Part 1# The man in red
Hello there, I don't really have a name, so let's just call me the man in red, okay? I guess it's time to tell you my love story. I hope you're ready.
It was 20 years ago that I met the love of my life. Honestly, I knew Ella(my love) before I met her but that doesn't really matter.
Ever since I ran into her on that faithful day things have been nothing but perfect. The only problem was she slept, a lot.
All she would do is sleep. I'd get home from work and would find her passed out on the bed, I would try to wake her up but she wouldn't budge an inch.
I would bring her the most beautiful of things, expensive jewelry, magnificent dresses, rings, and money but she would never respond.
The only time she would acknowledge me is when it was 7 since that's when we would have dinner.
Even at dinner, she would only stare at her food, not saying a word. It's fine though, even if she didn't talk, walk, or do anything other than sleep, I loved her with a passion.
This lack of- well, anything, started a month or so ago. We were taking a walk back to our apartment and this lady came running up to us.
She grabbed Ella and started spouting nonsense, she would yell "WHERE IS SHE" "WHAT'D YOU DO WITH MY CASSIE" "THAT'S HER NECKLACE YOU'RE WEARING" and a whole bunch of other stuff.
As you can imagine that got annoying after a while, so I pulled the senile old lady off of Ella and told her to go ahead so I could walk this lady back home, she hesitantly and shakingly nodded then started speed walking away.
Once Ella was far enough I walked with the lady back to her home, left her with a card with my name on it, then left. After finally making it home I had to help calm my sweet, magnificent Ella down.
Took a while but after giving her a nice relaxing drink (one that I made for her every night) she finally calmed down and went to bed for the day, obviously I joined her.
When I had awoken Ella wasn't next to me-, sorry my memories are a little hazy at this point, it was just so long ago you know?
I think I remember finding her in the living room frozen solid in front of the tv as the name "the man in red" slowly crossed the screen.
What followed next was a very gruesome description of what seemed to be a murder.
After that, all I remember is a loud scream and glass being broken. Thankfully the from last night kicked in and calmed her down.
She stopped talking to me after that, I don't really understand why though. I gave her everything she wanted.
I defended her, bought her the nicest of things, I... I loved her, and I still do. Anyways after a few months, a group of officers knocked on my door demanding to check the place.
Apparently, it smelt like a dead body. Before I could dismiss them they charged in and started tearing the place apart.
Eventually, they made it to the bedroom after deducing that's where the smell came from.
They opened the door very slowly and- well, I should leave out the rest, can't scare ya off just off.
That's it. That's the entire story of how I was separated from my love, now I'm here strapped down on some gurney waiting to meet my love again.
Heh, don't worry Ella, I'm com-
He loved her, so it's all alright in the end, right?
mean after all he did everything for her, he gave himself to her completely yet things still didn't work out all that well.
As twisted as it ended up being it was love, in it's purest form.
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