Killua was the golden child. He was smart, he was beautiful, his parents loved him. He was perfect, he was the favorite. Or, so his parents thought. Ever since Killua could remember, his older brothers didn't seem to like him. They would give him hateful glares, and ignore him when he cried or needed help. He didn't interact with his little brother much, his mother was too busy trying to make him the perfect little daughter she had always wanted. It was fine though. His father loved him, even if his mother only saw his worth through his test results and looks.
"Kil, it's time for school" His mother said, from his doorway. Killua nodded. "C-Coming mother" He mumbled, walking over and taking his already prepared backpack and slipping it on over his shoulders. She looked down at him coldly. "Kil, what did I say about that stuttering problem?" He looked away. "Not to..." She nodded. "Good, now go" He walked down the hallway, and his father smiled at him. "have a good day at school Kil" Killua smiled back. "Are y-you gonna take me today?" Killua winced. He'd always had this stuttering problem, though he wasn't sure where it came from. He shook his head. "Illumi is" O-Oh... Killua...didn't like being alone with Illumi.
"O-Ok" He grabbed some toast off the counter and bit into it, then made his way to the front door. Illumi was leaning on the wall, smiling. Killua knew it was fake, he was just pretending for father. "I-I'm ready I-Illumi-ni" He stuttered, the stutter always got worse when he was around his older brother. He said nothing, opening the door. Killua went out first, as soon as the door closed Illumi's fake smile vanished and he gave Killua a dirty look. "Stop stuttering so much, brat" Killua ducked his head and kept walking. "S-S" he paused, then took a deep breath and tried again. "Sorry big brother" he never could figure out why his older brother hated him so much.
They walked for quite some time, when suddenly he looked up and saw a giant spider hanging from a roof no more than 5 inches from his face. Killua screamed, stumbling backwards and falling on his rear end. He snapped his eyes up, only to see one of Illumi's friends step out from the side of a building. The spider was fake, it was dangling by a clear thread from a tall pink haired male's fingertips. He started chuckling, then Illumi did. Killua scrambled to his feet, tears in his eyes. "H-hey! T-That wasn't f-funny!" Illumi continued walking, completely ignoring him as he chatted with his friend. Killua wiped his eyes and dusted off his pants, then followed. What did I do to make you hate me so much? It would be over soon though, they were almost at the bus stop.
Suddenly, he bumped into Illumi. Killua took a step back. "S-sorry..." Illumi sent a cold glare over his shoulder. "Watch where you're going you spoiled brat" He shot an indignant look back at him. "I s-said I was s-sorry!" Killua flinched as Illumi took a step back towards him with a dark look. He darted around to the side and ran ahead, tears rolling down his cheeks. He was scared, of what he didn't exactly know. All Killua knew, was that he didn't like that look. "Killua!" His eyes brightened, and he looked over at the bus stop to see Alluka waving. Alluka was his closest friend, she had long raven hair and soft black eyes, sporting a patch of brown skin over her right.
(will be explained at the end of the chapter)
He smiled, "Alluka!" he stopped beside her, then gave her a hug. She giggled and grabbed his hand. "Hey hey, during recess, we can play hide and seek again!" he beamed. "M-mhm!" They talked for a few minutes before the bus pulled up, then they both sat down on the same seat. Alluka leaned on him, whining. "I wish we was the same age" Killua blinked. "Why?" She pouted. "Cuz then we coulda share a class." Killua sighed. "Alluka, it's 'shared'. That's past tense thingy. W-When you say coulda, you gotta do the past tense thingy" He said, matter-of-factly. She beamed. "Killua's so smart!" He glanced at her brown patch, then asked a question he'd never thought to ask before. "How'd you get that?" he put her hand on her face. "This?" Killua nodded. She shrugged. "Borns with it"
"Ohhh" He'd seen people with brown skin, and people with pale skin. But, he'd never seen someone with both. "Is cool" She frowned. "Really? Mommy said it was ugly, that's why shes left." Killua scowled. "Don't listen to mommy, is cool. Never s-seen someone with that before"
They had to part ways, and Killua made his way to his classroom. The teacher smiled as he walked in. "good morning Killua" He smiled up at her. "M-Morning Ms. S-S...zay...Sar..." She chuckled. "Zahara. It's tricky, I know. You can just call me Ms. Z if it's that difficult" Killua tried again. "Z...Zhara. Zarahara..no...Zah hah rah" Ms. Zahara gave him a warm smile. "Excellent, you may sit down now" He went over to his desk, it was in the back row on the right. He doodled on a piece of paper for a while, when he heard a voice as someone bumped into his chair "Oh s-s-sorry I didn't s-s-see you there" Killua shot an offended look over at one of the kids in his class as she made fun of his stutter, her name was Cassy.
"S-Stop it, that's...that's mean..." He mumbled. Cassy giggled, then rolled her eyes. "O-Oh Ms. Z-Zara, C-Cassys b-bein' m-m-mean to me a-again" She mocked. You didn't even get her name right! A dirty blonde haired boy came up and called her out. "Oi! Stop being mean to him!" Killua smiled a little, but then he shrank a little at his next words. "That weirdo's not worth your time" I-I'm sorry, it's not something I can control...I'd stop if I could but...I just can't. "Alright class, everybody settle down. It's time to start"
Shortly after that, his stuttering started to get worse. His mother always scolded him for it, so he tried to do it less often around her but it wasn't something he could just force himself to stop doing. More and more of the kids in his class started making fun of him as a year and a half passed, and Alluka had to move away. He was a week and a half short of his 10th birthday when his parents had to leave and he was stuck home alone with his siblings. That day set in motion a series of events that would have a lasting effect on Killua, one that couldn't be reversed. That, was a day he'd never forget.
1139 words
To be continued...
Quick explanation about Alluka.
After Kikyo had 4 sons, she decided to be unfaithful in hopes of getting a daughter. So, she slept with another man and gave birth to his child. She was so revolted by the brown patch of skin on her face that she wanted to get rid of her, so she made Silva agree to put her up for adoption under the excuse that they had too many children and didn't have enough room to raise another. Alluka got 'adopted' by her real father, the only siblings who remember her were Illumi and Milluki. I hope nobody got confused o>o
I will be alternating the other 3 with this one, gives me more time to not fall behind :
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