January 10th.
It is now four days until Gabriella's due date.
"Okay Gabby, I'm ready for birthing class!" Jessica says, dressed and ready to go.
"Mom, I don't want to go anywhere!" Gabriella whines, laying on the couch.
"Yeah I know exactly how that feels! Remember when you dragged my ass out when I was pregnant with not just one but TWO babies! Two very very large babies. Now let's get going mommy." Jessica smiles and pats her leg.
"Julio and I have been going. You breathe and you push, I think I've got it."
"It's not that easy, Gabby. Come on, it'll be good to move around and get that baby wanting to wiggle his way out! Plus I want to take your picture in birthing class with your first little baby!" Jessica squeals.
"Fine but Ana will go too just to make sure you don't embarrass me?"
"What?! ME embarrass YOU?! Oh Jesus!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
Julio and Gabriella went to their birthing class with Jessica and Anastasia watching.
Once they were finished the four of them went out to eat.
"Let me call and check on your father. He's alone with the twins!" Jessica laughs.
"Poor daddy!" Gabriella says.
"Oh please, he's fine!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"Yeah?" Danny answers.
"Having fun, honey?"
"Jess.. we've created monsters."
"Haha! Aw honey, that's not nice! I mean it's true, but still!"
"Emerson threw his food on the ground, then screamed and cried about it. Then Willow broke the dollhouse, and then screamed and cried about it."
"She broke the dollhouse? How'd she do that?"
"She pushed Emerson into it."
"Oh!" Jessica laughs.
"Poor baby! But at least she's fighting back now! Em is so mean to her sometimes and she just sits there and cries. She needs to be tough like her mama! Remember when I slapped you?"
"Which time, Jess?"
Jessica chuckles. "Do I do it that often?"
"Oh well, it's okay! Heh! Anyway, I better let you go. I hear them and they sound like they're getting into trouble."
"Always! Be careful, babe."
"You too."
"Mm! That looks good, Ana! Give it to me!"
"NO! You have your own food, hoe!" Anastasia smacks her hand away.
"Anastasia! Oh my gosh! You hate your nephew!"
"He wants half of your sandwich and you're not letting him!"
"Gabriella, your sister needs to eat!" Jessica says.
"So does my son!"
"Just order more food, fatty!" Anastasia says.
"You little bitch." Gabriella gives her a mean look.
"Keep calling me names, Gabriella. Your baby will come out looking just like me!"
"Oh he will not!"
"No he won't! He's gonna look like his Lolli!" Jessica smiles.
"He's gonna look like his momma!" Gabriella says.
"And you look like me which means he's gonna look like me! I win!"
"Heh! I- Ooh! Ow!" Gabriella grabs her stomach.
"What's wrong?" Jessica, Anastasia and Julio all ask in a panic.
"It hurts!"
"Is it bad?" Jessica asks.
"Well it doesn't feel good, mom!"
"Honey, you're okay. Don't freak out. Just breathe. It's probably only braxton hicks."
"So it gets worse than this?"
"What?" Jessica laughs. "Well Yeah! Do you know where that baby comes out?!"
"Mommy, you're scaring me!" Gabriella pouts.
"Sweetie, you're okay. Everything is fine! You're gonna have him in the hospital where there is lots and lots of drugs, and you won't feel a thing!"
"That is if the epidural even works on you." Anastasia smiles.
"Oh fuck you!" Gabriella shouts.
"I think it's time to go." Julio calmly says.
"You bastard, you're the one that did this to me! I wasn't gonna do this!"
"Gabriella Danielle Huston, Enough! You're fine!"
"No I'm not! He's gonna have to come out and I don't think I can do it!" Gabriella cries harder.
"Honey, yes you can! Your body knows exactly what to do! And I'll be there holding your hand the entire time."
"Oh.. about that.."
"I think I want it to only be Julio and I in the room."
"What? Why?"
"Well it's unpleasant."
"Ah! But you got to see mine!"
"My birth! You got to be there! I didn't want you there but you came anyway! You and your fucking schedule that I didn't care to stick too!
..and well.. you didn't annoy the shit out me the whole time!"
Gabriella saw the disappointment on her mother's face. "Momma, please don't be upset."
"Too late!" Jessica bawls.
"Is this your decision?" Anastasia asks Julio.
"No! Gabby came up with it on her own! Frankly I'm terrified and want your mother there!"
"Can we just drop this subject and get out of here? I'm so exhausted!"
"Yes, of course! I wouldn't want to bother you and your husband!" Jessica stands up and storms out of the restaurant.
