"Boobear, stop being so nervous. Everything is fine" tried Johanna to soothe her son but it was totally in vain.
"Nothing is fine. What if he decides to leave?" paced Louis up and down the decorated room, tugging on his dark blue suit. He was close to having a panic attack.
"Louis, look at me" placed Johanna her hands on Louis' shoulder firmly and made him stop and just focus on her. "Harry loves you. You're soulmates. He won't leave".
"I know that he loves me. I love him, too. But what if it's way too soon or he realises he doesn't want to marry me and just agreed because he didn't want to hurt me? What if he decided to go home?" picked Louis' breathing up due to all the doubting in his head. He was a mess.
"You are his home, Louis. There is nowhere he would go without you" stated Johanna seriously, trying to make her son see reason.
"Really?" stared Louis at his mother with big eyes. Deep down he knew the answer but today was driving him crazy and he couldn't think straight anymore.
"Really, Darling. He will be there and he is going to say yes with his whole heart" assured Johanna him.
"You're right. I should really stop panicking" sighed Louis out in realization.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. I'm sure Harry is doing the same thing" smiled Johanna understandingly at him.
"Yeah, I can feel it. He's as nervous as I am, but ready" confirmed Louis his mother's guess. He had this wobbly feeling in his stomach and knew it was Harry's own nervousness but he could also feel deep reassurance.
"Are you ready?" checked Johanna, totally used to the two boys' connection by now after over four years.
"Was never this ready" nodded Louis surely.
"Guys, are you ready? It's about time" came Zayn into the room questioningly.
"Guess we are. I'll wait outside and give you two a minute" pressed Johanna a kiss to Louis' forehead and then left the room.
"Are you nervous?" asked Zayn his best friend.
"Yes, but mostly excited" admitted Louis shakingly.
"Niall texted me that Harry feels exactly the same, but you probably already knew that, am I right?" cocked Zayn an eyebrow at him.
"You know the answer" nudged Louis him lightly.
"I do. I also know that you were definitely panicking before for no reason at all. Don't worry. He will be there" reassured Zayn him knowingly.
"I'm an open book to you, huh?" grinned Louis at him.
"You are, Tommy" pinched Zayn his side. "Wow, you're really getting married today".
"Yeah, who would have thought that? Not me, that's for sure" chuckled Louis light-heartedly.
"But then Harry slammed that door into your face and changed your life" laughed Zayn hearty.
"I have never been this happy about a pounding head" joked Louis carefree.
"And I was never this happy you got hurt" added Zayn amused. "But this hurt and pain are over. I think it's time now".
"Then let's go" breathed Louis out nervously.
Together they left the room and caught up with Johanna, who was waiting by the entrance of the hall. Zayn hugged Louis warmly and then went inside, taking his place at the front as Louis' best man. Niall was Harry's best man. Johanna linked her arm with Louis' and when the music sounded through the door, they opened it and stepped inside.
Everyone was here today. All of their closest friends and their partners like Àmber and Aria or Nikki and Violetta, their whole families and old long-time family friends like Maria and Paul. Louis walked down the aisle with his mum by his side and only focused on Zayn smiling at him. Swiftly, his gaze moved over to Niall on the other side, who couldn't look any prouder today.
"I love you" whispered his mum softly as she kissed his head and then went over to her place.
Just a few seconds later the door opened again and in walked Harry with his mother Anne. The sight of Harry took Louis' breath away. He was wearing a tight-fitting black slightly sparkling suit and had his hair open, which was falling over his shoulders. Louis was loving it. But what let his heart beat even faster was the look on Harry's face. His eyes were fixed only on Louis with so much love that it made Louis go weak in the knees. He felt his palms becoming sweaty and couldn't stop staring at his beautiful fiancé.
"I love you, Darling" heard Louis Anne whisper to Harry before she handed him over to Louis.
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the joining in marriage of Mr Harry Edward Styles and Mr Louis William Tomlinson" started the priest the ceremony. While he was talking Louis and Harry locked eyes fondly and intertwined their fingers, which were definitely shaking.
"If there is anybody here today who has any reason as to why these two should not be joined together, speak now or hereafter remain silent for good" continued the priest and Louis was actually surprised. He thought that was only ever said in movies or books. And to no one's great surprise it remained silent in the room. No objections.
"Do you two have any reason you should not be lawfully married, you should ...".
"No" cut both boys him off at the same time, making literally everyone laugh in the room, even the priest.
"Well then, Harry and Louis have come up with their own personalised vows that you may present now" focused the priest back on the two boys.
Louis had thought long and intensively about what he could say today. It was important to him that it was good and he hoped he would get through it without crying. But first, it was Harry's turn.
