Chapter 7: Minutemen's beginnings
"I find this place...most strange."
"Why so?" Danny turned to Curie.
They were just on the way to Sanctuary. The robot seemed curious about the surrounding world.
"My databases seem outdated. This is simply...effroyable."
Phantom chuckled at her frustration. "On the contrary. This knowledge may be quite useful in the future."
"In the future, monsieur. It doesn't help me now, but of course I will put my knowledge to the good use."
They passed a few meters, before Curie spoke again.
"Excuse me...Monsieur Fenton, may I ask a question?"
"Of course, go ahead."
"I've made a scan of your body in order to check your health..."
Danny froze on his place. He slowly turned around to face the floating machine.
"Your life signs are in no way compatible with life. The body temperature is much below thirty six degrees, the heartbeat is too slow. And my processors are having a hard time to process such information. You sure are an interesting one!"
"Eh...thanks? What exactly are you going to do with this information?"
"Well, I might create a cure for your disease..."
Danny laughed, with a note of sad irony. "Believe me, Curie, THIS is something even you won't be able to reverse. I'm fine, I have been like that since I was fourteen. It is nothing serious, I assure you. Nevermind how that looks."
"Well, if you are sure of it, monsieur. My duty is to do no harm."
"Yet you killed that raiders. And the laser in your hand is not exactly for medical use."
"Why? It is used for complicated medical surgeries. I do not harm those I'm tasked to heal. It was self defense only."
"Great. I'm in a radioactive wasteland full of mutants, along with a pacifist robot."
Curie huffed and turned all her eyes away. Danny snickered quietly at her almost childish antics. She didn't have much social interactions. They soon got back to the settlement. Phantom was pleased that his men were on their posts. They immediately stood still as he passed them. Danny pleasantly noted that they were ogling his clothes in awe. He went up the street and stopped near the nearly fixed building. The holes were covered by the desks, showing off with their different color. The roof of the bungalow was fixed as well. There was the Minutemen banner hanging on the wall. Danny didn't know where they took it.
Once he went inside, the soldiers jumped from their seats. Some had been sitting on the chairs at the table, playing some card game, some were on the beds. With a gesture Danny told them to sit. He smiled brightly.
"Since you seem so relaxed, the mission was successful, I take it?"
"Of course, General!" Preston approached him and gave an honor sign. "The spot is cleared, the settlers are starting to come there. I'm curious though. What's that system you said about?"
"Simple. If you see a flare, go there immediately. Once we establish communications, it will be much easier."
"Who is that?" Preston asked, pointing at the robot.
"I am Curie, monsieur."
Everyone raised their eyebrows.
"I found her in the Vault 81. The Overseer, by the way, agreed for cooperation. We have their support."
Someone cheered. Preston then took notice of the General's new clothes.
"Where did you take this uniform?" He asked.
"I know one tailor. He makes wonderful outfits. Now, I won't distract you. Have rest, you deserved it, guys."
During the night Danny replaced the guard near the bridge and took the post himself. Soon after, the man heard the engine sounding behind him. Curie was there, eyeing him curiously.
"Was there something you needed, Curie?" Danny asked.
"Oh, Monsieur Fenton, I just came to notify you that spending so much time awake is bad for health."
Phantom chuckled. "I am in no need, thanks for your concern. I'm kind of bored, however, not a single soul to shoot at."
Danny leaned back in his seat and took a book he found. Curie moved to the side and one of her eyes focused on the cover.
"Hm, interesting choice," she commented. "Although quantum mechanics are not my field of science."
"Neither they are mine. But I have plenty of time to enlighten myself."
'Eternity,' Danny added sarcastically.
Suddenly his eye caught something. It was brief, a single flash on a distance of a mile. Danny jumped on his legs, catching the robot off guard. If it was a sniper, he wouldn't be in trouble, the bullets would go through him, but his companion...
"I suggest you stand behind that wall," he pointed at it.
Without asking questions, Curie did just that. Phantom then took the binoculars and looked there. No, it wasn't a sniper. It was something else. It must have been a caravan, but what caravans traveled at such time? Danny got really curious and removed the binoculars. But damn it, he had to remain on his post...eureka.
The glowing puppy immediately ran to him, wagging his tail.
"Guard the place. If something happens, wake up the others or apprehend them yourself."
