Chapter 11: Gifts
Lexi woke up early the next morning as she had a flight to catch because she is defending her Raw Women's Championship at one of WWE's newest pay-per-view, Stomping Grounds against the Sassy Southern Belle, Lacey Evans. The Goddess was getting picked up by Bayley, Seth and Finn. Alex was already dressed up for work and he was about to leave.
Alex: I'll miss you, babe
Lexi: aww, I'll miss you too, but don't worry I'll be home soon
Alex: so we can have another... you know...
The Goddess blushed and playfully hit his arm.
Lexi: you're already getting me excited
She jumped into his arms and made out with him. Then she pulled back.
Lexi: that is just the preview
Then they heard a car horn.
Lexi: that's Bayley, Seth and Finn; I gonna go babe
They kissed one more time.
Alex: bye baby!
As Alex watched Lexi leave, he got into his car and drove to the accounting firm.
(At the accounting firm)
Triple H's gifts for Julio, Mike and Alex arrived in the form of three big boxes. The three were in the office as they were about to open the packages.
Julio: what do you think is in here?
Mike: probably some Superstar shirts and other items
Alex: if they are, we can use it to spice up the office
Mike: you got a point, Alex; the office should use some decorations
Alex: Mike, you and I built this company and we want to stray from the stereotypical, bland and boring office.
Mike: along with the suit and tie wear
Alex: instead it's long sleeve, tie and jeans
Julio: come on guys, let's open these packages
The three accountants opened the packages and were really surprises of each box's contents. Inside were a bunch of WWE Superstar shirts.
Julio: whoa, I got AJ Styles, The Miz and Roman Reigns!
Mike: wow, I have Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch and Kevin Owens!
Alex: oh my god, I got Randy Orton, New Day and-
Mike: and?
Julio: what's the third shirt, boss?
Alex looked down at the third shirt and smiled.
Alex: the third shirt is my baby Goddess
Mike: oooh, you got your girlfriend's shirt
Julio: dang boss, how's it feel to be in a relationship with a WWE Superstar?
Alex: to be honest, it's surreal, but wonderful
Mike: dude, your girlfriend was your old high school bully
Alex: as I said, it's surreal
He looked and admired Lexi's shirt.
Alex: boys, I want to tell you all something
Julio: what?
Alex: well, Lexi and I... we did... it
Julio: no way
Mike: as in you went in?
Alex: yup, Lexi took my virginity
Julio: nice one, boss
Mike: so, did you enjoy your fun time?
Alex: yeah, we did
Mike: was Lexi surprised on how big you are?
Alex: oh shut up, Mike!
Mike: what? I'm just asking
Alex: me and Lexi's session is kept between us and us only
Julio: why do you ask, Michael?
Alex: I'll tell you why Julio; Michael Garcia here is still single
Julio: wait, as in he never had a girlfriend?
Alex: exactly
Mike: hey, I told you not to mention this to anyone
Alex: well you brought up the question on how big I was
Mike: fine, you win Alexander
Julio: so Michael, is there anyone you like?
Mike: as a matter of fact, there is one girl I like
Alex: tell us, Mike
Mike: believe or not Alex; the girl I like is Kaila
Alex: my secretary?
Mike: yeah
Alex: wow; you should ask her out
Mike: I don't know how
Alex: I'll help
Mike: you will?
Alex: if it gets you to shut up about my personal life
Mike: deal
Alex: alright, let's see what else did Triple H sent us
The three accountants went back to look through their packages. They got some autograph pictures from the Superstars and to no surprise, Alex got an autograph picture of Lexi. Then the three saw something below the box, a big black piece of cloth with a zipper.
Julio: huh, I wonder what this could be
Mike tapped his finger and felt something solid.
Mike: what do you think, Al?
Alex: well let's take them and find out
They grabbed the black cloth and felt some weight on it.
Mike: whatever it is, it's heavy
Julio flipped the cloth on the other side and saw the WWE logo; he tapped it and heard the sound of metal.
Julio: it's metal on front
Alex: I wonder-
The three accountants looked at each other and their eyes widen; they quickly unzipped the cloth case and inside for the three of them was a replica WWE Championship.
Julio: oh my god
Mike: damn, Triple H really sent us good gifts
Mike: I'm the champ!
Alex admired his championship until he noticed something down in the box; it was a jewelry like case.
Alex: guys, there's something in the box; look in yours
Mike and Julio looked and saw the same case as well. The three got their cases and opened it; to their surprise it was the side plates for their WWE title with the custom design showing their accounting firm logo.
Mike: ho ho, we're the accounting champions of the world!
