For a while, Louis showed Harry around town. There wasn't that much to see but Harry was interested in seeing where Louis had grown up. They had been at the mall, some shops and lastly, Louis' old High School. Seeing that shitty building again made Louis feel sick. Too many bad memories. But Harry was fascinated by everything and that made Louis feel good again.
In general, the last two days have been amazing. Harry's family had stayed at the Tomlinson's house so they could all get to know each other better and build up a connection. After all, their sons were bonded now. Louis got on really well with Harry's sister Gemma and Louis' sisters adored Harry. Johanna, Anne and Roy already acted like they've known each other for ages and Louis and Harry were just happy about it.
As the last stop, Louis chose the nearby park. For different reasons. One, Harry loved nature and could take some really great pictures there with all the snow covering the trees. Two, the park had a special and very personal meaning to Louis, and he wanted to show Harry his place of security.
"Wow" marvelled Harry as he took a look around the snow-covered park. With the sun shining down on it, the park looked magical.
"I knew you'd like it" smiled Louis to himself.
"Wanna take a picture?" asked Harry cutely and how could Louis say no to this?!
"If it ends up in my album" grinned Louis as he walked over to Harry.
"Of course" held Harry his camera up high.
They were standing in front of a frozen lake and a tree was right next to them with a stone bridge close by. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and rested his head on Harry's shoulder, who lay his head on top of Louis' head. With huge smiles on their faces, Harry took the picture.
"Look how cute you look. All soft" cooed Harry at Louis when he showed him the picture.
"I'm not cute but you are" countered Louis weakly.
"You're cuter though" nudged Harry Louis' side.
"No way. I'm not cute. Maybe I'm handsome or ..." trailed Louis off as he spotted two familiar faces approaching them.
"Lou? What's the matter?" frowned Harry confused as to why Louis just stopped talking.
"I wanna introduce you to someone, Haz" took Louis a hold of Harry's wrist and walked over to the pair.
"Louis! I haven't seen you in ages" exclaimed an elderly woman excitedly.
"I stopped by before I left for Uni, M" chuckled Louis but was happy to see her.
"That was too long ago. I miss your regular visits" let the woman him know.
"Me too. Maria, meet Harry. He's my ... you know" stumbled Louis over his words and wasn't able to say soulmate.
"Ah, I see. Nice to meet you, Harry. My name is Maria" understood Maria what Louis wanted to say and shook Harry's hand.
"Nice to meet you, too" smiled Harry at her, still a bit confused.
"And I am Paul" introduced the man himself.
"What have you been up to?" asked Louis interested.
"Nothing much. Just enjoying our time together. Your mother is an asset. She's so lovely and kind and funny. All of this I can see in you, too" let Maria him know.
"You're exaggerating, but my Mum is really great" were Louis' cheeks burning.
"She's probably the most supportive person I've ever known," said Paul with a smile.
"Are you okay, my dear?" addressed Maria Harry now, who looked really lost.
"I'm good. I'm just a bit confused" admitted Harry meekly.
"You're so cute" gushed Louis, making Harry blush, before he explained everything to him. "My mum's a caregiver in the retirement home around the corner".
"And she looks after us, for example," added Paul informatively.
"Oh" made Harry in realisation.
"And every so often Louis tagged along and sweetened our time" continued Paul softly.
"Why aren't you home though? I'm sure it's almost dinner time" coughed Louis, uncomfortable with the indirect praise.
"You're right as always. We just wanted to have a walk in the park beforehand. I hope we see each other again, Harry" smiled Maria at Harry.
"I hope so, too" smiled Harry back at her before they left and turned around to Louis. "So, you voluntarily helped out in a retirement home and wrapped all those old people around your little finger, huh?".
"I wouldn't say that" replied Louis modestly.
"Come on! Is there anybody that doesn't love you? Boys, girls, kids, old people, animals and I bet even nature loves you" listed Harry jokingly.
"There are still enough people that don't like me. Believe me" muttered Louis under his breath but Harry heard him.
"Louis" sighed Harry out.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood" hung Louis his head low.