"Mom." Gabriella sighs.
"I hope you're happy! We didn't even order dessert yet!" Anastasia says before following her mother.
"She has the nerve to tell me I'm not allowed in the delivery room. Me! The woman who went through hours of pain to bring her into this world! She doesn't want me ruining the moment!"
"She said that?" Danny asks a little shocked at his daughter.
"Well she didn't say it exactly like that! But the point is, She doesn't want me in there when my grandson is born!"
"I'm sorry baby."
"You look like death."
"Yeah, I know. The twins hate me."
Jessica let's out an exhausted chuckle. "It's okay, Gabriella hates me!"
"She doesn't hate you, honey. Give it time. Once that pain hits her she won't want you to leave her side." Danny says pulling her to his chest.
"Maybe.." Jessica says in a low voice.
"My Babydoll." Danny kisses the top of her head and rubs her back.
"Ma babe!" Emerson runs over and hugs his mother's legs.
Jessica laughed and picked him up. "My precious boy! Did you miss mommy?"
"No." He nods.
"Don't feel too bad. No is the word of the day here."
"Oh is it? Were you tellin daddy no, Em?"
"No." He smiles softly and nods his head.
"You stinker!"
"Mama? Mama!!" Willow smiled at the sight of her mother.
"LoLo! I missed you, sweet girl!"
"Mishu! Mishuuuuu!"
"Aw!" Jessica chuckles.
"Pasa! Emmy pasa! Oppsie!"
"Oh yes, I heard about that, Emerson! Did you throw your food on the floor?"
"No!" He narrows his brows.
"Yes you did! Don't you lie, mister."
"No did not!"
"I think you did."
"Bye Bye, Mama!" He waves his little hand in her face.
Jessica looks up to Danny and laughs.
"Do you think I'm just gonna disappear, chunk butt?"
"Bye.. BYE, Mama!"
"Ooh! He means it, mommy!" Danny says.
January 16th.
Two days after Gabriella's due date.
Julio and Gabriella are having a house build near by, but until then they are staying with Danny and Jessica. Everything was fine until their little fight at the restaurant.
After bickering back and forth over the delivery room situation, the two women quickly got over it and moved on.
Today Gabriella really wasn't feeling well. Jessica has been through many many births and just looking at her daughter, she could tell today was the day.
Gabriella laid on the ground with her legs straight and stretching out to the sides. Being a dancer she's obviously really flexible, so she thought she'd do some stretching.
"Plan on blowin that kid out in here like mom?" Noah asks looking down to his sister.
"No but I'm hoping he'll see the light and go towards it."
"Yuck!" Noah makes a face.
Just then Charlotte runs in.
"Auntie Gabby! Look, I can do stretches too!"
"Ooh good job, Charlotte!"
"Yeah I'm really good! It's cause I'm gonna be four soon."
"My little princess is gonna be four! How has time gone that fast? It seems like your parents just took you to show and tell." Gabriella smiles.
"That's low, Gabby." Noah nods.
"Yeah Gabby, what did we do?" Kenley pouts.
"Nothing! It just makes me feel better to be rude to you guys." She smiles.
"Well thanks." Kenley says sarcastically.
"Anytime." Gabriella smirks as she moves into the splits.
"Good job, aunt Gabby!" Charlotte claps.
"Thanks, Charlie!" Gabriella giggles.
Just then Gabriella gets a wet feeling around her crotch.
Her eyes go wide. Charlotte covers her mouth then points. "Ewww!"
"She's gross, I know." Anastasia says.
"Mommy says no treats if we pee pee ourselves!" Charlotte nods.
Jessica hears that and quickly walks over.
She looks at her baby girl with tears in her eyes.
Gabriella looked at her like a scared, chubby faced little girl.
"My baby." Jessica whispers.
Jessica smiles and gets down on the ground. She holds her cheeks in her hands and says, "It's time, Princess!"
"I'm scared, mom."
"Don't be, sweetie. It's time to meet your little Prince." Jessica's smile lit up the room.
"Daniel! Get your ass down here!" Jessica shouts.
"I'm right here! What is it?"
"Gabriella's water broke."
"What? Oh Jess.. I'm gonna be sick! My stomach hurts!"
"Babe, you do know you're not the one in labor, do you?"
"She's my little girl and she's gonna have a baby! And now I can't feel my legs." Danny says with a blank face.
"Honey, don't be annoying right now. We have to go!"
"Okay.. Princess?" Danny shouts.
