Chapter 8: Corporate Idiots
Alex stayed over at Lexi's house for the weekend since they've confessed their love for each other. The two were in bed together having a make out session with Lexi on top of Alex.
Alex: babe, I have work today
Lexi: aww, can you cuddle with me for a while?
Alex: oh, I can't say no to that
He hugged the Goddess while she was still on top on him before the two went back to kissing each other.
(An hour later)
The finished eating breakfast and showering. Lexi was getting picked up by Bayley, Sasha and Finn as they have Raw later while Alex got dressed up for work.
Lexi: I'll miss you, babe
Alex: aww, I'll miss you too; we can still text and call each other
Lexi: yeah, but you can't do this when you call or text
She put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him down to kiss him. Alex instantly kissed back with his hands on her waist.
They pulled back and Alex had a satisfying look on his face.
Lexi: there will be plenty more of those tonight
Alex: I can't wait
Then they heard a car horn.
Lexi: oh, that's Sasha, Bayley and Finn
Alex: I'm coming!
They got out of the house and Lexi locked the door.
Lexi: bye babe!
Alex: bye, I love you!
Lexi: love you too!
Lexi got into the van with the others and left. Meanwhile, Alex got into his car and drove off to the accounting firm building.
(With Lexi)
Sasha: so Lexi, it seems you and Alexander are a thing now?
Lexi: yeah, we are
She blushed heavily.
Bayley: you two look cute together
Finn: but not as cute as me and Bayley
Bayley: Finny!
The group laughed as they drove to the arena for Raw.
(With Alex)
Alex and Mike were working with Julio and Kaila and the CEO had a smile on his face. Mike took notice of this.
Mike: hey Al
Alex: hmm?
Mike: why are you all smiley today?
Alex: I'm just in a good mood
Julio: can you at least elaborate?
Alex: well guys, I have a girlfriend now
Mike: what?!
Kaila: wow!
Julio: who's the lucky lady?
Alex: the lucky lady's name is Alexa Bliss
Mike: oh my god, I knew you two will end up together
Julio: dude, how did it happen?
Alex: well a day after our pets' play date, Lexi and I hung out at the mall together, just the two of us. Then after that, we confessed our love for each other
Kaila: aww, that's so cute!
Mike: Alexander Auditore, my friend and business partner has found himself a Goddess
Alex: I'm so lucky
Then his phone rang and Alex saw it was a text message from Lexi with a picture of her attached.
Lexi: I'm here at the arena baby and I miss you already; here's a picture of me so you won't get lonely. I'll see you tonight, I love you. X
He smiled at the picture of his lovely girlfriend; Julio and Mike saw this.
Julio: who texted you, boss?
Alex: my lovely Goddess
Mike: that explains that goofy smile on your face
Alex: alright guys, let's get back on subject here
The accounting team talked about how will they expand their business until the phone rang.
Kaila: I'll get it, sir
Kaila picked up the phone and spoke.
Kaila: hello this is Alex & Mike Accounting Services, how will we help you?
???: yes, uh can I speak with Alex Auditore please? This is George Barrios
Kaila: one moment please
Kaila called Alex.
Kaila: sir, it's a Mr. George Barrios on the phone; he wants to speak with you
Alex: George Barrios?
Kaila gave Alex the phone.
Alex: hello, this is Alex Auditore speaking
George: hello Alex; I'm George Barrios, the chief financial officer of the WWE
Alex: whoa hold up, as in the wrestling promotion that I've been a fan of for years?
George: yes it is
Alex: what can we do for you, Mr. Barrios?
George: we want to request your company's help
Alex: what help do you need?
George: the WWE's profit has significantly gone down to $900 million, the lowest in our promotion's history
Alex: yes, I've read that on Forbes
George: well Mr. Auditore, what I'm requesting to you now is for your team to help raise our profit
Alex: okay, when do you want to set a meeting?
George: how about today in two hours? The WWE invites your team to our headquarters
Alex's eyes widen.
Alex: okay, that sounds good; we'll be there in two hours
George: thank you for your time
Alex: okay
He put the phone down.
Mike: dude, who was that?
Alex: well guys, I just got off the phone with CFO of the WWE
Julio: whoa really?
