So Fair and Foul a Day
When Pacifica took up the stage in her father's place, she didn't say much aside from the fact that her and a couple of other people were going to be performing an interactive-improv show at some point during the day, though she didn't say anything about when or where this was happening. As soon as she walked off-stage, she passed by the twins and brushed a hand against Bill's shoulder. Bill nodded in understanding, which only confused the twins.
"What was that about?" Bill shrugged. "I'm going to meet up with Paz soon," was the only explanation he gave, before Stanley started ushering the kids toward the pillory, where somebody had restrained old man McGucket, who looked to be having a splendid time as a couple of kids threw some tomatoes at him (apparently he had tried to steal a chicken from the petting zoo).
Bill managed to snatch up one of the tomatoes without the kids noticing and threw it directly into the old man's mouth. McGucket chewed up the fruit with delight, tomato juice dribbling down his chin.
"Nice throw. I reckon y'er'd make a great pitcher," McGucket commented, to which Bill preened, while the pairs of twins looked a little disgusted. The little kids didn't seem to mind that Bill had stolen one of their tomatoes and cheered.
"Thanks. I've been practicing," Bill mumbled before mentioning that he was going to meet up with Pacifica. Nobody paid him much mind, aside from Dipper, who looked on as he left in suspicion.
Bill peeked out from behind some brush at the festival. Pacifica had split ways a while back so that she could be seen in town immediately whenever Bill decided to show himself. He immediately spotted farmer Sprott nearby, whom he knew to be superstitious, which he was glad for, considering the stunt he was about to pull. And he was even more grateful for the blatant absence of the Pines family.
He immediately went to Sprott, who seemed surprised at first, then concerned when he saw the state of disarray he was in. "Hark, hark! The Devil is alive in Gravity Falls!" He cried loudly, drawing the attention of some others in the vicinity.
Farmer Sprott crouched down in concern. "What is it that has you in such a frenzy, young lady?" Bill held onto the man's sleeve, feigning a look of urgency. "It's a witch! I've seen a witch! She attacked me with dark magic in these here woodlands!"
"Who attacked you, young lady? Speak now." Bill glanced back into the woods, feigning a sense of caution. "It was the daughter of the Northwests, sir," He said quietly. The farmer stood stoically. "Everyone! We must find the witch! Search these grounds for Pacifica Northwest!" He cried.
And Sinker.
Bill smirked slightly as Sprott was turned, and made himself look meek, feeble, and afraid as Sprott turned to face him again. "Don't worry, young lady. Soon, we will find the witch and she will be put on trial to hang." Bill smiled politely in response.
Pacifica stood stiffly on a pedestal, flanked by her parents, Sheriff Blubbs, and Deputy Durland. Bill was in the back of the crowd and luckily he had seen no trace of the Pines family. They were holding the trial outside where the Northwests had held their speeches because there was an event still going on in the church, which sometimes doubled as a courthouse. Someone had set up chairs in front of the stage, with an opening in the middle for people to walk through. Bill sat in the back near the aisle. They had been grilling Pacifica, who didn't respond to the officers' pestering. It was honestly getting rather boring, so Bill thought he might speed things up.
Only for his plans to be foiled as he caught sight of Dipper, who was by himself. When their eyes met, Bill could see the fire blazing in the brunette's eyes. He no doubt knew for a fact that Bill was behind this, whether he'd heard it from someone else or had come to the conclusion that Bill would dare not miss an opportunity to screw with the citizens of Gravity Falls.
The boy marched toward him with a fury unmatched and Bill smiled with delight. This wouldn't be quite as fun without a few unwitting accidents.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dipper whisper-yelled. Bill shrugged. "Watching the trial. What about you? Having lots of fun on colonial day?" Bill said nonchalantly. "You shouldn't be messing with people like this. Didn't Grunkle Stan specifically tell you not to pull something like this?" Bill shrugged in response. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm merely here for the improv show."
Dipper gaped, not seeming to understand just what Bill was implying. "Wait. You mean this is part of that show Pacifica was talking about earlier? And you're part of it?" Bill nodded his head almost imperceptibly. "Don't tell anybody though. It's supposed to be a surprise." Dipper went and sat next to Bill in shock. Bill rolled his eyes as he took a clear perfume bottle out of his bag and sprayed it onto his hand.
"What's that?" Dipper asked curiously. He'd never seen Bill use perfume and he certainly didn't smell like he typically wore any (not that Dipper was smelling Bill often. That would be creepy). "Perfume." Bill smiled mischievously before rubbing the perfume on his neck. Dipper startled as he noticed a blood-red line across his neck, as well as droplets of what looked like blood on his hand.
"Bill, I think you're bleeding." Bill touched his hand to his face, revealing three new scratches across his face where his hand had been. And now there was more blood on his hand. Bill suddenly stood and moved to the middle of the aisle and suddenly started shouting, "Witch, witch, witch!"
Dipper's eyes shot wide, not quite expecting that.
Now he was the center of attention as all eyes turned to him. "The witch scratched me! She used her black magic to hurt me!" Bill cried to the astonishment of everyone there.
He then winced and released a small groan of pain. "My leg!" Everyone watched, entranced as Bill leaned down and lifted his skirt slightly so that his lower legs were visible, brushing his hand against his right leg. As he did so, large gashes seemed to magically appear from nowhere, soaking his dress in blood. There was a large murmur from the crowd as Bill walked down the aisle, closer to Pacifica.
