The Run In (1)
Your POV
I sighed softly as I stepped inside of my crappy apartment after a long day at Walgreens. Get a job at Walgreens they said. It'd be easy they said. No. It's fucking not. I had to deal with three drunk old guys, two whiny ass kids, and five Karens.
Despite being a Pro Hero, and working at Walgreens, I still only have a crappy ass apartment, barely scraping by. I sighed heavily again before flopping onto my couch, my bag already discarded into the unknown. Maybe a nap would do me some good. Yeah. It's been what.. a day maybe since I've slept?
Today's what... I checked my phone to see it saying that it's Thursday. Damn. But I just slept on Friday.. Yeah a quick power nap would be nice.
I shut my phone off and got off my couch. I walked into my room, kicked off my shoes and threw myself onto my creaking bed. I set my phone down, making sure to plug it in. I rolled over, my face pressed against my pillow, and closed my eyes, drifting off into sweet unconsciousness. I didn't change out of my Walgreens uniform. Oh well.
I yawned softly as I heard my phone alarm go off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes softly. I grabbed my phone to see in bright, bold letters, 9:30 pm. I shut the alarm off and got out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterwards, I did my hair up into a bun and got into my hero outfit. It was some loose yet fitted pants with knives hidden along the waist. I had a fitted shirt, pressed against my chest, that was plain black sleeveless shirt. I had a couple of knives hidden under my shirt, well enough that you couldn't see them through the shirt. I had combat looking boots on. I slipped my phone into a pocket in my pants and looked in the mirror.
I had deep bags under my eyes, freckles dancing around my whole body. Oh well. I could hide the eyebags, but it's dark out and it's not like anyone is going to actually see me. I went out my window and closed it before jumping out of it. Me being on the eighth floor, it gave me enough time to spread my wings and take flight. I started flying around, keeping a low profile.
Nothing too much has happened tonight. Just stopped a few muggings, saved this one teenager from getting assaulted. Nothing too out of the normal. Nothing like what the day time heroes face. I would never do the shit that they do. Hell, I hate even being out in the day. I'll stick to being a nighttime, underground hero thanks.
I graduated from Ketsubutsu Academy High School about a year, almost two years ago. My teacher honestly probably hated my guts. I was always known as the 'class clown' to say the least. Surprised I was never kicked out. My second year teacher, Ms. Joke, loved me. I was probably her favourite student, if I do say so myself. I actually work at the same agency as her. I usually don't see her too often.
I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard my little 'radio' go off. I was required to have one by my agency. It was going off talking about some robbery down town, in need of help from pro heroes. I wasn't too far so I thought, why not. I started flying that way, when something, or someone bumped into me. I was caught off balance and started spiraling towards a wall. i smacked into it, not having reacted quick enough. "Son of a bitch..." I groaned while getting up. I heard something land in front of me before a hand was out stretched. "Sorry about that!" they apologized. I looked up to see some red winged, blonde guy.
"Right.." I muttered while getting up, ignoring his outstretched hand. "Where are you heading?" he asked. I spread my wings out and started flapping them a bit. I winced but shrugged it off. Just a little sore. Yeah. "To some robbery." I answered. "Me too." he said. "Hawks." he introduced with a grin that made his face oh so punch worthy.
"Yeah. Okay." I said before taking flight again.
The stupid red winged, blonde idiot caught up with me sadly. I would have gone faster just to avoid the damn dumbass, if he didn't just crash into me moments before.
Finally, after what felt like years of flying next to the mother fucker, we arrived. I landed to see hostages inside, the villains inside as well as multiple cops outside. "Raven! Good, you're here." an officer, Jaiden, exclaimed. "Sad. What's the situation?" I asked them. They have reddish hair, like Ronald Weasley. They also have bright green eyes and freckles that dusted on their cheeks. They're from America and don't have a Quirk, but they worked their ass off to get as far as they did in the police force.
"We can't go inside. The robbers have us out numbered, along with multiple hostages. Our Quirks, or the ones that they have, are useless in this situation." they told me. It's almost one in the morning. Who in their right mind would rob a convenience store at almost one in the morning. I probably would. But come on. It's way too early for this bullshit. And I voiced my complaints. "It's almost one in the god damn mother fucking morning. WHY the Hell are people robbing." I groaned out. "Aww. Maybe you shouldn't do night shifts then." I heard the red winged dumbass tease.
"Like hell I'm working in the day time." I huffed out. I then promptly ignored him after wards until he spoke up. "Why can't we just go inside? Take them by force." the so called 'hAwKsSsSssS' suggested. "That's stupid." some other cop said, budding in. Maybe it wasn't. I sighed, already not wanting to deal with him. Him nor the cop. I just wanted to either just jump off a skyscraper and not flying afterwards, or die from these villains, or sleep. Forever.
"Yo. Dumbass. What can you do with your wings?" I asked him. He seemed shocked, couldn't imagine why, but the shorter male quickly recovered. "I can control the feathers from my wings." he explained. I nodded before coming up with a quick plan. "Alright. Can you help cover me and protect the citizens? Or is that too much for you?" I said, mostly wanting to piss the chicken off. He nodded and flashed me that same cocky grin from before. I then turned towards Jaiden and that extra. "All of you and your officers need to surround the place. Make sure there is less than a 0% chance of anyone leaving." I told them. Jaiden nodded and turned to tell everyone else.
"Phoenix." I said, looking at the honey eyed man with wings straight out of Rio. "It's Hawks." he corrected. "Yeah. Not with those red wings.." I remarked. I heard Jaiden snicker to themselves, but I chose to ignore them. "Distract those sons of bitches." I said, sounding more of a statement than a question, like I was going for. He flashed me that same cocky grin from before and agreed.
While all the officers surrounded the place, and Phoenix distracted, I slipped inside through the back, Jaiden as back up. I slipped through a mini storage food area or something, I honestly don't know, nor do I really care. I was cold and I wasn't a fan of it. I flapped my wings slightly, them twitching unconsciously.
Someone noticed that, a civilian. Their dumbass doesn't know how not to stare for too long. Sadly, that caught the attention of some random robber.
Fucking son of a bitch.
how was this?
ive never done an x reader before so i hope this isnt too bad?
let me know anything that I need to fix or anything like that.
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