The Beauty Within
After his last class today, Louis was strolling through the city of Domumley with Harry. They had asked their friends to join them but none of them had time. Zayn had another course while Liam had an appointment and Niall and Shawn had their own mysterious plans. That's why Louis and Harry had decided to explore the city on their own.
"You should have seen his face. He came right out of his practical course and his face was covered in paint. It was a hilarious sight but nothing I'm not used to" told Louis Harry excitedly about the moment he had run into Zayn today.
"But why was he completely covered in it?" questioned Harry confused.
"It's Zayn. He gets totally lost in his paintings. Sometimes a bit too much. I'd kill to have seen his art history teacher's face" laughed Louis at the thought.
"He was probably shocked or amused" guessed Harry hesitantly.
"Or both" chuckled Louis.
"Why were you even in the building? I thought you had your classes in the main building" wondered Harry while they walked past some shops.
"My English courses, yes. But I have my drama ones in the creative arts building. My only chance to really see Zayn during the day" explained Louis to him.
"Oh" made Harry in realisation. "Why don't you have lunch together?".
"Our times don't match. Well, two days a week it works out. Sadly, that's it" frowned Louis a bit. It was weird to be without Zayn for so long.
"Niall and I have a similar problem but only two days a week. He is late almost every time just because he doesn't want to leave me all alone" let Harry him know.
"Don't you have nice people in your courses?" Louis wanted to know.
"There are Brandon and Sebastian who are pretty nice, but we only talk in class. They're always gone very fast. Seems like they're secretly dating or something" informed Harry him and Louis was sure he was joking.
"Then we should keep that secret" winked Louis playfully at him as they walked into a little bookstore down some street.
"How are your classmates?" checked Harry interested, looking through some books.
"Kinda uninteresting. Well, apart from Àmber. She's really cool and we get along really well. Probably why we bonded though. She wants to meet all of you soon if you want to" scrolled Louis through a book about a group of friends that turn into magical creatures by the simple touch of water. It was a pretty fat book out of a series and LGBT themed.
"If she wants to, I'm up for it. She gets along with you, so I guess she's nice" shrugged Harry weirdly.
"Are you saying I'm hard to get along with?" cocked Louis an eyebrow at him.
"No, that's not what I meant. I was trying to say that you're pretty cool and very nice and it seems like only nice people get in contact with you and ...".
"Haz, it's okay. I'm just messing with you" cut Louis off his nervous rambling.
"Meanie" pouted Harry.
"You love it" laughed Louis amused.
"Maybe I do. Hey, look at that. The main character of this book is named Louis" showed Harry him a book called 'One Year To My Freedom'.
"Weird title. What's it about?" Louis wanted to know curiously.
"It's about two people being involved in an arranged marriage for publicity, but Louis seems to be treated like shit and counts the days to his freedom" summed Harry up what was written on the backside of the book.
"This book could either be really good or really shitty" commented Louis on it.
"I wanna read it" stated Harry and went over to the cash register.
"You have to tell me what my name-twin is up to at the end, okay?" asked Louis him cheekily.
"I will tell you everything anyway, Lou" nudged Harry him in the side, causing a tingling to go through Louis' whole body, that he chose to ignore.
"That's good" patted Louis Harry's shoulder as if he was his father.
"You wanna grab something to eat on the way back?" asked Louis as he held open the door for Harry.
"Would be a good idea but I wanted to go somewhere before I go back" stepped Harry outside.
"Where to?" tilted Louis his head aside in question.
"To the park close by. You don't have to ...".
"Sounds good but first I need food" cut Louis him off before Harry could tell him about not being pressured into joining him like Louis knew he would've done.
On their way to the park, the two boys stopped by a tiny bakery, that was owned by an old friendly lady named Kayla. While they chose their goods, she talked with them about random things and in the end, they stayed half an hour in the bakery before they reluctantly had to go but promised to stop by again someday. Moments like that were one of the reasons Louis loved this town, especially this part of the town. It was like its own little village but not as narrow-minded as his hometown.
With their bread rolls and milk croissants, Harry and Louis finally entered the park. Around this time, the park wasn't crowded and the sun was throwing its falling light over the fields full of flowers, that were still blooming in September. Louis sat down on the grass nearby a beautiful old stone bridge with stone stairs leading up to it, leaning against a tree, and took out his food while he was watching a dog playing with its owner, wishing again that he had a dog of his own. Watching the dog running around happily he decided he'd call his future dog Clifford.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Harry handling something silver. Louis turned his head around so that he was facing in Harry's direction and saw how Harry was taking pictures with his silver camera of some flowers that were bathed in sunlight.
"Did you have that camera with you the whole time?" wondered Louis surprised.
"Um, yeah. In my bag" cleared Harry his throat and put the camera down.
"Why did you stop? Go on. This park is perfect for some pretty pictures" requested Louis of him, seeing the insecurity in Harry's face. With a light smile, Harry went back to taking pictures and Louis just watched him.
"I didn't know you were into photography," thought Louis out loud.
"I didn't mention it yet, but I really am. I like to capture pure moments of beauty or happiness but not necessarily something that everybody would define as pretty. I like to express my own interpretation of beauty and life through my pictures. If that makes any sense" entrusted Harry to him.
"It does, Haz. I think that's beautiful and as long as it makes you happy you should keep doing that" supported Louis him in his ways.
"It does make me happy" mumbled Harry cutely.
"Then never stop doing it" smiled Louis at him and for a split second he got lost in Harry's sparkling eyes before Harry focused his attention back on his camera and Louis was left alone with his thoughts.
That crush thing he had realized two days ago, hasn't gone away yet. It only got worse with everything Harry did. Everything about him was adorable and likeable and admirable and now he was doing it again. Harry's eyes haunted him everywhere throughout his whole day without Harry even doing anything in particular. He was just there, being all cute. The simple thought of him made Louis smile and he knew he was screwed if he let that going on for any longer.