"Witch, witch, witch!" He cried, pulling out metallic stones from his satchel and throwing them in front of her. Five in all, which landed in a circle in front of her. Some seemed about to go off their course before they were suddenly jerked into the circle. Many in the crowd stood and started yelling the word 'witch' over and over. "I am an innocent person. I never had to do with witchcraft since I was born." She pulled out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it in front of her.
Almost immediately after she did, lines started appearing on the wooden platform in between and around the circle of rocks, creating a circle with a star in it.
"It's the mark of the devil! She is a witch!" Sprott cried from his spot at the front of the crowd. "We must get holy water from the church to wash away the devil from them!" Sprott said as he ran down the aisle and disappeared from sight.
Pacifica suddenly took on an evil leer. "The devil came and bid me serve him!" She cried haughtily to the surprise of the police and her parents. She then began to speak of how she came to serve the devil.
She spun a sordid and detailed account of a tall, white-haired man in a dark coat who ordered her to hurt Bell. If she did not then she would die, herself. She then spoke of the man's animal minions: a huge black dog, a hog, a black cat, a red cat, a yellow bird and even an unknown hairy creature who all walked on two legs.
"He let me see a book filled with the names of those he willed to do his bidding, but most of the names were unrecognizable, though there were two which I recognized as the names of people in Gravity Falls," She replied calmly.
"Who?" Deputy Durland asked. The crowd stilled in anticipation.
"Candy Chiu and Wendy Corduroy!" Pacifica proclaimed as a murmur settled into the crowd.
Bill turned to the crowd and bid them find the two girls, which a few bulkier men went off to do.
"Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles: infected minds to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets," Bill proclaimed loudly with his arms out to the crowd.
Dipper scoffed as Bill made to walk down the aisle and sit next to Dipper, who finished the quote. "More needs she the divine than the physician. God, God forgive us all! Look after her; remove from her the means of all annoyance, and still keep eyes upon her. So, good night: my mind she has mated, and amazed my sight. I think, but dare not speak." Bill slowly clapped with some sarcastic nature.
"Wow. You know The Scottish Play. I never thought you'd be able to finish that quote though. Especially considering how you could barely keep up with Lord of the Flies." Dipper rolled his eyes. "I had to read The Scottish Play multiple times in my English class so I could analyze it in my exam essay. Lord of the Flies was just for fun." He shrugged.
Wendy and Candy came to the makeshift court, though seemingly not of their own volition, as there were multiple people holding them by their arms and preventing them from escaping. As Wendy passes Dipper and Bill, she smirked and raised her hand to her face, miming zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Dipper smiled softly, wondering what was going to happen next.
They were brought up to the front and onto the platform beside Pacifica. Some people started chanting 'witch,' but most remained silent. Sheriff Blubbs started asking questions again to all three of the girls. Pacifica only repeated her story while Candy and Wendy denied having seen the 'book of the devil.'
After a bit of interrogating everyone decided to condemn the three girls of witchcraft. As they did, the three girls started chanting together. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair: hover through the fog and filthy air!"
Fog started rising from the stage, causing some people to panic. The fog spread throughout the whole area quickly and when the fog disappeared, Bill was onstage with the three girls. All four of them bowed.
"Thank you all so much for participating in our little show!" Pacifica announced loudly to the surprise of everyone. She then explained to everyone how the witch hunt was just a theatrical performance they had been putting on.
"What about all those magic tricks you performed?" Sheriff Blubbs asked.
"Oh. The blood was fake. Just a mix of tincture of iron and sulphocyanide of potassium. We painted the stage and myself with iron beforehand and then filled some perfume bottles with the sulphocyanide. We wanted everything to be authentic, so for the fog we just used hydrochloric acid and ammonia. And lastly, for the rock trick, we place magnets beneath the stage and the rocks that I threw were magnetite, which is magnetic," Bill explained, pulling out a bottle of what looked like nail polish from his satchel. She then gave the nail polish to Pacifica, who took out her bottle of sulphocyanide of potassium.
Pacifica opened the nail polish bottle and applied a small dot of the iron to one of her fingernails and sprayed the sulphocyanide on it, causing the dot of iron to turn blood-red. She grinned triumphantly, showing the dot to the crowd, who stared at the spectacle in awe. Everyone seemed to accept this and the four climbed off the stage as the crowd started to disperse. Dipper approached Bill with a smile.
"I didn't know you were a chemistry nerd."
Bill rolled his eyes. "I'm not. I was an all-knowing being once. Of course I know how to do chemistry."
"Yet you didn't know what a period was," Dipper answered haughtily, though still uncomfortable just saying the word.
Bill rolled his eyes. "I'm not interested in human anatomy and it isn't or wasn't of any consequence to me so I didn't really have that information clearly embedded in my memory."
By this time the area was clear and everyone was off enjoying the festivities. Except for farmer Sprott, who came running down the empty aisles with a bucket of holy water. "Where did the witches go? I need to cleanse everyone with this holy water."
Bill shrugged. "Everybody left. The witch trial was just a big performance. They weren't actually witches," Bill explained. Sprott looked disappointed. "Well, I can't waste holy water. Minus well cleanse y'all to get rid of any evil energies that might have attached to y'all."
Bill and Dipper both tried to protest, but they were too late as farmer Sprott soaked the two with holy water.
Bill's eye twitched in irritation as he moved his damp hair out of his face, looking similar to a drenched cat.
"I sincerely hope you were joking about what you said about that unicorn hair," Dipper commented idly.
"I wish I was."
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