Chapter 14: Bring Your Goddess to Work Day
Alex woke up from the sun shining through the window the next day. He smiled as he looked to see his Goddess girlfriend sleeping happily, but that smile instantly faded as Alex have work today; then an idea flew into his mind.
Alex: I should bring Lexi to the accounting firm, so she won't be lonely
He kissed her forehead and gently caressed and squeezed her thigh causing some cute giggles from Lexi. The Goddess slowly woke up all giggly.
Lexi: that tickles, baby
Alex: your fault for having soft legs
Lexi have a cute pout on her face.
Alex: I'm just kidding, babe
He kissed her lips and caressed her leg. Lexi was giggling.
Lexi: your touch tickles me
Alex: what you gonna do about it, baby?
Lexi had a mischievous grin on her face.
Lexi: this
She got on top of Alex and lunged her lips to his neck.
Alex: Lexi...
He moaned her name, but Lexi kept kissing his neck before going up to his lips. She could feel Alex getting handsy as the accountant's hands were near her bottom. She pulled back.
Lexi: I feel someone getting a little handsy
Alex: I almost kneaded your "biscuits"
Lexi gasped and bit her lower lip.
Lexi: you naughty, handsome accountant
Alex chuckled and placed his hands down to her thighs.
Alex: then I'll just keep touching your soft smooth legs then
Lexi: I'm okay with that
She giggled as the Goddess booped him on the nose, but her smile faded.
Alex: what's wrong, babe?
Lexi: well, you have work today, and I'm just here
Alex: nope, that won't happen today
Lexi: huh?
Alex: yes, I'll be going to work, but you're coming with me
Lexi's eyes light up and she hugged and peppered kisses all over Alex.
Alex: I knew that will make you happy
Lexi: it is! I always want to see your workplace, babe
Alex: well then, let's wash up!
Lexi: ah ah, I call first
Alex: every time
Lexi: but you love me
Alex: I can't argue against that
Lexi: after work, what you want to do?
Alex: well how about we go to the park to unwind from a day at work
Lexi: okay
Alex: and make sure to cover yourself;I don't want any of my employees to be distracted or hitting on you
Lexi: aww, is my baby accountant jealous?
Alex: no, I just don't want you get hurt
Lexi: aww, I love that you're protecting me; well after your work, we come home first and I'll change into some shorts
Alex: okay
Lexi: so if we're at the park; we're just alone
Alex: just the two of us
Lexi: and if I get cold, you can...
She held up her leg and rubbed it with her hand. Alex felt a lump in his throat and gulped which made Lexi giggle.
Lexi: it's so cute when I make you uncomfortable
Alex: just go wash up; I still have work
Lexi: yes babe
She giggled before shutting the door.
Alex: what will I do with you?
He smiled and shook his head as he got his things ready.
In the bathroom, Lexi heard Alex's joke question and she blushed heavily.
Lexi: I got your answer, babe
She bit her lower lip before turning on the shower faucet.
(15 minutes later)
Alex finished showering and he dressed in his accounting firm attire. Lexi wore a white shirt, her varsity black jacket, black leggings and shoes.
Alex: you look so pretty and cute
Lexi: stop it
She giggled.
Lexi: you look casually professional
Alex: I prefer denim pants than those typical business khakis
Lexi: like Shane McMahon
Alex: well Shane wears Nikes and a leather jacket, so he has a better fashion choice than me
Lexi giggled.
Alex: ready for a tour of Alex & Mike?
Lexi: yes!
The couple left their house and drove to the accounting firm.
(20 minutes later)
They pulled up to the building and Lexi was at awe of the size.
Lexi: babe, this is yours?
Alex: yup, me and Mike
Lexi: you really worked hard
Alex: yup, let's go?
The couple got out of the car and went in the building. Unbeknownst to Lexi, most of the accounting firm employees are WWE fans. As soon as the employees saw the CEO and Goddess, they tried to maintain their professionalism at the workplace while being starstruck on the inside.