"Daddy?" Gabriella asks, sounding just like a little girl.
"My little girl."
"Daddy, I'm scared!" Gabriella cries.
"No, no, no, don't be.. there's no reason to be scared. You're a strong woman, and you can do anything. Hell you spin, hop and walk around on your toes for a living! This is a piece of cake!" Danny smiles.
Gabriella laughs.
Danny wipes her tears and kisses her cheek.
He then looks into her eyes and the image of his little baby girl popped into his head. How was this possible? How was his little baby a woman? And how was she just hours away from becoming a mommy?
Gabriella's contractions started up soon after her water broke. Jessica and Julio helped her change, but it was pretty pointless since she continued leaking everywhere.
"Why did I chose pink leggings? Now I look like I peed on myself!"
"It's okay, Gabby. We just have to get you to the hospital, let's not worry about that." Jessica says grabbing her things.
"Ew there's something gooey coming out of me!" Gabriella whines.
"It's probably your mucus plug. You're fine." Isaiah says.
"Oh don't act all smart, Isaiah!"
"Why the hell are you mad at me?!"
"I'm sorry, I'm just scared!" Gabriella cries softly.
"Honey, don't be! You're okay, baby girl. Now come on, let's go." Jessica says in a soothing voice.
Jessica held her hand and helped her into the car. She then kissed her cheek and smiled.
"I'll see you in a bit, honey."
"No, come with me!" Gabriella grabs a tight hold of her hand and pulls her back.
"Okay! Don't worry, I'm coming." Jessica smiled and hopped in the car.
Arriving at the hospital Julio ran ahead to check in while Danny and Isaiah helped Gabriella out of the car.
"Ow, I'm getting another one- MOM!" She shouts reaching for her hand.
"It's okay! Breathe, honey."
Gabriella took deep breathes as her mother coached her through.
"Better?" Jessica asks.
"Yeah.. oh momma, I don't wanna do this!"
"I know, honey. But soon it'll all be over and you'll have the most precious gift in your arms. It's gonna be okay." Jessica rubs her back in large circles.
"Thank you.."
Jessica smiles and kisses her forehead.
Just then a nurse came out with Julio and a wheelchair.
Gabriella sat down and didn't let go of her mother's hand even for a second.
"Gabby honey, let go. You and Julio go on and I'll be waiting with daddy. You're gonna be amazing, Princess." Jessica cups her daughters face and smiles through her tears.
"Okay.." Gabriella answered in a low voice.
"I love you, momma."
"I love you more, baby."
Jessica kissed her cheek and she was off.
Inside their room Julio helped Gabriella change into her custom made hospital gown. Once she was situated the doctor came in and checked her.
She was only two centimeters, so for now she would have to wait for her epidural.
"Gabby, can I show you a video I found?" Julio asks.
"Uh, now?"
"We have time to kill." He chuckles.
"Okay then sure."
Julio walks over and sits beside her. Gabriella looks down at his phone and sees her mother. She looked so gorgeous just as she always did. This video had to be over twenty years old.
"What is this?" She asks.
"Shh. Just listen."
"May I say you are looking as stunning as always, Ms. Lange!"
"Oh! Heh, Well thank you! I have a new baby girl at home, so I'm pretty sleep deprived at the moment!" Jessica laughed.
"Well you can't even tell a bit! How is your baby girl doing? Congratulations by the way!"
"Thank you! She's a perfect little angel. She really is!" Jessica smiled with so much happiness.
"Your smile says it all, Ms. Lange."
Jessica giggled. "I just can't believe I could create something so perfect. It's incredible. I'm extremely blessed!"
"You sure are! How's your husband taking on his new daddy role?"
"Oh he's amazing! You know, you don't realize how much you love someone until you see how much they love your child. Then it's a whole other level!"
"That's so awesome!"
"It is.. that man is my everything.. and now our baby is our world." Jessica now had tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm very emotional right now!" She chuckles and wipes her cheeks. "I'm just so blessed. You know, and when my daughter was born, it was just Danny and I.. and I made a promise on that day that I would be there for my daughter when it was her time to have a baby. I love her so much and I am so.. SO blessed to be her mommy." Jessica smiled as the video came to an end.
Gabriella looks at Julio with a pout before crying. "I want my Mommyyyyy!"
"Oh baby girl, I'm right here!" Jessica runs in.
"I didn't make it to the waiting room. I couldn't! I've been standing outside the door in case you needed me! I didn't want to crowd you two but I'm your mom and I wanted to make sure you were okay!"
