Christmas Eve Eve.
"Why do we always wait til the very last minute to finish up our Christmas shopping?" Danny asks.
"I don't know, these crowds are terrible!"
"I know! And if I don't find this princess dollhouse that Willow wants, I am officially the worst daddy in the world."
Jessica laughs and sips on her coffee.
"Did she say that?" She asks.
"Not exactly.. She said if she didn't get it then I'm a meany head. But that's some serious trash talk to a three year old."
"True!" Jessica laughs. " Oh I forgot to tell you! Emerson told me he wants a tablet to watch Mickey Mouse."
"What's wrong with watching it on the tv?"
"I have no idea! I guess he wants access to Mickey no matter where he is."
"You wanna get him one?"
"Hell no!"
"Why? He's not gonna like you, Jess!"
"Tough! He's not gettin one! He is three years old. I am not buying him a tablet. I think parents who do that are taking their childhood away. They're taking away all of the creativity you get as a child. Honey, that's where it all begins! A child's brain is the most creative thing on this planet.. IF you let them be a child. Let them run and play. Let them dress up, let them sing and dance! Let them play outside in the dirt, let them drive you nuts! They're only a child once and I'm not taking that away so he can spend hours with his eyes glued to a tablet."
"Wow.. honey, I really didn't think it was that deep. The boy just wants to watch Mickey Mouse!"
"Well I pushed him out and what I say goes!"
"Yes ma'am!" Danny chuckles.
Later that evening.
"Momma, it's just a movie! Can I please, please go?"
"No hanky panky, Anastasia!" Jessica points her finger.
"I won't!"
"I mean it!"
"So do I! Can I please go?"
"If your father says it's okay then sure. Go ahead."
"Yay! Thank you, momma!"
In the last few weeks Danny and Jessica have met Ashton and decided that Anastasia could continue seeing him. She's getting older but she Must stick to a few rules.
After Anastasia left for her date Danny and Jessica put the twins to bed.
"Mama, I no want to go to bed!" Emerson cries.
"You have to go to bed, honey. Everyone will be asleep and all the lights will be off..
And whoever's still awake when the lights are off will be scared by the Monster!"
"Mommy!" Emerson looks at his mother with a scared look in his eyes.
"Go to bed so he won't come!"
"Okay! I go to bed!" Emerson covers up and shuts his eyes.
"Jessica!" Danny laughs.
"Hey it worked, didn't it?" She laughs and kisses him goodnight.
"You're a mess!" Danny says.
"Yeah, Lo Lo?"
"Santa come tonight?"
"Not tonight. Tomorrow night." He smiles.
"Oh! Dada, I so so scared of Santa!"
"I know." Danny laughs. "I could tell by the way you were screaming in your picture."
"Yeah.. but he bwing me toys?"
"Yeah! He's a nice a guy!"
"Dat so nice, daddy!" She smiles.
"I know!" Danny chuckles then tucks her in.
"Goodnight Princess."
"Night night, dada!"
Christmas Eve.
The Huston's had a small get together with their children at the house. Nothing too big, just dinner and drinks. The kids popped out a few board games, and they played a few rounds of Mario kart. It was a really fun time.
The older kids are now all asleep, and Danny and Jessica are tucking the younger ones in.
"Night night, Emerson."
"Night night, mommy. When I wake up, it be Chwistmas?"
"Yay! Coooool!"
Jessica giggles and kisses his chubby cheek.
She then walks over to Willow. "Night night, Willow." Jessica kisses her cheek.
"I sweepin all-welly, mama."
"Oh I'm so sorry! Goodnight." She chuckles.
After tucking the twins in, Danny and Jessica head downstairs to play Santa.
"Some wine, Mr. Huston?"
"I'd love some, Ms. Lange."
Jessica hands him a glass of wine and Danny smiles.
"Thank you, my love."
"No problem. So how's it coming?"
"Well I could use some help."
"But I never wrap! Not in twenty five years have I ever wrapped!"
"Well there's a first for everything!" Danny smiles. "We bought way too much today. Get to wrappin, mommy." Danny tosses a roll of tape to her.
"What the hell is this?" Danny asks holding a present in his hand.
"I don't know how to wrap!" Jessica laughs.
"Is that what it is? That's what you were trying to achieve?"
"Oh Daniel. It's not that bad!"
"All I'll say is thank God you're cute!"
"Stop it!" She whines and lightly taps his arm.
"I'm just kidding! It's really nice, Babydoll." Danny kisses Jessica's cheek.
"Mhm." Jessica purses her lips.
"Oh don't be grumpy!" He baby talks. "I'm just being funny with you. I like to pick on you."
