Warning: Spoilers for the Ninja and Hunter series.
Charisa O'Dell is the superhero Ninja. But all superheroes have origin stories...
Teenage girl with strong Hispanic lineage. Training in karate and enjoys both physics and comics. Superpowers include superhuman strength, speed, agility,and hearing as well as regenerating health (and a really, really sharp tongue). Her kryptonites include a specially designed chemical component that temporarily strips her of her powers and can be used as a gas, solid, or liquid; chocolate; a bullet to the heart or brain (presumably).
Charisa is the daughter of Carlos O'Dell (police officer) and the late Tiffany O'Dell (formerly a police officer; gave her life in the line of duty), who died when Charisa was eight years old. Carlos O'Dell remarried a Savanna a few years later, and Savanna brought her own daughter (two years Charisa's junior) into the marriage.
Charisa's two best friends are Olivia Doyle, girl genius, and Nora Tanners, junior reporter. Nora's brother, Andrew Tanner (who need a haircut), Kyle Rivers/Villain Hunter (well, it's more of a love/haterelationship), and Jake (more Kyle's friend than hers, but the two have a bond through mutually putting up with Kyle). Mrs. Rivers, Kyle's mom and sweetest person who ever lived, and Mrs. Walters, next door neighbor and second sweetest person who ever lived, and Charlie, the little boy across the street she sometimes babysits. Sheila Brown, damsel in distress, Senator Brown, damsel's father, Agent Jesse, crush of damsel (and every girl, for that matter), Dr. Donaldson, team tech, and Miss Brown, her assistant (not really a friend, but oh, well). Emily Rogers, who is really more of an acquaintance- and first civilian Charisa rescued under her alias as Ninja.
Enemies: Veronica, that man-stealing girl at school and sworn arch-nemesis. Carter, that arch-nemesis stealing boy at school and ex-crush. A certain local crime lord with extremely manipulative tendencies. V.C., the less cool crime lord. Marcus Greene, a senator's son obsessed with Charisa and her superpowers- and responsible for the Greene Takeover. Rose and Bramble, twin thugs for hire. A few other poor souls who chose the wrong girl to mess with and a whole bunch of nameless thugs. Oh, and Kyle fits here to.
Love interests: Carter (ex-crush), Agent Jesse (crush you just can't help having), and Kyle Rivers (that cocky, flirty boy you spend most of your time with and is the only one who is truly your equal, so it kind of just happens).
Personal timeline:
One month before her fifteenth birthday: Acquires superpowers and begins fighting crime; joins leagues with Villain Hunter.
The week of her quinceanera: Visits DC on a school trip and is hired by a representative of the US government to rescue his daughter and the senator becomes the superhumans' legal guardian and representative of superhumans to the American governement. Parents find out about secret identity and super grounding ensues.
Five months later: Discovers that she has a stalker who has discovered the source of her superpowers, steals them for his own and builds up a supervillain army that he uses to take over the state of Alabama in the Greene Takeover and prepare to take over the rest of the world when Charisa averts the War That Never Was.
Four months later: Tours Europe with her family and runs into Emily Rogers, who exchanges numbers with Villain Hunter for security purposes.
Eleven months later: The summer of the Dystopian Takeover begins.
Character card by LifeAsKashvi
Signature by XxEthereal_AngelxX
Covers by Ammonia and Victoria Cooper art. I own the necessary rights.
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