Harry took Louis' hand and sat down with him on a bench despite the cold. They were facing the frozen lake and just stayed silent for a few seconds before Harry faced him again. "I like this park. It's peaceful".
"That's true. Back in school I came here every day" let Louis him know.
"Really? How come?" hooked Harry interested.
"It felt good to have some quiet and peace after a shitty day full of bullying. This park was kind of my safe place. I don't know how many times I broke down here" revealed Louis to him.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lou. I'm so mad at all those jerks for making your life hell" growled Harry madly.
"Thanks, Haz. But it's okay now. It's over and I'm out of here anyway. I have you now by my side and I know it seems like I'm scared of everything and I'm uncomfortable the whole time, but I just want you to know it has nothing to do with my feelings for you. I just don't know how to act sometimes. Especially not here" opened Louis up to him even more.
"Is that why you didn't introduce me as your ... soulmate or at least boyfriend?" hooked Harry softly.
"It still feels weird to say it. God, it's still weird for me in general. And um ... I never asked you to be my boyfriend, Haz. I know you're going to say it's obvious because of the mark but for me, it isn't. We should want that despite the bond. Without it" replied Louis truthfully.
"I want to" locked Harry eyes with him.
"I'm guessing that's a yes then?" grinned Louis brightly.
"Of course, it's a yes. I really wanna be your boyfriend, Lou" beamed Harry overjoyed at him.
"How sweet. Did the roommates and best friends become boyfriends now?" sounded a way too familiar voice behind him.
"Just go away. Nobody wants you here" hissed Louis at his former best friend.
"Wrong. They do" pointed Jacob at two little girls running through the snow.
"You're a babysitter now? Wow, poor kids" commented Louis sassily.
"You're the poor one here with that poor excuse of a relationship try-out. Being gay is bad enough but did you have to go for him? Even Zayn would have been better than this innocent weirdo" shot Jacob back.
"Watch what you're saying. You're talking about my soulmate here" stood Louis up from the bench in pure anger.
"Soulmate, huh? So, you're actually tied to that freak?! That's tough for the time being. Let's see how long it'll last" stuffed Jacob his hands in his pockets.
"We're bonded. It'll last forever" stated Louis and surprised himself with his words.
"How cute. Have you become naïve now? The bond didn't stop your father from being unfaithful. Let's see how long you can keep it in" mocked Jacob him condescendingly.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" snapped Louis at him, absolutely fed up with him now. "Just because nobody wants you, you don't have to put us down. Better sort out your pathetic life instead of interfering with mine. We're not in High School anymore. Grow the fuck up and get a life, Jake".
Jacob was left speechless and Louis was seething with anger. Harry next to him looked proud and totally mad at the same time. A mix Louis had never seen before.
"You're lucky I'm not a violent person. After what you did to my boyfriend, I'd really like to beautify your face" glared Harry at Jacob.
"Leave it. He's not worth it" held Louis him back and turned around to leave the park.
"Too cowardly to hurt me, Louis?" called Jacob after him, causing Louis to ball his hands into fists.
"You better shut up" growled Harry at Jacob.
"As if you would ever hurt me" spat Jacob in disgust. "Punching me could ruin your nails, Princess. Gosh, even with being as worthless as Louis he could have had someone be ...".
Jacob wasn't able to finish his sentence anymore because Harry's fist collided with his face, making him stumble backwards. Louis gasped in shock and ran to Harry's side. Pride and warmth overtook him for a moment, and he was touched that Harry had his back and defended him like this.
"Let's go, Love" took Louis Harry's uninjured hand, simply ignoring Jacob's whining.
Together they made their way back to Louis' house. Inside they were met with a delicious smell, but Louis wasn't hungry at all. He tried to avoid everyone but unfortunately, the boys were met with Gemma coming down the stairs.
"Oh, you're back. Perfectly in time for dinner" said Gemma happily.
"Actually, I'm not really hungry. You, Haz?" looked Louis up at Harry, who only shook his head.
"Did something happen?" furrowed Gemma her eyebrows together.
