"Mom, it's you and dad! I mean you two love each other! I've never seen anyone love each other more than you guys."
"We're not perfect, Noah."
"You guys can't get divorced."
Jessica sighs. "I need to have time to think."
"In your father's defense." Sarah says earning a look from Jessica.
"He was high and he had some drinks in him. Sober Danny wouldn't have done this."
"Since when does Danny get high and go out to parties during a pandemic when I tell him not to? Or do movies with horribly graphic sex scenes? I feel like I don't even know this man!"
"I think you two need to speak."
"I don't want to look at him Sarah! I don't want to speak to him. I need some time to think! Jesus Christ, I am the one who got cheated on so it's my decision, and mine only!"
Just then the triplets run in butt naked and giggling.
"Hey what are you three doing?" Jessica chuckles through her tears.
Emily comes running in. "I'm so sorry! You three get back in the bathroom so we can change you!"
"We take a bath gamma!" Hunter smiles and sits his wet bottom in Jessica's lap.
"I see that, mister! Why don't you guys listen to your mommy?"
"No tanks!" Jessie smiles.
Jessica chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"Oh no! Gamma sad!" Harvey pouts and holds Jessica's cheeks.
"I'm okay, handsome."
"No you so saaaad.. I make it all better." Harvey kisses her lips.
"Muah! That does make me feel better, baby love."
"I so sweet Gamma."
"The sweetest, cutie pie. Now go get some clothes on!" Jessica pats his bottom making him laugh.
"Go with daddy, guys." Emily says.
"DADDY!" The triplets run out of the room.
Jessica smiles softly, but there was a sadness in her eyes.
"Are you okay, Jessie?" Emily asks.
Jessica nods her head. "I'm fine, sweetie. Thank you."
"Alright. I'm gonna hug you because you look like you need one."
Jessica smiles and wraps her arms around her daughter in law. "Thank you, sweetie."
Emily leaves and everyone sat in silence.
"Mom, I support you in whatever decision you make. I don't know what I would do in your situation, and.. as sad as I am, and as angry as I am with daddy.. I just don't want to think about you guys getting a divorce." Gabriella says.
"I don't either.."
Three days later.
Danny laid on the Peters' couch. He hadn't shaved or showered in days.
"Danny? You know we love you, right?" Sarah says.
"You're stinking up my house, Dan! Come on, if you want Jessica back, this isn't the way to do it."
"She won't answer me, Sar! What am I supposed to do?"
"You fight for her, that's what you do! You get in that shower and then drive to YOUR house and talk to her!"
"You think I should?"
Just then the doorbell rings.
"Oh no! I better frebreeze in here!" Sarah panics.
Evan opens the door and is surprised at who he sees.
"Jess?" Danny's eyes light up.
"Hi Evan. Do you mind if I come in and speak with Daniel?"
"No, of course not! Come in!"
"Thank you."
"Jessica! Hi!" Danny stands up and smiles.
"Daniel, you stink." Jessica makes a face.
"I would have showered if I knew you were coming over."
"It's fine. I just thought we should talk in person and not over the phone."
"Yeah.. Yeah, I think that's best.. Wow, you look beautiful." He smiles.
Jessica clears her throat and turns to Evan and Sarah. "Do you mind if we use your backyard?"
"Not at all!"
"Thanks.. Hopefully he'll air out a little."
Jessica walks to the backyard and Danny follows.
"I'm so happy to see you, Jessie. I've missed you so much."
Jessica sits down and takes a deep breath.
"How are you?" Danny asks.
Jessica gives him a look.
"Right. Probably not the best. I'm sorry. Jessica, I swear on everything I have in this world, I had no idea what I was doing. I regret everything, and all I want is to work on our marriage. I can't lose you. I won't lose you."
"How can I forget this happened, Daniel?"
Danny looks into Jessica's eyes with tears.
"Seriously. How? Danny, I love you. You know you're my whole world. I love being around you, it's fun! But Jesus Christ, how do I sleep in the same bed with you after knowing you've had sex with another woman? Your body.. the body I've made babies with.. it was pressed against another woman. You were inside of another woman! How do we go back to where we were? We can't, Danny."
"Jessica. I will do anything you want me to do. I don't care what it is. I'll do it, baby!"
"You can't turn back time, Danny."
Tears roll down Danny's cheeks. "So then what do we do?"
"I think you need to come get your things and either stay at a hotel, or find an apartment. You can't stay with Evan and Sarah. I'm embarrassed you even drug them into this! They're our best friends. Our in laws! This is humiliating, Daniel."
"I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't like that I came here, but I didn't have anywhere else to go, Jess."
"You could have flown back to California. I'm sure your girlfriend would have loved having you back." Jessica says standing up and walking back into the house. "It's not like you care what I ask of you anyway."
"Jessica, Wait!" Danny stands.
"I've said all I need to say, Daniel. I'm going to do some grocery shopping. You can get your things while I'm gone."
"Jess, this is you and me! We're a team. Everyone is jealous of our relationship, they always have been! We always have it together. We're always perfect."
Jessica tuns to him with a straight face. "Not always, Daniel."
"Baby doll."
As much as Jessica is fighting her tears, one manages to escape.
"Don't call me that." She says, anger filling her voice.
"Jessica, I know you're mad at me but—"
"I am furious, Daniel!" Jessica shouts. "You are my husband! I thought the world of you! When I had no one else I was happy because I had you! You know everything about me, the good and the bad. I can be myself with you. The depression and anxiety all seemed to disappear when you'd talk to me.. just a moment to ourselves was gold to me. Sneaking out to my favorite donut shop we went to back when we first started dating and eating in the car.. those moments are precious to me.. I thought we'd last forever and.... I just can't believe this is over." Jessica says as her voice shakes.
"Jess it's not! It doesn't have to be."
Jessica looks Danny in the eyes. Her tears now pouring down her face.
"No Danny. It is."
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