Alex: yup
Mike: what do they need?
Alex: they want our help because their profit went down significantly, and they already set a meeting with us
Kaila: when?
Alex: today, in two hours
Mike: then, let's go!
The accounting team left the firm and drove to the WWE headquarters which was an hour drive.
(At the WWE Headquarters)
Alex, Mike, Kaila and Julio were at awe of the headquarters building.
Alex: Mike, our dream is coming true
Mike: it is
Julio: I can't believe I'm here at the WWE headquarters
Alex: well guys, we have a job to do, so let's go
The four went inside the building. One of the employees led them to the conference room where they saw the key executives: the CEO and Chairman Vince McMahon, WWE CFO George Barrios, the chief brand officer Stephanie McMahon, the executive vice president of TV production Kevin Dunn and the executive vice president of talent, live events and creative, the Game himself Triple H.
Alex, Mike and Julio were starstruck of seeing the Game in person, but they regained their professionalism.
Alex: Mr. McMahon, it's a pleasure to meet you; I'm a big fan
Vince: pleasure is all mine, Mr. Auditore; please take a seat
Alex: thank you
Vince: now, our CFO called you and your team here to help us with our declining profits
Mike: yes, $900 million; an all time low for your company
Stephanie: you see lately, ticket sales to our pay-per-views didn't meet our required number
George: and our crowd attendance went down
Triple H: so we need to know what's the problem
Alex instantly knew what the problem is.
Alex: okay first of, it's not one problem, it's multiple problems
Mike: you have a lot of problems within your company
Alex: I've been a WWE fan for my entire life; I always get excited when it's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday because I get to see my favorite Superstars in action. As a child I always cheer for my favorites, and now as an adult making a lot of money, I can already sense problems
Triple H: so what is it?
Alex: first off, it's the WWE's agreement deal with Saudi Arabia
Mike: fans didn't sit too well with the deal
Julio: not just the fans, but even some of your Superstars
Vince: oh yeah, like who?
Alex: glad you asked Vince because I have a list of those Superstars right here
He got out a piece of paper and began to read.
Alex: Sami Zayn - he is of Syrian decent
Mike: you should know that the Syrians and the Saudis have bad blood
Alex: Aleister Black - his tattoos show religious connotations
Mike: the Saudis are really strict on religion
Alex: oh, how about these two, Daniel Bryan and John Cena
Mike: remember Crown Jewel, Vince? That's around the time of that journalist's beheading
Alex: it's a shame that two of your top guys backed out, but I can't blame them because they have valid points
Mike: we do respect other countries' beliefs and customs, but when you announced Greatest Royal Rumble last year, the fans were pissed off that the women Superstars can't participate
Alex: a nice point you brought up Mike because I have another Superstar that looks like he won't be going as well
Mike: who is it, Al?
Alex: the Universal Champion Seth Rollins
Mike: why?
Alex: because he doesn't want to leave his girlfriend Becky Lynch behind
Vince: but we had a multi million dollar deal with the Saudi government
Alex: and that brings us to another problem
Mike: it's your corporate greed, Vince McMahon
Alex: hell even your on-screen character is greedy as well
Vince: what do you mean?
Julio: well Vince, you said the Saudis gave you a lot of money?
Mike: keywords "a lot"
Alex: you always wanted the money
Vince: of course, I'm a businessman
Alex: as a businessman myself, it's not always about the money, Vince
Stephanie, Triple H, George and Kevin could only listen as the truth of the WWE is coming out.
Mike: your next problem is a huge one, and hell it's been a virus for nearly 20 years
Alex: it's your creative writing
Mike: almost about 99.9% of your fans or WWE Universe are tired of the same old crap every week
Kevin Dunn pulled the collar of his shirt.
Alex: one great example is Bobby Roode vs. Elias for three straight weeks; I mean come on, it's on Raw and you had three hours and that was your best idea?
George: sir, they have good points, ratings for Raw were significantly low during that year
Vince: shut up!
Alex: may we continue?
Mike: as accountants we have a number for you
George: and what is it?
Julio: 504
Stephanie: 504?