"Louis William Tomlinson" started Harry shakily and Louis was still not used to hear him say his full name but he loved hearing it fall from his lips. "I can clearly remember the day we first met. How I hit you with that dorm room door and you're now doomed to have my nervous rambling on your wrist forever. When I first laid eyes on you and you looked at me with those amazing ocean blue eyes I was gone. I knew I had a problem from this point on. I never told you this, but that was why I read your name out loud as soon as I spotted it on your fallen-down timetable. I was hoping so badly that you would be my soulmate and I barely knew you for a minute. I couldn't explain it but this was what I felt. But then I was disappointed when I thought that nothing has happened, which I know by now wasn't the case. We bonded that day and we could have been more if I would've told you my whole name, which I didn't because I was scared to death. We were both scared but we managed to get over it and master every rocky path. I got to know every little detail about you and love everything that makes you, you. I promise you to be there for you for the rest of our lives and cherish you, look after you and comfort you with everything I am. This is why, in front of our family and friends, I take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part".
When Harry finished his vow, Louis was silently crying, as was Harry himself. In his head he could clearly picture the day they met in the dorm room and to know that Harry was gone for him from the first second did something to Louis' heart. He loved this boy so much.
"Harry Edward Styles. You definitely knocked me off my feet from the start. When I one-sided bonded to you I wanted to stay away as far as possible but I couldn't resist you. Everything about you is lovable and simply adorable. Still, you annoyed me so much sometimes with your naïve way of thinking and love for soulmates. It always reminded me of what I'll never have and that hurt pretty damn much. One day I finally told you why I was being like that and you discovered my bonding mark. On that day you told me I won't regret giving us a try and you were right. You showed me what real happiness is and what love feels like. We had our ups and downs and pointless fights but we got through everything and I never want to miss it again. I can't go on a day without you by my side. I love waking up to you next to me, I love having breakfast with you and discussing useless topics just because we can. I love making you smile and I love that you make me smile. I never regretted falling for you and I love you forever with all my heart. This is why, in front of our family and friends, I take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part" said Louis full of emotion. Tears were falling down on his cheeks and Harry was full on crying now, but they couldn't care less at this very moment.
"Now the rings" announced the priest. Immediately, Zayn and Niall stepped forwards and handed both soon-to-be husbands the engraved golden rings.
"Louis, with this ring, I thee wed. With all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you" repeated Harry after the priest and slowly slipped the ring on Louis' shaking finger.
"Harry, with this ring, I thee wed. With all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you" repeated Louis the same words and carefully slipped the cold gold metal onto Harry's finger. Trembling with emotions, they interlaced their fingers and looked up at the priest.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands. You may now kiss your husband" announced the priest happily.
Beaming and with tears in their eyes, Harry and Louis leaned closer to each other and sealed their lips in their first kiss as a married couple. Everyone around them started clapping and cheering but all Louis could focus on was Harry. Harry's lips on his own, Harry's hands on his waist and just Harry himself in Louis' arms as his husband now. That was a strong feeling.
Suddenly, Louis felt an intense feeling flowing through his whole body and although his eyes were closed he could see the bright light all around him. His chest was tingling close to his heart and he just felt safe and secure and at home. Slowly, he opened his eyes and Harry did the same. They looked at each other and still saw the bright white light fading away into their chests like they had absorbed it or something similar. Together they dared to glance at their guests and gazed into shocked and confused faces. The only people not being confused and looking all happy and amazed were Àmber, Harry's mum and her two friends sitting behind her. What was that all about?
After the wedding, Louis and Harry took a lot of photos with their families and all of their friends before they headed down to the boathouse where the reception took place. As soon as they had sat down at their table the first course was delivered to all of the guests. Completely in their own little world, they fed each other the food and kept whispering cute comments into each other's ears. That's why they almost missed their mothers standing up for the first speech of the afternoon.
"When I first met Louis in that small café with my son, I was captivated by his personality. I had heard a lot about him from my son over the phone but meeting the boy that my son was always rambling about was a whole new experience. I was simply touched by the way Louis was treating Harry and how he looked at him. The love of those two was so obvious to me back then. And when Harry told me he actually bonded to Louis, I couldn't have been happier. He is lovely and makes my son happy. There's nothing more I could wish for" started Anne the speech and Louis directly remembered that day.
"To be honest with you all, when Louis first told me he was one-sidedly bonded to his dormmate I was devastated and felt so sorry for my baby. I wanted him to stay away from Harry so it would hurt less but he insisted on being there for him as a friend. And when Harry bonded back out of the sudden I was overwhelmed and felt a happiness I didn't know existed. When I met him on Louis' birthday I knew this would last a lifetime. The gentleness and care and honest love they share for each other impresses me every day" spoke Johanna up next.
