Chapter 6: Shadows
Walking down this corridor was something Felix hated. He couldn't count how many times he's walked through it over and over again. As if something would change the more he comes back. However, it's as if it never aged, as if ten years hasn't gone by.
The air was heavy and the smell was dank. The squeaking of his shoes echoed as the moss got deeper and deeper. He could feel his legs giving way, but he couldn't. He looked at his left, nothing. He looked at his right, nothing again. His companion has long disappeared and left him in this cold unfeeling realm. The only source of light was the small fireflies that floated around him, but even they left as the temperature dropped.
He didn't know where he was going, except forward. It was the direction they used to take all the time, but these past days it was only him. He counted the fireflies that lighted the way. Upon coming to the last batch, he grabbed it in his hands and placed it in the old lantern that would always be there. The little bugs followed inside and gave a very dim glow. But for him it was enough to keep him from the fear that has been creeping from behind.
With the lantern in hand he moved forward. The path got narrower and narrower until it was only enough for one person walking sideways. He took in a deep breath as he tried to move further in. He didn't like it one bit as he was being squeezed in tight. Despite experiencing this multiple times, fear and panic will always kick in. He tried to squeeze himself even further only to get stuck.
This is new, he thought to himself as he opted to go back. However, the path he had just gone through came closing in him. He looked to the other side to find that it's walls were also coming in close. He tried to control his breathing reminding him this is not real. He tried to wake up, he really tried. He looked up to see that there was light. But how can he reach it when the walls were as slippery as ice. He tried to push himself up, arms outstretched with batted breath. Climbing, clawing, kicking, and screaming in desperation. This amount of effort he's putting in to survive should wake him up already, but why, why can't he wake up?
He clambered his way up as he felt his fingers turn cold. The lantern of fireflies were long gone from his hands as he only focused on reaching the light before him. The frostbite slowly numbing away his fingertips. Blood dripping from his hands, staining the ice cold walls as well as his pale face.
The closer he got, the further away he felt. He tried to reach out only to see that he only has three fingers left. His ring finger, middle finger, and pointer finger. He tried to ignore it but this time it wasn't just his fingers breaking away. He felt his body being crushed as the walls were squishing him into oblivion. He tried to reach out hoping someone will see. He screamed and tried to thrash for someone to hear.
"Let go," a voice whispered.
"You should've just stayed with us," another added.
"Now, you walk alone," the first voice continued
He froze at the all too familiar voices that remained as a haunting enigma in his nightmares. He continued to reach out only to fall through the tight vents. It was painful as his arms were against the rough cold walls and his knees bucked and were scraped as he went down. Down into the underworld. With a heavy thud he woke up.
Felix sat up from his bed as he was covered in cold sweat. His heart raced as blood began pumping through his body ready for action. He lungs breathed in the cold air of the AC as he tried to calm himself.
It was a dream and nothing more. The nightmare was long gone, and it will haunt him no more. He began twisting the ring on his finger to make sure. He was sure this time. It's impossible for it to happen anymore, he's in control.
He looked at his clock to find it was nearly six in the morning. It was a bit too early for him, but it never hurt to start now, mostly after that nightmare. He stood up and headed to the balcony. He breathed in the city air as he preferred this than being trapped again. He looked at the Agreste mansion that want far away. The large house was illuminated in the early morning sun. It seemed like a magnificent and elegant display, but everyone knows what had been hidden within it.
"What an eyesore," he muttered to himself as he felt a headache. He has been getting these migraines after every nightmare like that. Sometimes it makes him wonder if it really was a nightmare or was he slipping back into that world. The memory of that place haunts him nonetheless. The only consultation he had now was that Adrien was alone in the real world. But why did he still feel like it's not enough? Why must be keep on asking questions of why? These questions had always been the hardest ones to answer.
Is it because of the fear of what it really is? Is it because of the thought of knowing it shows how much they still don't know? Is it really worth his sanity to know more than what he has now? Is ignorance of why he's slipping back going to give him solace? These questions were remained unanswered for the entire hour of questioning his existence. He finally snapped out of his overthinking state when he heard his alarm blare loudly. He sighed as he was to prepare for his last work. It was really odd that he need at least an hour to prepare himself, both mentally and physically. Let's just say after going through a world with no control he preferred having control over his life, starting with his morning routine.
Felix's morning routine starts with him brushing his teeth for around two minutes, making sure that those tea stains would look a lot less noticeable while his warm water with lemon had arrived. He would follow it with a good 15 minutes of stretching and yoga. Next a hot shower to clean his body, which would help him with his five minutes of washing his face. Then shampoo his hair for three minutes. He would wash it off and add conditioner for an additional 15 minutes. That's when he would start using his washcloth to thoroughly clean his body for the 15 minutes of the conditioner. He would then have a three-minute time of rinsing. Another three minutes of drying himself and his hair, and combing it to perfection. Then he would start getting dressed for seven minutes, which would take longer if he hadn't decided last night, which stops his one hour clock. But there will always be an additional of at most 10 minutes of him prepping himself just before breakfast.
He smiled as the waiter entered just in time for his breakfast. Everything must be in his control. Without this he doesn't know if the shadows of the past would allow him take over him once more.
The server left as he began to devour his meal. He's rather thankful to the hotel's attention to their customers tastes. The chef had prepared a typical British breakfast for him, which was ideal as he never liked having a change in his pace without his prior knowledge or preparation. It contained eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, mushroom, toasts, Assam tea, and black pudding.
Once he finished his 10 minutes of breakfast, he prepared his case for today's meeting, double checking the items he needs. Then he would have another two minutes of cleaning his teeth, and he's off to work. His meetings are always first thing in the morning for his convenience. He checked his clock as he reminded himself of his lunch meeting with Marinette later to prepare for her presentation to the board on Monday. He smiled at the recollection of his revenge plan. Just to see that girl suffer wouldn't be enough with how much she had put him through.
Control, one thing that he needs after being succumbed by the shadows that cling to him like a parasite.
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