Danny stroked under his friend's chin and smiled at seeing an affirmative nod. Phantom then took out a gun and set off.
"Excuse me, Monsieur, where are you going?"
"Curie, this might be dangerous. Please, stay here," Danny asked politely.
"You might require medical assistance on your way," the robot argued. "And it is my responsibility to make sure nothing happens."
Phantom sighed. "I appreciate your concerns, but I will be fine. It will be quick."
With that Danny jumped over the fence and went up the road. It was a dark night, because the sky filled with clouds. It probably was going to rain. Phantom got to the top of the hill, looking at the ground below. He saw a blue light below, and it seemed that he found something VERY unusual. Those were humanoid robots, and all of them had guns. Some were wearing white suits and helmets, but their unarmored comrades gave them out.
Phantom wasn't sure about what to do with them, but then the answer revealed itself, as he heard a strange sound behind. Not a second had he turned around when Danny had to block the electrified stick with his musket. How had he noticed that thing before? His question was answered when the robot turned invisible and stepped away. Phantom had no time to wonder, because a rain of laser shots was rained at him. The ghost guessed that it wasn't necessary to hide his powers from machines he planned on destroying. He put up a shield which absorbed the shots.
"Scanning, unknown energy source detected," one of them said in metallic voice.
"Should I feel insulted?"
That was something new. Never before had he been called an energy source. Danny then rolled the handle, charging the gun. The robots understood that the shield was impenetrable for their guns, so they tried going around it. Phantom was about to shoot the first one who came his way, but then he felt a painful hit and a zap on his back. Ah, yes, that one. It would have knocked out a human, but Danny only hissed.
The man spun around and hit the robot with a charged ectoblast. Its head was completely blown off. The others seemed confused, and thus weren't straightforwardly attacking.
"Change of priority. Get the specimen alive."
"I'm afraid you are a bit late," Danny grinned toothily.
He fired the musket at the nearest robot, right at its center. It was down, but the others broke out of the stupor. They had to take out the shock sticks, because of some orders which had come out of nowhere. Danny needed just that. His eyes glowed green as the green blade materialized in his free hand. He made it look like a saber, to fit his clothing.
Phantom started deflecting the hits, as he had centuries to master his skills of swordsmanship. Danny's strikes were quick and swift, the robots' insides were shown to the enemy, all rubber pipes and circuits. They were as damage resistant as a piece of wood against an axe. Danny pushed the blade through the chest, dropping the musket, it was useless against multiple opponents. Instead he pulled a pistol in his arm, shooting at the other robot. Then he pulled out the saber and slashed at another one. His strength was bigger than that of machine, he overpowered it, pushed the stick down and made a stab, adding a control shot in the head.
Chunks of metal were flying everywhere, the robots were helpless against the ghost's relentless assault. Soon they all were dead, figuratively speaking. Danny grinned.
"That's what you get for messing with me," he said, cracking his knuckles and picking up the musket.
Danny decided to do some research. After all, those were the most advanced robots he had ever seen. And he knew just the person for such kind of job. Phantom would make a call, but until then he wanted to take a look himself. Tapping on the ground, Danny wondered how to get them to Sanctuary. Snapping his fingers, Phantom grinned. Yes, that would do.
The morning was very bright, bothering the sleeping soldiers a lot. They had to get up early because of the bright sun blasting through the windows or holes in the walls. Some went off to make breakfast, some went for a walk. Preston went to check on the general. He didn't find him on the post, his dog was standing there. While not happy about not being woken up to replace the hardworking man, Garvey was curious about where he went.
"Hey, Sturges!" He called for his long friend. The mechanic looked back at him. "Have you seen the general?"
"Oh, the kid is in the workshop. I heard some noise coming from there."
Thanking the man for his help, Preston went to the shanty building with yellow walls. He indeed heard some whirring and hissing from the inside. Opening the doors, the dark skinned minuteman was greeted by an unusual sight. There was a table in a middle of the room, on which he saw a synth, severely damaged. Danny was standing near it, with goggles to protect his eyes from the sparks. Curie was near him, using the laser with precision available only to her circuits.
"What's going on?" Preston asked with wide eyes.
"Oh, hey, Preston. What's up?" Danny grinned, as the procedure stopped for a while. "I just found this unlucky fellow snooping around. Just like his friends."