The couple went to Alex's office where they were met by Mike, Julio and Kaila.
Alex: hi guys, we have a guest
Julio: it's Alexa Bliss!
Mike: the boss' Goddess
Alex: babe, this is my secretary Kaila and the firm's COO Julio
Kaila: hi!
Lexi: nice to meet you, guys; are you WWE fans?
Julio: well me, Mike and Alex are
Lexi: I can see that
The Goddess said as she saw the WWE titles the three guys received as gifts from Triple H.
Alex: well babe, we're gonna work now, so for now, feel free to look around the firm and Kaila will help you
Lexi: okay babe, and don't forget after work, we're going somewhere
Alex: I know
Kaila: okay Alexa, you can follow me
Lexi: you can call me Lexi
Kaila: okay Lexi
The two girls left the office.
Julio: you lucky, boss
Alex: hehe yeah; oh Mike, how was your date with Kaila?
Mike: one of the best days of my life
Alex: what happened?
Mike: we just went to a movie to watch Toy Story 4 and when I dropped her off, she kissed me
Alex: nice man. wait did you say Toy Story 4?
Mike: yeah, it's out now
Alex: dude, Lexi loves Toy Story
Mike: you two should have a movie date
Alex: I'll take that into consideration
Mike: alright, let's crack some numbers
(Lexi and Kaila)
Lexi: so Kaila, Alex has told me that you went on a date with Mike?
Kaila blushed lightly.
Kaila: yes, Mike is the sweetest
Lexi: where did you two have your date?
Kaila: oh, we went to the movies and watch Toy Story 4
Lexi: Toy Story 4?!
Kaila: yes
Lexi: Toy Story is my favorite, and just to tell you, I love Disney
Kaila: I love Disney too!
Lexi: who's your favorite?
Kaila: you can't top a veteran like Donald Duck
Lexi: aww, I love him; hope someday you and Mike can join Alex and me on a double date at Disneyland
Kaila: I would love that, and I know Mike would love it too!
Lexi: yes! Oh, where's the break room? I want some coffee
Kaila: this way, follow me
Lexi followed Kaila to the break room where the two girls sat down and have a drink of coffee.
Lexi: so how's it like to work for Alex?
Kaila: sir Alex is not our boss; he's our leader and mentor; he helps all of us to get to our positions and always lend a hand
Lexi: he's not like any ordinary businessman?
Kaila: nope, he's hands on meaning he's not afraid of getting his hands dirty
Lexi smiled as she was proud of her boyfriend.
Lexi: I'm so lucky to have someone like him
Kaila: he and Mike are inseparable
Lexi: those two are like brothers
Kaila: and Mike is just so cute
Lexi: do you like him?
Kaila: I do
Lexi: don't be afraid to express your feelings
Kaila: that's easy since sir Alex said that all of us here at the firm are like family
Lexi: I hope that will happen to me and Alex someday
Kaila: seeing you two together, I believe it will happen
Lexi: I love him
She took a sip of her coffee.
(5 hours later)
After Kaila gave Lexi a tour of the firm, the two girls went back to the three guys and see that they've finished their work as they see them watching WWE.
Lexi: I see you boys are finished
Alex: all done and calculated, babe
Lexi: ready to go?
Alex: yup
Mike: have fun you two
Alex: you have fun as well
Alex and Lexi left the firm and drove off.
Alex: ready for the park?
Lexi: wait, I wanna change first
Alex: oh right
They drove back home as Lexi was gonna change.
Alex: I'll wait here!
Lexi: okay!
The Goddess went inside and upstairs to the bedroom to change into something comfortable for the weather. She wore a top and denim shorts.
Lexi: Alex will really want me
Before she go, she put on some lotion to make her skin smooth. She applied lotion on her arms and legs and put her hair in a ponytail. Then she locked the house door and went back into the car.
Alex: whoa
Lexi: like what you see?
