was beginning to get sleepy though.
"Okay," I said as cheerfully as possible, although I knew the sleepiness could be heard in my voice. I drew the chandelier where we had planned it. That was when Jack caught sight of the gloves.
"What are these?" he asked.
"Oh. Mama and papa made me wear them. They help me control my powers," I explained.
"Take them off," Jack said matter of factly.
"I can't," I admitted. I didn't want my powers to take control. What if I got nervous, or scared, or angry?
"I'll do it then." He slowly slid off both of my gloves and set them aside. I examined my hands. It seemed like I hadn't seen them in forever. "See? Nothing happened. You're fine."
"But what if something does happen?" I asked. I was beginning to get worried and I could feel the floor freezing beneath me.
"Don't think about it. Just think happy thoughts," he said. I closed my eyes and remembered the times that Anna and I would play together and work together on everything. The ice from below was immediately thawed. "Wow. You're a really fast learner," Jack said. I opened my eyes and found myself smiling at the thoughts and at what he said.
"Thank you," I said and yawned. My eyelids drooped from how tired I was. Jack picked me up bridal style and tucked me in bed. He went to get my gloves and set them on my night stand. I looked at him. So kind and fun to be around. He sat at the edge of my bed and looked at me. I lightly moved my fingers back and forth as a crown formed on his head. "You would make a good prince," I said and smiled.
He laughed lightly and said, "Goodnight, princess." As I closed my eyes, I felt a cold kiss planted on my forehead. I smiled. The last thing I heard was a gust of cold, winter wind before I fell asleep.
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