"Yes, but we handled it. He's just a bit tired now and his hand is injured. So, could you excuse us and make up a lie for the rest?" pleaded Louis hopefully.
"Sure thing. Take care" patted Gemma both of their shoulders and then let them through.
Back in Louis' room, Harry stared out of the window while Louis went for a wet cloth to clean Harry's hand. When he walked back in, he spotted Harry looking at some of his older pictures on the wall. His eyes were fixed on one with his sisters ... and Jacob. In that picture, Louis was wearing some of his colourful pants and a funny shirt. The outfit brought out his already curvy body even more and Louis hated it. One reason why he stopped wearing those clothes. Apart from being made fun of. Enough people always thought Louis would be the 'woman' in the relationship due to his body and kind and caring personality and because he was good with kids. Stupid reasons in his eyes but enough to make him pretend to be tough and strong. Since he had started Uni he had failed at doing so though.
"I never expected you to wear those jeans" commented Harry on the picture.
"I'm not anymore. Here, sit down" approached Louis him and Harry sat down on the bed. Louis followed his movements.
"Why?" hooked Harry as Louis carefully cleaned up his dirty hand.
"Didn't feel like it anymore" shrugged Louis.
"Or did you change it because you were bullied for it and you hoped it would stop?" guessed Harry observingly.
"If you already know, why do you keep asking me?" replied Louis a bit snappy.
"Because I want you to be honest with me, Lou" stated Harry seriously.
"They're just clothes, Harry. No big deal. Moving on" stood Louis up from the bed to put the cloth away.
"It's more than that and you know it" Harry didn't let up.
"Can you stop it? I don't wanna talk about my school time anymore" snapped Louis this time at him.
"Fine. Keep pushing me away" huffed Harry offended.
"I'm not ..." started Louis but it ended in an annoyed exhale of breath.
"You're not what? Pushing me away? But you are" was Harry not having any of it.
"I opened up to you in the park. Isn't that enough for one day?" became Louis louder now. He was riled up by now but not necessarily because of Harry only.
"I punched Jacob in the face for you although I can't even hurt a fly" reminded Harry him upset.
"What has that to do with anything now?" groaned Louis in despair.
"Everything. You're acting weird since we met him" pointed Harry out.
"No really? I wonder why" snorted Louis sarcastically.
"I know he's a jerk and he insulted us and said things about your father but what ...".
As soon as Harry had mentioned his father, Louis' whole world stopped. He didn't hear what Harry was saying anymore. The only words he heard were Jacob's from before.
The bond didn't stop your father from being unfaithful. Let's see how long you can keep it in.
He couldn't get them out of his head. Jacob knew what he was causing with his chosen words. They had been friends for so long and Jacob knew him way too well. Louis' father was his weak spot.
"Louis? Are you even listening to me?" stomped Harry his foot on the ground and waved a hand in front of Louis' face.
Louis just walked away from him absent-mindedly and felt his heartbeat picking up. His thoughts were going crazy and he started to mutter incoherent words under his breath while pacing up and down his room. Harry's anger immediately vanished and he walked to Louis' side.
"No matter what you're thinking it's not true," said Harry in a calm voice.
"Maybe he was right" mumbled Louis quietly.
"Right with what? Louis, none of Jacob's words were true" touched Harry Louis' shoulder but he flinched away.
"He said it wouldn't last and here I am giving you the feeling of pushing you away. You're already annoyed with me and we just became boyfriends. I can't control my irrational fears sometimes. Maybe they're taking over me by now and turn me into what I fear the most" rambled Louis in a panicked voice. "My father".
"Is that what this is all about? What Jake said about your father?" began Harry to understand.
"He knows everything and he knows me. Presumably, he's right" picked Louis' breathing up even more.
"No, he's not" shook Harry his head.
"How do you know?" faced Louis him furiously. "He played her, he used her, and he cheated on her and all of that with that fucking mark. He fucked her over. How do you know I won't do that either?".
"Because I know you," said Harry softly.
"She thought she knew him too before he fooled her" countered Louis shaken.
