Chapter 9: Take My Breath Away
(A week later)
News of Kevin Dunn's firing has spread to the WWE locker room as well as the WWE Universe. Generation of WWE fans had despised Dunn for years since he's the mastermind behind all those crappy storylines that lowered ratings. Triple H taking over as CEO brought satisfaction to both the fans and Superstars.
At the accounting firm, Mike ran in with a newspaper article talking about the accountants' meeting with WWE last week.
Mike: dude, we're on the front page
Alex: "Alex & Mike Accounting helps boost WWE's ratings; Vince McMahon steps down, Triple H takes over, Kevin Dunn fired."
Mike: dude, we did millions of fans a favor
Alex: it's our job, man
Mike: Alexa must be proud of you
Alex: she is
(With Alexa)
The Superstars just wrapped up a live event and they washed up in their locker room. Alexa finished washing up and she was wearing a casual clothes while she was reading the news article of Alex's meeting with the WWE, she smiled and blushed as she was proud of her boyfriend. Bayley and Sasha noticed this and sat with her at the table.
Bayley: hey Lex, why are you so giddy?
Sasha: we never seen you this happy
Lexi: oh girls, I'm just happy that the WWE is changing
Bayley: is that the reason why?
Sasha: it's Alex, isn't it?
Lexi blushed, but put her hands over cheeks to hide them.
Sasha: you must be proud of your boyfriend, Lex; he is the reason why WWE is better than ever
Bayley: Andrade, Ali, the Revival; all of these guys are getting the opportunities they deserve
Sasha: the tag team division has really improved
Bayley: and we have the freedom to say what we want
Lexi: my boyfriend of an accountant really made an impact
She looked down and bit her lower lip as she blushed furiously.
Sasha: you really love him, don't you?
Lexi: I do; I never knew the guy I once bullied back in high school is now my hardworking boyfriend
Bayley: I called it fate
Lexi: he is getting something from me tonight
Sasha: special occasion?
Lexi: yup, it's our one month anniversary
Sasha: aww, that's sweet!
Bayley: what are you giving him, Lex?
Lexi bit her lower lip and the Boss and Hugger knew what the Goddess meant.
Bayley: Lexi...
Sasha: you sneaky Goddess
Lexi giggled.
Bayley: lucky, the live event is over, so you have time to reward your boyfriend
Lexi: oh speaking of boyfriend; Bay, did you calm Finn's demon?
Bayley: I kind of calm him down with my hugs
The Hugger said as she blushed.
Sasha: have you done any dirty dancing?
Bayley: Sash!
Sasha: what? I'm just asking
Bayley: let's just go
The three girls packed up and left the arena.
(Back with Alex)
Mike: Alex, how long have you and Lexi been together?
Alex: it's our one month anniversary today, so it's been one month with my Goddess
Mike: oh sweet; what you gonna get her?
Alex: well I know Lexi is a huge Disney fan, so I'll get her a Disney mug, a Goofy Movie shirt and a Buzz Lightyear hoodie
Mike: perfect gift ideas, man
Then Kaila came into their office.
Kaila: sir, you got a phone call
Alex: put it through
The phone rang immediately.
Alex: hello?
Hunter: hey Alex, it's Triple H
Alex: hey Hunter, hold on let me put you on speaker
He pressed the speaker button.
Alex: so what can we do for you?
Hunter: oh nothing, I just want to update you of what's happening in the WWE right now
Mike: is it good?
Hunter: it's wonderful news, our stock price went up to 159.32
Alex: what of the attendance and ratings?
Hunter: last week's Raw drew 2.79 million a rise from 2.19 million two weeks ago, and ticket sales increased significantly with fans preordering their SummerSlam tickets
Mike: what of storylines?
Hunter: the crowd are really into the feuds of the Superstars
Alex: see, that's one critical factor for increasing ratings, let the Superstars have the freedom to speak what they want, not let them follow from a piece of paper
Hunter: and I want to thank you and your team for helping our company improve, and as a thanks, we've sent you gifts for yourself, Mike and Julio; expect them most likely tomorrow
Mike: sweet, thanks Hunter!