"We don't wanna gush about them any longer and annoy you with our love for our sons. So, we're just gonna say we are very happy for you both and look forward to more years with our big family" said Anne with a chuckle.
"To Louis and Harry Tomlinson" held Johanna her glass in the air and everyone repeated her words cheeringly.
Their moms hugged both of them and then it was time for the second course. While eating, Louis thought back about this moment at the ceremony with the bright light and the confused faces. At that moment he had felt totally at ease and at home and like Harry and he became one. Like their souls had emerged into one single soul. He couldn't quite describe the feeling or wrap his head around what had happened. The only thing he knew was that he really felt the need to be alone with Harry and get over with this reception. He didn't like that part as much as he maybe should. He wanted some alone time with his husband and find out why his chest had felt that way and if maybe there was something new on their skin now. If, then Louis would immediately know what it meant.
Gemma, as well as Fizzy, Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy, have refrained from giving an embarrassing speech just to expose their brothers. Louis' sisters claimed it was because there weren't enough embarrassing moments they had pictures of and Gemma had used as an excuse the dignity of her baby brother.
Because of that, it was already time for the wedding cake. The four-tiered cake was wheeled in and Harry and Louis walked over to it together. Their moms had actually made the cake themselves because they wanted it to be special and specific for them. Two tiers were pure chocolate while the other two were more fruity base. A perfect mix of the two boys in a huge cake. Louis picked up the silver knife, Harry wrapped his hand around Louis' and together they cut the cake while pictures were taken of them doing so. Now everybody stood up to get their piece of cake and Harry and Louis sat back down, eating the delicious cake.
"May we have your attention for a second please?" cleared Liam his throat after everyone was done eating to draw the attention to him and the other boys. "For those who don't know me, I'm Liam and I went to Uni with Harry and Louis. We've become friends pretty fast and I was blessed enough to witness their love bloom".
"We all were blessed with that" chuckled Shawn amused. "But it wasn't always a blessing as the two of them could be pretty stupid and rather annoying by times".
"Oh yeah, that's true. I still remember the day Harry told me he has feelings for Louis but was wailing about not being meant to be. Which was stupid because Louis didn't even know his second name, so how could Harry know that for sure? Or when they had this stupid argument in year one after our trip to Manchester. I was so done with Harry for being stubborn and immature around that time. You have no idea. Really, there aren't two more stubborn people than them" continued Niall exhilarated, recalling some memories.
"Stubborn indeed" agreed Zayn with him. "I've known Louis a lot longer than the other guys and I can tell you, he has always tried to run with his headfirst through a wall. A pretty hard wall. When Louis fell for Harry, like literally fell for him, I was really worried. For one, because I knew about that one-sided bond and knew I could be a bit overprotective over my best friend. But I was also worried he might never tell Harry about it because as we all know by now, the boy is freaking stubborn. He never planned on doing so, but it happened anyway and now we're all here. I recall my bonding conversation with Harry. That day he promised me to be always there for Louis, look after him and treat him right. He kept his promise and I know he will never break it".
"That being said we wish you guys the best" smiled Shawn at the two boys.
"Once again to Louis and Harry Tomlinson" cheered Liam overjoyed and everybody joined in.
"Thank you, guys" whispered Louis when they all hugged each other tightly.
"Can we now have the husbands first dance?!".
Completely happy, Louis stood up and reached his hand out for Harry, which he took gladly. They walked onto the dancefloor and the slow music started playing. Louis had his arms wrapped around Harry's neck while Harry had his hands firmly placed on Louis' curvy waist. Chest by chest, they danced slowly to the rhythm of the music and couldn't stop gazing into each other's eyes fondly. Close to the end of the song Harry leaned down to Louis and connected their lips in a soft and love-filled kiss. Their hearts beating as one.
"Remember when I told you four years and two months ago after our first time that this was the best day of my life?" asked Harry in a whisper.
"Yes, of course. How could I forget that?" replied Louis with a fond smile.
"I have to take that back. Today is the best day of my life" stated Harry totally in love and Louis could only kiss him again.
"Thank you all for coming and sharing this special day with us. We love all of you and are really grateful to have you in our life. Now enjoy the party and have a blast" spoke Harry up when it was time for them to leave for their honeymoon night.
"Boys, before you go I wanna introduce you both to my two friends" held Anne them back when they wanted to leave the room. She was accompanied by Johanna, Zayn, Àmber and Anne's two mysterious friends.
"H, Louis. This is Liv and her wife Jade" introduced Anne her friends to them.
"Hi, a pleasure to meet you" shook Louis both of their hands, still confused as to why they were here.