When the sun was almost completely down the boys went back into the dorm and fell exhausted onto their beds. The moment his head came in contact with his pillow, Louis' laptop made some beeping noises. He knew that sound. It was M3 Video, a platform for video calls of the company M3. Quickly, he sat up, grabbed the laptop, opened it and answered the video call from his mother.
"Hi, Mum" greeted Louis her happily while Harry was sitting across from him at his laptop, importing his pictures.
"Louis! Sweetheart how are you today?" asked Johanna curiously, the girls bouncing on their spots next to her.
"I'm good, a bit exhausted though. How are you back home?" Louis wanted to know.
"We're good so far. We ...".
"We already have a test next week. We just started with the multiplication tables. They're insane" cut his eight-year-old sister Phoebe his mother off in a whiny tone.
"It's not that hard, Pheebs" snorted her twin sister Daisy.
"Just because you're a Maths genius you don't have to be so annoying" hissed Phoebe at her.
"Girls, enough" grinned Johanna amused.
"That's nothing compared to our sick-headed teacher. She makes us read a whole book in one week although we have other classes. Who does she think she is?" spoke his twelve-year-old sister Fizzy up.
"Reading is good for your brain, Fiz" chuckled Louis happily. He missed their constant complaining.
"Well, she doesn't have one" pointed Lottie out cheekily.
"Lots, I swear"glared Fizzy at her twin.
"What are you gonna do, brainy?" challenged Lottie her.
"Rip your head off for example" threatened Fizzy her.
"I wanna do that" piped Daisy in.
"For that, you need to be strong" rolled Phoebe her eyes.
"Girls, be quiet now for a second. Sorry Boobear, but they really miss complaining to you" told Johanna him with a laugh.
"I miss listening to it so it's okay. Pheebs, maybe just ask Daisy if she helps you study for the test. Work together" advised Louis his sister.
"I could do that" had Phoebe to admit.
"If I help you though" raised Daisy her finger in the air.
"You have to. You're my twin" countered Phoebe like this was the best reason in the world.
"Urgh, fine" groaned Daisy in defeat.
"See? Worked out. And Fiz, just read that fucking book instead of spending hours on the phone with that boy" sassed Louis his younger sister.
"Aye, just because no one wants you, you don't have to ...".
"Everybody wants him. Ask Zayn" cut Lottie her sister off.
"But they're not meant to be" countered Fizzy stubbornly.
"He doesn't believe in that anyway" Lottie didn't back down.
"Lizzy, shut it now. Go read that book. We talk tomorrow and please, don't kill each other" addressed Louis the twins at the same time.
"No promises" replied both at the same time before they went upstairs into their rooms.
"Are you okay, Mum?" asked Louis concerned.
"Yes, just a bit tired from work and those four monsters" answered Johanna truthfully.
"They're lovely" smiled Louis cheekily.
"When they're asleep" added Johanna sassily.
"Aye" Phoebe and Daisy pouted offended.
"It's bedtime, girls. Say goodbye to your brother for today".
"Good Night, Loulou," said Daisy sweetly.
"Sleep tight" added Phoebe.
"Good Night, my princesses. Sweet dreams" blew Louis them a kiss through the screen.
"Night, Boobear" smiled Johanna at him.
"Night, Mum" ended Louis the call.
"Now, I know that the sass runs in the family" spoke Harry up as soon as Louis has closed his laptop.
"It's pretty strong with them already, isn't it?" replied Louis pleased.
"Very but you're the worst" smirked Harry at him.
"You're not any better. Everybody thinks you're that shy and polite boy but deep down you're pretty sassy yourself" saw Louis right through him.
"Maybe you're right, maybe you're not" put Harry on an innocent face.
"Don't give me that face, Harold. I don't buy your innocence" stuck Louis his nose into the air.
"Whatever you say, Boobear" emphasized Harry especially the nickname.
"Oh, you did not!" gasped Louis shocked.
"Well, I did. It's pretty cute, don't ya think?" threw Harry him a cheeky look.
"You're the devil in person" whispered Louis horrified.
"I am, so I'd think twice before telling anyone in your shoes, Boobear" joked Harry.
"Is that a threat, Harold?" stood Louis up now and came over to him.
"You have to find out" winked Harry at him.
"Budge up, Harold" pushed Louis him aside a bit so he could sit down next to him with a good look onto the monitor without sitting on Harry's lap.
"You're obnoxious" rolled Harry his eyes at him but let him sit there.
"Thanks, you too" smirked Louis at him. "Wow, those photos are amazing".
"Thanks" became Harry all shy again.
"No, they're really good. Outstandingly good" praised Louis him.
"I try my best" blushed Harry under the praise.
Instead of cooing at him, Louis looked through more of Harry's pictures. There were ones of flowers, bridges, the sun at dawn, clouds and random people but from a totally different view or angle than Louis was used to from other photos. These were unique in a very Harry-like way.
One picture made him stop everything and his breath was caught up in his throat for a second. It was a picture of himself in the park earlier. He was surrounded by all those pretty flowers and the sunlight was shining down on his face at the perfect angle. Even his self-conscious self could admit that the picture was perfect. But not because of him. No, because of Harry's talent.
"Why did you take a picture of me? It's wasted time and space" Louis still wanted to know insecurely. He would've never expected that answer coming from Harry though. These words simply warmed his heart and made him forget about his suppressing feelings plans for one moment.
"I tried to capture the pure beauty that was shown to me".
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We're taking cute little baby steps towards each other before we get somewhere. What do you think so far?
Question Of The Chapter: Why is Louis fighting against his upcoming feelings?
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