Jessica arched her back as she held onto Danny tightly.
"FUCK." Jessica breathed heavily.
Danny groaned before going down to her neck.
Jessica's sweaty body shook with pleasure as she moaned.
Danny released himself inside of her.
"Oh Danny.." Jessica said in a whine.
Danny kisses her neck and lips.
"Ohhh.. Ohhh.."
"You still goin?" Danny chuckles.
Jessica giggles and places her hands on his cheeks before kissing his lips once again.
"Now that was good."
"I had to prove myself after what you said."
"I just told you that so you'd work harder." Jessica says as she plays with his hair.
Danny chuckles and kisses her cheek.
Jessica gasps when she hears Willow's voice.
"She scared me!" She laughs.
"Mommy!" Willow says a bit louder.
"Yes, baby? Why are you out of bed?"
"Because. Are you doing sex?"
Danny tried holding his laughter in and laid his head on Jessica's chest.
"No honey. Go back to bed."
"Well whatever you're doing, it's too loud!"
"I agree!" They hear Gabriella.
"Girls, Go To Beeeed!" Danny shouts.
Jessica looks down to Danny and chuckles.
"Those two are the same person twenty years apart."
"Yep! Little monsters."
"Mommy, why can't we go back to school?" Willow asks as Jessica helps the twins with their work.
"Cause the birus is bad, Wiwow!" William says.
"My name is AUNT Willow to you, mister!"
"Stop yelling and be nice! Now finish your work, please."
"I don't wanna go to school. I like being home with you, mommy!" Emerson smiles and rubs his hands on Jessica's leg.
"Aw my baby boy! I love having you home!"
Emerson smiles and kisses his mother.
"You're so cute, momma! The cutest girl I know!"
"Awww! I love you, handsome!"
"I love you too! Am I your best boy?"
"Yes you are!" Jessica giggles.
Suddenly Isaiah loudly clears his throat.
Jessica laughs and turns to him.
"Zaya! I didn't know you were standing there, honey!"
"I thought I was your best boy."
"You're all my best boys!"
"No, that doesn't make sense, mom. You have to pick one, and everyone knows it's me."
"Isaiah, I don't have a favorite. You were my favorite when I only had you and Gabby—"
"HEY!" Gabriella shouts.
"I meant he was my favorite boy, and you were my favorite girl. Then I had more of you and I didn't have a favorite anymore!"
"Fine, but I know the truth." Isaiah smirks before leaving the room.
"He knows it's me too!" Emerson whispers with a giggle.
Jessica laughs and hugs him.
Gabriella's Birthday.
"Good morning, Lolli!" William says walking into the kitchen.
"Good morning, cutie pie! Where's your momma?"
"She's cryin."
"What? Why? She's the birthday girl! Gabriella loves days that are strictly about her!"
"Because she's old, Lolli!"
"Yeah, she think she's old. She kicked me out of the bedroom early this morning." Julio says. "Lucy and I have spent the last few hours in with Will."
"What a butt. Lucy, did mama kick you out too?" Jessica asks reaching for her.
Lucy smiles and leans forward.
Jessica kisses her and softly pats her bottom.
"Mama mean girl!"
"Lulu, I'm her mommy! Don't you think I know that?"
Lucy giggles. She then spots her grandpa and wanted nothing to do with Jessica.
"POP! POOOOP!" She shouts.
"Lucy Lu! HI!"
Jessica hands her over.
"I'm gonna go talk to Gabby."
Jessica walked upstairs and let herself into Gabriella's room.
"Julio, I already said for you to leave me alone!"
"He's downstairs with the kids."
"Mom, leave please."
"Why are you acting like this? You always love your birthday!"
"Because this is my last birthday in my twenties! Do you have any idea how horrible that is? Oh.. of course you do, you're old."
"Thanks. Gabriella, it's not the end of the world, and you're not old! Get up and go spend time with your babies."
Gabriella sits up and pouts.
Jessica laughs and pinches her cheek.
"You haven't changed a bit."
"What did you do for your twenty ninth birthday?"
"Hung out with you losers."
Gabriella smiles softly.
"Oh and Ryan gifted me Mary Tyrone!"
