The Morning After
With a pounding head, Louis woke up the next morning, the sun hitting his face through the open curtains, which caused him to shut his eyes again with a groan. He buried his face into his fluffy pillow and rubbed his temples with his fingers. There was nothing more Louis hated than the morning after. Partying is fun, getting drunk and forgetting your problems is fun, but waking up afterwards is shit.
Close to him he heard some shuffling and that's when he realised, he wasn't alone. Of course not. He had a roommate. A roommate that was sober the whole evening and has seen Louis drunk off his ass, doing God knows what. The embarrassment was too much for Louis, so he just stayed in this position, trying to suffocate himself with the pillow. Shifting a bit, Louis felt his obvious boner rub against his jeans, making him realise he was still in yesterday night's clothes. Good, at least no one has seen him naked without his consent.
"Maybe you need that" sounded Harry's voice next to Louis' bed.
Definitely ashamed, Louis turned his face around out of the pillow to look up at Harry with one eye closed because it was still too bright in this room. Harry was holding a glass of water in his hand for Louis to take and pointed with his head towards Louis' desk, where some headache pills were waiting for him. With some weird sounds coming out of his throat, Louis took the glass and sat up in bed a bit, feeling weird in his sweaty shirt. He swallowed two pills and gulped down the water, feeling Harry watching his every move with a stern expression on his face. Louis was too knackered to have a discussion right now.
"You look like shit" stated Harry coldly.
"Wow, thanks" snorted Louis sarcastically. "I feel like shit, too".
"Then you shouldn't have been drinking so much" crossed Harry his arms like a mad parent.
"Thank you for your input, but I don't need a lecture from you, Mister Sober" rolled Louis his eyes and stood up to change his sticky clothes, not caring about the morning wood.
"At least I was sane enough to control myself. Can't say the same about you" followed Harry him but stopped at the open bathroom door.
"I know what fun is, Harold. You should try that some time" shot Louis back, stripping off his shirt at the same time. He splashed some water into his face to make him wake up a bit more.
"You mean embarrassing myself in a club while grinding on my best friend? No need" huffed Harry as Louis changed his pants, trying to hide his still half-hard boner now.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" jumped Louis into his pants.
"So, you don't remember, huh?" looked Harry triumphantly at him.
"I don't remember shit. That was the point" stated Louis the obvious.
"I could tell you what you did," said Harry arrogantly.
"Not sure if I wanna know" mumbled Louis more to himself.
"It was one of a kind, I'm telling you. After Liam had dragged Zayn away with him to stop you from jumping each other at the bar after your honest confession about hooking up before, Niall and you ordered another round of drinks to Liam because of his birthday. When Zayn and Liam came back for their drinks and had downed them, Zayn dragged you to the dancefloor before anyone could stop him. It was like his second-nature. There was a lot of dancing and grinding and screaming until you shamelessly started to make out on the dancefloor, drunk as hell. No idea how I got all of you back here safely and stopped you two from sleeping in the same room. It was disturbing" told Harry him what had happened last night.
"Way too drunk. Can't remember any of it" cringed Louis at his own behaviour.
"Why did you do that? You two are not meant to be. You only have a friendship mark. You're not supposed to be like this" frowned Harry without any kind of understanding.
"Don't give me that attitude. It's none of your business. I can do whatever I want with whomever I want" replied Louis stubbornly.
"But fate doesn't want you two together. Friends with benefits is not the way, Louis. Bad enough that you did it before, but you made a deal to stop and for what? To break it at the very first opportunity?" grew Harry angry with him.
"What am I supposed to do then, huh? Wait until I find my soulmate with eighty, one day before I die at the other end of the world? We simply made some experiences together because there was no other way. No chance I could've found my 'soulmate' in that shit place of a town. The world isn't perfect, Harry. Sometimes you have to take what's right there with you because you'll never get anything else because the world hates who you are. So, why not fuck my best friend who is the only other gay person I've known around when he is okay with it?" was Louis losing it now. He didn't need Harry's moral speech that early in the morning with a hangover.
"Don't say that word, please" cringed Harry at Louis' word choice.
"What? Fuck? But that's what people do. They fuck. You wanna call it having sex or lovemaking? Making love involves love but that simply doesn't exist anymore. People only judge you and you have to take what you get until it's gone" said Louis and became quieter by the second, feeling all sad now.
"Has that anything to do with your school time?" hooked Harry tried calmly.
"What?" blinked Louis at him.
"You mentioned a shitty school and stuff like that" let Harry him know.
Louis just shrugged. "It was the usual. People being assholes about me being gay. Outing wasn't that great and I was left alone without my former friends, being bullied every day. Zayn showed up, being the only person I need now. Nothing special. Did you not get bullied for being gay in school?".
"No. I came out in Freshman Year shortly after I met Niall and well, everyone already expected that due to me being more feminine than the other boys. There were some idiots, but Niall told them off and then this was over. He and my family always had my back, so it was good" told Harry him indifferent.
"Wow, of course. Even your coming out was easy. No wonder you don't know how reality really is. I'm not even surprised" snorted Louis annoyed.
"I know how reality works. You just make everything bad because you're a negative person" replied Harry madly.
"I'm not negative. I'm realistic. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and love and soulmates and crap like that. It's a damn cold and heartless place with ignorant people destroying it" stood Louis his ground.