Alex: yes, 504, the number of days of which Brock Lesnar held the Universal title
Mike: another reason why your ratings went down; you had a lazy ass part timer representing your company as the Universal Champion
Vince: I paid Brock good money
Alex: paid him by letting the guy show up when he wants to
Mike: let him sit in his house while your other Superstars worked hard with their blood, sweat and tears to earn their shot
Alex: people like Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Cesaro, Drew McIntyre, Andrade, Sami Zayn and Ali are some of the Superstars that should be in the main event picture
Mike: look at Kofi Kingston; 11 years he fought his way to earn his opportunity and now he's the WWE Champion
Alex: speaking of Brock; why in the hell he won Money in the Bank? I mean seriously, who wrote that last minute dumb decision? He wasn't in the damn match!
Dunn looked away while still pulling his shirt's collar.
Julio: Ali almost had it!
Alex: and now let's take a look at WWE's women's division
Mike: number 1, why did you give us Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair for the 9th time?!
Alex: no disrespect to them, they're really talented, but you have more talented women Superstars than just those two alone
Mike: Asuka, Carmella, Naomi, Kairi Sane, Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Bayley, Lacey Evans and Nikki Cross
Alex: those women fought their way to get where they are now; where's their title opportunity, huh?
Mike: and speaking of Sasha Banks; she is threatening to quit because of how you treated the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
Alex: your current champions, the IIconics always kept losing in matches every week
Mike: if you want to make a tag team division within the women; bring in more female Superstars and put them together in good teams besides randomizing them
Alex: Mike, there's also one thing I want to bring out as well
Mike: what is it, Al?
Alex: I called this move, the desperation to boost ratings, and I know you wrote this, Kevin Dunn
Triple H: what is this desperation move?
Alex: that Raw segment where you have that guy walk in on a topless Alexa Bliss
Triple H put his hand over his head in disappointment.
Alex: of all my 14 plus years of watching WWE, that has to be the most disrespectful thing I've ever witnessed
Triple H: Dunn, what were you thinking?!
Kevin: i-it did get 7.1 million views on YouTube
Alex: did you asked Alexa how she felt when you asked her to do this "skit?"
Kevin: well...
Stephanie looked at Dunn with an intimidating glare.
Alex: oh my god, this is how you want to boost your ratings?
Stephanie: Dunn, you need to show the women Superstars respect; they've earned their way to be in matches that the men usually have
Mike: you see, that's how you boost ratings, improving your women's division
Alex: listen here Vince and Dunn, in this age of wrestling; the term "diva" is already obsolete, those women are real athletes, they worked nonstop to earn their way
Mike: quit seeing them as eye candy, damn it
Alex: and the last problem is your tag team division
Mike: you've got great teams in the Revival, Gallows and Anderson, New Day, the Bar, the Usos and Heavy Machinery as great and potential tag team champions
Alex: but what did you do? You got two single Superstars and made them into tag teams
Mike: hmm, like Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev; Daniel Bryan and Rowan
Alex: those guys are better off as singles competitors than being in a tag team
Triple H: those are some valid points you have provided
Stephanie: they're right dad
George: so what advice would you give us?
Alex: okay, to boost ratings; give us exciting five star worthy matches
Mike: like Seth Rollins' performance in the gauntlet match
Alex: or better yet, watch NXT which is run by this great man, Triple H
George: okay, how about ticket sales and attendance?
Mike: lower your match card to at least 5 or 6 matches, so that the fans don't fall asleep
Alex: those fans have jobs, and they pay good money to see a great WWE event
Julio: for the women's division, keep making them get involved in matches that are usually for men like Falls Count Anywhere, TLC and Elimination Chamber
Mike: that 24/7 Championship thing is genius and hilarious, so keep that
Alex: to build great feuds and storylines; let the Superstars have the freedom to speak, not following a piece of paper with words on it
Dunn: give me one example on why my scripts are bad
Alex and Mike smirked.
Mike: do you know Jon Moxley?
Dunn: no...
