when Paul isn't at home
Aries : *turns on camera* hey this is Ari and Paul isn't here cause he is playing football with his friend soo yaa let's go to the kitchen to eat cause im hungry *goes to kitchen* soo lets see in the refrigerator has *open the refrigerator and close it and saw a letter* whats this??? Maybe its from my cousin Mukri!!! *open the letter and read it*
Letter ~~
Hahah you thought this is from you're cousin well think again its Paul (wait what said Ari) yaaa you better be surprise cause you have work dude this is the list i seat up for you
1. Clean the dishes
2. Wash the laundry
3. Feed the plants
4. Clean the living room
Sign from you're dear friend @ZumaPawPatrol or Paul
{You better clean}
Aries : whyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Oh stars i have to do this then soo lets settle this *read the list* soo i think we should wash the laundry first *goes to washing room* ok how do we use this thing . Ok maybe we put the cloths in the machine is that right and we put soap right i think i just wanted too put soap soooo......... soap soap soap soap *singing the soap song* ok done *soap all over her hair* ok what the next thing wash dishes mmmmmhhhhhh...............
Meanwhile at Paul vision ~~
Paul :mmhhh..... i wonder if she doing the list i told her maybe i should call her *calling Ari*
Aries :uuummm..... hello
Paul :hi Ari i just wonder if you are under control with the dishes.
Aries :oohhh im ok dont worry everything is all good
Paul :really??
Aries :really!! Ok bye *call ended*
Paul :ok that was weird
Back to Aries ~~~
Aries :this is not good *Aries is fighting the trash monster* how could i let this happen . Bad trash monster go take out the trash
Trash monster: gjfhdgfvg ( ok )
Aries :ok next is feed the plants *take the porridge* ok plabt eat up
Plant : ....................................
Aries :cmon plant eat now . Here comes the aeroplane vum vum
Plant : ..............................
Aries :ok you are doing stare eye contest huh . Im in ok lets stare
Plant :..............................
Aries : *just stare at the plant*
Plant :.....................
Aries : *blink* darnet you're good
Plant :...........................
Aries :ok i will leave you alone now bye
*Knock on the door*
Aries :who is it????
Paul :its Paul
Aries :Paul who??
Paul :just open the door Ari!!!!
Aries : *opens the door* youre back!!!!!!!
Paul :yaaa and i have a great day where are you going
Aries :to a friend house sooo bye *close the door*
Paul :uuummm ok bye *few minutes later* ARIES!!!
*Turns off camera*
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