"That's a nice gift.."
"Yeah, it was incredible!"
".. I won't get anything that exciting. I'm stuck inside during a pandemic! This is horrible!"
"You're surrounded by people you love, it's not the end of the world, Danielle!
Gabriella sniffles.
"I remember the gifts your dad gave me were interesting. He gave me penis noodles that I accidentally fed you."
"Always loved the D."
"Stop it!"
Gabriella laughs.
"Oh and he gave me a toilet coffee mug.. a penis shaped cake pan, and a cook book!"
"That one isn't so bad."
"It was called Fifty ways to cook cock."
"Oh gross!" Gabriella laughs.
"Oh and he wanted butt sex!" Jessica whispers that last part.
"Ew! Did you do it?"
"Fuck No! That shit seems painful and groooossss!"
Gabriella laughs.
"Man if I could go back to those days.."
"What? Dad wanting ass?"
"No.. to seeing you and your brothers little faces.." Jessica smiles softly.
"Ana wasn't born yet, and Noah was a newborn. But you and Isaiah were a little older and so happy it was Mommy's birthday." Jessica tears up.
"Those years.. they go so fast. Now my baby girl.. my first born is twenty nine years old! It's just so crazy how quickly time passes." Jessica then snifles and gives her daughter a beautiful smile.
".. Happy Birthday, Princess."
Gabriella tears up. "Thank you, momma.
.. I'm sorry I'm a bitch!"
"Oh honey.. we're used to it, it's okay!"
"I love you, mom."
"I love you more, Princess. Now let's go downstairs and celebrate with our freak show of a family!"
"There she is! The Birthday Girl!"
"Hi Daddy!"
"Happy Birthday, Cupcake!"
"Aw Danny, you're gonna make me cry!" Jessica pouts.
"Why?" Gabriella asks.
"Cupcake is what we called you when you were just a teeny spec in my tummy!"
"Then she was our tiny ballerina with the way she kicked around your belly constantly." Danny chuckles.
"Yes! We always knew you'd be a dancer, Gabby."
"A natural born artist." Gabriella smiles.
"Remember her first dance class, Jess?"
"Yes! Oh my gosh you were so cute!"
"I still am!" Gabriella giggles.
Later that day.
"Our costumes came in, you guys!" Anastasia says walking into the living room with packages.
"Your costumes? What are you guys planning?" Jessica asks.
"The four of us are going to be characters from the wizard of oz! Zaya is the lion, Nugget is the tin man, I'm the scarecrow, and Gabby is Dorothy."
"Of course!" Gabriella smiles.
"Excuse me but did you forget that there are six of you and not only four?"
"What about for little brother and sister? They're Hustons too! Just mini sized." Jessica pouts.
"This is just the four original members." Gabriella says.
"Oh my gosh that's so mean! Kids, the twins are your siblings! Now find them costumes so they can feel like they're being included! They're going to get their feelings hurt seeing their older siblings who they look up to, I have no idea why by the way! All dressed up and matching on Halloween! That'll break their little hearts!"
"Fine, they can be the flying monkeys!" Anastasia says.
"No. They're not going to be flying monkeys!"
"Momma, I'll find them something.
What if they go as the lollipop guild kids?" Isaiah asks.
"There's only two of them!"
"Oh right! Oh my gosh, the triplets can go as them!"
"Very cute but my babies are still left in the dump. I want them to have main parts!"
"It's not a play, mom. It's Halloween." Noah says.
"It doesn't matter! Next time think about your brother and sister!"
For a moment all of the kids stay quiet.
Then Anastasia breaks the silence.
"Well.. we know who's gonna be the wicked witch."
They went as characters from the wizard of oz when they were younger, so I thought it was time they have a redo.
As you all know I feel Wattpad has changed a lot this year. Some people have moved on, and that's fine. For me this will always be a form of therapy, and I'll always enjoy it.
When I'm writing this family I feel like it's back when I first started. These characters mean so much to me. I think even if I had no readers I'd still write about this family.
Thank you to everyone still enjoying it, and a HUGE thank you to the few that have been here since day one. You know who you are, and I love y'all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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