"I know you're confused, Lew. I was too, but it makes all sense now. I was right the whole time" told Àmber him and Louis was even more confused now.
"What are you talking about, A?" furrowed Louis his eyebrows together.
"She is talking about what happened earlier at the ceremony" noted Zayn as if it would explain everything.
"I don't understand" frowned Harry cluelessly.
"The bright light coming from you. It happened to us, too. All these years ago" spoke Liv up. She was an elderly lady with blue eyes.
"And what does this mean?" questioned Harry confused.
"It means that you are special. Different from the most soulmates" answered Jade, eyeing both boys with her brown eyes.
"Different in which way?" hooked Harry still confused. Louis wasn't confused anymore. He was shocked but in a positive way. He never thought this would be possible.
"I think your husband knows, right Louis?" looked Johanna expectantly at her son before they all left them standing there all alone after this weird encounter.
"Lou?" stared Harry at his husband.
"I tell you when we're in the hotel" took Louis Harry's hand and left the boathouse.
Through the early April evening air, they walked towards their hotel. They had refrained from a chauffeur because it was close by. Harry didn't stop staring at Louis the whole way over and Louis couldn't stop thinking about this new discovery. Now the last years and certain incidents made sense.
In the hotel, they walked up to their booked room and locked the door. Tomorrow they would take their flight to the Maldives for their honeymoon. Tonight they would spend in this fancy hotel together.
Before Harry could ask any questions, Louis kissed him deeply. Connected like that, they made their way towards the bed and fell down on it with a little laugh. They took off their shoes and crawled higher up so they were leaning against the head of the bed. Gently, Louis cupped Harry's face and kissed him again.
"Lou?" breathed Harry out and Louis just looked at him. "What did she mean with different? Is there something wrong with us?".
"Oh God, Baby no. That's not what she meant" caressed Louis Harry's cheek.
"But what was this all about? It was weird" frowned Harry lightly and Louis could only agree.
"We are true soulmates, Haz" revealed Louis to him softly.
"What?" grew Harry's eyes big hearing that.
"Remember when Àmber told us about them? It makes sense now. From the beginning, something was different about us and now I know what. Every time I told someone about our connection they were shocked, at least. Now I finally understand why" told Louis him slowly, watching Harry's features change.
"Wow. Now everything makes sense" marvelled Harry stunned. "Does that mean this light did something or was a proof of that?".
Instead of answering him, Louis took off his suit jacket quickly and then got rid of his shirt too while Harry just gaped at him in confusion and lust. Louis threw the clothes to the floor and then faced Harry, now shirtless. He glanced down on his chest and pointed with his finger at something over his heart.
"This is what happened, Haz. It's the legendary Wedding Mark. Àmber had told me about it. People forgot it actually exists because it hasn't happened in a long time as far as they know. Today it did" explained Louis to him, still overwhelmed himself.
Abruptly, Harry got rid of his suit jacket and shirt too and looked down on his chest. At the same spot, he had exactly the same mark. Half Of A Heart that fitted perfectly together with Louis' one. Together they were a whole. Together they were one.
"We're true soulmates. One soul in two bodies. Woah" stated Harry breathlessly, locking eyes with Louis.
"Haz, this explains why we get sick when we fight or feel each other's emotions that intensively like no one else" noted Louis baffled.
"Can I touch it?" asked Harry, gulping heavily.
"Sure. Come over here" smiled Louis at him and opened his arms for Harry.
He scooted closer to Louis and sat down on his lap, wrapping his legs around Louis' waist. Hesitantly, Harry moved his finger over Louis' new mark. This tender touch sent a warm and fuzzy feeling through Louis' whole body and he felt a bit dizzy. Carefully, he started caressing Harry's mark too and felt him shudder underneath his touch. Then Louis moved his hand down Harry's arm onto their other marks. Gently, he stroked over the delicate rose, following every fine line. Then he wandered over the moon and lastly over the word ouch, smiling to himself at the memory. The whole time he felt Harry watching his every move before he moved his own hand over Louis' marks slowly too while Louis had a hold of Harry's other wrist. Louis followed Harry's finger with his eyes attentively until he stopped on the word sorry and looked at Louis.
"I'm happy I knocked you over, Lou" placed Harry his hand on Louis' cheek gently.
"And I'm glad I fell for you, Haz" replied Louis deeply in love and connected their lips again softly with his hands on Harry's waist, keeping him close.
"I love you so much, my spouse" breathed Harry into the kiss, caressing Louis' face tenderly.
"I love you more, my soulmate".
Wow, it's over all over again. Thank you for sharing this journey with me and my story. I hope you had fun and liked the way this turned out. Thank you for all your support, guys. Love you :)This won't be my last story. The next is already being worked on ;)
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