Chapter 5: Getting Closer
(The next day)
At the accounting firm, the operations went on smoothly since they're part of the top 5 accounting firms. Alex and Mike were looking over some balance sheets.
Mike: how much did Macy's made last year on their balance sheet?
Alex: uh, $234,000
Mike: now we wait for their balance sheet for the current year
Alex: so we're done?
Mike: for today; wanna get lunch?
As he was about to answer, Alex got a text message.
Lexi: hi Alex, are you still on to have coffee with me?
Mike: yo who's that?
Alex: Alexa Bliss
Mike: whoa, Alexa Bliss gave you her number and she texted you?
Alex: yeah
Mike: what does she want?
Alex: she's asking me if I can coffee with her in a few minutes
Mike: dude, that sounds like she asked you out on a lunch date
Alex: well one, it's not a date, it's just catching with an old frenemy
He replied to her message.
Alex: I'm going on my lunch break, I'll see you there
Mike: you do you, man
Alex: you're in charge
Mike: I got this, you go and have fun on your date
Alex: shut up
Alex left the office and he drove off to meet Lexi at the coffee shop before he got a reply message from Lexi.
Lexi: okay, meet me at Starbucks! X
He drove from the accounting firm building to a nearby Starbucks which was a good 15 to 20 minute drive.
He pulled up to the Starbucks joint and parked. Alex got out of his car and went into the coffee shop; he ordered his drink and saw Lexi waving at him for his attention.
Lexi: Alex, over here!
He went and sat down at Lexi's booth.
Lexi: hey, how was work?
Alex: it's all good, I'm just out for lunch
Lexi: aww, you're not done yet?
Alex: I get off from work at 3, so I have a couple more hours of work left
Lexi: great because I got something for you
Alex: what?
Lexi pulled out three tickets for tonight's Raw and gave them to Alex.
Alex: front row tickets?!
Lexi smiled.
They spent an hour talking before Alex had to go and get back to work.
Lexi: I hope to see you tonight
Alex: hope so too
She lightly blushed.
Alex left the coffee shop and went back to the accounting firm. He got into his office where he saw Mike finishing up.
Mike: hey man, how was your "date" with Lexi?
Alex: for the last time, it's not a date. She did gave me something though
Mike: what?
Alex: call Julio first
Mike: okay
He called Julio to his office. A few seconds later, the firm's COO came into the office.
Julio: what's going on guys?
Mike: tell us, man!
Alex pulled out the tickets from his pocket.
Julio: tickets?
Alex: yes, but they're tickets for tonight's Raw, boys!
Mike: no way, how did you get these?
Alex: a certain five feet of fury gave them to me
Julio: Alexa gave you these?
Alex: yup, and we're sitting front row, boys
Julio and Mike: front row?!
Alex: yup
He handed them their tickets.
Alex: but let's get some work done first
Julio: yes sir
The three higher ups went back to work, so they can prepare for Raw tonight.
(5 hours later)
After work; Alex went home and changed his long sleeve shirt into a Randy Orton t-shirt. He then drove off to pick up Mike and Julio. After 20 minutes, they arrived at the arena.
Alex: what you gonna at the merch stand, boys?
Mike: how about we all get the replica belts?
Julio: oh hell yeah
Alex: dibs on the WWE title
The three accountants ran to the merch stand and saw the replica versions of the WWE, Intercontinental and United States Championships.
Julio: $350 for each?
Alex: we can afford those because we're in the top 5 accounting firms
Mike: Al has a point
They proceeded to purchase the titles.
Alex: man we look good
Mike: let's go to our seats
They got their tickets scanned and walked down to their front row seats.
Julio: what a great view, we're seeing the action up close
Mike: hey Alex, as a business man, what do you think of Vince McMahon's "wild card" rule
Alex: I think it's the most dumbest thing coming from that old man's "genius" mind
Julio: I bet when the WWE's revenue and profits go down, they may want to come cry to us
Alex: I want to see that happen because it's great for our company
The show started. The opening match featured one of the wild card picks as SmackDown's Randy Orton has arrived on the red brand. Seeing the Viper in person made Alex all pumped up as Orton is his favorite male Superstar. He was really pumped up as the Viper's opponent was Ricochet.
Alex: oh please, new RKO victim!