He pointed at the pile of robotic bodies in the corner, stacked like a pile of potatoes.
"And you destroyed them? Alone?"
"I wrestled a deathclaw," Danny gave a deadpan look. "They weren't a threat, they needed me alive to...examine, if you get what I mean."
"Tough," was everything Preston could say.
"They aren't the first," Danny shrugged. "Curie, laser power at...sixty five percent."
"Of course, monsieur."
"What are you doing?" Garvey inquired as the process went on.
"Satisfying my immense curiosity," Phantom calmly responded. "I just need to take the carcass to look inside."
"And next?"
"I know one guy who specializes in the cyber techs. Despite his arrogant personality, the guy helped with many of my modernization projects. I'll send those to him for further inspection. Maybe something useful will come out of this. Until then I'll be digging here. With the help of our new friend."
"Oh, thank you, Monsieur Fenton," Curie said joyously. "It's a pleasure working with such enlightened mind."
Danny coughed, blushing slightly. He was flattered.
"Anyways, I'll be looking into this. In the meantime, I want to know about the situation around. Allies may be useful to our cause. The vault helps us, but the help is rather meager."
Phantom later came up with an idea. The following fortnight turned out to be very interesting, he and his soldiers were just helping out the locals, who agreed for the protection of their organization. The northwestern part of suburban area of Boston was guarded by the Minutemen. But it wasn't enough, and the money were hard to come by. They didn't take any payment for their job, but the supplies
had to be taken somewhere. Danny ordered to call a representative from each settlement, guard them on their way to Sanctuary.
No one knew what to make of this, but the representatives came to the place in safety. They all came together in one wooden building, built from scratch, but nevertheless looking nicer than the rest. There were twenty in total. The settlements weren't big, but the number was still impressive. The people sat in several rows when the General came inside the room.
"Well, gentlemen. I'm glad you are here."
"What's all of this about, Phantom, I have the crops to pick," one of them said, crossing her hands.
"I'm afraid that it will have to wait," Danny stood before the people. "I've brought you all together to decide on what to do next."
"What's there to talk about? I thought we agreed on your protection."
"Yes. You did. But despite how charitable we are, it won't get us anywhere. We need to improve our cooperation, so we could achieve more."
"What's in it for you?"
"Ah, that's what I'm talking about. Harsh conditions create distrust, distrust leads to conflicts, conflicts lead to worse conditions. Its a hellish circle from which I'm trying to get you out. That's what I want, for the wasteland to become a better place. We can do it together."
"Alright, what do you offer?"
"First of all. We need a centralized leadership. Two, we need a proper infrastructure. To do so we need proper finances. And this is why I've brought you all together. So we could build everything above mentioned," Danny put hands on his belt with a confident grin.
"What was that about finances?"
"I've already considered a list," Phantom took a stack of papers.
"By using the money, I'm going to build new roads. We have been thrown back to the level of antiquity, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. The map of new paths is right here."
Phantom pressed a button and an old projector showed the image of the territory under the Minutemen's protection. There were red lines connecting the settlements.
"As you can see, the new roads are not based around the old ones. They will only be a bother. The new passages were checked by our scouts, there isn't any hostile activity, no nests, and the soil is rather fitting for our task. We will need rocks, gravel and proper instruments for this. We can rummage through the stores, I doubt anyone picked them up, unlike Nuka-cola. That's some good shit. With hidden weak drugs, though."
Danny coughed.
"We need enough workforce. We don't use slaves, we don't have enough workforce. That's a problem."
"If you can salvage, then why do we have to pay?"
"Goddamnit, Bill, let him finish for once!" Abernathy said.
"Thank you," Danny nodded with a smile. "Now, we could hire the workers, but that's too expensive. Robots...they can do just fine, but we need a specific protectron model, and they aren't easy to find and repair. Most of the time they shoot at everyone. I need a working thing, or at least not severely damaged one. After roads we will be able to build normal housing, as more people will be attracted here. Not these piles of junk you call houses, no offense."
"Now to the issue which troubles some of the present here. The Minutemen take no money, but we still need ammo, armor and details for weapons. Or would you rather prefer us to fight with rusty knifes? Some raiders have power armors, I doubt this will work. I prefer a more civilized approach, so the amount of money for all expenses of our quasi-state shall be fixed and be measured in percents, not a sum."