Alex: again, you look stunning and I feel overdressed
He took off his blazer and long sleeve to reveal an ordinary Randy Orton T-shirt underneath.
Alex: I'm prepared too
Lexi: I can see that
She giggled.
Alex: time to go!
They drove to the park. While they drove, Alex was trying his best to keep his eyes on the road, but his peripheral vision couldn't stop looking at Lexi's legs. Alex took a deep breath which made Lexi giggle.
Lexi: I know you're staring, babe
Alex: I-I'm not
Lexi: why don't you put your hand here, I feel cold
She lightly patted her thigh. Then she grabbed Alex's arm and placed his hand on her leg. The accountant was surprised of the feeling of her smooth skin.
Alex: did you put lotion?
Lexi: yup
She giggled.
After 20 minutes, they arrived at a peaceful park with no people in sight.
Alex: yes, we have this park to ourselves
Lexi: let's go!
They got out of the car and walked to the park hand in hand.
Lexi ran around while Alex took candid shots of her on his phone.
The couple walked around admiring all the flowers and other scenery; Alex plucked one of the flowers and put it on Lexi's ear.
Lexi grabbed her phone and took a selfie with the flower on her ear.
Lexi: I look like a Goddess
Alex: as always
She smiled and kissed his lips. They continued to walk around until they saw a bench where they sat down and rest.
Lexi: this day has been blissful
Alex: did you enjoy your time at the firm?
Lexi: yes, me and Kaila bonded like sisters since we both love Disney and I told her that the four of us; you, me, Mike and Kaila have a double date at Disneyland
Alex: that's a good idea
Lexi: really?!
Alex: yeah, I want to go to Disneyland again
Lexi couldn't help but smile as she cried happy tears.
Alex: but for now, let's just enjoy our peaceful time together
Lexi: yes babe
She held his hand and placed it on her leg.
Alex: damn whatever lotion you used, it makes your skin so smooth
Lexi: as I said, I'm okay with you touching here
Lexi laid her head on Alex's shoulder as they admired the landscape. The accountant lightly stroked Lexi's leg which made her giggle.
Lexi: that tickles
He continued to gently stroke and caress her leg until he reach her inner thigh which made Lexi jump.
Lexi: that's more ticklish, babe
She playfully slapped his arm as she laughed.
Alex: did it turn you on?
Lexi bit her lower lip and blushed.
Lexi: turned me on for me to do this
She held his face and kissed him with passion. Alex kissed back with his hands on her waist and leg. He rubbed her leg while the couple kissed. They pulled back smiling at each other; Lexi looked down to see Alex's hand on her thigh.
Lexi: again, your touch comforts me
She snuggled up to Alex, making the accountant embrace her to keep her comfortable. They stayed at the park for another hour before going home.
(At their home)
After they had dinner and giving the zoo their food, the couple went to their bedroom to change into their night clothes. As the couple got in bed, Lexi went on top of Alex.
Alex: am I your bed now?
Lexi: you can say that
Lexi knew that Alex was aroused by her. She leaned in and kissed him as she felt his hands moving down. Instead of pulling back and stopping him, she let's him move his hands to, in Alex's terms, Lexi's "biscuits."
Alex "kneaded her biscuits" which made Lexi moan with pleasure as the Goddess moved her lips down to his neck. Lexi pulled back with lust filling up inside her.
Lexi: you know what goes great with biscuits, babe?
Alex: gravy
Lexi: biscuits and gravy, a perfect combo
Alex: say no more, babe
They took off their clothing and went down to "business."
(1 hour later)
They were breathing heavily as they cuddled with the sheets over their bodies.
Lexi: that was so good
Alex: thank god you're on the pill
Lexi giggled.
Lexi: let's get some sleep, babe
Alex: yeah, I'm worn out
Lexi snuggled against Alex and put her leg on him for the accountant to stroke and caress. Then the couple fell asleep.
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