Alex: and I say again, if you need more help, we're just a phone call away
Hunter: thanks boys
Alex: alright bye Hunter
The call ended.
Mike: I wonder what is Hunter's gifts to us
Alex: we have to wait tomorrow to find out
Then Alex's cellphone rang.
Alex: gotta take this, man
Mike: take your time, man; it's your Goddess
Alex: whatever
He stood up and answered.
Lexi: baby!
Alex: happy monthsary, darling
Lexi: aww
Alex: be ready tonight because I'm gonna get you some awesome gifts
Lexi: yay! Oh, I also something for you too, babe
She said in a flirtatious tone.
Alex: o-okay babe, I'll see you at your house tonight
Lexi: okay, bye baby!
She hung up.
Alex: time to go now
Mike: yeah, I'm tired
The accountants closed up and went home. Meanwhile, Alex went to the mall to look for Disney stuff he'll give to Lexi as his monthsary gift. Luckily, he found an FYE store that has everything he needs; he bought a Goofy Movie T shirt, Monsters Inc. Sully mug and a Buzz Lightyear hoodie. Then he went to buy a bouquet of red roses and two cups of her signature Starbucks coffee order. He drove to Lexi's house for their monthsary celebration, but what Alex doesn't know is that he'll have a heated night.
He knocked on the door and was greeted by his cute smiling Goddess.
Alex: happy monthsary, baby
Lexi: aww, thank you babe
Alex: I got these for you
He handed her the bouquet.
Lexi: aww, come in babe
He went inside and sat down on the couch. Then Lexi sat next to him.
Alex: I got you some gifts
Lexi: wait, let me get mine first
She ran upstairs to get Alex's gift. After a minute, Lexi came back downstairs with a big wrapped box.
Lexi: it's your monthsary gift, babe
Alex: it's big
Lexi: well open it because it's godly
Alex smirked and ripped the wrapping paper off; to his shock and surprise, Lexi's monthsary gift for him was a SH MonsterArts figurine of Godzilla, the Legendary model.
Alex: babe, how did you get this?
Lexi: I went to FYE
Alex: FYE? Funny, because that's where I bought your gifts as well
He brought out a bag and gave it to the Goddess.
Alex: happy monthsary
Lexi went through the bag and she instantly cried tears of joy. Alex smiled as she pulled out the Sully mug and the Goofy t shirt. More tears came as the Goddess pulled out the Buzz hoodie.
Lexi: aww babe, I love these
Alex: I knew you would
Lexi: they're better than the figurine
Alex: babe, it's not about how good the gifts are; it's the thought that counts
The couple enjoyed their gifts as Alex playfully imitated Godzilla's roar as played around with his figurine. Lexi drank some coffee from her Sully mug while she tried on the hoodie and shirt. Then the Goddess looked at her accountant boyfriend as she blushed and thought to herself.
Lexi's mind: I never knew that we'll be together; Bayley's right, it is fate
Lexi scooted up close to Alex; the accountant smiled and put his arm around her waist. The Goddess put her hands on his cheeks as the two stared at each other with love in their eyes. Lexi leaned in and kissed him on the lips; Alex instantly kissed back with his hands wrapped around her back.
Then Lexi remembered that she bought something at the mall along with the Godzilla figurine; she pulled back when she felt Alex getting handsy.
Lexi: ah ah, hold on there, accountant
Alex: what's wrong?
Lexi: you have one more gift for our monthsary, babe
Alex: what is it?
Lexi: it's upstairs, so give me time to get it
Alex: okay babe
Lexi kissed his cheek and ran upstairs.
(With Lexi)
Lexi went into her bedroom and went into a store bag to pull out a "comfortable" clothing. She bit her lower lip as she blushed.
Lexi: Alex will definitely fall to his knees with me in this
(Back with Alex)
Alex playfully scare Ezio with the Godzilla figure until he heard Lexi called to him.
