15. Grains of Salt
Everyone's eyes are in for a delightful treat as I am all green not out of jealousy, but the rain has made me vibrant from muddy to leafy. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Jayveer looked clueless and more mechanical than he already was. It reflected in the taunts and pointless accusations he heralded at Priya. She was disappointed with his behaviour, but she knew he needed time to cope with the heartbreak and deceit.
When Manav learnt about Jayveer's presence he gave him a good hearing. Jayveer accepted his fault and told him he deeply regretted his irresponsibility. "Jay, I understand your emotional state, and therefore I am giving you one more chance without reporting the issue. Also, you must do some magic now as Priya told Anandya that you were in town to fetch some unique ingredients to prepare something special for her. Come on now show some chef's craft." Manav patted Jayveer's shoulder giving him a much-needed boost.
Jayveer nodded his head in understanding and resumed work. He saw Priya taking out some freshly baked cookies that smelled divine. She was engrossed in her work and Jayveer was engrossed in watching her work.
Humans have a strong sense to know that they are being stared at and Priya looked up to confirm her doubt.
Their eyes met and a blast of emotions filled the air. Jayveer hadn't ever seen Priya like he was seeing her now and Priya probably hadn't ever reverted to such an intense gaze. She was quick to break the spirited stare that was probably too powerful for her to handle. She resumed working but there was a visible change in her demeanour. She was more composed yet conscious at the same time.
Jayveer walked up to her and I could hear Priya's heart beating fast. He leaned with the support of the wall and asked her, "You lied on my behalf to Anandya now tell me what should I make to stamp the lie to truth."
"I should tell you?" Priya asked with astonishment.
Jayveer shrugged his shoulders like it was obvious for Priya to suggest him something. She ignored him and continued to glaze the next batch of cookies in the baking tray. Jayveer stood there not moving an inch, so Priya put the brush of butter down and warned him, "Stop distracting me and leave my counter."
"How am I distracting you? Care to explain." Jayveer asked innocently waiting for a reply.
I thought he was annoyed with her for hiding such a big secret from him, but he was almost flirting with her. Strange. Interesting.
Priya wiped her hands with a tissue and faced him properly giving him the attention he wanted. "I don't know what's cooking in that wicked brain of yours, but I certainly don't welcome your..." Priya couldn't think of an appropriate word so she said what I assumed earlier, "toying around. Get back to work and let me do mine. You have an army of workers, but I have none."
"Says who Princesse?" A voice with a foreign accent from behind Jayveer caught their attention and Priya was overjoyed to see a swanky boy with gorgeous soft curls in golden colour. He was tall like a basketball player and his biceps were bulging out of his fitted t-shirt.
Priya jumped to give him a tight hug and squeaked, "Elijah! You said you were coming tomorrow. It's such a delight to see you."
Most of the kitchen staff gathered near Priya's counter and stared in wonderment at the boy who looked like a brownie that was fresh out of the oven. Elijah, the name itself could give the females an orgasm. Priya put her hand around his waist and introduced him to everyone. "Everyone, he is Elijah, my assistant, and will be joining us from right now. He specialises in French desserts and is equally good at making oriental ones too." Priya then introduced other chefs to Elijah and the cute barista couldn't hide the blood rush when she shook hands with the boy.
Oh! He is more handsome than Manav and Jayveer combined. Why was Priya dreaming of Jayveer when she had the best pie in her hands? Silly girl. Feed on him.
"Umm... Elijah meet our Head Chef Mr Rathore." Priya had a distinct charm in her eyes while introducing the two.
Elijah half-smiled then gave a brotherly hug to Jayveer. "Hey, Jay. How are you, ami? Still, fighting over food, or has the topic shifted to more poignant issues like the government in the country."
Jayveer laughed without any sound and replied, "Good to see you mate." Jayveer turned to Priya and said, "Excellent choice of assistant, Chef Priya."
"Oh! Mon! Dieu! The Jay liked something about his arched rival Priya? Am I dreaming?" Elijah pinched himself dramatically and Priya rolled her eyes at his theatrics.
Jayveer whispered in Elijah's ear loud enough for Priya to hear, "Trust me there are many things that I can like about her."
Jayveer and Elijah shared a laugh leaving Priya and me to wonder what suddenly changed in a day. Priya didn't give Elijah a chance to ask her any questions and loaded him with work which he started doing immediately.
Mehta clan was drunk and sleepy and most of the guests ordered food in their rooms which was easier to manage. Jayveer was happy as they got more time to prepare for the party in the evening.