"You mean like you?" looked Harry pointedly at him.
"What did you just say?" tried Louis not to punch Harry right in the face.
"You're ignorant and heartless, too. Maybe the world isn't the problem. It's you. You mess around with your best friend, taking his chance on finding his soulmate, but you don't care because they don't exist anyway, right? Why are you so sure? Because you're not bonded? Not a big surprise with your behaviour. You simply don't deserve it" crashed Harry Louis' heart carelessly. Louis was close to tears now, but he willed them away. He wasn't going to show any weakness.
"Oh really? And what about you? You don't even know how to live life? Do you really expect to just bump into your soulmate and get your happy ending? You have to live first. Do something. Don't be so boring and stiff and naïve. Staying all innocent won't give you your fucking soulmate faster. It just makes you lonely someday" forced Louis himself to sound collected and cold.
"I'm not the lonely one. You only have Zayn but for how long?" challenged Harry him.
"You're going too far. Who was the one not talking to anyone? Not me. I'm at least open and social enough to meet people" shot Louis back.
"Your legs are the only thing that are open to people" insulted Harry him.
"Excuse me?".
"Oh, come on. You're probably only pissed at me for being innocent because I don't fall for you and suck your dick like everyone else. Maybe you should've switched dorms" was Harry being ridiculous now.
"Maybe. If you only judge every move I make because your life is so boring and you're too naïve to see how it really works" Louis didn't back down.
"Better naïve than bitter and lonely, doomed to be unbonded forever. The world isn't as bad as you try to make me believe. It's just your fogged view of things and your love of self-pity. I can see it clearly" countered Harry surely.
"Just because you have no idea what real pain feels like and you're a spoiled brat" sassed Louis, really hurt by now.
"Okay, be like that. I'm out" gave Harry up and left the room, visibly sad and pissed off.
Louis let out a frustrated scream and dropped back onto his bed, face first. Like a little child, he punched his pillow and trashed his feet around, trying to get his anger out. Harry's words really got to him. He was the one Louis was bonded to without knowing it and now he was the one telling Louis he wasn't worth being bonded to anyone. Like he wasn't on the ground already due to being one-sided bonded. No, his whatever he was just shattered his heart completely. To top that, he still had feelings for that bastard.
For a while, Louis just lay there staring at the white ceiling, recalling the fight. He was wondering how they even got there. Then he remembered how mad Harry was at him for making out with Zayn again. This boy was really prude and innocent and naïve but so endearing at the same time. Louis hated himself for making out with Zayn again. They had made the deal for a reason. Louis didn't want to keep Zayn from finding his soulmate, but that's how it looked like now for everyone. For Harry.
That stupid boy. That stupid innocent perfect boy with that shitty, boring and easy life that Louis wished he had had. At least parts of it. The easy coming out for example. Harry had the choice and wasn't bullied for it. Louis never had the choice and life was hell afterwards. Harry's blinded view of the world annoyed Louis but he wished the world could be as Harry wanted it just so his boy could be happy all the time.
Shit, did he just call Harry his boy? Damn it, that wasn't allowed to happen. First of all, he wasn't his and never would be. And second, he was supposed to be mad at him for saying all those hurtful things. But truth was, he wasn't angry or mad. He was just missing him already.
That's why he grabbed one of his books and headed out of the dorm to look for Harry. Something inside of him knew where he would find him. Determined, he walked straight towards the library and searched every corner for Harry. Somewhere in the back, he found him with his nose stuck in a book. His posture told Louis that he wasn't so happy himself. Timidly, Louis walked closer to the table and just sat down in front of Harry.
Harry didn't even look up at him. He kept his eyes fixed on the book. Not knowing what to say, Louis opened his book and started to read in it. For a while, they stayed like that and the silence between them wasn't uncomfortable. It felt like this was normal for them, which was strange to Louis, but he didn't question it. When he heard Harry letting out a quiet sigh, Louis closed his book and put it down just to be met with a guilty-looking Harry.
"I'm sorry, Louis. I was a total jerk to you and not really fair. I said things that I didn't mean just because I was mad for no reason at all. I don't know what came over me. Just know that none of my words were true" apologised Harry to him in a sad voice.
"But you were right, Haz. I am bitter and a bit negative and well, drown in depressing self-pitying thoughts sometimes. I curse everything connected to love and soulmates, but you don't, and I should accept that. Just because my belief is broken I don't have to break yours. I'm sorry, too. I said things I shouldn't have said. When you were gone, I realised maybe I am just a little bit jealous that your life was or is so easy. I shouldn't be though. I crossed aline" apologised Louis too.
"I was the first to cross a line and you know it. I should've never accused you of all those things and make you feel unworthy. I know I did. That wasn't my intent. And you were right too, you know? My life is kinda boring and I am a bit stiff and need to loosen up a bit more, live my life more" admitted Harry with red-tinted cheeks.
"And I need to let go of the past. Let's put this behind us and forget about it, okay?" suggested Louis to him hopefully.
"That's fine with me. Never happened" accepted Harry the suggestion.
They shared a small smile and then went back to reading their separate books, both of them. In silence, they stayed there for a bit longer before they went back to the dorm, like nothing ever happened. None of them mentioned Zayn and Louis' antics or Harry's accusations again or brought up their school time. Like they had agreed on.
Question of the Chapter: What caused their pointless fight?
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