Chapter 15: Meeting the Viper
After having the greatest time of their lives last night, the couple of Lexi and Alex were laying in bed together with the sheets covering them as they weren't wearing anything.
Lexi: I had fun last night
Alex: you were all over me baby
Lexi: I know you enjoyed it
She giggled.
Alex: what am I going to do with you?
Lexi: kiss me
Alex: come here, my baby Goddess
She got close to the accountant and Alex planted his lips on her for a passionate kiss. The Goddess let Alex's hands go down to her bare biscuits as she hummed and moaned his name.
Lexi: Alex...
Alex: you're so cute when you say my name like that
Lexi: it's because I love you
She smiled and kissed his neck. After their make out session, Lexi got out of bed and put her undergarments on while Alex admired her curves.
Alex: wow...
Lexi giggled and knew that Alex was checking her out.
Lexi: you like what you see?
Alex: yes!
Lexi giggled.
Lexi: you bad boy
Alex smirked and shrugged his shoulders/
Lexi: do you have work today?
Alex: it's Saturday, so nope
Lexi smiled; the Goddess had a surprise planned for Alex today.
Alex: well, I'm gonna cook breakfast
He got out of bed and put on his basketball shorts/
Lexi: I'll be in the bathroom washing up
Alex: okay!
Lexi watched Alex leave their bedroom. After she washed up, she wore her shirt and loose shorts. Then she went to her bag and pulled out a VIP pass she reserved for Alex. The VIP pass was a meet and greet with the Viper himself and Alex's favorite male Superstar Randy Orton and luckily for Lexi, the Viper's meet and greet is today; she also know that she's doing a meet a greet alongside Orton. The Goddess smiled before going downstairs to join Alex for breakfast.
The accountant finished cooking breakfast for him and Lexi and also the pets. He saw his Goddess girlfriend coming down the stairs.
Alex: even when you have messy hair, you're still beautiful
Lexi: can you not?
She giggled and blushed.
Alex: alright, breakfast is ready
Lexi: yay! I'm so hungry!
After they ate breakfast, the couple went to the living room to watch some Disney movies as today was their day off, but Alex doesn't know that Lexi has a surprise for him. Alex sat on the couch while Lexi sat down and put her legs on him.
Alex: I can get used to this
Lexi giggled.
Lexi: like you mentioned baby, we're like a married couple
They smiled at each other and kissed.
Alex: are you comfortable?
Lexi: not really, I feel cold
Alex: I know what you need
He looked down to her legs then back at Lexi with a big blushing smile on her face. He traced circles on her knee which made her giggle.
Lexi: it tickles
Then the accountant slowly pulled up her shorts to show her thighs. He put his hands on her thighs and gently stroke and caress them, making Lexi melt from his touch.
Lexi: now I'm comfortable
The couple watched some Disney movies while Alex gave Lexi a leg massage. As they were watching, Alex went through his phone and saw that Randy Orton has a meet and greet at the mall; the accountant was a bit disappointed as he didn't get a pass due to his busy work at the firm. Lexi saw this and was concerned.
Lexi: what's wrong, baby?
Alex: look
He gave the Goddess his phone showing the meet and greet invitation.
Alex: I've been so busy with work that I didn't realized my favorite WWE male Superstar is doing a meet and greet today at the mall we always go to.
Then Lexi remembered the VIP pass she had.
Lexi: hold on babe, I gonna get something
Alex: okay
She ran upstairs to get the VIP pass from her bag. Then she went back downstairs and sat with Alex while she hid the pass behind her back.
Alex: what's the thing you have to get?
Lexi: close your eyes babe; I got a surprise
Alex was confused, but he closed his eyes; Lexi then pulled out the pass and held in front of her.
Lexi: alright Alex, you can open your eyes now
Alex opened his eyes and right in front of him was the VIP pass to meet the Viper.
Alex: a VIP pass to meet Randy Orton?!
Lexi smiled and nodded.
Alex: how did you get this?
Lexi: I have my ways, and I also have a meet and greet today at the same place where he's having it
Alex smiled big.
Lexi: you seem happy
Alex: of course, I've watched Randy since I was a kid growing up
Lexi: only him you were watching growing up?
Alex: well not only him; I've watched Undertaker, Batista and John Cena and...
Lexi: and?
Alex: you
Lexi blushed and smiled.
Alex: this is great babe, thank you
Lexi: that's it, just a simple thank you?
She pouted in a cute way.
Alex: huh?
Lexi: don't I also get something for my lips too?
Alex realized what Lexi meant.
Alex: of course, come here my Goddess
She smiled and leaned in for Alex to give her a passionate thank you kiss. They pulled back, but Alex saw in Lexi's eyes that she wanted more; her hands were holding his face.
Lexi: one more
Alex: yeah
They slowly leaned in with their foreheads touching and their breathing becoming one. Then they connected their lips and had a make out session. It soon heated up as Lexi brushed Alex's hair with her hands and the accountant caressing the Goddess' thighs. Lexi moaned in between the kiss. After 30 minutes they pulled back as they needed air.
Alex: you were about to get wild
Lexi: I was
She giggled. Then Lexi looked down to see Alex's hand on her leg.
Lexi: you always know how to make me feel loved
He caressed her cheek with his thumb.
Alex: you changed me Lex; I never think that my high school bully is now my girlfriend
Lexi tearfully smiled and laid her head on his chest.
(2 hours later, 11:30 a.m.)
The couple dressed up and drove to the mall for Randy Orton's meet and greet at the mall and also Lexi has a fan meet as well.