Jessica looks at him and Danny softly kisses her lips. When he pulled away Jessica had a smirk on her face.
"We'll just tell the kids that the twins helped us."
"Oh stop it!" She laughs.
In the midst of wrapping and setting Santa presents out, Danny and Jessica got a little frisky.
Danny carefully laid on top of Jessica. Their lips and bodies pressed against each other. Wrapping paper crinkling underneath them.
"Mmm.." Jessica moaned into Danny's lips.
Danny ran his hand up Jessica's blouse and grabbed her right breast making her moan.
"Oh no! Not on my presents!" They here a small voice.
Danny and Jessica quickly turn and see Charlotte standing their looking down at them.
"My mommy and daddy said kissing leads to babies, and this family does NOT need anymore babies! You two are old and should NOT be kissing! Especially on my Christmas presents! *Gasp* I got what I wanted!"
"Charlotte, what are you doing up?" Jessica asks.
"I wanted to see if Santa came and he DID!"
"Charlotte, you need to go to bed. Your parents told you to stay in your house tonight, remember?"
"I don't listen to them!" She laughs.
"I'm gonna take this toy with me and play with it."
"Shh. Don't worry about it, Gramma."
Danny laughs and Jessica gives him a look.
"Babies, wakey wakey! It's Christmas!"
"Mama?" Emerson mumbles.
"Good morning, honey! Wake up, you two. Santa came!"
"Santa!" Emerson shouts.
While Jessica picks Emerson up from his bed, Danny tries to wake Willow.
"Hey baby. Wake up.. Santa came!" Danny speaks in a low voice as he softly pats her back.
"Mmmmm.. Noooooo." She whines and buries her face in her pillow.
"Come on, honey. We're gonna open presents!"
"Sweep!" She whines.
"Why do you want to sleep when there are gifts downstairs?"
"Dada I so so tired." Willow cries softly.
"She is so not a morning person... but this little man.. HE is!" Jessica chuckles as Emerson kicks his legs with excitement.
"I know, it's crazy how different they are. Come on, Princess. Daddy will carry you."
"Eh! Bed! My bed, daddy!"
"I know, honey, I'm so sorry! But your brothers and sisters are waiting for us."
Willow fusses and restlessly kicks her little legs against her father as she lays her head on him.
"Oh goodness, she is going to be a fun one to wake up in the morning when they start school!" Danny chuckles.
"I know, Willow is not a happy camper in the morning!"
"Mom! Dad! Hurry up!" Gabriella shouts. She was like a kid herself. She couldn't wait to open her presents.
"We're coming!" Jessica says as she and Danny walk downstairs with the twins.
"Say Merry Christmas, guys!" Jessica smiles at the twins.
"Merry Chwistmas!" Emerson says in his cute baby voice.
"Down mommy! Down! Down!"
Jessica giggles and stands him up. Emerson takes off running to the tree and grabs a present.
"Emmy, come sit with mama so I can help you."
"I open dis!"
"That ones not yours, silly!"
"Hey Em, this ones yours!" Isaiah says.
"Da big one?!" Emerson's eyes widen.
"The big big BIG One!"
Jessica chuckles and nods her head. "Thank you, Zaya."
"What's wrong with Lo? Is she sick?" Anastasia asks.
"No, she's just sleepy." Jessica says reaching over and patting her bottom.
"Poor baby.. Willow, wanna come with sissy?" She holds her hands out.
"No, Daddy!" Willow buries her face in her father's neck.
"Okay, I'm sorry!"
Once all the kids started opening their presents, Willow perked up.
"Mama dis mines?" She asks.
"Yeah, baby! You and Emmy open these at the same time, okay?"
"Okay, on the count of three! One.. two.. three!" Jessica counted along with the twins.
Both Emerson and Willow rip open their gifts.
"What dis?" Emerson asks. He was the first to open it fully.
"Those are big boy underwear!" Jessica says with excitement.
"And Willow, honey, those are big girl underwear!"
"Ohhh!" She smiles.
"Dem gots pwincesses on it!"
"Yeah! Princess panties!" Jessica says.
"Pwincess panties!" Willow cheers.
Jessica laughs at her cuteness.
"Emmy, you don't like yours?" She asks.
"No!" Emerson throws his underwear.
"Awe! Why not?!"
"I no use big boy underwear! I use these!" Emerson pulls his pants down and tugs on his diaper.
Jessica and everyone else crack up laughing.
"You sound like Nugget! He said the same thing to me when he was younger."
Kenley looks at Noah and laughs.
Noah nods his head and says, "What's so bad about shitting yourself as you watch Barney? It was The Life!"