"Aww! I'm so sorry I thought I didn't need you! I do, momma. I DO!"
"Aw baby girl!" Jessica hugs her.
"I love you, mommy."
"I love you more, Princess."
Just the Anastasia let's herself in.
"I'm bored of the waiting room. I wanna see my sister in pain!" She smiles.
"Princess Ana! You can stay too! Oh this is gonna be so much fun!" Gabriella smiles.
"Oh wait.. I still have to give birth.." She says as her smile turns into a frown.
"It'll be fun for us though!" Anastasia laughs.
Four hours later.
Julio massaged Gabriella's back as she breathed through her pain. She is now five centimeters and they are waiting for the anesthesiologist to arrive.
"Momma, come here! Hold my hand!" Gabriella whimpers.
Jessica holds her hand and whispers in a soothing voice. "You're doing so well, baby girl. Just know, each contraction brings you closer to seeing your baby. Just keep thinking about him, honey."
Gabriella nods with her eyes shut.
"Do you need anything, Gabs?" Anastasia asks.
"I need you to shut up!"
"Shh, it's okay, baby. Actually Ana, will you please go check on the babies for me?"
"Hey, mom wanted me to check on the twins."
"Willow's napping and Emerson is.." Danny's eyes widen a bit and he starts looking around.
When he spots his son he rolls his eyes. "He's over there taking the tampons out of that ladies purse. Emerson!"
"Dada ook!" He smiles and holds one up.
"Put that away! I am so sorry, ma'am." Danny says taking the tampons from him and sticking them in her purse.
"It's okay!" The woman laughs.
"Emerson, you should be napping!"
"Yes, come on!"
"Mama! Mama!" He cries.
"I'll take you to see momma for a minute but you have to come back and take a nap." Anastasia says.
Emerson looks at his big sister and lifts his arms.
"I'll be back in just a second."
"How's my princess doing?"
"I'm doing well, daddy." She smiles.
"Well you of course are my princess too! But how's my puffy princess?"
"Kidding!" She laughs. "Gabby's not doing too bad. She's waiting for her epidural right now."
"My poor girl.. I hope it's over soon."
"Me too, I'm quite hungry."
Danny chuckles. "Alright, well take him to see mommy and then bring him right back so he's not annoying Gabriella."
"Okay, I'll be back."
"Look who I have!"
"Mama!" Emerson shouts, clapping his hands.
"Hi my baby!"
"Willow's napping and he was being a pain." Anastasia says.
"Oh Emmy, now is not time to be a little asshole!" Jessica says.
"Aw! He just wanted his mommy!" Anastasia pouts and lays her head on his.
"Mama!" He smiles and reaches for Jessica.
"Well I do like to be wanted!" Jessica smiles and takes him into her arms.
"What were you doing, chunky?"
"Taking tampons out of some lady's purse." Anastasia says.
"Emerson!" Jessica laughs.
"You are such a mess!"
Emerson then begins to babble and tickles his little fingers over Jessica's chest.
"You silly baby!"
"Num Nums, Mama!"
"Buddy, I have to be with sissy right now. Daddy has your food."
"Num Nums go sweep!"
"You'll go to sleep if you have Num Nums?"
"Ya!" He smiles and nods.
"Alright. Julio, you've got her?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Alright. Boobs are coming out! You've all been warned."
Jessica walks over to the corner chair and sits down.
"Mama boobies!" Emerson laughs and pokes her breasts.
"Em, stop it!" Jessica chuckles.
Emerson begins sucking loudly as he softly scratches his fingers on his mother's chest. He always did that while he nursed.
"Mom, tell him to stop sucking on your tit so loud!" Gabriella shouts.
"Shh, Gabby He isn't doing anything. Don't be so mean."
"I'm in labor, mom! He's being too loud!"
"Look at me, amor." Julio places his palms on Gabriella's cheeks and looks deep into her eyes.
"Just breathe, you are doing so well. You're almost done, and soon our prince will be here."
"It hurts so bad!" Gabriella cries.
"I know. But it will be so worth it.."
"I know.. I love you, babe."
"I love you more mi vida." Julio kisses her forehead.
Jessica smiles as she slowly rocks Emerson and pats his bottom.
"Look at them." She says in a low voice.
"I know. Makes you wanna barf, does it?"
"Ana, stop it!" Jessica laughs.
Just then they hear a soft knock on the door.
"Hello? Sorry, I'm leaving, I just wanted to see if you wanted me to take the rugrat back."