People mumbled among each other.
"Do not think that this is some magical world. We are doing our best, but the others don't. Unless you find someone who gives away weapons for free, we'll be needing some caps. From the research I had to be done on prices and incomes, the tax amount of fifteen percent shall be the most efficient."
His usage of smart words and methods differing from those of most wasteland leaders played its role just fine. The uneducated folk believed in him, agreeing to do their part. Hereby General Phantom assumed the role of the leader. He was relieved that it went so easily. Danny would make sure that the minutemen wouldn't turn into a casual gang. But it was his first step towards the leadership over the wasteland.
A couple of days later Phantom decided that they should make advances. More settlements should come under his wing. But there hadn't been any calls for help as of late. There were some communes scattered around Boston, but they would become enclaves if the territory had not been joint with the rest. There would only be an unprotected damaged road. That bandits kept appearing from nowhere. That's why the team of the minutemen was where they were. In a park, where the raiders' base was.
"That will be an easy one," Phantom smirked, fixing his triangle hat. He loved that play. "They have no other defences."
He had five rookies with him. Danny preferred to give them field practice himself. And this was a wonderful opportunity, seeing how unprotected the raiders were.
"Alright...Hoggs, was it?" He asked a young woman nearby.
"Yes, sir," she perked up.
"You seem to have good aim," Phantom commented, crossing his hands. "See that watchman? On my signal you shoot. Not head, though, lower the power of the laser. I need him to scream for help, am I clear?"
The woman nodded.
"Others...follow me. Hoggs, once the crowd tries to track you down, hide somewhere. We will strike from another side."
The team separated. Phantom's squad crouched and went to another side of the building, which used to belong to the park's administration. The half ghost led them to the side, completely unnoticed. Then, he gave a signal, seen by the shooter through the optical sights.
A loud banging sound of a .308 caliber round was heard all around. The bullet hit the raider in the knee, and a deafening scream reached everyone's ears. The fuss began, according to Danny's plan. The raiders burst out of the main entrance, trying to find the source. The sniper just kept shooting, and after another one fell dead, the rest took covers. Hoggs proceeded with another part of the scheme, just like the rest of the group.
The other minutemen approached the rear door, but it was locked.
"Flames," Danny cursed, before looking at his soldiers. "Keep watch, I'll pick it in no time."
Once everyone turned away, Danny simply touched the door and made one little part intangible. He pushed it lightly and the way was clear.
"Done," he smirked.
"No time to explain, go."
The minutemen cautiously went deeper inside the half ruined house. It was showing some signs of livability: sleeping bags, lack of skeletons lying around...They had even used the old fireplace for cooking meals. Danny made a gesture to stop, hearing shooting outside. But despite this, there were some steps upstairs. Not everyone had left.
"Take positions here. Shoot at the raiders outside once you hear shooting upstairs."
Danny went upstairs alone as the soldiers took places near the windows, revving up their muskets. Phantom didn't take his own and drummed on the walls as he went through the corridor.
"What the heck, who is..."
The person exiting the nearest room was punched in the face, before Danny grabbed his hand, hit the elbow, making the bandit drop his pistol and yelp in pain. The raider took a knife from his belt with an intact hand, but Phantom let the hand come through him, grinning all the while. One more hit on the head and the man was knocked out. Now, time for a signal. Danny scooped the dropped pistol and made a finishing shot at the fallen scumbag.
He heard the sounds of the shattering windows, followed by the shooting. Phantom rolled his eyes, they could have just opened them. Danny went inside the former children's room and jumped through the wall, landing on the roof.
"Ah," he said to himself, looking at the sunny sky and checking the ammo in the homemade pipe pistol. "What a nice day for a walk."
Phantom was on top of the roof, seeing the raiders below getting shot from the back. He saw one of them try to make a daring escape. Or he was seeking a proper position. Nonetheless, Danny smirked and aimed. A couple of seconds later a bullet pierced his head. The shooting ended, as the trap had obviously worked. They were all dead and the task was done.
"Good job everyone!" Phantom clapped, before jumping down from ten meters and landing swiftly. "Let's search around. Take everything of use: food, ammo and water. Don't neglect searching their bodies. There may be something."