"He's a horrible person but you're not like him" rested Harry his hands on Louis' upper arms.
"How can you be so sure?" crinkled Louis his nose.
"I know who you are, Lou. I know what kind of person you are. You might want people to think you're tough and cool and always unbothered, but I know that behind all this you're kind and caring and honest and vulnerable and sweet. I can see it in the way you are with your sisters or your mum. Or how you treat me or how you act with Zayn and Àmber. You would do everything for the people you love to keep them safe, Louis. You could never hurt your loved ones purposely without noticing and caring about it" looked Harry deeply into Louis' eyes with each new word so that he'd understand how genuine Harry was.
"What if it changes and I turn into him?" asked Louis in a whisper, not trusting his voice.
"You won't. You think about this so much and worry. This alone will prevent it from happening. You are not a cruel person, Louis. You're lovely" stated Harry surely.
"Not as lovely as you" replied Louis, not knowing what else to say.
"There you are again" smiled Harry lightly.
"Thank you, Haz. For being there for me and sorry for snapping at you" apologised Louis mildly.
"It's okay. Kind of my own fault. I should never force you into telling me anything" admitted Harry guiltily.
"We can be very stupid sometimes" chuckled Louis softly, stepping even closer to Harry.
"Yeah, our fights are pretty pointless" agreed Harry shyly.
"Thank you for defending me earlier, Haz. That was impressive" thanked Louis his boyfriend gratefully.
"He pissed me off" shrugged Harry.
"Me too. Shouldn't have said anything bad about my boyfriend" leaned Louis in closer to Harry's lips.
"I like how it sounds coming from your lips" whispered Harry in anticipation.
"I like saying it but do you wanna know what I like even more?" ghosted Louis his lips over Harry's, making him shudder.
"What?" swallowed Harry visibly.
"This" closed Louis the gap between them.
Their lips moved softly against each other at a slow pace, fitting perfectly. Louis was still not used to kissing Harry. It happened too little for him to see it as normal. Harry's plumb lips felt so good on his own thinner ones and Louis couldn't get enough of the feeling. Bravely but still absolutely hesitant, Louis deepened the kiss and pulled Harry closer by the waist, tightening his grip. Unsure of what to do, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and copied his movements, reminding Louis that he has never done anything with anyone before. He was overwhelmed by that knowledge and for a second forgot everything around him.
In the heat of the moment, Louis wiped with his tongue quickly over Harry's bottom lip, feeling him freeze for a second. Afraid he fucked up already, Louis wanted to break away from the kiss, but Harry tightened his grip on Louis' neck and kissed him harder, surprising Louis with that action totally.
Getting his courage back, Louis wiped over Harry's bottom lip again, this time asking for entrance timidly and shockingly getting it. The moment their tongues met for the very first time Louis felt like fireworks were exploding inside of him or electricity shot through his whole body. He never knew kissing someone could feel so good, but Harry tasted amazing. They roamed each other's mouths with their tongues to explore every little part of it and capture the memory of this feeling.
Even though they were kind of making out, the kiss was still kept pure and innocent. There was no lust or needy greed in it. Just the want of being closer to the other person and never let go. Breathing heavily and gasping for air, they had to break away. Louis leaned their foreheads together and then opened his eyes shyly just to be met with Harry already looking at him with sparkling eyes.
"Wow" breathed Harry out with red cheeks.
"Yeah, wow. No matter what you'll say, this was definitely my first real kiss" panted Louis heavily but happy. Harry only blushed at that.
Gently, Louis took Harry's hand and walked them over to the bed. Not completely sure of what to do, they lay down next to each other and stared into the air. Slowly, Louis slung his arm around Harry's waist, pulling him into his own arms. Overwhelmed, Harry snuggled up to him and rested his one hand on Louis' chest and the other on his stomach. Tenderly, Louis played with Harry's fingers on his stomach before intertwining their hands and resting them there. All cuddled up for the first time, they fell asleep in silence, only hearing the beat of their own hearts.
Question of the Chapter: Are Louis' fears too much to handle for Harry?
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