An Eventful Day
•~Deku's P.O.V~•
Yawning and stretching awake, I opened my eyes, seeing a little multi haired boy snuggled up at my chest. I was confused before remembering that I was taking care of him and a little blonde.
'Morning Shouto.' I murmured, raking my hand through his hair.
Shouto's eyes fluttered open as he tilted his head up, staring at me.
'M-morning.' He yawned.
I sat up, looked around the room before finally noticing that Katsuki wasn't here.
'What?!' I said, getting out. 'Where did he run off to this time?'
I sped out of the room and down to the kitchen. I looked in every cupboard and under the tables and chairs. Nothing. I went into the dining room. Not a trace. Lounge room. He was sitting on the lounge watching TV.
'Jeez. Kacchan. What time did you wake up?' I asked, walking over to him.
'Huh? Oh, morning Deku!' Kacchan smiled. 'I think I got up at 5?'
'5?!' I looked up at the time. 'That was 2 hours ago!'
'I'm hungry.' Katsuki said.
'Alright. I'll get some food ready.'
Before I could enter the kitchen, I heard Shouto calling for help. I ran up the stairs to my room, only to see Shouto struggling with his clothes. I walked over to him, kneeled down and helped pull his shirt down.
'T-thanks I-Izuku.' He stuttered.
I smiled as I picked him up. I walked down, went into the lounge room and placed him on the lounge with Katsuki before going back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. French toast. It took around 5 minutes. I finally finished and walked into the lounge room, giving them both a plate.
'Hope you like it.' I smiled, sitting down and taking a bite of mine.
They both took a bite. They're faces immediately lit up as they continued eating. I chuckled as they stuffed their faces. Katsuki finished first.
'More!' He smiled, holding his plate out.
'Can I have more to please?!' Shouto asked.
'Sure.' I smiled, taking their plates and going back to the kitchen.
I prepared another 2 slices for both of them. I came back into the lounge room and passed them the plates before grabbing mine and sitting down to eat. We sat there, eating, all the while watching the news.
'This just in. A new villain has emerged in the Chūbu region of Honshu. It's been described to have a human like appearance with jagged teeth and long claw like nails. I recommend civilians in the area stay inside at all costs till the heroes capture this new villain.'
'That's where we are right now.' I murmured, leaning on my hand.
'A-are we in danger?' Shouto asked, worry and fear evident in his voice.
'There's nothing to worry about, Shouto. It'll be alright.' I smiled, placing a hand on his head and stroking his hair.
'You have nothing to fear, Icyhot! Cause I'll be here to protect you!' Katsuki said.
'Thanks Izuku and Katsuki.' Shouto smiled.
"They are so cute!" I mentally yelled, trapping them both in a hug.
'D-Deku? What're you doing?!' Katsuki asked, struggling to free himself.
'You two are to cute!' I said, tightening my hug.
'Izuku,' Shouto started. 'I-I can't breathe!'
'S-sorry about that.' I said letting go.
I grabbed the plates and took them to the kitchen, washing them before placing them in the dishwasher. I was about to grab some drinks when I felt a tug on my pants. I looked down to see Shouto climbing up my leg. He made it to my waist before I grabbed him, hugging him tight.
'Are we really going to be ok?' He asked, looking up at me.
'Of course we are. You have nothing to worry about.' I smiled.
He snuggled to my chest, grabbing onto my clothes.
"So cute!" I mentally fanboyed, walking back into the lounge room before prying his arms off me and placing him down on the lounge. 'I'll be right back.'
I walked away and up to my room to dress.
'Wait. I forgot to give them the drinks.' I murmured, facepalming as I pulled my shirt down.
I put my pants on and went back downstairs. I grabbed the drinks and went back into the lounge room, only to find that Katsuki was gone.
'Where's Kacchan?' I asked, placing the drinks down.
'He said he heard something out the back and went to check it out.' Shouto replied, taking a sip from his drink.
'Outside! Dammit.' I murmured, running outside. 'Kacchan! Where are you!'
'Dekuuu! Help me!!' Katsuki yelled.
I turned around to see a villain holding Katsuki hostage.
'Wait. Jagged teeth, human like person... NO! GIVE KATSUKI BACK NOW!' I yelled, activating Full Cowl and jumping up at the villain, punching them in the face and swinging my leg round, hitting them in the side.
They dropped Katsuki. Before he hit the ground, I grabbed him, bringing him back down and brought him inside the house.
'Stay here and don't come out no matter what.' I said, running back out.
'W-wait! Deku...' Katsuki trailed off as I closed the door before jumping back up on the roof.
I leaped at the villain, but, before I could hit him, he swiped me down with his claws, slicing them across my side. I rolled over, avoiding his next attack. I jumped back up, boosting over to him and kicking him in the stomach, sending him flying away from the house. Jumping over there, the villain sunk his teeth into my shoulder's flesh, ripping the skin off. Blood pooled from the wound, creating a pool below me.
"Dammit!' I mentally cursed, jumping back. "He's stronger than I thought. Better call for help."
I took my phone and sent my location out with a small message: help needed! Villain attack! I placed my phone back in my pocket before jumping away as the villain attacked again. I swung my leg round, tripping the villain before leaping on him. Before I could attack, he bit into my leg hard enough to draw blood. I jumped off, stumbling over a bit from my injuries.
I looked to my right to see Ururaka coming towards me with Iida, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Momo and Kiminari all running towards me.
'Thank All Might you came,' I sighed in relief. 'Now we can fight.'
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