Calling the Shots (From the Backseat)
Bill smiled as he skipped down the front steps of the Shack, meeting Tambry and Robbie outside. Lee and Thompson didn't seem to be there at the moment, but he wasn't too worried about that. Today he wore an outfit that was vastly different than what he'd worn when he'd first met Robbie in the parking lot. In place of the half ponytail and curls, he'd straightened his hair and it hung down over his shoulders. He had short, black shorts that were barely visible under his black and greyish-blue striped shirt and hoodie. The hoodie had thick black stripes on the sleeves and black on the hood, while the rest was the same greyish-blue. He also wore black thigh-highs along with greyish-blue tennis shoes.
He looked less like a pretty little dollish girl and more like an emo teenage girl. The last thing he needed to complete the look would be to have a black lip piercing. It had been a couple weeks since Robbie had first started teaching him guitar, although he was already playing like a pro. He'd also managed to find an acoustic guitar in the basement (Ford had leant it to him when he found out that the young lady was learning new types of music, hoping to God that the girl would become occupied with that and stop playing Vera Lynn songs 24/7). This didn't sit too well with Robbie, who insisted that acoustic guitars were for pussies, but Bill cooly replied that it worked the same way the electric guitar did and that once he was done learning from Robbie, he promised to get a better guitar.
It happened to be one of those days that Wendy had a morning shift and now that it was nearing noon, she was getting ready to head head off and hang with her friends. Dipper was also planning on tagging along, although the same couldn't be said for his sister who had busied herself hanging out with Candy and Grenda. And once Red and Pinetree had left the Shack in favor of hanging out with the group (soon thereafter, Thompson and Lee arrived as well) Robbie decided he wanted to show off his new protege, who was happy to oblige, especially when Dipper sighed in exasperation.
"Thanks. Loving the encouragement, PT," Bill commented sarcastically, strumming his acoustic guitar slowly and with pause. Dipper rolled his eyes, but was silent, content to listen. "Anyways, I just wrote this song so it sucks, but it's called This Is Home. So shut up and listen," Bill said demandingly before singing the first part.
"Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it," He sung sweetly, his voice high in pitch and very feminine (obviously). He stared down at his hands strumming the guitar at first before looking up and flashing Dipper a flashy grin. The brunette had no idea what to make of this and quickly shrugged it off as the former-demon continued singing.
"Are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here." He started humming quietly, creating another melody between the lines.
"I'll cut my hair to make you stare. I'll hide my chest. And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here." He hummed continuously for a few measures before moving on to the next measure without humming. He started strumming a little more aggressively before falling back into the soft lilting rhythm.
"Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place has too many colours, enough to drive all of us insane." He smiled softly, staring back down at his hands again.
"Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead 'cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head, but I don't wanna fall asleep just yet." He started rocking from side to side along to the music, bouncing his foot along to the beat. He hummed melodiously along to each line.
"My eyes went dark. I don't know where. My pupils are, but I'll figure out a way to get us out of here." He started strumming twice every measure instead of four times as he looked up again at the group listening. He sung with an edge to his voice, sounding a little angry until his voice softened out at the last line of the measure.
"Get a load of this monster. He doesn't know how to communicate. His mind is in a different place. Will everybody please give him a little bit of space? Get a load of this trainwreck. His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet. But little do we know, the stars welcome him with open arms. Oh." He paused before humming along to the last lines, strumming slowly and quietly.
"Time is slowly tracing his face. But strangely he feels at home in this place." Bill beamed as a few in the group clapped and the rowdier members of the group hooted and hollered approvingly.
"I still can't believe you managed to learn guitar and make a song for it in just a couple of weeks," Robbie commented. Tambry leaned over and pecked her boyfriend on the cheek. "Maybe that's because you're just a great teacher." She smiled sweetly as Robbie blushed at the commented. Everybody teased the happy couple, mostly to the chagrin of Robbie.
Everyone talked about Bill's playing until they had burned out the subject and all decided to go for a ride in Wendy's truck (their favored vehicle, mostly for the fact that they got to hang in the bed while Wendy drove. Dipper and Bill sat in the front with Wendy, while Robbie and Tambry took the back seats and Thompson and Lee took the bed of the truck. Dipper glanced at Bill with curiosity written all over his face. Bill sighed and faced the other boy, startling him. "If you want to ask a question, just ask it," Bill said with light exasperation.
Dipper blushed slightly at being read so easily. "I just- you said that other song that you'd written a long time ago was personal. Um, was that one personal too? Sorry, that's a dumb question." Dipper turned away as Bill sighed in exasperation at the other's antics. He nudged Dipper's shoulder until he finally was able to look Bill in the eye again. "Yeah. It's less touch-y feel-y than the other one though. More like," Bill paused trying to find an adequate answer. "Just the straight up truth. No, that's not it. I mean, like that line, this place has too many colours. That's actually just facts. I'm very unused to color and it's kind of unsettling how much of it is here all of the time. And I think I'm dead. My reality is just very different from yours and this," He gestured at himself. "It's a lot."
Dipper nodded as Bill tried to think of more things to elaborate on. "My eyes went dark is a little less straightforward, but it's still sort of the same thing along with my pupils are. Um, but there is the part look at this monster until almost the end. That's a little more touch-y feel-y than the rest. And it's not really supposed to just be about me and how I feel. I don't really know how to explain it aside from explaining it as sort of a blanket sort of description. It kind of switches between who's being talked about too, I guess? I mean, it all kind of fits for both people." Bill had a thoughtful expression on his face as if he was having a hard time explaining his thinking.
Dipper thought about it for only a few seconds before coming up with an idea of who the other person was, but he wanted confirmation. "Who's the other person?" He asked. Bill paused for a moment, a little embarrassed. "You." Dipper nodded, already having guessed and also slightly embarrassed that the former-demon had written a song about him. Or more like about the both of them.
He didn't ask any more questions for the rest of the drive.
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