Alex was always pumped every time Orton RKOs anyone new or never got RKOed before.
(Skip towards end of match)
Ricochet went for the 630, but Orton moved out of the way. The One and Only got up for an offense, but Orton got Ricochet with a pop-up RKO for the victory. Alex got all crazy as he saw the move.
Alex: new victim RKO!
Mike: calm down, dude
Alex: sorry, I can't help myself
The show went on for an hour with Bray Wyatt's Firefly Funhouse segment along with some midcard matches. The next match was a one on one match between Alexa Bliss and Lacey Evans.
Mike: hey Alex, there's your girlfriend
Alex: shut up, Mike
The match between the two women Superstars started and the Goddess wasted no time to ground the Southern Belle.
(8 minutes later)
Alexa ended the match with her snap DDT followed by the Twisted Bliss before pinning Evans for the victory. Alex was applauding Lexi for a great match. The Goddess went to the second turnbuckle and raised her title. She looked around the crowd until she saw Alex in the front row. She smiled and waved to him while her cheeks turned red.
The show ended, and the three accountants exited the arena to head for home, but they heard a voice.
???: Alex!
Alex turned around and saw Lexi running to them.
Alex: hey Lex, great match you had tonight
Lexi: aww thanks, what you guys think of the show?
Mike: front row?
Julio: feels like I'm part of an action movie
Lexi: glad you all loved the show, and Alex can I ask you something?
Alex: what's on your mind, Bliss?
Lexi: Ember and Mickie already left, so is it okay if I can ride with you?
Alex: sure, hop in; Mike, Julio sit in the back
Mike: yes sir
The four got into Alex's car and drove off from the arena. Alex dropped off Mike and Julio first, so that he and Lexi can be alone.
Lexi: Alex, it's only 8, I was thinking
Alex: thinking about?
Lexi: do you want to hang out and watch a movie with me?
Alex: now?
Lexi blushed and nodded.
Alex: sure, it's still early anyway
Lexi felt her cheeks getting hot. They arrived at Lexi's house where the two were greeted by the three dogs and the pig.
Alex: whoa
Lexi: aww, they already like you!
Alex kneel down to pet Frankie, Izzy and Teddy. Larry Steve walked up to him and Alex started to rub his head.
Alex: if Ezio ever met you guys, he'll be so happy and playful
Lexi: Ezio?
Alex: yeah, he's my pet husky dog
Lexi: you have a pet dog?
Alex: yup
Lexi: oh, we got to set up a play date next time
Alex: Ezio will love that; how does this Friday sound?
Lexi: perfect!
Alex: so what movie are we watching?
Lexi: Incredibles 2!
Alex: oh yeah, I love Disney movies!
Lexi was surprised.
Lexi: you love Disney?
Alex: yeah I do, they're number 2 on my list
Lexi: what's your number 1?
Alex: the King of the Monsters himself, Godzilla
Lexi: I honestly never seen one of his movies
Alex: oh man, Godzilla defines giant monster fights
Lexi: giant monsters like Braun?
Alex: in a way; if you want, you can come over this Friday and watch one with me
Lexi lightly blushed.
Lexi: are you asking me on a date, Alexander Auditore?
Alex: uh, y-yeah
She smiled and held his arms.
Lexi: then consider this Friday a movie date while at the same time our pets' play date
Alex: okay!
Lexi: now let's watch!
The two sat down on the couch and proceeded to watch Incredibles 2.
Half an hour into the movie, Lexi moved closer to Alex and that their arms were touching. She then laid her head on Alex's shoulder which surprised him, but the accountant was okay with it.
(An hour later)
The movie finished and Alex saw Lexi fast asleep. He picked up Lexi and carried her bridal style to her room. Alex gently laid Lexi on the bed and tucked her in. Without hesitation, Alex kissed her forehead which caused Lexi to smile.
He closed her bedroom door and walked downstairs. He noticed that the zoo were asleep. He walked out of the house and locked the door. Then Alex got in his car and drove home.
(With Lexi)
Lexi opened her eyes and placed her hand on her forehead, the spot where Alex kissed. She blushed heavily and went back to sleep with a sweet and cute smile on her face.
(With Alex)
Alex went inside his house and locked the door. He went into his bedroom and saw Ezio fast asleep beside his bed. The accountant then got into his bed and fell asleep.
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