Alex: Ernst & Young doesn't have one!
Julio: remember boss, we knocked out Arthur Andersen
Alex: come on, let's take a group photo
The three accountants squeezed together as they posed with their championship belts. They even showed off the shirts they have as well. Then Alex post the photos on Instagram with the caption:
alexio.auditore: thank you @tripleh for these wonderful gifts you gave us; we're glad that we helped @wwe with their problems.
Not a minute in, WWE Superstars liked the photo along with comments:
finnbalor, itsmebayley, randyorton, alexa_bliss_wwe_ and 92,480 others like this
tripleh: your company helped us and ratings and attendance grew significantly; enjoy your gifts, boys!
randyorton: I heard that you're a big fan of me and it was you and your guys that made WWE better; we should meet soon and nice shirt you have there
finnbalor: because of you I was given opportunities I worked hard for, thank you for the big change!
alexa_bliss_wwe_: I love the shirt with the words Twisted Bliss; be ready when I come home because I got something for you, babe
Alex was happy of the comments he was getting; he was starstruck that his favorite Superstar, the Viper Randy Orton want to meet him and was a bit excited that Lexi has something for him.
Julio: hey boss, what's with the look?
Alex: huh, oh it's nothing
Mike: nothing?
He snatched the phone and read through the comments.
Mike: oh, your girlfriend has something for you, huh?
Alex: give me my phone, boy
He took his phone back from Mike.
Julio: well Mike, when are you going to make a move on Kaila?
Alex: he got you there, Mike
Mike: I need time to make a move
Alex: you don't have time, my friend; before you know it, Kaila may already be taken
Mike: you gotta help me, dude
Alex: you're on your own for this one
Julio: Michael, you're a grown man; you have to do it yourself
Mike: fine
Alex: do it after, come on let's get back to work
The three accountants went back to work on some more financial statements.
(5 hours later)
Alex finished work and he was at Lexi's house watching the pets with Ezio.
Alex: how much do you eat, Larry Steve?
While Alex was feeding Larry Steve; Ezio was playing with Izzy, Teddy and Frankie.
Then the accountant got a FaceTime call from Lexi.
Lexi: babe!
Alex: hey babe!
Lexi: where you at now?
Alex: I'm at your house babe; I'm watching the zoo
Lexi: oh okay, thank you for watching the zoo for me
Alex: how was your match?
Lexi: brutal, but I retained
Alex: I knew you will win; I'm so proud of you, baby
Lexi: thanks babe; you saw my comment on your pictures?
Alex: yeah, you said you have something for me when you get home?
Lexi: I do
She said seductively.
Alex: but you're in another state, and why is the place so dark?
Lexi: oh babe, you know where I am
Alex: I do?
He heard a knock on the door.
Alex: babe?
Lexi was blushing and smiling. Alex stood up and opened the door to find his Goddess.
Alex: babe!
Lexi: I missed you!
Alex: I missed you too!
Lexi: I seen Hunter sent you guys some great stuff
Alex: oh yeah, the WWE title and your shirt were my favorite things
Lexi: how was work?
Alex: fun; Mike made fun of me
Lexi giggled.
Lexi: what did he do?
Alex: the accountants and I talked about our "session" and Mike asked that you were surprised on how big I was
Lexi blushed.
Alex: I know, sometimes the boy is crazy
Lexi: well babe, you made me felt good
Alex closed his legs which made Lexi sensed his discomfort; she giggled and then sat on his lap.
Lexi: it's been lonely at the show babe; why don't you satisfy me with you inside
Alex: allow me to give you your welcome home gift, my Goddess
He carried Lexi bridal style to the bedroom while the Goddess peppered him with kisses. They got into the bedroom and went down to business.
(One hour later)
They were laying in bed with the covers over their bodies while they took deep breaths.
Lexi: that... was... wonderful
Alex: welcome home, babe
Lexi cuddled up to Alex.
Lexi: if only you can move in with me
Alex was caught off guard of what Lexi said, but then realized that it was a great idea.
Alex: I think that sounds good
Lexi: really?!
Alex: I would love to move in with you, babe; and Ezio will be one happy dog
Lexi: oh babe, that's the greatest thing ever
Alex: I'll get my stuff tomorrow, so for now; let's cuddle
Lexi: okay, but first...
She turned Alex's head and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.
Alex: when I move in, we'll do that every day
He kissed Lexi's lips repeatedly which made her giggle.
Lexi: let's get some sleep, I'm still jet lagged
Alex: and I'm tired from work
The couple cuddled together as they fell asleep in each other's arms.
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