The kitchen staff was working in shifts and Jayveer also went to his room for a while. Elijah was jet-lagged and wanted to sleep so one of the managers on duty showed him his room and he dozed off almost immediately. Priya was still working as she had to make traditional desserts for the folk-theme party tonight.
As soon as Jayveer entered his room he dialled a number and an old lady answered the call. She was Jayveer's grandmother and he told her everything that happened, scene by scene, dialogue by dialogue. She heard him without interruptions except for the soft sounds of her hmms.
"Jay, last night also I told you Priya is not one to be blamed but you were not convinced. She was fooled by Arifa just like you were. Certainly, she was smarter than you and realised soon that Arifa was a friend who wanted benefits in whichever way possible and probably in good faith Priya just let her use her skills. You were not clever enough to realise Arifa wasn't inclined towards getting a degree or putting in the effort. You helped her at all points she required help and didn't doubt she was using you. What was Priya's role in this? She wasn't your family or friend to warn you. And she was right when she said you wouldn't have believed her. We all know how smitten you were by Arifa. You risked everything for her and she wasn't even considerate enough to tell you the truth after all was over. She lied to you recently also." Jayveer's grandmother coughed and took a pause from speaking.
Jayveer sighed, understanding his grandmother's point of view.
"Jay, I just... What happened to you was not anyone's fault. Not yours nor Priya's. I am not even sure why Arifa did what she did. What kind of grooming she had that she didn't regret what she did. Sometimes, people just justify their wrongdoings by declaring that they were wronged too. You are not like that Jay. You are my star and stars don't hurt anyone. They make people smile, fulfil their wishes and sparkle the world. Do that." Jayveer's grandmother was like how all grandmothers should be. Motivating, understanding, and compassionate. She managed to bring a smile to Jayveer's face and he blinked away the tears in his eyes.
He exhaled lazily and told his grandmother jokingly, "Nani, I want to get married so just search for a nice girl for me. This love thing doesn't work for me."
His grandmother laughed from the other end and replied, "Love is not a work that has to be done with perfection. If at all love is a connection between two imperfect people who create their definition of perfection. Jay, the first time you fell in love you both were quite young and probably the time was not right. The second time, the time was right but the person wasn't. This time when you like someone the time will be right and so will the person."
"She is acidic Nani and will give me heartburn." Jayveer retorted shaking his head negatively.
"Priya!" Jayveer replied in a duh tone and his grandmother laughed richly making him wonder why.
I laughed too. Jayveer is just smart by looks it seems.
"Jay, I never mentioned, Priya. I just said, the time is right and so will the person be. But I guess Priya is ruling your mind and who knows soon enough she will rule your heart too." Jayveer's grandmother may have said it as a joke but she must have guessed that something more than just misunderstandings was brewing between the two.
Jayveer preferred not to say anything more and make a fool of himself. He said bye to his grandmother and she gave him one final warning before hanging up the call, "Jay I know you are not fond of Priya but try not to hurt her. You have done that enough. You played with her career and accused her of something she never did. In fact, all she ever did was love you in the purest form of it."
"She fights with me, Nani. That's not love." Jayveer retorted and his grandmother paused before explaining to him a version of love the current generation was not familiar with.
"She gives you an honest opinion which one only gives to the person they want to see excel. Jay, whether you accept it or not but you do get flattered easily and I have told you several times people use it against you to get their work done. This girl, Priya had the option to do that too but she chose to be honest with you."
"She lied to me Nani by not telling me Arifa's truth. We did a whole season of Master Chef together yet she never mentioned anything about it." Jayveer was still not convinced about Priya's honesty and justified his point of view about her.
Jayveer's grandmother sounded a little angry as she said, "You threw stones on the counter she was cooking. She could have lost her degree for which she worked day and night because of that. She had every right to seek revenge from you Jay. But she restricted herself to hiding the truth from you. Let you be happy in the sweet bubble that you had a filmy love story where there was a girl who loved you but you couldn't be together. Have you never wondered why she didn't complain to the authorities about you? She could have easily destroyed your career but she didn't. She took in all the hatred and animosity with a brave face. If that is not love then I don't know what is. I am not asking you to love her Jay but don't hurt her. Take care bub."
Jayveer's grandmother was so wise. She had never met Priya but understood her character so well. I hope Jayveer also realises his faults and does not blame Priya for everything. A knock on Jayveer's door snapped him out of his thoughts.
Dear Readers
Jayveer has cleared his doubts hopefully and Priya has come out clean but will Jayveer forgive her? If he does, will love, cultivate between the two.
Find out!
Stay hooked!
Lots of love!
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