Lexi: babe?!
Alex: yeah?!
Lexi: can you come here and help me?
Alex: okay, I'm coming
He went upstairs.
Alex: where are you?
Lexi: in my room
He found Lexi's bedroom door and opened it. On the bed was his lovely Goddess wearing a silk pink robe.
Lexi: hi baby
Alex: h-hi babe
(play the song)
He was at awe of her natural state as she was more beautiful. Alex got closer and wrapped his arms around her lower back. The two started to kiss each other with Lexi wrapping her arms around Alex's neck and Alex's arms around her lower back.
Things got heated and Alex removed his work uniform revealing his tone abs; Lexi was surprised.
Lexi: for an accountant, you have a serious six pack
Alex: I worked out
Lexi: I noticed
She traced her fingers over his chest.
Lexi: it's getting hot here, so help me remove this
Alex untied the robe to reveal a lingerie underneath; Lexi blushed, but Alex couldn't see it as the room was dim.
Alex: whoa...
Lexi: like what you see?
Alex: uhuh, Lex...
Lexi: shh, we'll talk later, I want you now
She started to kiss his neck which made the accountant fall into her control. Alex carried her to the bed and gently laid her on the bed. He kissed her lips before moving down to her neck while caressing her thigh, making her moan.
Lexi used her strength to flip them over, so she was on top of Alex. She slid the sides of her lingerie down her shoulders, revealing her undergarments, she targeted Alex's neck and the two had a passionate and lovely session throughout the evening.
(The next morning)
The accountant and wrestler were sleeping in bed while embracing each other; the sun shined through which woke up Lexi. The Goddess slowly moved away and got out of bed. She looked down at Alex and smiled before kissing his cheek. She wore the Goofy movie shirt that Alex gave her and put it on along with her pajama bottoms. She got her phone and took a picture of her wearing the shirt.
Then Alex woke up and saw his girlfriend.
Alex: morning babe
Lexi: hi, my love
Alex: wow, you look really cute in that shirt
Lexi: oh stop, you're making me blush
Alex: it's true
Lexi: babe, may I ask; do you have Instagram?
Alex: oh yeah, it's alexio.auditore
Lexi: okay, I'll follow you and check your notifications in a minute
Alex: okay...
Lexi then posted the picture of herself with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: my #Monthsary gift from my accountant boyfriend @alexio.auditore I love you, babe
She posted the photo; then Alex heard his phone pinged. He check to see that he had an Instagram notification; he check and instantly smiled. He replied:
alexio.auditore: I love you @alexa_bliss_wwe_
Lexi saw the reply and smiled. Then the two went downstairs and have breakfast; Lexi was cooking while Alex fixed food for the zoo.
Lexi was drinking coffee from her Sully mug and took a quick selfie of her and her mug.
She posted the photo on Instagram and tagged Alex. The accountant got another notification from Instagram and checked his phone to see Lexi with the Sully mug with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: another of my #Monthsary gifts from my accountant baby @alexio.auditore
Alex smiled as he couldn't resist her natural cuteness; he replied with the caption:
alexio.auditore: you're so cute baby @alexa_bliss_wwe_
As the two ate, Alex got a call from Mike.
Alex: gotta take this
Lexi nodded and continued eating.
Alex: hey Mike
Mike: dude, how you been?
Alex: it was great
Mike: I guess your monthsary with Lexi was great
Alex: oh yeah, it is. Oh, Mike your in charge for the day because I'm not coming to work
Mike: it's all good, man; give your time to your girlfriend
Alex: alright, update me when I get back tomorrow
Mike: will do, have fun, but not too much fun
Alex: shut up
Mike chuckled and ended the call. Alex went back to the table
Alex: hey babe, I'm not going to work today
Lexi: why?
Alex: I called Mike and put him and charge, so you and me can spend time together
Lexi: aww!
She jumped into Alex's lap and kissed him with passion.
Alex: okay babe, we'll be going out later
Lexi: yay!
The two finished their breakfast before washing up for their outing today.
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