Tears of a Man Who Never Cries
Germany lay in bed staring at the ceiling sleeplessly during this rainy night when he heard a door in the house open and close loudly, followed by the sound of uneven footsteps and something crashing to the floor. He sat up in bed. He dearly hoped that there was not a burglar. Not for his own sake or the sake of his belongings, but because he honestly didn't want to go out there and find a dumb ass burglar stumbling through the darkness of his house like an idiot. If he came upon a scene like that, he might just laugh and forget to call the police. And he really didn't feel like getting robbed at the moment either. So instead, he just hoped it was a cat or maybe Italy. One of his cats actually had learned how to open the doors of the house and unlock them. It was kind of cute. Except when the cat was opening and closing doors in the middle of the night and just being a real pain in the ass. He stood from his bed and slid on his jacket for no particular reason other than instinct and slipped out into the hall. He shivered as a burst of cold air from the hallway hit him head-on.
He looked around the dark front room only to find Luciano crouched against the wall whispering into the phone. Near him was a broken vase on the floor and dark spots on his clothing and the floor around him. It was too dark to see what it actually was, but he assumed it was mud or water as it was raining outside. Very loudly in fact. He tapped Luciano on the shoulder lightly. "Are you okay?"
Luciano turned with a small smile. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He tilted his head slightly. "Well maybe because you are up in the middle of the night?" He answered a bit sarcastically. "Oh, sí. I'm fine. Just can't sleep is all." He answered, pushing himself a bit further toward the wall. "I-I'm sorry about the vase." He looked down a slightly. "It's fine. Just be careful the next time you are sneaking around in the middle of the night. But who would you be calling in the middle of the night?" Germany asked, tilting his head in the darkness. He didn't get an answer though because right then, the front door slammed open and a light engulfed the room. Lutz turned to see Romano standing in front of the door wearing a grey trench coat with a darker grey shirt underneath and darkly colored pants. A light grey scarf was strewn across his shoulders, and though he looked like he had been rushed out the door, he still looked very nice in what he was wearing.
He held a lantern in his hands (flashlights were not very common yet because they seemed very inefficient at the time) held a wooden box in his other hand. "Fratello, what did I tell you about going out at night?" He sighed approaching Luciano, who shrunk away slightly. "You told me nothing, ass hat." Italy answered with a snort. Germany now realised that the dark spots that he had assumed was mud, was actually blood. And there was a large amount of it. Especially on his left leg. Romano crouched down next to Italy and pulled at Italy's leg until it was no longer folded up against his body and now flat on the floor. He tore up the fabric around Italy's leg (Luther could swear he saw a tear running down Romano's cheek as he did this) and twisted the hatch on the wooden box, opening it and pulling out a long strip of gauze, cloth tape, and another piece of fabric that seemed to already be damp.
Romano quickly wiped off most of the blood with the damp cloth, revealing a multitude of scars along Italy's leg. "You really should stop picking fights all the time like this." Flavio said as he started wrapping the gauze around Italy's leg. "I was not picking fights." Italy answered, wincing a bit at the sudden pressure being put on his leg. "Oh? Then how'd you get your leg so messed up like this?" Romano asked, looking up a bit. "I-I tripped." Luciano answered. Romano just looked up at him for a moment before shaking his head with a smile. "You are such an idiot sometimes."
Romano finished wrapping the gauze, he actually had to use the whole roll because there was so much damage all over his leg, and applied the fabric tape to the gauze to hold it in place. "Now, you probably don't want to walk on that leg anymore, or at least until it gets better. You shouldn't have even walked all the way back here. It's probably going to take twice as long to heal now because of that." Flavio said. He actually sounded like he knew what he was doing, which made Germany kind of curious since Romano didn't seem like a doctor of any sort. "Well what did you expect me to do? Just sit on the sidewalk and bleed out?" Italy answered, wincing a bit as he tried to move. "Pretty much. That would have been better than walking on a bad leg and making the injuries worse. Honestly, what am I supposed to do with you?" Flavio sighed.
"You could always just go back home to your boyfriend and forget about trying to take care of me all the time." Luciano answered seriously. "First of all, he's not my boyfriend. Second of all, I'm not going to leave you like this just because you want me to leave out of spite. And third of all, I'm pretty sure both of us know that you are the gay one here." Flavio answered with a teasing smile. "Idiot." Luciano answered, sitting up further and grimacing while doing so. "You're the only idiot here; going out in the middle of the night and hurting yourself. A least I didn't manage to tear up my entire leg by tripping." Romano answered. "I didn't tear up my entire leg. There's still plenty of skin and bone left. It's not like I cut my whole leg off by tripping." Luciano responded. The cloth was already spotted with dark red as the blood started to seep through. "Nonetheless, you need to lay down while I clean the mess you've made, yet again. Germany, could you help me find the cleaning supplies?" Luther was snapped out of his haze in an instant. He nodded his head and went down one of the many halls toward the supply closet, Flavio following close behind. "What was that?" Lutz mumbled to Flavio.