The soldiers started searching, piling all the goods in one place. Of course, some stayed on watch. Danny just roamed the first floor, looking around it. He wasn't personally interested in anything, except for maybe a comic book about Grognak the Barbarian and his adventure in the jungles of Lustria. The King and the General was excited for such little human things. It gave him a sense of normality in this crazy world.
"Sir!" One of his men called, interrupting Danny from his observations.
"Yes?" He asked curiously, getting up from the sofa.
"I think we have finished."
"Good. Packing up, everyone..."
His phrase was interrupted once Phantom heard some faint noise outside. No one else seemed to notice, thus they were surprised to see the general dashing outside. He knew exactly what it was. And Danny turned out to be right. There were two vertibirds - tiltwing aircrafts. And they were coming in their direction. Now the Minutemen heard them, too. There was a tint of hope that they would pass, but no. They opened fire.
Immediately several soldiers fell dead under the torrent of bullets.
"INSIDE!" Phantom roared, and the others didn't argue, running inside the building. Danny glared at them, as the bullets passed through him.
There was an emblem he had learned a while ago. The Brotherhood of Steel. What a way to get acquainted. Phantom calmly took out a musket, as the enemies just couldn't understand why there wasn't a scratch on him left. His own men and women watched in awe through the peek holes. He's got to be the luckiest person in existence. The bullets could as well ricochet back, they wouldn't be surprised. Then Danny aimed.
If he remembered correctly, the engine should be right beneath the cockpit. Rolling the musket charge, he fired. The crimson blast hit it dead on, going through the hull. Muskets were slow, but damn, were they powerful once mingled with. The vertibird spiraled downwards, straight into the nearby trees. There was also another one. Phantom needed explanation, so they had to be spared. In a certain way. It meant that their landing would be softer.
Danny grabbed the propellers of the thing, using telekinesis. He could do that without using arms. And once they stopped, the transport began falling. Using the same ability, Phantom thwarted the descend, making it mop the ground for good fifty meters. But at least it did not explode. Phantom gestured for the Minutemen to come out.
"Keep your guns ready, we are going to have a talk," He said, sounding surprisingly dark.
They supported his mood. That bastards had slaughtered their friends. The group made their way to the crashed vertibird, seeing the enemies climbing out of the wreckage.
"One step and you shall die!" Phantom shouted, loud enough for them to hear.
It stopped the frightened men from fleeing. They just stood there with their arms raised. Danny and his soldiers stopped near them.
"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't kill you all," Phantom growled, lifting one of them by neck in the air, using only one of his hands and holding the musket in another.
"Fancy clothes for a raider," he chocked.
Now it became clear what was the reason for such aggressive behavior. Phantom's grip became stronger.
"Raiders?!" He asked again. "For the note, to all of you," Phantom looked at the rest of the crew.
None of them seemed eligible for fighting, but at least they had a uniform - orange jumpsuits. Something sparked in Danny's memory, something long gone, but he just shook his head. It wasn't the time to indulge in nostalgia.
"We are doing more than you think. And more than you all for the order of the Commonwealth. We are the Minutemen, so you know."
"A bunch of beggars."
"What was that?" Danny looked at another man. Maybe a pistol on his belt made him bolder. "This beggar shot down two of your pretty vertibirds in two shots."
No one could recall the second shot, however.
"Oh, you know the name, congrats."
Phantom let go his captive and approached the speaker. Everyone leaned to their weapons. The half ghost turned out to be taller.
"I even know enough to hit the required point," he said. "And I have an outstanding knowledge even your order does not possess. Because compared to the science of old, you are mere vultures. Nothing like the scientific minds of Big Mountain or Robert House. But I digress. What shall we do with you, attackers?"
"Just kill these assholes?" Someone offered.
"As tempting as it is..." Phantom glanced at them. "I have a deal to arrange. In exchange for what you've done, this vertibird is now ours."
"But sir..."
"Don't worry. Shall they stray out of line, I'll take care of them myself."
"What the hell are you thinking about?"
"Simple. I'll walk you to your base. I'll talk to your boss."
"What makes you think Elder Maxson will listen to the rodents like you?"
"So much for the saviors of Commonwealth. He will listen," Danny's eyes glowed green for the briefest of moments.
The members of the Brotherhood looked at each other. Yes, he will be alone with them. It would be the perfect opportunity to get away.
"Yes, we agree."
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