"Daddy!" Gabriella looks at him with tears.
"How ya doin, princess?"
"I need you to hug me and tell me it's all gonna be okay! Momma has, Julio has.. but I'm a daddy's girl and I need you to tell me because this is hell!"
"Oh my baby girl!" Danny hurried over to hug her.
"It will be okay! This pain is only temporary, but the love you have for this baby will last a lifetime."
Gabriella sniffles and wipes her nose on his shirt. Danny chuckles and says, "I can't wait to see the amazing mother you're going to be. You have the best, so I know it's rubbed off on you."
"Yeah.. I do have the best. I love you both so much! And I'll love you guys even more once he's out of me!" She chuckles with exhaustion.
Danny places his hand on her stomach and chuckles. "He feels just as active as you were. Remember, momma?" Danny smiles at Jessica.
Jessica nods her head and says, "Yes I do. Gabby was our little ballerina.. it was always a dance party. Day and night!"
Gabriella chuckles and wipes her tears. Danny kisses her head then looks into her eyes. "Good luck, princess. I love you."
"Thank you. I love you more!"
"That ain't possible, kiddo." He smiles and flicks her nose making her giggle.
"And you!" He turns to Emerson. "You just ate!"
Emerson breaks away and giggles.
"No!" He says cutely.
"Yes! You little turd! Ready to come back with daddy?"
"No, mama!" He mumbles and holds her tighter.
"I'll bring him out when he's finished."
"Okay. Hey!"
"You look beautiful."
Jessica smiles.
"You know.. for an old lady that is about to become a grandmother for the second time!"
"Thanks!" Jessica laughs.
Danny leans forward and kisses her nose.
"NO! NO! My Mama!" Emerson shouts and swings his hand at Danny.
"Oh shut it!" Danny says making Jessica laugh.
"Here you go, daddy!" Jessica smiles bringing Emerson back to Danny.
"He's asleep?! Thank Christ!"
"Mommy's got the special touch." She smiles.
"Well thank God! That kid was being terrible earlier!"
Jessica chuckles. "Well call me if you need me. Gabby's waiting on her epidural so she'll be feelin' better soon."
"Oh good! I hate thinking of her in pain."
"I know." Jessica pouts. "Me too.."
"Grandma?" Charlotte marches over.
"Yes, baby?"
"Can you please tell aunt Gabby to hurry up and get the baby out? I am so tired!"
"I'll tell her, Princess!" Jessica laughs.
"She's almost takin as long as you did!"
"Grandma took DAAAAYS to have the twins!" Danny says.
"Oh I'm so sorry to inconvenience everyone!"
"The only thing that bothered me about you taking two days to have them is that you were in pain! I don't like when you're in pain, momma." Isaiah says sweetly.
"My baby boy! You see how sweet he is to me?" Jessica wraps her arms around him and pulls him against her as he sat in his chair.
"Of course I am, because I love you!" Isaiah hugs her waist tightly.
"Oh my boy! Zaya, you've always been a momma's boy. You were always laying on me.. you always mommy cuddle time!"
Jessica bends over and kisses his head. "Cuddle time never gets old, baby boy!" She say bending her knees and hugging him tighter.
Just then Anastasia walked in. She rolled eyes and said, "Oh geez!"
"What? If I try to hug you, you'll push me!"
"Yeah! I'm the nice one!" Isaiah says before sticking his tongue out at his sister.
"It's okay, honey. Ignore her." Jessica pats the back of Isaiah's head.
Just then Sarah and Evan walk into the waiting room.
"We're here!"
"Nana?! Pop Pop?!"
"Hi my Charlie Parlie!"
"What are you doin here?" Charlotte gives her grandparents attitude.
"Are we not welcomed?" Sarah asks.
"I just don't know why you're here! Are you having a baby too?"
"What?! We're not crazy like your grandma and grandpa! We're here to see the baby! Has she had him yet?"
"No she has not! She's still in there and I'm here, bored!"
"Well doesn't that just suck for you, huh?"
"It does suck!"
"Mom!" Kenley gives Sarah a look.
"Sorry! Alright, well I have to go back and see my goddaughter."
"I'm gonna go too! I need to tell her to Push!"
"That'll do it!" Jessica says as she and Sarah grab her hands.
"Knock, Knock! I'm here! Push auntie! PUUUUUSH!"
"What are you doing in here you little stink?"
"I came to say, Hurry UP!"
"I'm tryin, honey!"
Charlotte looks at her with a blank face. "..Try harder."