"This happens all the time. Luci almost never sleeps and whenever he does, he is plagued with nightmares. So, instead of sleeping, most of the time he just goes out and walks around during the night. It's pretty strange, but he never seems to remember much of what is happening when he goes out on his nightly walks. The doctors say he has insomnia and schizophrenia along with an assortment of other mental disorders which cause this. But it's normal for him and it doesn't cause much harm." Flavio answered in a light tone. "So, it's just insomnia? Not some other strange thing?" Lutz asked. He had honestly thought that Luciano had done something dangerous or stupid, such as fight someone who had a weapon or something of the sort. But if it was just because he hadn't seen something different than what actually was, then that would explain how he had gotten the scars on his leg.
"Strange other thing? Luciano isn't very much into anything else that might cause him bodily harm. He used to, but not anymore." Flavio answered as Luther opened the supply closet and brought out a few rags and a mop. "He used to?" Luther asked. "Yeah, back a few hundred years I think it was, he had done some pretty scary things. When he was really young, he had done self harm frequently and had even starved himself for a few years. He doesn't self harm anymore, but a lot of the time he forgets to eat. I'm constantly having to worry over him because of the things he did and still does." Flavio took the mop. "But he doesn't like when others pity him. He can do that by himself. He thinks it's normal to be in pain and it is for him. But you'll never hear it from him. He's too strong for that." They started back down the hall in silence. Luciano had gotten himself onto the couch and seemed to be in no pain at all. Lutz would have been fooled into thinking that Luciano was just waiting for someone to get him a drink already if it weren't for the blood on the floor and all up his leg.
Flavio immediately went to work on cleaning up all the blood and asked Lutz to go make sure Luciano was alright. So he did. He sat down next to Luciano and asked if he was alright, to which Luciano answered with a small nod. "You sure? That is a pretty nasty cut." Lutz said skeptical of Luciano's answer. "I'm fine . You don't have to be such a worry wart." Luciano answered with a twinge of annoyance in his voice. Lutz looked over his wound again. "How are you able to stay so strong-willed even when you are so obviously hurt?" Lutz asked. Luciano looked a bit surprised at his question, but answered it nonetheless. "Because I learned a long time ago that nothing gets solved through crying." Luciano crossed his arms over his chest, moving his legs to lay on top of Lutz comfortably. "It could solve a few things." Luther answered without moving his bloody leg off of him. "What do you mean?" Luciano asked.
"Well, I've heard a few things about how crying helps solve problems. For example, tears help you see, they kill bacteria, remove toxins, lower stress, elevate your mood, and they clear your skin. So they do help in different ways." Germany answered. "Explain." Italy ordered.
"Well, tears make your eyes slick so that you can open and close your eyes, even when you aren't crying, and they make other parts of your eyes more moist in order for them to function correctly. Tears also contain lysozyme, which can kill 90 to 95 percent of bacteria in just 5 to 10 minutes. And tears caused by stress or sadness contain more toxins than tears caused by irritation because they are getting rid of toxins found in the body. Several of the chemicals present in emotional crying are the protein prolactin, which helps regulate the immune system, and the endorphin leucine-enkephalin, which reduces pain." Germany started with statistics he had read about.
Flavio finished cleaning up and sat down next to Luciano and Lutz, listening as Lutz explained how crying was a good thing. "Suppressing tears increases stress levels, and contributes to diseases aggravated by stress, such as high blood pressure and heart problems. You will feel better after crying because it lowers maganese levels. And overexposure to manganese can cause bad stuff: anxiety, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, aggression, and emotional disturbance. Our tears also contain natural antibiotics called lysozymes. Lysozymes help to keep the surface of the eye healthy by fighting off bacteria and viruses. Because the cornea has no blood vessels, the tears also provide a means of bringing nutrients to its cells and they help get rid of an dirt in your pores because they are meant to clear dirt from your eyes, so they do the same thing for your skin." He finished with a proud little smile on his face.
"Really? It seems like crying would actually help you stay happy, healthy, and good-looking." Flavio said enthusiastically, trying to remember to cry more often. "I honestly have no idea what half of those words mean." Luciano answered, with an uninterested look and half-closed eyes. "But I got the jist of what you were saying." He added.
"Well, I'll take care of Luciano for now. It's late, so you should get some rest Germany." Flavio cut in, clapping his hands loudly and standing up again. "Okay." Lutz answered and headed back to his room. All he could think about was why Italy seemed to feel like emotions were useless and think how Luciano really would have become a better man if he had just believed in emotion.
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