Jessica chuckles then continues speaking to Emerson. "But honey, you're three years old now and that's a Big Boy! Big boys use undies!"
"No want dem!" He pouts and crosses his arms.
"Awe bud.. don't be like that." Danny says before he turns to Willow and laughs.
"Look at Willow!"
She was stepping out of her pajama pants all by herself. She then ran to Danny with excitement.
"Dada, open dis!"
"What do we say?"
Danny chuckles and opens the package for her.
"Look at these tiny baby underwear!" Danny laughs and holds them up.
"Put on me, daddy! Put on me Peees!"
"Okay, which ones?"
"Uhhh.. dis!" She points.
"Okay. Step in!"
"Yay!" She smiles.
Once she had them on over her diaper she was so happy.
"Ook! I got panties like mama!"
Jessica laughs. "We're twins, baby!"
"You gots pwincess ones?"
"Oh yeah!" Jessica nods. "I've got ALLLL the princesses!"
"Me see! Me see!" Willow runs and grabs Jessica robe and pajamas.
"Please DON'T show her!" Isaiah says.
"I'm not!" Jessica laughs.
The Huston's morning was filled with joy and laughter. Later on in the day both sides of their family came over for one big party.
"I'm here and I need a drink!"
"Well Merry Christmas to you too, Ann!" Jessica says.
"I'm sorry, Merry Christmas." Ann kisses Jessica's cheek. "Alcohol!" She grabs Jessica by the shoulders.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I've spent the last three hours trying to get mom and dad ready for today. I'm losing my fucking mind!"
"Oh Ann, stop it! You know they can't help it."
"I know and I feel terrible. I'm going to hell, I know that! But I don't have the patience." Ann nods.
Jessica sighs. "Well.. the alcohol is over there." She points.
"Bless you!"
Ann takes off and Jessica walks over to her parents.
"Hi momma! Hi daddy! Merry Christmas!"
"Hello, Jessie.." Dorothy smiles.
"You doin okay, momma?" Jessica hugs her and kisses her cheek.
"Yes, baby."
"Yeah, daddy?"
"I wanna go home!"
"Oh daddy, you don't want to spend Christmas with us?"
"I want to go home!" Albert slightly raises his voice.
"Ohhh!" Jessica chuckles and hugs her father.
"What is this shit your sister put on me?" Albert pulls on his dress shirt. Albert only liked wearing blue. No one knew why, but as he got older blue was all he wanted. When Ann dressed him she put him in a maroon shirt.
"Look at this shit!"
"It's nice, daddy!" Jessica laughs.
"It's shit!
..Pure shit!"
"Oh goodness you and that mouth! You're gonna get coal for Christmas, daddy!"
Albert looks at Jessica making her laugh.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"....I wanna go home!"
"Okay daddy, we'll take you home in a little while. First, let's get all the grandchildren and great grandchildren together with you guys for a picture."
"Awe Hell.."
"Daddy stop it!" Jessica laughs.
"Ash, I'll meet you later...
Yeah, I'll just say I'm going to bed and sneak out.
It's crazy so no one will miss me.
... Alright, bye babe. I'll see you soon."
"Come on, sweetie, we're taking a picture! Uncle George set his camera on a timer so we can all be in it!" Jessica says to Anastasia.
"Okay momma, I'm coming!" She smiles.
"Are we done?" Albert asks.
"Oh Al, just smile!" Dorothy taps her husband's hand.
"I hate pictures!"
"Just smile, daddy!" Jane says.
"Yeah papa! You have to smile! Like me, see?" Charlotte smiles.
"Which one are you?" He asks.
"I'm Charlotte! Nuggets baby! Silly!" She giggles.
"Oh yes.. okay.. are we done?"
"We haven't taken it yet, you need to smile first!"
"Fine." Albert turns to the camera and smiles.
"I did it!" Charlotte looks up to Jessica and smiles. She was so proud of herself.
"Good job, baby girl!"
"Okay it's ready. Everybody say Facebook!" George says.
"No it's cheese, silly!" Charlotte laughs.
"Yeah, I don't like the Facebook. No one out me on there, please!" Jessica says.
"Jessica, just smile!" George shouts.
"We I'm just saying I-"
"Great! Let's do that again since no one was ready!"
"Oh calm down, we have all night!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"I'm ready to go. I smiled for the picture now let me go."
"One more, dad! Then you're done, I promise." George says.
George quickly jumped in and everyone smiled.
"Okay, I think that was better!" He says walking over to his camera.
"Let me see it!" Jessica runs over to see the picture.
Tears filled her eyes and she smiled. "Aww! Look at my family.. this is perfect!"
Merry Christmas!!🎄🎅🏼
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