Alex: since it's the Viper himself, it's most likely a long ass line
Lexi: you've never seen the lines at my meet and greet
Alex: I did see some videos; damn those people really wanted to meet you
Lexi: some of the fans had the courage to ask me out
Alex: hmm
Lexi: but I turned them down; even the good looking ones
Alex: why?
Lexi: because I already have someone
She placed his hand on Alex's hand that was holding the shift.
Alex: come here you
He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.
They arrived at the mall and parked close to the building. As they went in, they saw the long line.
Alex: I knew it
Lexi: don't worry babe, the VIP pass shows that you can get to the front of the line automatically
Alex: yes! Oh, you should get to yours too
Lexi: yeah; protect me
Alex: let's go
Alex held Lexi tighter as they passed by the fans asking her for autographs and pictures. They soon made it in to the venue which was an FYE store unscathed. Then they saw the booth for Randy.
Alex: there he is
Lexi: oh my booth is next to his
Alex: okay babe
Lexi: see you later
Alex nodded and the two separated; since the meet and greet doesn't start in 30 minutes, Alex had to go back outside and waited. Lexi took her seat beside Randy and prepared.
Lexi: hey Randy
Randy: hey Alexa; you ready?
Lexi: of course
Randy: that guy you were with; who is he?
Lexi: let's just say. he's your biggest fan and the guy who changed WWE
Randy: that accountant?
Lexi nodded.
Randy: and I see you two are close, are you?
Lexi: he's my boyfriend
Randy nodded and smirked.
(30 minutes later)
The doors opened and security guards held the fans back.
Randy: here we go
Lexi: let's give them a day to remember
(Back outside)
FYE employees and security guards organized the people in two lines; one line to meet Randy and the other to meet Lexi. Alex was all the way in the back and knew he has a long day. Then an FYE employee approached him.
Employee: oh you have a VIP pass sir
Alex: yes I do
Employee: well with the VIP pass, you can go to the front of the line
Alex: okay
Employee: follow me sir
Alex followed the employee to the store and passed the long line of people. The security guards allowed Alex to get through.
Employee: okay sir, you're up first
Alex: thank you
The accountant brought out his Randy Orton t-shirt and walked to the Viper's booth. Alex was starstruck of meeting his favorite Superstar in person.
Alex: hi
Randy: hello there; great to meet you
Alex: great to meet you too Randy; I'm a big fan
Randy: I heard
Alex: may I ask, from who?
The Viper smirked and looked to his left; Alex looked at the direction to see Lexi smiling and waving at the accountant.
Randy: so how lone have you been a fan of me?
Alex: since I started watching in 2007, but I hated you back then since you were the villain
Randy: I play a very good villain, so what will I sign for you?
Alex: oh here, one of your shirts
The Viper signed the shirt for Alex.
Randy: so you're the guy who got that idiot Kevin Dunn fired
Alex: yes, me and my guys run an accounting firm
Randy: well I want to thank you personally; I'm now back in the title picture
Alex: hope you tie or surpass Ric Flair's record
Randy: will see; any questions?
Alex pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Randy; the Viper unfolded it and saw a list of Superstar names by number:
1. Buddy Murphy
2. Aleister Black
3. Bobby Lashley
4. Cedric Alexander
5. Ricochet
6. EC3
7. Lars Sullivan
8. Adam Cole
9. Johnny Gargano
10. Pete Dunne
Randy: what's this?
Alex: that's the list of Superstars I want to see get RKOed.
Randy looked at the list carefully and smirked.
Randy: Murphy and Aleister is most likely since they're on SmackDown, so I'll keep this list and consider it
Alex: you have no idea how I react to new victim RKOs
Randy: I can see the fans have the same reaction as you. Anything else?
Alex: can I take a picture?
Randy: sure
Alex got his phone out and took a picture with his favorite Superstar.
Alex: awesome
Randy: thanks for coming, and great to finally meet you
Alex: thank you too!
Alex then went around the store to see anything interesting he wants to buy as he decided to wait for Lexi to finish.
(1 hour later)
The meet and greet finished and Lexi was exhausted; Randy already left since his own finished early. Lexi saw Alex coming towards her.
Alex: tired?
Lexi: yeah, but worth it to make those fans happy
Alex: come on, I'll buy you lunch
Lexi: you're so sweet
The couple walked to the food court and ate lunch.
(1 hour later)
Lexi was tired from the meet and greet, so the couple went home.
Lexi: carry me
Alex: yes, my baby Goddess
Alex carried Lexi bridal style to their bedroom and gently set her down on the bed. Then the Goddess changed into her loose shorts to feel comfortable.
Lexi: I'm gonna take a nap
Alex: can I join you?
Lexi giggled.
Lexi: yes please, I'm feeling cold right now
Alex joined his girlfriend in bed and held her close to him, so they can cuddle in each other's arms. Lexi got Alex's hand and placed it on her thigh.
Alex: I loved your surprise babe
Lexi: glad you loved it
Alex: may I ask, do you have a favorite band?
Lexi: my favorite is always been Panic! at the Disco
Alex: interesting...
Lexi: we'll talk later babe, let's sleep together
Alex: okay
Alex gently caressed Lexi's thigh and kissed her head as the Goddess fell asleep with a smile on her fave. Then Alex soon fell asleep as well while the couple held each other in their arms.
What Lexi doesn't know is that Alex will return the favor for the Goddess' VIP gift for him to meet the Viper, and Alex will soon get a backstage pass for Lexi to meet her favorite rock band, Panic! at the Disco.
(A/N: I had time to write this chapter before I go on my vacation, so enjoy guys!) -Alex
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