Alex: formerly known as Dean Ambrose
Vince: oh that crazy guy
Alex: you see Vince; I listened to Chris Jericho's podcast with Moxley as guest, and he had some valid points on why your creative writing sucked
Dunn: give us one example from that lunatic
Mike: okay, you asked for it
Alex: you ordered that lunatic to say a line that is targeting Roman Reigns' actual real life leukemia
Mike: if he said it, the WWE could've lost sponsors and your partnership with Susan G. Komen would've stopped
Alex: that's a lot of money wasted
Mike: speaking of Reigns, there was this one line he said, and it was so bad
Alex: 2015, him and Rollins were having a promo; he said "sufferin succotash!"
Mike: oh my god, it's so bad and cringey
Alex: and I read a report that said Roman hated saying that
Mike: who was that out there? Roman Reigns or Sylvester the Cat from Looney Tunes?
Mike: so Dunn, your ideas are dumb and cringey, and they always have been for years
Alex: I'm no psychologist, but when I hear the Superstars talk, I feel no emotion, like whatever they said is forced upon
Mike: unlike NXT, the Superstars there have the freedom to say what they want
Triple H nodded and fixed his tie.
Alex: Hunter, as the man running NXT, you've recruited a lot of big names in the sport like Adam Cole, Matt Riddle, Keith Lee, Kushida and WALTER!
Mike: as Adam Cole said, NXT is better than the WWE
Triple H: I appreciate your feedback, thank you
Dunn stood up and got into Alex's face.
Dunn: you don't know what is going on in this business
Alex: I don't know what's going on? Listen here you buck tooth dumb ass; professional wrestling has changed and new business models had changed as well. What Stephanie McMahon did for the women was one of the best for business decisions. She changed the concept of bikini wearing, eye candy, sexual topics to now real women wrestlers carving paths for the future and including them in match types for men
Mike: the great Mae Young started it; then it was Trish Stratus and Lita; now the Four Horsewomen of Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Charlotte Flair
Julio: Stephanie, what you did for women Superstars was the greatest business decision ever, so as a fan, I thank you for that
Stephanie smiled and nodded.
Vince and Dunn started to get frustrated.
Julio: that's the big critical factor, let the Superstars have the freedom to write their own promos or scripts
Alex: if I were you Vince, I should fire this buck tooth idiot on your right immediately
Mike: and I mean no disrespect Vince, but your old now; let someone take over the company, and I suggest... this great man right here!
He pointed at Triple H in which the Game smiled and nodded.
Triple H: well Vince, these great accountants right here just unleashed my disappointment for me
Vince: ...
Triple H: as a matter of fact Alex, Mike; when you mentioned that you were upset that Lesnar won Money in the Bank and not those in the match was the biggest thing that made me upset
The Game turned to Vince.
Triple H: Superstars like Andrade, Finn Balor, Ali and Ricochet should've deserve that opportunity, but no you have to change the finish to Lesnar winning it, and he's not even in the damn match!
Alex: can I say something?
Triple H: you may
Alex: what CM Punk said 8 years ago and what Dean Ambrose said recently; I agree with them 100%; you're killing your own company, Vince; both financially and emotionally
Mike: a lot of your Superstars have quit because of you. Dean Ambrose is one of those people
Alex: Superstars who were rumored to quit like the Revival and Sasha Banks
Mike: and I'm looking at your stock price right now; it's at $73.48
Julio: you're losing profit
Stephanie: dad, they're right; I think it's time for you to step down
Alex: I was watching SmackDown this past week, and I noticed that a fan had a sign that said, "save us HHH"
Mike: Hunter, the fans want you to run the company
Alex: as I saw in your attendance statistics; majority of the fans like around 85% tune in to NXT versus your 15% who tune in to Raw and SmackDown combined.
Mike: and if Triple H runs the company, you can expect fan attendance to increase by 100% and your stock price to increase as well
Dunn: sir, what's your decision?
Vince: if what the accountants say is for the best for the WWE; then I think it's time for me to step down
Dunn: what?!
Vince: Kevin, it's what's best for the company to capitalize on our competition
Stephanie: don't worry dad, Hunter and I will take care of the company
Vince: okay, it's official now; Hunter, you're in charge
Triple H smiled and shook his father-in-law's hand.
Hunter: now as CEO of the WWE, I want to do give the fans what they wanted, so Kevin Dunn, you're fired, get out of this building now!
