Chapter 10
*the next morning*
*beatstar and alberto were asleep until giulia slammed her bedroom window open scatting the military bugle anthem causing beatstar to scream in surprise and jolt upwards*
Giulia: Rise and shine beatstar!
*beatstar puts her hands over her eyes and drags hands over her face with an exhausted groan*
*beatstar got to training for the race and was improving everyday while rachel and the others looked around for her on the rooftops but were beginning to lose hope*
*One night*
*beatstar laid on the wooden surface of giulia's treehouse, she was exhausted from training day after day*
Alberto: Hey beatstar!
Beatstar: Hey...
Alberto: What's going on, you look down
Beatstar: *sighs* I'm just day after day after day just worn me out completely
Alberto: uh...*rubs the back of his head* D'you wanna go on a walk?
Beatstar: Sure why not?
*in an alleyway*
*beatstar and alberto walked through an alleyway*
Beatstar: So uh where are we going?
Alberto: Come on, I got something to show you
*they came to a room with their vespa in it*
Alberto: *sighs* Soon you will be ours sweet vespa
Beatstar: Yeah...*sighs*
Alberto: Beatstar what's wrong?
Beatstar: I- i don't know alberto...what if we lose the race and lose our vespa...what if i never see my family again...
*Alberto's eyes widened at her sadness so then he gently wraps his arms around her and gently cuddle her*
Alberto: Hey we will win...and you will see your family again...
*as beatstar's eyes began to close, a harpoon whirled past them causing them to break up from the hug*
Ercole: Hey, look who it is! and with no Giulia to hide behind
Beatstar: *gasps in fear* Alberto...
Alberto: Stay behind me *pushes beatstar behind him protectively*
Ercole: Something's fishy with you two, I mean besides the smell
*ciccio and guido laugh*
Ercole: You're hiding something
Alberto: Is it that we're smarter than you? I mean we're not really hiding that, it's just kind of obvious
Ercole: You know, people think I'm a nice guy, always joking around
*suddenly guido and ciccio push alberto to a wall while beatstar steps back fearfully*
Ercole: But really, I'm not
Beatstar: Hey! leave him alone!
Ercole: *pushes beatstar away* Wait your turn piccolina!
Alberto: HEY! don't you push her like that! *tries to attack him but can't*
Ercole: I want to make myself very clear, this is my town, number one *punches alberto in the gut*
Ercole: And number two! i don't want you or her in it
Beatstar: I said cut it out!
*ercole turns around and sees beatstar glaring at him with a harpoon in her hand*
Ercole: Put that down piccolina, you'll hurt yourself
Beatstar: Let him go ercole or i'll go nuts
Ercole: You're bluffing
*suddenly beatstar knocks him down and points the harpoon straight at him with an evil glare looking straight into his eyes*
Beatstar (threateningly): LET. HIM GO. NOW *growls threateningly*
Ercole: *motions to ciccio and guido to let alberto go and they do*
*alberto walks behind beatstar surprised at her aggressiveness*
Ercole: *stands up and glares at them* Go. now, before i change my mind
*beatstar throws the harpoon down and she and alberto run back to giulia's treehouse*
Ercole: Nobody wants you here, idioti! Keep running!
*At giulia's treehouse*
Alberto: Jeez beatstar, why'd you get so agressive like that?
Beatstar: I- i'm sorry, it's just that...he hit you and i got mad for some reason
Beatstar: *inhales* Look let's just get some rest
*beatstar climbs onto the tree house and falls asleep*
*alberto climbed up onto the treehouse and relucantly fell asleep*
*In beatstar's nightmare*
*beatstar was in a dark room*
Beatstar: Wh- what? where am I? Trollex? Synth? girls? Alberto?
*suddenly a light flashed on a was alberto's with a hole in his chest*
Beatstar: *eyes widen in horror* ALBERTO! *rushes to alberto's body and tries to shake him awake*
Beatstar: Alberto? are you okay? alberto...*her eyes fill with tears* no...
*suddenly a shadow with red eyes grabbed her leg and pulls her away from alberto's body*
*then the shadow pulled her into a hole*
Beatstar: ALBERTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*In reality*
*beatstar shot up with a frightened scream and tears streaming down her face, shaking and trembling*
Alberto: Beatstar?
*beatstar yelps and flinches*
Alberto: Hey hey hey, it's okay, it's just me, what happened-
*beatstar crashed into alberto's arms sobbing*
*alberto was surprised at this, but after a while he wrapped his arms around her and rubs her back*
Alberto: Beatstar...hey what's the matter?
Beatstar: A- Alberto, I had this horrible nightmare, you were dead! and then this shadow, it grabbed me and tore me away from you and i never got to see you or anyone again!
Alberto: Oh beatstar...
Beatstar: I'm scared! i want to see my friends! my sisters! my brother and my tribe!
Alberto: And you will! look i'm making you a promise right now, I am NOT going to let you get hurt
Beatstar: You promise?...
Alberto: I promise...
*beatstar buries her face into his chest and went back to sleep*
*then alberto looks over and sees ercole chatting with his goons*
Ercole (in the distance): There's something suspisious about them, I will get to the bottom of this
*ercole and his goons walk away*
Alberto: *scoffs* Ercole...
*then alberto curls up with beatstar still wrapped around him*
Alberto:...I'm not gonna let you get hurt beatstar...
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