Sarah and Jessica crack up. "Man, this little girl is just like you, Gabriella!" Sarah says.
"She's adorable, isn't she?"
Just then Gabriella gets an intense contraction.
"Oh mommy, make it stop! Please make it stop! I can't do it anymore! It hurts too bad!"
"Baby girl, you're doing so well! I know it hurts, but you an do this, honey!"
"I want him out!" She screams.
"Well.. have you thought about those orgasmic thought you wanted me to try when I was on labor?"
"Ooh shit!" Sarah chuckles.
"Boy how the tables have turned." Jessica smirks.
7:30 pm.
Since getting her epidural Gabriella has been a completely different person. That is until it wore off a bit, right around the time the baby was wanting to come out.
"My ass! My ass burns!" Gabriella screams, lifting her hips off the bed.
"Mom, my ass!"
"Honey." Jessica grabs her hand and holds her laughter in.
"Are you feeling pressure?"
"My ass is gonna explode!"
"Yeah, she's ready. Ana, will you please grab the nurse?"
"Oh momma, I am so sorry! I'm so sorry I put you through this!"
"Baby girl, it wasn't your fault!"
"You're right, it's daddy's! I'll kick him in the balls once I get this baby out of me!"
"No honey, don't do that." Jessica giggles.
"How did you do this so many times? I don't understand it."
Jessica smiles and rubs her arm. "Baby girl, you'll understand as soon as you see this baby boy's face. You'll understand everything I've ever done for you. The times you thought I was just being a horrible mom.. the decisions I had to make.. including the one to have so many kids. You'll understand, Princess." Jessica smiled, cupping her daughter's plumped cheeks as tears filled her eyes.
"Alright, it's go time! Is everyone ready?" The doctor asks.
"Yes!" Jessica and Anastasia shout the loudest.
"Ready, mommy?"
"I said Yes! Oh! Oh you mean her! Haha, sorry! Force of habit!" Jessica laughs.
"I'm ready." Gabriella nods.
"Okay, deep breath in and push down hard into your bottom. Push, push, push. Keep going! And breathe, and push again! Harder, harder, harder!"
"Ah! No, I can't!" Gabriella stops pushing and lays her head back.
"Yes you can, love. Push!" Julio encourages her.
"No I can't! Mommy, please do it for me! You're so good at this!"
"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could, but I can't. Now push!"
Gabriella takes a deep breath in and pushes as hard as she can.
45 minuets later.
"He's not coming out! He's not coming out!" Gabriella sobs.
"Honey, you're doing great! You need to keep pushing." The nurse says.
"Come on Gabs!" Anastasia says. "You can do it, sis!"
Gabriella pushes once again and she feels the most intense burning she has ever felt in her entire life.
"Shh, honey it's okay! Breathe through that pain. I know it hurts, but that means you're near the end." Jessica says to her daughter.
"I can't, momma!" She cries.
"Yes you can, now PUSH!"
Gabriella pushes and Anastasia watches in tears.
"Oh my gosh!"
The baby's head slowly made it's way through the birth canal.
"Oh Gabby, he's coming!" Anastasia shouts.
"Come on, Princess! He's almost here!" Jessica says pressing on the top of Gabriella's stomach while still holding her hand.
"Oh my son! He's coming!" Julio smiles.
Two more pushes and Gabriella was just moments away from holding her baby boy in her arms.
"Ahh! OWWW!"
"Gabriella, look! Open your eyes!" Jessica shouts.
Gabriella opens her eyes and screams as the baby makes his way out of her.
She grabs him and places him on her chest.
"Oh my baby! My baby!" She sobs.
"Oh he's perfect! He looks like you!" Julio smiles.
"He looks like both of us!" Gabriella smiles.
Julio kisses her lips.
"Gabby! That's was incredible! Heh! You're stronger than I ever knew you were." Anastasia says.
"Oh Princess! Thank you!
..Aw, Ana are you crying?"
Anastasia nods her head.
"I love you, Princess Ana." Gabriella reaches for her hand.
"I love you too." Anastasia kisses the back of her hand.
Gabriella then turns to her mother with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you, momma. Thank you so much.. for everything!"
"Oh baby girl. It's no problem."
Gabriella looks down at her baby boy and a beautiful smile spreads across her face as she hears the loud cries coming from her son. She then looks back at Jessica and says, "I understand."
Jessica chuckles, tears pouring down her face.
She kisses her forehead and says, "I knew you would, Princess."
My first baby is a mommy, y'all! 😭😭😭💙
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