Dunn: you can't do that!
Hunter: I just did; security!
Security guards came in to the conference room and escorted Dunn out.
Alex: a wise business decision, Hunter
Hunter: so you three are huge WWE fans
Mike: yes sir
Hunter: businessmen like yourselves have creative minds
Alex: thank you
Hunter: I'll be getting to work to improve the WWE, and I'll start with Raw; no more crappy scripts and we'll lower to two hours
Mike: that's what the fans want
Stephanie: thank you so much for your help
Julio: we're just doing our jobs
Alex: if you need more help; here's my card
Hunter: thank you
The accountants left the conference room and exited the headquarters. They went back to the accounting firm and finished their work.
(5 hours later)
Alex was at Lexi's house watching the zoo as she was still at the arena. Then his blissful girlfriend came in.
Lexi: hi babe
Alex: my Goddess
He kissed her on the lips and sat down on the couch.
Lexi: how was work?
Alex: best day ever
Lexi: oh?
Alex: well to start, it's when you sent that picture, so I won't be lonely
Lexi blushed.
Alex: I got a call from WWE's CFO and we had a meeting with them
Lexi was surprised.
Lexi: what did you guys talked about?
Alex: we talked about the problems of why WWE's profit and attendance went down, it's because of the creative team and Vince and Kevin Dunn
Lexi: him...
Alex: Vince and Dunn were the reasons profit and attendance decreased
Lexi: you know what that man did? He had me do that segment where I was topless
Alex: I was really frustrated when that happened; no one does that to my girlfriend
He hugged and cuddled Lexi.
Lexi: so what happened?
Alex: as fans and businessmen, we told them all the problems; me, Julio and Mike got Kevin Dunn fired
Lexi: babe, you guys have done all of us Superstars justice by getting rid of that man
She kissed Alex's cheek.
Lexi: how about Vince?
Alex: more good news, he is no longer the WWE's CEO; it's now Triple H who's in charge now
Lexi: aww babe, you made it easier for us now; I love you
She gave Alex a deep passionate kiss on the lips.
Alex: no more disrespect to the women
Lexi smiled.
Lexi: let's go to bed; we're exhausted from work
Alex: let's go, I'm tired too
Lexi: uh babe?
Alex: yeah babe?
Lexi: can you carry me?
Alex: of course, my Goddess
He picked her up and carried Lexi bridal style to her bedroom. Alex set her down on the bed and put the covers on her body. As he was about to leave to go home, Lexi stopped him.
Lexi: where you going, babe?
Alex: I'm going home, babe
Lexi: can you sleep with me, please?
Alex: wait, as in you and me in one bed?
Lexi: yes!
Alex was surprised, and Lexi already sensed his discomfort.
Lexi: babe, there's nothing weird of us sharing the same bed
Alex: it's just uh... oh my god this is embarrassing
Lexi: you got something embarrassing; this I want to hear
He sat down on her bed.
Alex: you've known that my entire life I've been single until I met you
Lexi: yes...
Alex: Lexi, I'm a... virgin
Lexi wrapped her arms around his neck.
Lexi: oh babe, that's nothing to be embarrassed of
Alex: it's not?
Lexi: I understand why you didn't had time for a relationship because you worked hard to get where you are now. It's brave of you to tell me
Alex: thanks babe
Lexi: but sooner or later, I'll take your virginity
She said flirtatiously as she bit her lower lip. Alex took quick breaths as he shivered. Then Lexi calm him down by hugging him.
Lexi: but don't worry babe, we'll move slow because I know you're not ready yet
Alex: thanks babe
Lexi: now come on, let's sleep together
Alex laid down on the bed and Lexi scooted up towards him. He cuddled the Goddess with his arms around her body.
Alex: good night baby
Lexi: good night, love
They kissed one more time before falling asleep in each other's arms.
(A/N: I may rant on and on of the WWE's problems, but it will take away the idea of this being an Alexa Bliss story. So if you want to know more of the WWE's problems, go listen to Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose on Chris Jericho's podcast. Also watch the video below that talked about a critical thing that all sports companies have and the WWE doesn't and that is healthcare insurance.)
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